The contract was written on the spot.

The contract was written in the form of a big-character poster, with the Third Master's calligraphy in a flourish. In fact, the content was simple, just the simplest sales agreement.

Both parties signed, Ye Qing paid, and the deal was complete.

Ye Qing walked to the front and put the briefcase on the table.

When the briefcase was opened, it was full of red banknotes, which made everyone jealous.

"Ajun's brother-in-law is amazing."

"He can easily take out so much money at such a young age."

"There shouldn't be another young man on our Longwei Island."

Everyone was amazed.

All kinds of good words kept coming, and Ye Qing was happy to hear them.

Who doesn't like to hear good words?

He was somewhat proud.

The third master picked up the registration list and shouted, "Jianjun, come here, thirty-five mango trees, thirteen lychee trees, a total of 7,850 yuan."

Ye Qing had no change, so he simply gave 7,900 yuan.

Jianjun shouted, "Hey, you gave too much."

"I... I don't have any change on me. Village chief, do you have any? Please lend it to me first."

The third master was about to get the change.

Ye Qing stopped him and said, "Use the extra tens of yuan to buy some water."

"Everyone has been busy for half an afternoon."


Jianjun looked at the third master, who smiled and nodded.


The third master called the names, Ye Qing gave out the money, everyone took the money and signed the contract.

One after another.

An hour later, Ye Qing had only more than 80,000 yuan left of the 800,000 yuan he had taken, and he had also harvested nearly 5,000 fruit trees, which can bear fruit directly next year.

The kumquat trees can mature and go on the market in a month. If all can be sold, Ye Qing can't say that he has made no loss, but a huge profit!

You know, it takes at least three years for mango trees to bear fruit after being planted by grafting, and it takes longer for seedlings.

The lychee trees are even more exaggerated. Basically, they have to wait for ten to fifteen years before they can bloom and bear fruit. If they are planted from seeds, if Ye Qing wants to eat the first lychee, it is estimated that his children will be old enough to eat soy sauce.

Other lychee trees may bloom and reach the peak production period in twenty years.

Although the fruiting cycle is long, lychee trees can survive.

A tree that can live for hundreds of years means that it can create profits for many years.

It can be passed on directly to the next generation.


Ye Qing harvested old tree species. Some lychee trees are already thirty or forty years old. According to their age, they are in their prime.

The lychees produced every year are big, sweet, and juicy. The villagers' hearts bleed as they watch them all rot in the ground.

But lychees have a short shelf life and are extremely difficult to transport.

Poets once praised them in poems, saying that there is no more precious fruit in the world, with jade-like skin covered with red gauze, a natural good taste, but it is a pity that they grow in the end of the world.

This is what they are talking about.

The people of Longwei Island can be said to have a treasure mountain but not the treasure, which is really in line with the saying "Blue and thin mushroom".


They can not only throw away this sweet and heavy burden, but also exchange it for a windfall.

All the villagers who got the money were beaming with joy.

Other villagers who came to watch the fun were very envious, but it was a pity that they did not plant fruit trees at the foot of the mountain.

"Village chief, I suggest we celebrate."

"Let's set up the banquet."

"I need to have a few drinks with Ajun and his brother-in-law."

"No matter what, we have to treat Ajun and his brother-in-law well."

"Village chief..."

The third master thought about it and saw that everyone was really welcoming. He waved his hand and shouted, "Yes, we should treat them well."

"It's been a long time since our village has been lively."

"Notify Changcai and ask him to come back from town and arrange the banquet."

Everyone responded loudly.

Ye Qing was amused. The people of Longwei Island are actually like this. They are warm and hospitable and like to celebrate.

This is also because the weather is not good. Fishing at sea depends on the weather, but God often blows wind and rain. In order to pray for a smooth fishing trip, the villagers will hold various blessing ceremonies.

The tables and chairs were set up directly in the open space of the village committee, and Ye Qing was pulled to sit in the first seat.

The banquet came soon.

There were chickens, ducks, fish and meat. Changcai opened a restaurant in the town and brought a sheep to roast on the spot. The villagers sang and danced around the bonfire, and it was very lively.

At first, Ye Qing was still a little uncomfortable. He hadn't participated in a long time since he went to college.

The customary activities on the island.

But soon, he was infected by the atmosphere and joined in.

Even he, a local, was like this. What would happen if foreign tourists saw this?

They would have a blast.


We must find a way to promote it!

The villagers of Beicun kept toasting him.

Ye Qing never refused.

One cup after another.

Seeing him drinking so generously, everyone praised him. A few drunkards even challenged him to a drinking contest, and soon he drank all the wine under the table.

Ye Qing felt bored and asked Ye Lan to go home and call her little niece.

When Zhang Xiaoyu arrived, she went straight to Ye Qing.

She likes to eat crabs the most. She pointed at the red-clawed crabs on the table and shouted, "Uncle, I want to eat the crab legs."

Ye Qing immediately helped her break the crab legs, pushed out the crab meat, and sent it to Zhang Xiaoyu's mouth, smiling and saying, "Princess, please eat the crab legs."

Ye Lan shook her head and muttered, "Just spoil her."

Ye Qing laughed and said, "There is only this little niece, who else can I spoil if not her?"

Ye Lan's eyes lit up, "What if I have more children?"

Before Ye Qing could speak, Zhang Jun hurriedly shouted, "Alan, don't scare me."

Ye Qing burst out laughing.

Ye Lan kicked Zhang Jun far away in anger, causing other villagers to laugh. Everyone knew what was going on at Zhang Jun's home.

They played and made fun of each other until the second half of the night.

Zhang Xiaoyu was sleepy, still chewing in her mouth, her eyes closed, and her little head rested on Ye Qing's arm and fell asleep.

Ye Qing called her to get up.

Zhang Xiaoyu opened her eyes dazedly, swallowed the food in her mouth, and then opened her mouth again: "Uncle, ah..."

There's more to eat.

Ye Qing couldn't stop laughing, he was really a little foodie.

Ye Lan quickly carried her away.

Everyone ate and drank until the middle of the night. Ye Qing found Changcai and secretly took the money for the banquet, and then went back to sleep.

It was not until the third master found Changcai that he learned about this.

He decided to contact the villagers who sold the fruit trees overnight and asked them to help transplant the fruit trees. They had experience in this regard and could better ensure the survival rate of the transplanted fruit trees.

The villagers naturally agreed.

The weather has been cool these days, which is most suitable for transplanting.


When I woke up, it was still more than six o'clock in the morning.

It was just dawn.

Ye Qing checked the progress of the dragon ball energy, which had reached 40%.

The progress was not slow.

His brother-in-law and his family were still sleeping, so he didn't disturb them. Instead, he rode his electric bike back to Nancun.

The fruit tree was bought.

It doesn't mean that it's over. In fact, it's just the beginning. Transplanting is the big trouble.

He plans to go to the village to get help.

Village committee.

Li Fu looked at Ye Qing and said, "You are here to transplant the fruit trees."

Ye Qing was stunned: "Grandpa, how did you know?"

Li Fu said, "The head of Beicun contacted me, and I have called people through the loudspeaker."


"It's not that simple to transplant the fruit trees."

"I have arranged for people to prepare the nutrient soil first."

"You also have to contact the crane and so on."

Ye Qing nodded.

He had contacted the town just now. Fortunately, it was Mid-Autumn Festival soon, so the villagers were at home and didn't go out to sea. Otherwise, no one would help, and this matter would be delayed for a long time.

The villagers had breakfast.

Under Li Fu's loud speaker, every household drove out, mostly small tricycles, and led by Ye Qing, they headed straight for Beicun.

When they arrived at the central town, Ye Qing also found a lot of large trucks.

There was a lot of noise.

Along the way, many passers-by stopped to watch.

Chen Hu and Wang Jie followed, and the two became cameramen, Wang Jie took a sports camera to shoot, and Chen Hu controlled the drone.

Looking at the pictures taken by the drone, Chen Hu sighed and exclaimed: "It feels like the silent island has suddenly come alive."

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