The film was shot in the morning, but the film was shot in the evening.

Wang Jie also said: "There are too many materials every day, I can't shoot them all, I can't shoot them all at all, it really tests my editing skills."

Chen Hu asked: "Are you planning to make Ye Qing a character who returns to his hometown to start a business?"

Wang Jie nodded and said: "This is not created by us, but by Ye Qing with real money."

"I asked Hei Zai, Kang Zai and others, and the money Ye Qing spent on these fields is estimated to be close to 3 million."

"It can be predicted that more will be spent in the future."

"Why is he doing such a thankless job?"

"Isn't it just to return to his hometown to start a business and benefit the village?"

Chen Hu nodded.

In their opinion, what Ye Qing is doing now is just losing money to gain publicity, which is not much better than spending money and throwing it away.

Wang Jie continued: "Now that we are cooperating now, we have to find a way to make money."

"This is also a reflection of our value."

Chen Hu heard this and whispered: "But such a personality is easy to be questioned."

"If you are not careful, you will be bombarded by the whole network."

"If what Ye Qing did becomes a joke, then our short video will also be a failure."

Wang Jie said: "Let's give it a try."

"We chose to cooperate with Ye Qing, isn't it also a desperate bet?"

"Let's do our own thing and have a clear conscience."

Chen Hu heard this, looked at the picture taken by the drone, and murmured to himself: "Ye Qing, Ye Qing, we have put all our treasures on you."

"Don't let everyone down."

Not only them.

Many people have high hopes for Ye Qing.

Uncle Ba and the others were very excited. They hadn't done such a big thing for many years.

"I heard that Qingzai spent hundreds of thousands of dollars. We all have to be careful and can't ruin these fruit trees."

"Qingzai really spent a lot of money."

"He said he would build an orchard and he built it. He is really good!"

"When Brother Sheng comes back, he will become a farmer in a flash."

"Brother Sheng is so lucky. He has such a child. He is really enviable!"

Everyone talked about it along the way and praised Ye Qing's feat.

When the people of South Village arrived at the foot of the mountain of North Village, the villagers of North Village had already been working hard. Many fruit trees had been properly taken out of the ground, with intact roots and wrapped in nets to ensure that they were foolproof.

Everyone greeted and started working immediately. One by one, small tricycles carried fruit trees from North Village to South Village.

When passing through the central town, passers-by realized that such a large convoy was actually transplanting fruit trees.

"There are so many fruit trees. They are going to build an orchard on our island!"

"I remember that more than ten years ago, a big boss came to our island to build an orchard. Guess what, he lost all his money in the end. I heard that his wife and children ran away."

"Is it true or not!"

"Who knows whether it is true or not, anyway, it is spread with details."

"Who is building an orchard now?"

"No matter who it is, building an orchard will definitely lose money, and it will lose a lot of money."

Everyone talked about it, pointing fingers at the convoy, and many people called their friends. For a while, both sides of the road were full of people. It can be said that the streets were empty and spectacular.

Originally, Ba Shu and others were quite happy. They felt proud of making such a big noise.

Listening to everyone's badmouthing, some of them couldn't laugh.

They wanted to compete with others, but they couldn't say why when the words came to their lips.

Although what these people said was unpleasant, it was indeed true.

Roadside breakfast shop.

Dai Hui, who was eating breakfast, found that there was no vinegar.

After shouting for a long time, no one paid attention to him. After asking, he found out that the boss had gone to watch the fun.

As a result, he walked to the side of the road and saw that the person at the front of the convoy was none other than Ye Qing.

That was so bad.

It was really unlucky. Even drinking cold water would get stuck in his teeth. He couldn't bear to see Ye Qing so glorious. Just as he was about to leave, he was stopped by his companion and asked, "Village Chief Dai, isn't he the guy who made you lose face?"

Dai Hui nodded with a dark face.

The man rolled his eyes and said, "How about I help you vent your anger and let me go to your village to collect fruits for free, how about it!?"

Dai Hui's eyes lit up: "You have seen how popular this kid is."

"I'm not afraid to tell you that Da Jin Ya and I teamed up and both fell into his hands!"

"How can you help me vent my anger?"

"If you can

If you help me, then we can talk about you going to Xicun to collect fruits for free. "

Zhu Wei, the fat man standing opposite him, couldn't help but push the gold-wire frame deeply embedded in his fat flesh when he heard this, and his squinting eyes revealed a treacherous look.

Dai Hui knew that the fat man in front of him was not a good person. He was a very difficult guy who was stirring up trouble in the central town.

Zhu Wei smiled and said, "I don't know about fishing at sea."

"But I am an expert in fruit trees and fruits."

"That guy will fall into my hands sooner or later if he wants to build an orchard in the future. Now I will help you squeeze him a few words and disgust him. It's not just a matter of sprinkling water."

Dai Hui thought about it and said, "Then let's talk about collecting fruits for free."

"You can do whatever you want in the central town, but not in Xicun."

"Although the fruits in the village can't be sold, it's a bit too much for you to take them away without paying a penny. ”

“The villagers would rather let the fruits rot in the fields than let you harvest them.”

“You have to give me some money.”

“How about this, I’ll take 50 cents from any fruit sold at one yuan a pound.”

Zhu Wei laughed: “Village Chief Dai, you really care about the villagers.”

“I agree.”

“But I have one condition, that is, the villagers have to help me deliver the fruits to the boat.”

Dai Hui smiled happily: “Deal.”

The two shook hands, smiling on the surface, but secretly cursing each other as “bastards” in their hearts.

This can be regarded as the tacit understanding of bad guys.

Zhu Wei let go of his hand, smoked a cigarette and walked past the roadside, followed by a few friends, looked at Ye Qing and shouted: “You are the only one who transplants fruit trees and builds an orchard?”

“We can get to know each other! "

Ye Qing looked at the man.

Kangzi leaned close to his ear and said, "This man is Zhu Wei, a street urchin. He goes around collecting fruits with a few friends in the central town."

"His uncle seems to run a factory outside."

"He also has a backer in the town."

Ye Qing raised his eyebrows: "Collecting fruits?"

"Aren't the fruits on our island unsellable?"

Kangzi snorted coldly: "He collects fruits but doesn't pay."

"He calls it helping the villagers clean up the garbage."

Ye Qing was stunned.

I didn't expect there would be such a shameless person on the island. What does this guy mean by standing up to show his presence?

Is he targeting his orchard?

He glanced again and saw Dai Hui standing not far away, showing a look of realization.

Zhu Wei saw that Ye Qing ignored him, and his face was a little unhappy. His friends shouted with other passers-by.

"Mr. Zhu wants to get to know you, that's giving you face! ”

“Don’t be shameless.”

“When the fruits in your orchard cannot be sold and rot in the fields, you have to beg Master Zhu to collect them.”

Kangzi was furious when he heard this. These people dared to say this before the fruit trees were transplanted to the orchard. He immediately cursed: “Go to hell.”

“Your fruits are rotting in the fields.”

“Get out.”

Seeing Kangzi taking over, these people became more excited and shouted along with other passers-by.

“Spending millions to build an orchard is crazy!”

“There are so many things you can do with that much money.”

“Young people are impulsive and take things for granted.”

“Are you going to build an orchard to benefit the village?”

“Why are you so arrogant?”

“Who do you think you are?”

“I’m tired of young people like this. They make a fuss and mess around, and end up with a mess. They are nothing. "

Listening to some people talking more and more excessively, Kangzi was so angry that he wanted to jump out of the car and fight with these people.

He yelled: "When we make a lot of money by selling fruits, we will envy you red-eyed people to death!"

Zhu Wei sneered and mocked: "It's ridiculous."

"Everyone's fruits are rotting in the fields and can't be sold. Why can you sell them and make money? Because you are handsome?"

"I am not talented. When your fruits are about to rot in the fields, I can take over."

Everyone laughed.

Kangzi's face turned red with anger, and he was about to use a big move to curse Zhu Wei.

Ye Qing stopped him, then stood up, looked down at Zhu Wei, and said with a smile: "Yes, I can make money because I am handsome!"

"With your appearance, you are not qualified to take over."

When Zhu Wei heard this, his nose was crooked with anger, and he shouted angrily: "How dare you call me ugly. "

Ye Qing shook his head: "No, I'm just stating the facts."

"Compared to me, do you think you're ugly?"

Zhu Wei opened his mouth to refute, but couldn't say a word.

Kangzi laughed like crazy and clapped his hands.

It has to be Qingzi.

One move, it's a killer!

Zhu Wei followed these friends and stood up to say some nonsense, just to disgust them.

Swearing with them, but falling into a trap

, and it will also cause other passers-by to talk about it.

Ye Qing directly defeated the magic with magic, and continued: "If you don't say anything, it means you have agreed."

"You can still be saved, at least you still have self-knowledge."

"You are ugly but know it."

"Even if the fruits in my orchard rot in the ground, I will never let you take over."

Zhu Wei was so angry that he almost exploded on the spot. No one has ever dared to humiliate him like this!

Kangzi laughed wildly.

Those friends were laughing crazily.

Other passers-by couldn't hold it back and laughed "kukuku".

Even Dai Hui, who was watching the show on the side, couldn't help but cough strategically to hold back the laughter when he saw his "teammate" being humiliated like this.

Ye Qing was too awesome.

The knife stabbed people's hearts.

One knife was not enough, so he came with another one.

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