Lao Zhou moved a stool familiarly.

Wealthy, free, and bold by nature, he likes three things.

Wine, trekking and women.

But with the exception of the third, he seldom found people who were like-minded with him in the first two.

Most people drink alcohol, and attending a drinking party doesn't really like to drink.

Some people are dealing with the wine game, and some are pleasing customers and leaders.

Drink fast, drink quickly, drink and vomit, spit out.

seems to like drinking, but in fact, he vomited in the bathroom, and he was still scolding his mother in his heart.

There is also an atmosphere where you like to drink and brag.

Lao Zhou also likes that atmosphere.

But he really liked to drink, and he bought a brewery for it.

Just now he happened to hear someone say that Baden's wine, and he was immediately interested.

Because he had just been to Baden a few months ago and wanted to buy a winery.

It's a pity that people don't want to sell it at all, so he came back with some wine.

Shipping costs are more expensive than buying alcohol.

But he doesn't care about this little money, he really likes wine.

Isn't money earned just for enjoyment?


Lao Zhou smiled and handed the wine to Qin Ran.

He wanted to see if Qin Ran was really a fellow believer.

As for how old Qin Ran was, he didn't care.

And he likes to be around young people, which makes him feel more energetic!

And Qin Ran's first sentence made Zhou Hongli so happy that his crow's feet laughed.

"That's right, Yubo Manor's is still 05."

"Know the goods!" Zhou Hongli gave a thumbs up and praised.

"I'll take a look, too." Zhao Xu grabbed the red wine, but when he saw that it was all in foreign languages, he was stupid!

Who can understand this.

No label.

Chen Qingqing looked at it curiously, stuck out his tongue and sat down.

She didn't understand either.

Qin Ran was a little greedy, "Old Zhou, open a bottle?" "

Open." Zhou Hongli smiled and said, "Of course you have to open it."

Qin Ran took back the wine and skillfully used the knife of the corkscrew to cut along the raised part of the mouth of the red wine bottle.

After tearing off the plastic cap, he wiped the mouth of the bottle with a napkin, and neatly pressed it into the center of the cork with the top of the seahorse knife.

The depth of rotation is just right, not too shallow for pulling, and not too deep for sawdust to fall into the bottle.


With a crisp sound, the cork was pulled out perfectly.

The smooth opening of the bottle alone stunned Zhao Xu again.


It's so elegant!

Zhou Hongli was also surprised!

I didn't open a hundred and eighty bottles, and I definitely couldn't practice such a smooth corkscrew.

If Qin Ran knew Zhou Hongli's thoughts, he would have to "laugh" at them.

One hundred and eighty bottles looked down on him too much, and in his previous life, he opened thousands of bottles.

Qin Ran sniffed it, nodded with satisfaction, and poured a cup for Zhou Hongli first.

Then he poured all the wine in his glass, wiped it clean and poured it down.

Zhao Xu's face was dark!

But he also knew that the red wine brought by Zhou Hongli was definitely better.

He didn't want to blame Qin Ran's behavior, and picked on the other side, "Aren't you awake from the wine?"

Qin Ran skillfully turned the bottom of the crystal cup with two fingers.

The reddish liquid constantly flows along the walls of the glass as it shakes.

With this hand alone, Zhao Xu shut up.

Zhou Hongli explained, "Pinot Noir doesn't need to be decanted, it's fine, generally the ones who want to decant are higher tannins, that is, the taste is more sour."

Chen Qingqing nodded as if he didn't understand, "I also thought that red wine had to be sobered."

Jiang Xiaocha also poured the wine in the cup, and then looked at Qin Ran with a blank eye.

How could the latter pour wine for Jiang Xiaocha, Nunu gestured for himself to pour it.

Jiang Xiaocha had to pour it by herself, but she was not angry at all.

Before she knew it, her mindset had changed.

If Qin Ran bought her a drink before, she would have to open it.

But now, she couldn't tell how she felt about Qin Ran.

Seeing Qin Ran tasting wine elegantly and talking and laughing with Zhou Hongli made her feel very special and charming!

It was something she had never seen before.

People can't help but be tempted!

Zhao Xu saw Jiang Xiaocha's eyes shining when he saw Qin Ran, and his back molars were crushed!

Obviously, he brought people to see the world and establish a tall image.

How did it completely become Qin Ran's foil.

He was tempted to chime in and take back the lead.

But I found that there was no opportunity to interject.

Or maybe you can't interject.

Qin Ran and Zhou Hongli's chat content is no longer limited to Pinot Noir.

It's not just about wine, either.

From red wine to wine culture, to the wine industry, and the catering industry.

Zhou Hongli's eyes are getting brighter and brighter.

"Qin Ran, what do you think of the future prospects of catering?"

"It depends on what you sell, whether you sell products or services."


"It's like this steak, the two largest steak chains in the country. It's all fast-food steaks, and they all go with small profits and quick turnover, and they continue to open stores and expand their influence. But the cost is high and it is difficult to manage.

Zhou Hongli nodded, deeply convinced.

"What about selling services?"

"It's even easier to sell services. Make the service to the extreme, as long as your stuff is not so unpalatable that it is difficult to swallow, a wave of publicity will take off. "

The ultimate in service?"

Zhou Hongli fell into deep thought, and Qin Ran's words gave him a lot of inspiration.

In fact, the profits of several restaurants he runs are declining, and some are already operating at a loss.

Hiring a professional manager has not been able to change the state of loss.

After listening to Qin Ran's suggestion, he felt that he had faintly grasped some important information.

But it's still a kick in the door.

"Qin Ran, can you talk about it specifically. For example, how to achieve the ultimate service?

Qin Ran said with a smile, "This is the content of the charge."

Zhou Hongli said seriously, "How much?"

"Forget it. It's rare to drink Yubo's Pinot Noir again, and it will be regarded as wine money.

Qin Ran talked about the "anti-heaven service" of Haiti in later generations.

For example, nail art, birthday celebrations, bringing children, bringing pets, playing games on behalf of others, packing snacks, and so on.

Zhou Hongli was shocked when he heard it!

He understood what Qin Ran meant by "selling services".

Qin Ran finally said, "It's not enough to just do services, you have to let the people of the whole country know and see it." Hear your brand and know it.

Zhou Hongli put down his wine glass and said seriously, "I've been taught."

"I can't talk about it. There are already similar ones in China, but I'm just combining what I see. "

Humble. Come, I'll toast you. "

Touch one. I have to thank Lao Zhou for the wine you brought. "

Come anytime, drink anytime." Zhou Hongli said boldly, "I'll invite you today." Xiao Chen. "

A woman in a professional suit and a short black silk skirt walked in.


"In the future, he will come over for dinner, and all the orders will be free."

Chen Yumin looked at Qin Ran with some surprise, nodded and said, "Okay, boss."

Zhao Xu, who couldn't speak, was shocked to realize that Zhou Hongli was the owner of this high-end Western restaurant.

And what did they hear, Qin Ran came to eat for free in the future?!

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