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Chapter 151: Good house

Although it was late the night before, everyone was pretending to have something in their hearts, and no one was lying on the bed. There was movement in the courtyard early in the morning.

Xiao Lan patted the quilt and said, "Sleep again?"

"Can't sleep." Lu Zhui sat up and rubbed his face with his hands. "A Liu hurried over last night. I think Mrs. Tao has something to say. Go ask."

Xiao Lan hugged him from behind and asked, "Dream a dream last night?"

"...Huh?" Lu Chai turned his head, "What did I do?"

"It's nothing, just laughed all the time." Xiao Lan held his hand, "like dreaming of a wonderful thing."

"Really?" Lu Chai closed his eyes and thought carefully.

He doesn’t remember dreams. Whether it’s good or bad, he often forgets most of them when he wakes up. This time, when Xiao Lan reminded him, he remembered that he had indeed had a good dream. Tile white wall, hometown Jiangnan like a scroll of ink painting.

Lu Chai smiled: "I won't tell you."

Xiao Lan raised his eyebrows and poked lightly in his chest.

Fei Liucheng.

Lu Zhui thought while washing his face.

He had never thought of returning to his hometown before, but since Xiao Lan said that he had purchased a real estate there, he would think about it every now and then, wondering how big the house is, whether it is a bamboo forest or blue grass in front of the window, or maybe it is Large clusters of colorful hydrangeas and peonies are also very good.


Lao Li commanded the gardener to apply fertilizer to the last piece of mud in the courtyard. After only one winter's nourishment, the lush green grass and red flowers can be planted in spring. After he was busy, he ordered a pot of hookah and sat in front of the house basking in the sun, just like an ordinary old housekeeper.

After being sent by Tao Yu'er and Xiao Lan to Feiliu City, it has been several months after careful calculations. The family business has been bought, and I don't know when the wife and young master will come to see it. As he thought, he fetched peanut candy from his pocket and scattered it to the little dolls on the street. When there was the last piece left, a big purple and gold bowl was stretched out in front of him.

Looking up, a fat monk said with a smile, "Amitabha."

Lao Li was silent for a moment, and put the peanut candy into it with a cry.

The fat monk didn't pick it up. After eating, he smacked his mouth, insisting to count for free.

Lao Li shook his head: "I never tell fortunes."

"Then count the feng shui of this house." The fat monk stood up and took a look, and said with emotion, "A good place."

Lao Li asked, "How to do it?"

"There is a fate of thousands of miles," the fat monk said with a smile, "this should be a place for lovers to meet again."

Lao Li shook his head: "If we want to meet again, we must first part. Master's words are not lucky enough."

"Xiongtai's words are very bad, and sometimes the lover's betrayal is not necessarily a bad thing." The fat monk rubbed his fingers, his expression unpredictable.

Lao Li stood up and patted his butt, turned around and returned to the house, too lazy to listen to his nonsense.

In the other place, Lu Zhui was supporting his cheeks, reading the letter written by Tao Yuer.

Ye Jin dragged his wrist, the pulse is still stable, no different from ordinary people.

Lu Zhui said, "What do you think of the Valley Master?"

"It's hard to tell." Ye Jin said, "but look at the pulse, it's not a big danger, I'll try again."

Lu Xiu apologized: "My body really caused a lot of trouble to the owner of the valley."

"Family, what are you doing so politely." Ye Jin shook his head and said again, "Since the Acacia Gu is not easy to understand for a while, let's cure the amnesia first."

Xiao Lan: "..."

"Why, no?" Ye Jin wondered when he saw his expression different.

"No." Xiao Lan returned to his senses, "It's just that I have never heard the Lord Gu mentioned it in the past few days, and thought...cannot be solved."

"How can I not understand it? I just want to do the same thing." Ye Jin shook his head, Qiu Zichen who had the same symptoms as yours, had tossed and researched how many times, if he still couldn't understand it, wouldn't it be very insulting to be a genius doctor.

"How to solve it?" Xiao Lan asked.

"It depends on you." Ye Jin said.

"Me?" Xiao Lan puzzled.

Ye Jin nodded: "I pierced the acupuncture points on the top of the brain with a silver needle. As for whether I can remember it, it's all on my own. In theory, this method is feasible, but Qiu Zichen didn't think of anything. The effect is also due to people. Different."

Lu Zhui: "..."

Because of this Gu amnesia in this world, there are only two people together. Qiu Zichen didn't think of anything, so why must the other one be cured?

Besides, when the silver needle enters the brain, it sounds very numb in the back.

"Don't believe it?" Ye Jin asked.

"Naturally believe." Everyone in the room said in unison.


Xiao Lan said, "What if you still can't remember it?"

"I still can't remember, it's good now." Lu Chai interrupted. "But if you think about it, you will remember everything. If you don't remember, you won't remember it, but don't just remember. I bullied you when I was a child and can't remember how I treated you well."

Xiao Lan smiled: "Yeah."

"How long will it take?" Lu Zhui asked again.

"If the Acacia Gu is solved, it will only take one night, but now you have to avoid the Acacia Love Gu for three days." Ye Jin said, "If it goes well, it will take two days."

"That's it," Lu Chai nodded, "Thank you Gu Master."

"Then I'm going to prepare." Ye Jin walked out, before leaving the house and exhorted, "The worst is to do useless work and still can't remember anything. If you think about it like this, there is nothing to worry about."

Xiao Lan said, "I know, I have worked hard for the Valley Master."

After Ye Jin left, Yang Qingfeng sighed with emotion: "The hero of the Shen League is heroic, and the little Ye Zi is a master of the world, but they are really a pair of people in the rivers and lakes." After speaking, he looked at Xiao Lan and Lu Chai and said with a smile, "Naturally, this The pair is also very good, and the martial arts descendants of this generation are all very good."

That is natural. Ah Liu stood tall and thought he was pretty good.

"How is Ji Hao?" Lu asked.

"Half-dead, he said that he had a headache, and he refused to get up in bed." A Liu said, "What is Dad going to do with him?"

Lu Zhui looked at Lu Wuming.

"The puppeteer hasn't been found out yet, so he won't be able to die." Lu Wuming said, "You and Xiao Lan will detoxify and heal your injuries, and leave it to Dad to guard Ji Hao."

Lu Zhui said, "Alright, that's a hard daddy."

Lu Wuming looked at Ah Liu again.

A Liu nodded: "I will go back to the Mingyue Tomb and find the puppet in the tomb, and come here to make peace again."

Lu Wuming sighed: "This road is full of wind and dust day and night—"

"What's the matter, as long as Dad can go faster, I'll be happy to hit the horse and run ten back and forth." A Liu Da Lala patted his chest and said, "But that Ji Hao is gloomy, I'm leaving, Dad and Grandpa Be careful."

Lu Zhui said, "Take a day off and leave tomorrow."

"It's enough to take a rest for one night, so as not to delay for a day or two, and something will happen again." A Liu shook his head, "Daddy doesn't care about me, detoxification is the right business." After saying that, he said, "Go back early," I can see my wife earlier."

"Speaking of whether the matchmaker has been hired, just call someone else's daughter-in-law." Lu Chai kicked him, and then laughed and cursed, "It's because Miss Yue's father and mother are not there, otherwise you will take advantage of your mouth and be beaten."

In the afternoon, with letters and dry food in his arms, A Liu rode out of Huanhua City and headed north. Standing on the roof, Lu Zhui watched his figure out of the city, and said to Xiao Lan: "When I was in Chaomuya to tease him, I didn't expect that today, I would make friends with him."

"A good friend? Isn't it a son?" Xiao Lan quipped.

Lu Chai smiled and pushed him and jumped into the hospital.

Ji Hao is still asleep, looking like he will sleep for a hundred years.

Lu Chai stood at the window for a long time.

Ji Hao breathed smoothly, and he could feel someone looking outside, but he did not open his eyes.

He does take a long time to digest the joy of rebirth. At this moment, every move and every mantra of Soul Piercing Dafa came to his mind clearly and vividly. The bat did not lie to him, but he lied to the bat.

Mrs. Bai Yu was still an insignificant dead corpse in his heart. He did not inherit the bat's almost crazy obsession and worship. He is the only exception to Soul-Wearing Dafa for thousands of years, and he can choose what he wants and what he doesn't want.

He is still Ji Hao, but with the martial arts memory of bats, this is the most perfect result.

Hearing the footsteps outside the window fade away, a smile finally appeared on his face, dark and weird.

Ye Jin opened a small cloth bag with a bright silver needle inside.

Lu Zhui looked at the window cracked for a while, then turned around and gestured to Xiao Lan, "It's so long."

Xiao Lan smiled: "Do you love me?"

What hurts me? I'm afraid I will stupid you. Lu Chai entered the room with his hands behind his back, leaving only one back for him. After a long time, seeing no one coming in, he turned his head and glanced.

Xiao Lan leaned at the door and smiled.

"Why don't you feel nervous at all." Lu Zhui twisted him.

"When a patient meets a genius doctor, he should be happy and nervous." Xiao Lan said, "The only thing is that I had always thought that I would think of it at a certain moment, but I didn't expect that Lord Ye Gu could cure it."

"At a certain moment? Just listen to it and read more. I've been dead for a long time, and you are deeply stimulated, uh-" Lu Zhui was blocked.

"What a nine-death life, you are not allowed to say this." Xiao Lan put his arms around his waist and kissed his lips again. "Since then, they are all well, safe, healthy and healthy."

Lu Zhui added: "Great wealth and wealth."

Xiao Lan smiled: "You know the poor mouth."

"Why do you have a poor mouth, your face is yellow and thin and you can't eat enough. I don't want it either. Life is interesting." Lu Zhui's eyes flew, "Huh?"

"Yeah." Xiao Lan nodded and said in cooperation: "I promise you will not be hungry in the future."

Lu Zhui thought for a while, frowning: "How do I feel that your tone sounds a bit rascal."

"Master Mingyu thinks too much." Xiao Lan squeezed his chin and smiled, "I'm talking about this mouth."

Lu Zhui: "..."

Lu Zhui changed his mind: "You still don't think of anything." Otherwise, it would be a hooligan plus a hooligan, not simple.

Xiao Lan didn't speak any more, only dragged the back of his head with one hand, lowered his head and kissed deeply.

The lips and the lips are entangled, fierce and hard to separate.

Lu Chai's waist and limbs were soft, and a cloud of water mist made the bottom of his eyes darker and harder to see.

Ye Jin stood at the door for a while, then quietly backed away.

It's just a needle, and it's so... It's hard to separate, life and death.

Like Lao Xu of Riyue Villa, he cuts off the stubborn child, and he is very calm.

He was really a young man and couldn't hold his breath.

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