Go Crazy! You Call This Level 1 Civilization?

Chapter 496 Stumped By Such A Simple Thing

So in the next picture, the arrogant guy Rhubarb has a particularly interesting scene.

I saw Rhubarb imitating Chen Xuan's appearance, holding a piece of firewood in his mouth and putting it into the stove, but because it was the first time he did such a thing, he seemed a little clumsy.

Thinking about what made Rhubarb rare at the beginning, but just because of the purchase of firewood, Rhubarb was particularly speechless.

There were even times when the firewood wasn't put into the stove exactly, but went straight off center, either hitting the pot on top of the stove or hitting the side of the stove.

When he finally stumbled and put the firewood into the stove with a few smoldering flames, Rhubarb breathed a sigh of relief, and Chen Xuan, who was watching, kept holding back his smile

He knew that if his own laughter came out, this guy Rhubarb would definitely give up.

After all, he was ridiculed by Chen Xuan, which hurt Da Huang's self-esteem very much.

So Chen Xuan quickly turned his head to the side, and then buried his head low. From that appearance, it seemed that he had devoted his whole heart to making breakfast.

But only the corners of the mouth and slightly trembling body that were outlined from time to time can be seen that Chen Xuan is trying his best to hold back a smile, but looking at this appearance, it seems that he will fail at any time.

Fortunately, Rhubarb was so absorbed in the task in front of him that he didn't notice Chen Xuan's strangeness at all.

But what happened next was even more shocking.

After Rhubarb put a piece of firewood into the stove, he seemed to have found experience and quickly put another piece of firewood into the stove, one piece after another, just like playing with building blocks.

But the stove with a little flame was successfully squeezed out by the firewood, leaving only a little smoke floating directly from the stove.

"Cough cough...cough cough..."

"Cough cough․..."

When Rhubarb was adding firewood, he was choked by the smoke and coughed without paying attention. Even Chen Xuan who was on the side was not spared.

And Rhubarb hadn't realized that there was any problem with placing the firewood himself.

Then he moved his head to the side of the stove, and the ashes from the charcoal fire fell directly on Rhubarb's face, and Rhubarb, who was originally very tall and mighty, turned into a big tabby cat at this moment.

Soon the entire kitchen was surrounded by smoke.

It made Chen Xuan and Rhubarb feel like they were in a fairyland, full of fairy air.

Chen Xuan couldn't bear it any longer, he put down the wild vegetables he was washing in his hands a little speechlessly.

There are even some tears in the eye sockets that were choked by the smoke?

"Rhubarb...you are here to make trouble on purpose..."

Chen Xuan couldn't help lowering his voice, and said with an unkind expression.

A pair of 917 eyes were a little angry and a little helpless, as if they felt that it would be embarrassing enough for Rhubarb to add firewood to him.

As an ordinary tiger, it is estimated that it is already a difficult thing to make it fire.

So it seems reasonable that rhubarb did not go as smoothly as Chen Xuan expected.


Rhubarb also seemed to realize that he had extinguished the burning flames directly, and he seemed a little at a loss for a moment, and could only look at Chen Xuan with those innocent faces blinking.

That appearance seems to say that I have tried my best, but I don't know how it became like this. .

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