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Chapter 152: Feeling comes after just one thought

With the Gu worms that had been taken out of Qiu Zichen's body, and tried many times, Ye Jin seemed quite relaxed about releasing the Gu worms to Xiao Lan. In the afternoon of the next day, the silver needles and medicines needed were prepared, and they were laid out in a row on the table.

The others are all in the hospital. Although the worst known result is nothing more than a wasted effort and no other accidents will happen, they are still quite worried. No one had the mind to speak, only a few tichaea lying on the tree, their wings humming.

Xiao Lan lay on the bed and said to Ye Jin: "There is a master of labor."

"Although Qiu Zichen didn't remember anything, there is nothing wrong with my method." Ye Jin said, "So don't worry, just do what I said."

Xiao Lan nodded: "Okay."

Ye Jin put down the curtain by the window and cut off most of the light and sound outside. The room was dark and dull, like a rainy day in the early summer evening, with the candlelight on the bedside shaking slightly, which was suitable for a head-covered sleep.

Xiao Lan closed his eyes.

One by one silver needles were slowly pierced into the top of the brain, and the air smelled of medicine, not pungent, and even had a soothing effect.

According to Ye Jin’s words, he tried his best to recall that lost past, even though it was still a vast white mist, but he always felt that as long as he took one step forward and took a deeper look, he would be able to remember many years ago. The two teenagers found them again, and then remembered them for a lifetime, never forgetting them again.

It took two or three days to detoxify, and Lu Zhui had been sitting under the corridor, looking at the closed door. He has nothing else to do, and doesn't want to do anything else. He always feels that as long as he stays here, even if he doesn't do anything, he will feel more at ease in his heart.

Yang Qingfeng sighed: "It's really touching."

Lu Wuming: "..."

"You are younger than me, why are you older and stubborn than me?" Yang Qingfeng stroked him with his arm. "Young people are happy, even if they stand together, it's refreshing to watch. It's all like this, you I still want to beat the mandarin ducks."

Lu Wuming glared, your son was kidnapped home, and I wanted to send him out by myself, so my mood was naturally different. This had nothing to do with stubbornness, so shut up quickly.

Lu chased the anger of the two of them, and laughed out loudly, stood up and flexed his muscles. He was about to go to the kitchen to get some food, but he felt that there seemed to be some movement in the room where Ji Hao was being held.

Lu Wuming also noticed the anomaly, and before Lu Chai, he broke in first.

Ji Hao leaped up, his figure was extremely fast, and he was about to reach Lu Wuming, only to feel a bashful wind passing by his side, and there was already a person on the big tree in the courtyard—a white hair mixed with gray, a half-hidden face. All over the ravines.

This is the fastest aging person in the world, only three or five days, just like thirty-five years old. But what was more surprising than his appearance was the extraordinary and weird skills at the moment.

Lu Zhui knew that he might have successfully swallowed the bat, so he drew his sword out of its sheath with one hand and attacked it. Ji Hao stepped back two steps and raised his right arm to take him a sword.

As if cutting on the hard profound iron, Lu Zhui was a little surprised. He didn't know what kind of wicked skills this was, and he could really train himself into a bronze wall and an iron wall. Taking advantage of his slight distraction, Ji Hao moved in the air, his right hand widened in the shape of an eagle's claw, and attacked his front door.

At this moment, Yang Qingfeng suddenly punched from the side. Ji Hao Yuguang caught a glimpse of a gloomy expression, but he stopped going to Gu Lu to chase. Instead, he turned around halfway and slapped Yang Qingfeng with his head.

"Just your half-hearted work, don't die!" Lu Wuming grabbed the old man from his collar and threw him aside to hide. But for that, Yang Qingfeng was still caught with four bloodstains on his legs, and he felt heartbroken. .

Worried that the monster would be poisoned in his palm, Lu Zhui threw the Qingfeng sword to Lu Wuming, and went to check the wound for Yang Qingfeng himself. The yard was crackling and mingled, and the nursing yard in the house heard the movement, and they raised their weapons to help. Although it was only a shop silver number, it was eventually trained from the Sun Moon Villa, which is the first in the rivers and lakes. Lisan The three outer layers can also temporarily entangle Ji Hao.

Ye Jin took the last needle from Xiao Lan, raised his sleeves and wiped the sweat from his head, and an unnamed anger surged in his heart-I'm treating a sickness, what a noise!

So the genius doctor "slammed" the window open, raised his hand and threw the bottle of medicine out.

Lu Zhui caught it smoothly without asking what it was. He stepped on the trunk with one foot to lift his breath, rushed to Ji Hao's back, and began to pour after removing the stopper. The dripping green juice dripped over his head.

Ye Jin said, "Good job."

Ji Hao yelled, and with a touch of his hand, he felt stinking and numb and itchy in the place that flowed through. He immediately became angry and burst into purple veins on his forehead. Turning around, he chopped it off with a palm.

Lu Chai stepped away, not taking his moves, but backing all the way back.

Ji Hao said solemnly, "Craving life and fearing death."

"I'm very sorry." Lu Chai said, "I haven't finished the poison. It's better not to do it or not to do it."

Seeing the sarcasm in his eyes, Ji Hao gave a sneer, his whole body creaked, his figure suddenly raised, and he raised his hand to attack.

And at this moment, Lu Wuming understood why he could escape the shackles of the sky silk—not breaking, but shrinking his figure and withdrawing from it.

Lu Zhui didn't expect that the person in front of him could suddenly rise by more than ten feet. Before he had time to think about it, he only took advantage of the trend and used the wide sleeves to hit a gust of wind, sweeping all the guards on his side to the side, so as not to be affected by the other side's savage moves. He was injured, but exposed himself to Ji Hao. Lu Wuming was taken aback when he saw this. Just as he wanted to help him, someone broke the window. The black figure looked like a falcon screaming for prey, with sharp eyes, and he grabbed Lu into his arms.

"You're awake!" Lu Zhui was overjoyed, before he had time to say another sentence, the person had been placed in front of Lu Wuming. When he looked again, Xiao Lan was already a few steps away, and had more than a dozen moves with Ji Hao.


Lu Wuming was surprised. He only thought that Ye Jin was treating Xiao Lan's amnesia. Why was it cured, but it seemed that his effort had gone up.

Lu Chai said, "Did he hear him speak just now?"

Lu Wuming said, "It seems like he didn't say anything."

Lu Zhui: "..."

Lu Wuming asked, "What do you want him to say?"

Lu Zhui was choked.

It's wicked, could it be that he is the one who talks more.

At the critical moment, I even thought of a few love words.


Ji Hao and Xiao Lan have gone through hundreds of tricks, although the expressions on their faces did not show, they were a little bit astonished. He occupied the bat's kung fu. After forcibly sealing a few large holes, he thought it was enough to escape from this courtyard with one breath, but he did not expect to kill a Xiao Lan midway, let alone after two days of lethargy. Skills will increase so rapidly.

Lu Zhui looked at it for a while and said, "It's his original skill."

"What?" Lu Wuming didn't understand.

"I thought he had another set of kung fu, but I forgot it earlier, but after seeing these hundreds of tricks, the moves are quite familiar. They are still the old whip methods, but they have added a lot..." Lu Zhui thought. Think, seems to be considering how to describe.

Lu Wuming said: "A lot of new changes have been added."

Lu Chai nodded: "Yeah." If you said that he was able to practice one move one by one according to the map, although he was also brave and sturdy, there were always flaws that could only be made up by "fast". But at this moment, Xiao Lan's kung fu seemed like a seamless heavenly robe, with flowing water and clouds, and the close connection between his moves, even if he held a basin of water to splash it, I was afraid that his clothes would not get wet.

Lu Chai's eyes gradually rejoiced.

Lu Wuming disgusted and said: "Look at your beautiful appearance."

Lu Chai said, "Father seems to be happier than I am."

Lu Wuming smiled stiffly, and restored his majesty: "Nonsense!"

Don't admit it if you don't admit it. Lu Chai curled his lips, and stopped going up to help. He backhanded the Qingfeng Sword back into the scabbard, and continued to watch Xiao Lan make moves.

After Ye Jin checked Yang Qingfeng, he sighed, "The only thing I have to do is to saw the leg."

Yang Qingfeng thundered and said anxiously: "But the blood is all red."

"The red ones are more poisonous." Ye Jin drew a knife from his sleeve and warned, "Senior bear with me."

Yang Qingfeng's voice became hoarse and Liushen Wuzhu: "What is this for?"

Ye Jin pulled up his trouser legs and wiped the blade, and said, "Saw the legs."

Yang Qingfeng's lips trembled, almost fainting.

Ye Jin picked up the knife and dropped it.

Yang Qingfeng closed his eyes and passed out neatly.

Ye Jin threw the cut half of his trouser legs to the ground, commanded the people, and carried the old man back.

Wujin's long whip flashed with cold light, and snake-like long teeth appeared in the air. Ji Hao couldn't dodge, and with only one distraction, almost all his ribs were bitten off.

He fell heavily under the tree.

This scene is a bit familiar. In the midnight a few days ago, he was also in a panic, and Xiao Lan's shoulders were blown away by Xiao Lan. It's just that the array is still carrying two souls that are incompatible with fire and water. He originally thought that after swallowing the bat, this kind of thing would no longer happen, but the reality was cruel and real.

Xiao Lan stuck his neck with one hand and lifted him up in the air.

Lu Chai ran up a few steps. Lu Wuming asked, "Are you going to kill him?"

"Does he have a reason to survive?" Xiao Lan asked back.

Ji Hao's expression was painful, and he tried his best to regain some breath.

Lu Chai shook his head: "Kill it."

Lu Wuming frowned: "But your poison--"

"He can't tell the truth." Lu Zhui said, "First, he pretended to be injured by a bat, and today he wanted to wait for an opportunity to escape. The shots were all bats' skills. Eighty percent of the old monsters have been digested and cleaned, and he has practiced the soul-piercing method. Where is the breathing, but this time he has to pretend to show this weak and pitiful appearance. Things are still happening now, he is willing to say, dad is willing to believe?"

Xiao Lan's men used another three more points.

On the contrary, Ji Hao's expression calmed down, staring at Lu and chasing for a while, then laughed out loud.

"Looking at what you look like, 80% of you are going to say a few crazy things to irritate me before I die." Lu Chai shook his head, "but I'm really not afraid of fear, going back and forth is nothing more than death and blindness, half a new idea. No, it's better to save effort."

Ji Hao said: "Then Mingyue Tomb, you can't break into it."

"Lu family's ancestral grave, I still have to break if I want to go in?" Lu Chai sneered, "not only needn't break, a hundred years later, I will lie inside comfortably with my master, close the mechanism, and look at many outsiders like you who don't know the heights of the world. The little thief rushed around in a hurry."

Xiao Lan almost laughed out loud.

Lu Chai raised his right palm again and put it on the top of Ji Hao's head.

"What are you going to do?" Ji Hao asked hoarsely, trying to break his hand away, but Xiao Lan healed him, and couldn't move anything.

Lu Chai said: "It's just the Dafa of piercing the soul, the secret book from the tomb of Mingyue, do you really treat me as the Lu family?"

Lu Wuming: "..."

Ji Hao said, "Do you think I would believe it?"

Lu Zhui looked into his eyes and chanted a section of inner strength mentality casually.

Ji Hao felt a little frightened.

"I believe it now?" Lu Zhui firmly grasped the top of his head, "Then if I tell you again, the soul-piercing method practiced by the bat is only a fur, and what I have learned is orthodox. What should you do?"

Ji Hao was stiff and flustered. He didn't know what to say. He tried his best to recall the soul-piercing method taught by the bat. Seeing the flaws in it, his mind was chaotic and he couldn't calm down.

Lu Wuming and Xiao Lan looked at each other, and they didn't know what Lu Zhui wanted to do, but seeing him chanting words, as if he had been guiding Ji Hao to try something out of his mouth, they didn't bother.

Ji Hao looked a little dazed. He was originally alert, knowing that this might be Lu Zhui's strategy, but he couldn't help but want to step into the game he set.

Lu asked: "Where is the bat?"

Ji Hao said: "Dead."

Lu Zhui regretfully said: "Dead? The secret of the Mingyue Tomb is truly unbreakable." This sentence contradicts the previous statement. I am afraid I will not believe it when I am a bystander, Ji Hao. But he became anxious, could it be that the bat has something else to hide from himself?

Lu Zhui said, "Is it true that he can't be found again?"

Ji Hao trembled and couldn't speak.

"It looks like it's really dead." Lu Chai said, "Madam Bai Yu's tomb was also destroyed, do you know?"

Ji Hao's lips murmured, as if he was still annoyed by the death of the bat, and did not react much to Mrs. Bai Yu.

"Who do you want to save you?" Lu Zhui asked again.

There was a person in Ji Hao's mind, an old woman.

"Pharmacist," he said.

"You and her have been secretly colluding, right?" Lu Zhui continued to ask.

Ji Hao said: "Yes, we, she, she has been helping me." The pain and panic were mixed, and he couldn't tell whether it was his own memory or the memory of a bat. It just answered dumbly. Lu Chai's question.

After Ye Jin treated Yang Qingfeng's wounds, he also came out to join in the fun, saying that in addition to the obscene and lewd Acacia Bureau, the rest of the Ecstasy Array was also worth seeing. At least Ji Hao looks dizzy now, Yunshan Mist doesn't know where he is.

After answering the last question, Ji Hao tilted his body and was breathless.

"It's burned, I'm already dying." Lu Chai withdrew his hand, his face turned pale.

"Where did you come from..." Lu Wuming frowned, "Mrs. Tao?"

"I found it out by myself." Lu Chai shook his head, "I'm a little tired."

Xiao Lan said, "I will take you back to rest first."

Lu Chai nodded, and said to Lu Wuming, "Father, go and see Senior Yang."

Lu Wuming saw that he should have something to say to Xiao Lan. Although he had doubts in his heart, he didn't want to interfere more, so he went to the next door first.

When the door closed, Lu Zhui and Xiao Lan spoke in unison.

One said: "Did you remember?"

Another asked: "Soul-piercing Dafa?"

Lu Zhui was silent for a while and said, "You speak first."

Xiao Lan shook his wrist: "Just now, that wasn't exactly the formation method. When did you learn the Soul Piercing Dafa?"

"What you learned, just remember the formula when you saw it in the tomb passage." Lu Zhui couldn't laugh or cry. "How could I learn that evil skill."

Xiao Lan watched him silently.


"I was on a whim too," Lu Chai withdrew his hand and said honestly, "Seeing Ji Hao fighting with you, I suddenly remembered the soul-piercing method. I thought I could try to connect with the ecstasy formation and get him around. Go in. But who knows that after I read a few sentences of inner strength and mentality, I read the feeling out, and I really figured out the meaning."

Xiao Lan didn't know whether he should be angry or laugh, and read the feeling?

"Why don't you praise my good savvy," Lu Zhui muttered, "At least it works well, right?"

Xiao Lan knocked **** his head.

"Well, well, I don't want to have that mentality in the future." Lu Zhui took his hand, "I'm done, it's up to you."

Xiao Lan said straightforwardly: "After waking up, she forgot to be cleaner."


Lu Zhui stared at him for a moment, then withdrew his hands from his hand, and said sincerely, "Brother Xiao, I will return to Wangcheng to get married in March. You must remember to come to give a gift." Not expensive.

"I can't afford to give away anything." Xiao Lan sighed.

Lu Chai looked at him up and down, hooligans harp: "Then give someone away."

"Isn't it a loss for me to give someone away," Xiao Lan smiled and pulled him into his arms. "According to the bandits that grew up in childhood, I seem to have robbed them."

Lu Zhui didn't speak any more, or wanted to speak but couldn't speak.

He looked at Xiao Lan's eyes as if he wanted to see the shadow of his childhood, the dazzling and warm boy in the pitch-black grave.

It is the only light and only reliance for oneself.

The expression on Lu Chai's face changed slightly, sometimes happy, sometimes a little worried, like a small deer tentatively moving forward in his memories. Xiao Lan looked at every expression on him, and the feelings in his heart finally became uncontrollable. He tightened his arms, as if to cut the bones of the person in his arms together, and the low voice also brought unnoticeable Trembling.

"I remember."

"I remember everything."

Lu Wuming burned Ji Hao's body, and when he returned to his residence, Ye Jin was resting in the courtyard.

"Burned?" he asked.

"Burned." Lu Wuming nodded.

"It's gone." Ye Jin sighed. "He has taken the bat's body with great pains. He must have been ambitious a few days ago. He thinks he will do a big job. Who would have thought that he would have a dream for less than ten days. I was killed by a whip." This feeling of anger suddenly broken when I was halfway up, I am afraid that I will be suffocated to death when I am myself.

"It was Xiao Lan who hurt him, but Mingyu was the one who killed him." Lu Wuming glanced into the room and said, "After practicing the Soul-piercing Dafa, a person becomes a dead person. Who can kill a dead person? It makes sense for Ji Hao to be confident and dare to rush out in full view."

Ye Jin said, "Huh?"

"It was Ming Yu who dissipated his soul." Lu Wuming said.

Ye Jin said: "Soul dispersal?"

Ye Jin said again: "It doesn't matter who he is, that old monster will die." Besides, he said a lot of things before he died. Isn't this a good thing? Why did Senior seem a little angry instead.

"I'll talk about this later." Lu Wuming asked, "Is Xiao Lan really good?"

"Senior has to ask, but I guess 80% is good." Ye Jin shook his head, "Senior Yang is in trouble."


There is a faint fragrance spreading in the room, which smells good, like spring flowers or winter wine.

Yang Qingfeng took a deep sniff, woke up, opened his eyes and looked at the top of the wooden bed for a long time, and then suddenly recalled what had happened before, so he hurriedly moved his injured right leg, but his face suddenly turned pale.

There was no sensation below the base of the leg, as if it had been completely severed.

He hurriedly stretched out his hand to touch it, but paused in the middle, for fear that he might touch half of the stump. The cutting edge might be like a dog chewing, very irregular—after all, the knife in the hands of the genius doctor before he passed out. , It looks a bit like a small dagger for cutting wild fruits in ordinary days, and it is not sharp.

Someone pressed his hand, but Lu Chai looked up.

"I..." Yang Qingfeng struggled, trying to sit up.

"Senior's sorrow." Lu Zhui's eyes were painful, "It's just a half leg, and it's gone. When Senior was in Riyue Villa, did you see Lao Yue?"

Yang Qingfeng's ears rang wildly, and said blankly: "Lao Yue?"

"Lao Yue was born with a disability, but he was determined and constantly striving for self-improvement," Lu Chai gushed, politely, "You can go to the mountains to fight tigers and fish in the river. The seniors can do more practice."

Yang Qingfeng muttered, "Yes, which leg is it?"

Lu Zhui said: "Two."

What is a thunderbolt in the sky, Yang Qingfeng has tasted it for the first time in this life-even if he was downgraded to seven levels in one day by the first emperor, it was less than three points at this time. His chest seemed to be crushed by a huge boulder, and he coughed violently.

Lu Zhui still said: "The poison is spreading. You can only saw both legs clean together. Seniors must not worry, otherwise, I am afraid that even the arms will not be kept."

Lu Wuming kicked his son behind him.

Lu Chai was caught off guard and staggered forward, just as Yang Qingfeng spit out black blood and sprayed him all over.




"Okay, well, it's okay if the poisonous blood comes out." Ye Jin sighed in relief, sat down on the side of the bed, and patted Yang Qingfeng, "The legs are okay, I'm bluffing you."

Yang Qingfeng cried: "The genius doctor is not going to lie to me."

Ye Jin: "..."

"Senior, I really lied to you." Lu Zhui also squatted by the bed and lifted the quilt up. "It's a bit wooden. I'll be back in three or five days."

Yang Qingfeng froze for a moment, then sat up abruptly, staring at his legs.

Lu Chai smiled all over his face: "The Lord Gu said that Senior must spit out the blood, so I said a few nonsense."

Yang Qingfeng wiped his tears and raised his hand to hit him.

Lu Chai dodged and murmured: "Senior doesn't thank you, even if you still want to beat me, it doesn't make sense."

Yang Qingfeng shook his hand and patted it both lightly and heavily. He didn't know whether he wanted to continue crying or laughing.

"Come out." Seeing that Yang Qingfeng was okay, Lu Wuming finally felt relieved and turned around and left the bedroom.

"It's over." Lu Chai complained, "Senior didn't faint for two more days. When I wake up, Dad will settle accounts with me."

Yang Qingfeng lowered his voice: "Are you in trouble again?"

Lu Zhui said: "Hmm." After practicing evil skills for a while.

"Don't be afraid," Yang Qingfeng coaxed him, "If something is really going on, let the kid from the Xiao family be beaten for you."

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