Qin Ran's words were very clear, but several people couldn't accept it even more.

Zhao Xu suddenly smiled.

He didn't believe that Jiang Xiaocha would really like Qin Ran.

"Classmate, did you misunderstand something? Xiaocha plus you just look at the love of your classmates. Don't be sentimental, okay?

Qin Ran glanced at Zhao Xu, "Are we very familiar?" One

sentence choked Zhao Xu.

Zhao Xu's face suddenly became the same as pork liver.

"I kindly persuade you, lest you be beaten up because of arrogance and narcissism when you go out of society in the future."

"Have you already been there?"



Qin Ran picked up the croissant on the table and said casually, "Don't use your experience to educate others.

Zhao Xuan hurriedly persuaded, "Qin Ran." My cousin didn't mean anything else.

"What does that mean?"

Qin Ran waved his hand and said, "Forget it." Just when I'm narcissistic, can we both have a good meal? Zhao

Xu was so angry that he vomited blood, and he let you say anything.

The front foot just finished scolding people, and the back foot said generously that it doesn't matter.

The atmosphere is getting more and more tense!

Chen Qingqing said, "Okay, okay, let's eat." Didn't you say that the steaks at this place are very good?

Zhao Xu took a deep breath and held back the unhappiness in his heart.

"Yes, tea. The steak is here, let's eat it first. It's not good when it's cold, waiter, open a bottle of red wine again.

In order to get back to his home field, Zhao Xu ordered a bottle of red wine with more than 800 yuan.

When ordering wine, he looked at Qin Ran intentionally or unintentionally.

"I also have this Pinot Noir at home, it has a strong aroma, rich quality, and is easy to eat."

"Fifteen minutes after decanting, the taste is best."

"Everybody try it."

Zhao Xu also asked the waiter to take a decanter.

The "generous" Zhao Xu did not forget to pour a cup for Qin Ran and Wu Renyao.

In his opinion, the two people who were dressed plainly definitely didn't understand alcohol.

And when tasting wine, he can talk about red wine culture, which is the result of his many practices.

But it's a pity that all this seems to be flattering to the blind.

Jiang Xiaocha and Qin Ran didn't react.

Zhao Xu had no choice but to ask, "Xiaocha, what do you think?"

"It's good."

Receiving Jiang Xiaocha's affirmation, Zhao Xu finally showed a smile on his face.

"What about classmate Qin, are you used to drinking?"

Such an obvious target can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye.

But this behavior is really naïve.

Zhao Xuan became more and more disappointed in his cousin, starting from the top of the game a while ago, to the speech and behavior at the dinner table, like a child who had not grown up.

Throw big points to the Zhao family.

Jiang Xiaocha, who originally had no expectations for Zhao Xu, frowned when she heard this.

The impression score directly became negative.

Wu Renyao wanted to say something, but he didn't know anything about wine at all, so he didn't know how to refute it.

But Qin Ran just responded, "I'm not used to drinking."

Zhao Xu smiled even happier!

"It's okay, drink more and you'll gradually know how to taste wine."

"Drink more, then."


Zhao Xu was a little confused.

He couldn't tell for a moment if it was irony.

Jiang Xiaocha suddenly laughed with a "poof".

The bright and moving smile stunned Zhao Xu.

Jiang Xiaocha just found that Qin Ran was rinsing his mouth with red wine, and he frowned after rinsing his mouth.

If she hadn't been staring at Qin Ran, she really wouldn't have been able to find this.

"Xiaocha, what are you laughing at?" Chen Qingqing wondered.


Jiang Xiaocha approached Qin Ran and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "You are so bad!"

Qin Ran made a "shhhhh

He really couldn't get used to this miscellaneous Pinot Noir that I don't know where it was made.

In his previous life, he was very fond of drinking for a while.

He drank most of the pure craft beer, grain wine, all kinds of dry red and white.

There is also a wine cellar at home, and occasionally I will drink red wine in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window with my sister.

This bottle of red wine with a price tag of more than 800 yuan, Qin Ran is sure that the cost price does not exceed 100.

It's probably around seventy or eighty, not higher.

Red wine is actually not expensive, but it is inflated.

But there are not many good red wines, it depends on the origin, but also depends on the vintage.

Zhao Xu is actually a layman and a rough man, so Qin Ran is not willing to discuss wine.

So I didn't even bother to answer.

End the conversation directly.

But he didn't expect Jiang Xiaocha to see the scene of his "gargle".

He just wanted to finish the meal as quickly as possible.

But his behavior with Jiang Xiaocha was a bit "too intimate" in the eyes of several people.

Zhao Xu's eyes breathed fire!

He invited him to a steak and opened a bottle of red wine of nearly a thousand.

As a result, the two of you fell in love there, and treated me as the wronged one!

Zhao Xupi said with a smile, "What's so funny?" Let's have fun together. Jiang

Xiaocha didn't like Zhao Xu more and more.

She had just interacted with Qin Ran, and she was very happy.

It's like the two of them have a little secret.

Seeing that the two of them didn't care about themselves, Zhao Xu focused his firepower on Qin Ran again.

"Classmate Qin, you don't seem to have drunk any wine. Don't you like to drink red wine?

Qin Ran put down the knife and fork and wiped his mouth with a tissue.

The movements are casual, revealing an elegant indifference.

But it doesn't look contrived.

Qin Ran nodded and said, "I like to drink red wine, but I don't like to drink this bottle." I guess this bottle of Pinot Noir is from Itali, and I prefer Baden's Pinot Noir.

Several people were stunned when they heard this.

Very surprised, Qin Ran said this.

Chen Qingqing picked up the wine bottle and looked at it, and said in surprise, "Wow! Qin Ran, you guessed so accurately! It's really made by Titali!

Zhao Xu didn't believe it, he guessed that Qin Ran must have seen the label just now and deliberately said that he guessed.

It's so fake!

How is it possible to guess where it was produced after taking a sip.

And what Baden, he had never heard of.

Zhao Xu said disapprerovingly, "The best production area for Pinot Noir is Burgundy. Classmate Qin, where are you talking about Ba What Deng? "

Do you like Baden's Pinot Noir too?"

A voice of surprise interrupted the conversation.

A middle-aged man in a casual suit stood behind the table and looked at Qin Ran in surprise.

Qin Ran smiled and nodded, "Many people like burgundy, but I don't like its earthy smell. "

Hahahaha," the middle-aged man laughed, "Me too." Others also say that I am dirt and can't drink it. "


The two of them laughed as if they had met a confidant.

"Introduce yourself, Zhou Hongli, just call me Lao Zhou."

"Qin Ran."

Zhou Hongli, who has a straightforward personality, said with a smile, "I have a bottle brought back by Baden, try it?"

Qin Ran's eyes lit up, "Okay." Seeing

that Zhou Hongli went to the front desk and really brought a bottle of red wine, Zhao Xu and the others were dumbfounded!

No, that's it? I also plan to drink together.

Uncle, who are you?

It wasn't Qin Ran who invited it, right?

Several people have never encountered this situation, and there is a huge gap in age.

And Zhou Hongli, who calls himself "Old Zhou", looks like a successful person at a glance.

You can't pretend to be that bearing.

But what's the matter with you Qin Ran?

Just graduated from high school, how can he seem to be not inferior to Zhou Hongli at all, and he can still talk and laugh with others so naturally.

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