"Brother, in fact, you don't need to have a psychological burden. I know you want to give me the best, but I just hope that the two of us will be well. As for the food, as long as it can fill our stomachs, it will be fine!"

Zhou Xintong understood these thoughts very well, so she said it very empathetically.

She didn't want her brother to bear so much pressure, besides, when they originally planned to participate in this program, they wanted to train themselves, which was the original intention of "Four Seven Seven".

It's not that you're going to live a terribly comfortable life here.

If it's really because of this, then they don't have to come to participate.

"Sister, don't worry, you will get what other people have. Although I may not be as good as Chen Xuan, I will show my best sincerity!"

Chen Xuan naturally knew that maybe when he was compared with Chen Xuan in his sister's mind, Chen Xuan would become the powerful existence in Zhou Xintong's mind.

And he is really a piece of shit!

But there's no way, he didn't expect that guy Chen Xuan to be so secretive.

Aside from other things, the tiger beside Chen Xuan is enough that he can't match it.

After Zhou Xintong heard her brother's words, she didn't know what to say, she could only look up at the starry sky in the sky, she had been here for a while, "Perhaps she didn't feel so uncomfortable when she came here before.

But gradually, I also felt that there seemed to be another kind of experience here.

Especially living here is very simple and pure, so that I don't have so many distracting thoughts to think about, it's quite relaxing and comfortable.

Especially let yourself be in this jungle, as if you have returned to the most primitive life.

That's why Zhou Xintong thinks not to compare anything, just live the life she wants to live.

As the night gradually deepened, the entire jungle fell into a complete silence except for the sound of insects and birds.

With a touch of fish belly white appearing in the sky, the sun like a fireball also rises from the east, heralding a new day is about to begin.

At this time, Chen Xuan stretched himself, and then got up from the bamboo bed.

It feels really good to sleep full.

It's just that my stomach is a little hungry, so I walked straight towards the kitchen.

When Da Huang heard Chen Xuan getting up, he just raised his head to take a look, and then continued to fall asleep beside the bed...

It didn't seem to be conscious at all, anyway, it knew that when Chen Xuan made breakfast, it would have to be at least an hour later.

It just needs to wait obediently to eat.

But he didn't expect that just when Da Huang's wishful thinking was jingling, the voice belonging to Chen Xuan sounded at this moment.

"Rhubarb, come and add firewood to me!"

Chen Xuan's words are very simple and clear, and there is almost no reason for it to be overwhelming.

After all, the matter of making a fire and cooking is indeed a bit overwhelming for a busy person, but with a helper to help, the situation will be completely different.

For example, if someone watches the fire, Chen Xuan can concentrate on cooking at 5.5.

So this is why rhubarb has no reason to refuse.

At the moment, he could only get up from the ground, and then stretched himself to drive away the drowsy bugs as soon as possible and return to his best state.

Looking at Rhubarb's sleepy face, Chen Xuan couldn't help but smile, there was no way, since the two of them lived here, so naturally they had to distribute the work evenly. .

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