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Chapter 161: Decisive Battle (Part 2)

Wang Amao has nothing to do with Soul-piercing Dafa. He is a hapless tomb thief. He has been trapped in this dark place for nearly a month. The whole person has been stimulated, and his speech is upside down. He didn't want Lu Zhui to discover him, so he just stared secretly in the cracks of the coffin, but he accidentally made a noise. Seeing that Lu Zhui had pulled his sword out of its sheath, he had the courage to get out, trying to pretend to be scary. .

"Sit down first." Lu Chai said, "Calm down and listen to me."

Sitting by the fire, Wang Amao still choked up, pounding his chest and said, "Scared."

Lu Chai's mouth curled: "Even Mingyue's tomb would dare to steal. I didn't see how courage you were."

"I was deceived." Wang Amao wiped away his tears. "They coaxed me to say that this is the tomb of the king. The inside has been looted seventy to eighty times. I just wanted to come in again and see if I could I can’t pick up the leak, but I never thought I fell into the mechanism, and then...then I couldn’t get out."

"As a tomb thief, anyone who doesn't know Mingyue Tomb?" Lu asked.

"I just don't know!" Wang Amao became excited again, stammering for a long time before he could barely explain the matter. At first he was a small gangster in the village, and later he became a teacher of a tomb thief who was washing his hands in a golden basin. A year later, he realized that he had made a small achievement. He joined a group of tomb gangsters from the mountain, but he was teased and confused by his accomplices. Going into a cave dumbly, and then touching the mechanism dumbly, it just fell off.

"I've come in, only to find out that this is Mingyue Tomb, listen, Mingyue Tomb." Wang Amao shivered and cried again, "Is this a place where people can come in? Huh?"

"Then where did you see that this is the tomb of Mingyue?" Lu Zhui continued to ask.

"Front." Wang Amao stretched out his hand, "There is a painting in front of the life of Lu's family." After he said, "There is also a jade sculpture of the owner of the tomb, which looks quite like you. You, you really are not a ghost. ?"

"If I were a ghost, could I still be trapped here?" Lu Zhui poked him with the Qingfeng scabbard. "Now you and I are also difficult brothers, hand over the things first."

"What?" Wang Amao was inexplicable.

"Tools, don't you bring a set of shovel and hammer when you come to the tomb?" Lu asked.

"Yes." Wang Amao had an epiphany, and quickly took out a bag from the coffin. After it was unfolded, all kinds of tools were available, and there were even deep sea beads for lighting.

"Not bad." Lu Chai praised, "With these things, we should be able to touch them out."

"That's what you said." Wang Amao burst into tears, and once again felt sad, "I have eaten mice for more than half a month, and I'm dying."

"Stop!" Lu Chai raised his hand, "Let's go, take me to the screen first."

Wang Amao agreed and led Lu to chase through a narrow underpass, saying, "That's it."

In front of me is a gray cave, which looks like it was dug in a hurry. Inside, there are scattered wooden screens, dusty sheepskin scrolls, and a jade sculpture about the size of a life, which faintly glows in the dark. When the light comes, the carving is very fine, the jade band of the python robe, and the eyebrows are really similar to Lu Zhui.

So this is the jade sculpture of the master of Lu Mansion? Lu Zhui glanced at it again. The screen was engraved with the life of the Lu family and the digging process of this Mingyue tomb. On the parchment scroll was a map of the mountains and rivers of the time, which should be a very precious funeral. But this tomb is too crude.

"Hey, speak." Wang Amao felt a little nervous when he was silent.

"Tell me about you, and you haven't drilled into other graves, otherwise you can help me." Lu Chai sighed.

"...I have read books and heard stories." Wang Amao patted his chest, "Qin Shihuang Mausoleum was stolen by my master!"

"Your master dare to blow." Lu Chai touched the jade sculpture with his finger. "Then tell me, why the master of the Lu Mansion put his statue in this tattered tomb?"

Wang Amao muttered: "Maybe it wasn't broken before, it's been so many years, it collapsed."

"Impossible." Lu Chai said, "This tomb is not collapsed, but it has not been dug out at all."

"I haven't finished digging? It's too late." Wang Amao said casually.

Lu Zhui: "..."

Wang Amao has a guilty conscience: "Why don't you speak anymore?"

"Yeah, it's too late." Lu Zhuijing dialed a little, but he realized that since the Lu family's ending was defeated, it must be a turbulent battle. The final batch of burials prepared can only be hurriedly pulled into the tomb and found randomly. Place piled up.

"Then it seems that there is a dead end here, so there is no hope." Lu Zhui asked again, "Where did you fall after you fell? Go there and see."

"I don't know." Wang Amao said bitterly, "I fell fainted and got dark. I was scared, so I stumbled and ran all the way. I didn't know that after running for a few days, I found a little light here. Live now, you must save me."

"Xiongtai, I am a scholar, and you are a tomb thief. Now that you and I are both trapped here, shouldn't I count on you?" Lu Chai patted him on the shoulder, "I hope a scholar saves him and shame the ancestor."

Wang Amao didn't believe it: "Who are you cheating? The scholar has a sword."

"Well, I am a scholar who knows martial arts, and you are a tomb thief." Lu chased, "you should save me."

"You can pull it down." Wang Amao murmured, "I wish I could save you. It's fine, and I can make money even if I sell it."

Lu Zhui: "..."

"Well, well, follow me." Wang Amao saw that he didn't seem to be able to count on it. He waved his hand upset and stared at the digging history of the Mingyue Tomb for a long time, but he didn't see anything. Looking back, Lu Chai was full of sincere eyes, and had to twist his head back, racking his brains to recall some of the things Master said before, so entangled for a half of the time, and really remembered a few short stories, so he reached out The screen boy touched it carefully, and said with joy, "There are mechanisms!"

Lu Chai said alertly: "Wait!"

As soon as the voice fell, there were thousands of needles all around the screen. Lu Chai pulled Wang Amao around in mid-air, only to hear a "swish" sound on the side of his ears, and when he landed, a few silver needles were inserted on the hem of his clothes. .

Wang Amao was dumbfounded, his legs were soft, and if it weren't for Lu chasing, I'm afraid he could not even stand steady.

"I've said it, let you wait." Lu Chai patted him on the shoulder, "but it's a good job, it's a meritorious service."

Wang Amao cried: "It's too scary."

Lu Zhui returned to the screen, and if he only wanted to record the year and month of the Mingyue Tomb since the excavation, how many craftsmen and how many stones were used, it seemed that there was no need to set up such a dangerous institution, unless... there was something else in this screen. Secret.

Following the appearance of the talented king Amao, he also put his hand into that organ.

"Don't press it!" Wang Amao rolled around, sticking to the wall motionless.

Lu Zhui said, "Come and see."

Instead, Wang Amao called him: "Come here, come here, get down!" To die.

Lu Zhui said, "This screen has two layers."

"What is the lower level?" Wang Amao asked.

Lu Chai smiled: "Map of Mingyue Tomb."


Wang Amao was stunned for a moment. After realizing the meaning of this sentence, he was overwhelmed with ecstasy, and then ran to Lu Zhui's side: "With a map, with a map, can we go out?"

Lu asked him, "Can you understand?"

Wang Amaozai stared carefully for a long time, and said in frustration: "I don't understand."

Lu Zhui said, "I can understand."

Wang Amao knelt down on the ground as if he heard the sound of heaven, and said with tears, "As long as you can get out, you are my father!"

"Don't, I have a son." Lu Zhui looked at the map, and it was really close to the distribution of tombs that he had previously calculated. The only difference was that he dug up an extra crocodile with a strange layout under His Royal Highness Requiem. Deep pool.

"This should be where you fell in." Lu Chai pointed to a location on the map. "It was originally a secret door used to transport things to the tomb."

"Then let's find this place?" Wang Amao was excited.

Lu Chai said: "It is estimated that at that time, the team responsible for transporting the tombs did not return after they went out, and the cave remained open until you stumbled in and touched the organ and became a deadlock."

"Dead door?" Wang Amao felt desperate.

"Then this place is the main tomb of Mingyue Tomb." Lu Chai clicked on the map and took two steps back. "Don't talk, let me look at it again."

Wang Amao nodded repeatedly and shut his mouth tightly.

Lu Chai frowned, his eyes kept staring at the map. Those criss-cross lines floated up on the screen, and recombined in his mind to form a complete tomb with a sophisticated layout, and he finally found it in the Mingyue Tomb. Under the exquisite structure, this crocodile pool seems redundant, but it is the last barrier to guard the tomb. Even if someone breaks into the main tomb, they will be disturbed by the soul-attracting array when they leave the tomb after plundering the tomb. Dive into the crocodile pond.

In other words, there should be a road at the bottom of the Crocodile Pool leading to the main tomb of the Mingyue Tomb.

"Wang Amao." Lu Chai said decisively, "Do me a favor."

"What's busy?" Wang Amao asked.

"Have you learned boxing skills?" Lu asked.

Wang Amao nodded repeatedly.

Lu Zhui said again: "Do you know that there is a crocodile deep pool in front of you?"

"I know." Empress Wang Amao was terrified, "The ghost door is closed, I can't go."

Lu Zhui looked at him.

Wang Amao: "..."

Wang Amao cautiously said: "Are you going?"

"It's not me," Lu Zhui said, "it's us."

Wang Amao almost fainted: "Why?"

Lu Zhui said, "There may be a way at the bottom of the Crocodile Pool. This is our only opportunity."

"But...but I'm afraid, I, I..." Wang Amao stammered, shaking like chaff.

"You don't need to go into the water, I'll find the way, but you have to do me a favor." Lu Chai put his hands on his shoulders, "Rather than being stuck here and waiting to die, it's better to try to get out. If I can get out, I will Will bring someone to pick you up, you and I will all live well."

"How can I help?" Wang Amao asked tremblingly.

Lu Zhui took him back to the temporary residence, lit the torch again, and said, "Let's go and take a look."

Wang Amao agreed, his legs still weak, but seeing Lu Zhui speaking firmly, as if he was very confident, he also supported and followed him all the way to the Crocodile Pool.

Under the fire light, Lu Zhui could see the situation clearly. A shimmering deep pool, dozens of huge crocodiles lay on the shore, surrounded by stone walls, there are traces of knives and axes, and there are many small gaps, which can be used as steps to climb to high places.

Wang Amao hid behind Lu Chai: "After watching, let's go?"

"There, can you climb up?" Lu Chai pointed to a protruding stone wall from a high place.

"Me?" Wang Amao shook his head, "No."

"Look good!" Lu Zhui said, "Do you still want to go out?!"

Wang Amao sobbed twice, raised the torch and looked at it for a long time, and said: "Yes, yes." There are actually steps there. Although it is a little narrower, without these crocodiles, I am afraid that a naughty little boy can climb up. , Not to mention the tomb thief.

"If you can, all you have to do is climb up safely, and then climb down safely." Lu Chai said, "I will do the rest."

"Then what are you going to do?" Wang Amao asked.

Lu Zhui said, "Kill the crocodile."

"Kill? You can't kill, how many ghosts know how many." Wang Amao was surprised.

"I didn't say to kill it, three or five are enough." Lu Chai said, "Okay, you can go back and leave it to me here."

"You...you have to be careful." Wang Amao urged.

Lu Zhui agreed, inserted the torch into the crack, and drew out the sword with one hand.

Wang Amao quickly hid to a safe place, but did not leave, but watched carefully in the gap.

Lu Chai took a deep breath, suddenly exerting strength all over, leaping in the sky and slashing, the sword energy submerged into the water, bringing out a column of water soaring into the sky.

Wang Amao was stunned, this, this... this is a kung fu that has only been seen in the storybook!

The crocodile group was really enraged and crawled out of the water one after another, opening their mouths with sharp white teeth, trying to tear the uninvited guest to pieces. Lu Zhui took the opportunity to fly down, and the Qingfeng sword in his hand was like a steel nail, and it was heavily inserted into the iron-cast skull.

The crocodile roared, the pain gave it immense strength, the twisted body turned the pool out of the huge waves, and the scaly tail swung across the air. Lu Chai had to temporarily let go and dodge to avoid a blow. The injured crocodile continued to roll, trying to climb back into the water. Lu Zhui saw the timing and rushed up again. He firmly grasped the Qingfeng sword hilt with both hands, and his arms moved forward to throw the huge crocodile out of the sky. The skull broke away from the blade, and the entire giant crocodile slammed heavily on the stone wall, smashing the bones.

Wang Amao felt that even the ground under his feet was trembling. He supported the stone wall and his knees became soft again.

Lu chased forward to make up for two swords, and completely ended the spasm of hurting the crocodile. Then he leaned against the wall and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hero." Wang Amao ran over, this time even his name changed.

"Why are you still here?" Lu Zhui glanced at him and moved his numb wrist.

"I, I'll take a look." Wang Amao originally wanted to stay and help, but after thinking about it, he didn't seem to be able to help much, so he blushed and changed his opinion.

Lu Zhui smiled: "Thank you, since you haven't left, then think of a way to drag the crocodile to the airy clearing ahead."

This time, Wang Amao readily agreed, carrying his tomb-robbing baggage, and got some coffin boards, and soon he made a simple cart.

Lu Zhui gave his hands: "Admire."

Wang Amao chuckled and said, "Everyone in this line will do it, so as not to find the treasure but not to ship it out."

The corner of Lu Chai's mouth bends and he sits while resting against the wall, while Wang Amao straps the crocodile onto the cart, barely dragging it halfway, and getting to a clearing.

On Xiao Lan’s side, Kongkong’s hand looked for a few hours, and his expression changed from unwillingness at the beginning to a solemn expression-he finally realized the seriousness of the problem. This is indeed a dead end. Dead door opened.

"Senior." Xiao Lan probed.

Kong Kong Miaoshou was a little flustered, and whispered: "I...really, I didn't save it on purpose, grandson, this is like a dead end."

Xiao Lan's brows twisted into knots.

"I've said it a long time ago, dead end." Pharmacist smiled miserably, "The little devil has gone in, where can he let him out." After speaking, he looked at Tao Yuer, "Mrs. Tao, stop busy, it's useless."

No one paid any attention to her crazy words. Tao Yuer looked at the map without saying a word. After a while, she suddenly asked Kongkong's master: "Where does that secret road lead to the top of Madam Baiyu's tomb?"

"An old torture room." Xiao Lan said.

"Xing Fang?" Tao Yuer said, "Go, go and see first."

Xiao Lan agreed without asking more, and took her straight to the tomb of Mrs. Bai Yu. The others followed. Tao Yu'er had no interest in the mural painted with Mrs. Bai Yu. She hurriedly walked through the underpass, and finally stopped at the iron tiger army.

I only heard Xiao Lan and Lu Zhui say before, but no one has seen it before. This time I can see, Kongkong raised the torch in his hand and exclaimed, "It's a good thing."

"Why does Mrs. Tao come here?" Lu Wuming asked.

"There is a rumor that the owner of the Lu Mansion is obsessed with Madam Bai Yu, so infatuated that she wants to own her soul, so through Madam Bai Yu's tomb, it should be possible to find the entrance to the main tomb. Ming Yu had also introduced this before." Said, "The torture room at the end is just a pretender, there should be a way behind this iron tiger formation."

"The way to the main grave?" Xiao Lan said, "Can you find Mingyu?"

"The road of Your Highness Requiem should be able to lead to the main tomb." Tao Yuer said, "Since this can also lead to the main tomb, it can at least be closer to Mingyu."

"Good." Xiao Lan nodded, "I'll go over and take a look."

"Let's take a look?" Kongkong was shocked and grabbed him. "This thing can kill dozens of people with one end. Are you going to beat these hundreds of thousands by yourself?"

"Naturally, it's not a hard drive." Xiao Lan looked up at the top of the stone wall, "I crawled over from above."

Outside the tomb of Mingyue, Ah Liu was worried and restless.

"Don't wander around." Yue Dadao said, "I'm dizzy."

"You said Daddy was rescued or not." A Liuyi sat on the ground, "Otherwise I will go in and have a look?"

"Master and none of them came to call you, and it's useless to go." Yue Dadao pulled his sleeve, "Besides, father told you to stay here, whoever comes out and kills."

"The tomb of Mingyue is down, who else can come out." A Liu whispered and continued to sigh, full of irritability.

Yue Dadao held a dog's tail grass in his hand, and his face was also sad.

It took Lu Zhui overnight to kill three crocodiles. Together with Wang Amao, he chopped them into small pieces and put them on a thick rope for tomb robbers, spreading them out like bacon. Then I fell asleep, exhausted, and couldn't tell the time when it was dark, it was dark when I fell asleep, and it was still dark when I woke up.

The crocodile meat was roasted in a raging fire, and sizzling oil came out. Although the entrance was still rough and tough, neither of them disliked it. They silently ate a large piece of each, feeling that they had a lot of energy to come back.

"What are you going to do today?" Wang Amao asked again.

Lu Chai took out the iron chisel and the big nails from his bag, and said, "Go and get some iron stakes on the stone wall and hang the crocodile meat on it."

"What then?" Wang Amao was still puzzled.

"Then the crocodile in the pond will smell the blood, and they will rush to the shore, but they can only be in a hurry." Lu Chai said, "I took the opportunity to dive under the water to find a way, and you stand on the rock wall and see if there is any The crocodile had no patience and wanted to return to the water, so you cut a piece of meat for it, understand?"

Wang Amao thought for a while and nodded: "Yes."

"Don't worry." Lu Chase said, "If I can't find the way, I will get out again. We will think of other ways. If we can find a way out, I will definitely come back to save you. You must live well and be friends. , Go out and I will treat you to a good drink."

Wang Amao grinned rarely: "That's good."

Lu Chai shook his shoulders heavily, then stood up on his feet, climbing up the stone wall with a tool, and chiseling iron nails in.

A crisp voice echoed in the grotto. Wang Amao stood below and watched Lu Chase. For the first time, he knew that people could still live like this, even if they were trapped in this ghost cries and wolf howling, there was no way to escape. It can also make people... He doesn't know how to describe this feeling, but he only thinks he is very cool, so he wiped his eyes with his sleeves and climbed up to help.

Lu Zhui smiled: "Are you not afraid?"

Wang Amao held a hammer in his hand and smashed the stone wall to the sky.

Another day later, the steel nails were cut and the meat pieces were hung up. After plenty of rest and a full meal, Lu Chai asked for some stinky bullets from Wang Amao, and said, "Hide away."

"Why do you want to squeeze these things?" Wang Amao said disgustedly, "Smelly."

Lu Chai said: "He is covered in blood, and he has no clothes to change. You can only use these things to block the crocodile, otherwise I am afraid that it will be torn apart when it hits the water."

Wang Amao quickly covered his mouth and nose.

Lu Chai wrapped the rotten egg with his shirt and squeezed it with one hand. The stench dissipated suddenly, and Wang Amao's expression was tangled, almost vomiting.

Lu Zhui closed his breath and said, "Go!"

Wang Amao agreed. He climbed up the stone wall with his hands and feet, and cut a piece of meat with a dagger. After the air-dried skin was punctured, the stench of blood dripped down again. The crocodiles swarmed and stacked Arhats. Usually lie on the stone wall, open his mouth and look at it.

Looking back, seeing so many crocodiles opening their mouths under his feet, Wang Amao squeezed the rope wrapped around his waist. He felt a fever in his crotch, but fortunately he was still struggling, and he didn't fall to sit down.

Taking this opportunity, Lu Zhui jumped into the water with a "puff". The stench concealed the smell of blood, and the crocodile group in the distance did not come over. He closed his breath and touched it inch by inch under the water. The whole person was highly tense, and he could no longer care about the bone-to-shoulder chill.

The empty grotto pools, hundreds of fierce crocodiles, and countless burning torches are inserted on the stone walls, like the stars in the night sky, illuminating the surrounding area. In this bright hall, Wang Amao stood alone on the stone wall with a rope wrapped around his waist and a long knife in his hand, like a legendary lonely hero. But at this moment, he was very worried. He couldn't see how Lu Chai was. He could only follow what he said before. Seeing a crocodile could not wait to leave, he hurriedly cut a piece of meat and threw it down to win more for the people in the water. time.

In half an hour, Lu chased up to change his breath three or four times, but after diving into the water for the last time, he never came out again. The torches on the stone wall have gradually started to extinguish, the light disappeared inch by inch, darkness struck inch by inch, and the meat had been fed. The satiated crocodiles dragged their heavy bodies to turn around and slowly submerged in the water.

Wang Amao sat on the stone wall for a long time before climbing down and dragging his heavy legs back.

He should have found the way, he comforted himself. Sitting in the dark coffin, watching the large pieces of crocodile meat Lu Chai left him, Wang Amao felt that the past few days passed like a dream.

There was a faint sound of water in his ear, and Lu Zhui got up exhausted and staggered forward in the dark tunnel. There really was a dark ring in the pool. After pulling it apart, a huge current rushed him into the dark passage, his head knocked dizzy, and he didn't know how long he would wake up quietly.

The whole body was cold and painful, and even his limbs began to become numb. Lu Zhui felt that he could no longer think about anything, and could only rely on his instinct to walk forward stiffly step by step.

The world was dark except for darkness, and he longed to see a ray of light.


Xiao Lan was wearing a pair of silver silk gloves, with iron hooks tied to his wrists and ankles, clinging to the roof of the cave like a gecko, and slowly moving forward. Lu Wuming followed behind him, and the rest of them had a heart hanging in their throats, watching the two figures gradually disappear into the darkness.

No one knows how much this iron tiger army is, and no one knows whether another way can be found at the end of this road.

"Senior." Xiao Lan said, "There is a hidden weapon in front of him."

Lu Wuming said, "You and I change positions."

"No, seniors should be more careful." Xiao Lan said, "Follow me, don't touch the mechanism."

Lu Wuming agreed, and the two of them moved more slowly. Under them, the Iron Tiger army, who couldn't see his head, was watching the only intruder in thousands of years, silent and grim.


A faint light appeared before my eyes.

Lu Zhui was overjoyed, stood up again, and dragged his heavy legs forward. If his judgment was correct, this should be the main road leading to the entrance of the tomb. The wind blew towards the face, the half-damp clothes clinging to his body, like a heavy armor, Lu Chai grasped the Qingfeng sword tightly, still not daring to relax his vigilance, until he was sure that there was no strange sound outside, then he poked his head out. go with.

In front of him was an extremely familiar scene, a wooden figure with blood and tears in his eyes.

Lu Chai couldn't help standing upside down all over his body, and remembered the nightmare shadow of his childhood.

But the next moment, those wooden men slowly stood up, as if they were given life.


Xiao Lan leaped to the ground, his clothes soaked in sweat, and Lu Wuming was also sweating profusely. The two looked back at the mighty Iron Tiger army behind them, both a little afraid and thankful.

"There is really a road here." Xiao Lan unfolded the map, "According to mother's mark, if there is a road, we should go north."

Before he could finish a sentence, the ground under his feet began to tremble. The two of them had the same first reaction, is this Iron Tiger Army alive? But looking back, those cold-light ironware still remained motionless and lifeless.

"Mingyu!" An inexplicable premonition surged in Xiao Lan's heart, and he rushed northward.

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