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Chapter 162: The tomb of Mingyue opened again after being rescued

A sharp blade shining with cold light pierced from the fingers of the wooden men, and the head twisted stiffly, all staring in the direction of Lu Chai. There were faint hard objects in the eyes of the black hole, which were countless pairs of fresh eyes. , But now he can no longer shed half a tear.

Lu Zhui took two steps back, trying to temporarily retreat into the dark tunnel, but the speed of the puppets was faster than him, and they seemed to have tracks under their feet. In the blink of an eye, the tip of the knife came to him with the sound of the wind. .

Lu Zhui swept away the life-threatening blade and chopped it in half. The wooden man's heavy body smashed to the ground obliquely, but it happened to block the entrance of the underpass. At this time, more wooden men came over like a tide. Lu Chai was already exhausted, and he didn't have any more energy to deal with these hideous wooden monsters, so he took his last breath, gritted his teeth and swung his sword to make a way out. Come, use light power to fly all the way, trying to get rid of the chilling roar behind you.

Just as when he was a child, he was panicking and fleeing in this secret tunnel. The wooden man stopped at the end of the track, and Lu Chai’s body was so cold that his numb body finally recovered a little temperature, and the pain became clear. Only then, the sharp blades left many wounds of different depths on his body, and the blood continued to flow. Gushing out, almost soaking the clothes.

His physical stamina had reached its limit, and Lu Chai felt that his legs were gradually losing consciousness, like two heavy wooden stakes, which would soon be deeply nailed to the ground and could no longer move. After staggering forward for a few steps, he finally fell to the ground almost collapsed, and the Qingfeng Sword smashed a piece of dust on the ground with a clang.

Time is like still flowing water, and there is no sound beside the ears, only the night pearl inlaid on the sky is emitting a faint light. In this chaos, Lu Chai closed his eyes tiredly, but forced himself to open it again. He couldn't sleep. His vision was a little blurry, he raised his hand to rub it, but his palm was already stained with blood and mud so that he couldn't see the color, so he randomly wiped the stone pillar beside him, but he touched a certain mechanism again without thinking. The earth trembled again.

Lu Zhui cried secretly in his heart and held the Qingfeng Sword in his hand again. He didn't know what would be rushed out in the next moment, but no matter what it was, at this moment, he didn't seem to have enough strength to deal with it.

The golden light suddenly flooded the corridor.

Lu Zhui's eyes turned black, but even so, he could still barely see clearly, and it was the palace door in his childhood memory that opened suddenly. Behind the door was golden and brilliant, extravagant and extravagant, with countless red lotus cups on both sides. , Is emitting a bright light.

The blood flowed down the blade, dripping to the ground. Lu Chai sat down again against the stone pillar, but he didn't even have the strength to tear off a piece of clothing. He could only barely press the wound with his hand, seeing the golden patch in front of him blur again. The red lotus bulb burned, like a drop of blood falling into the ocean.

Enticing the soul. Lu Zhui thought.

This is the last trace of his consciousness before the coma.


The Wujin Iron Whip exploded a piece of sawdust in the air, and it seemed like a heavy snowfall in the air. The mutilated wooden figures creaked under their feet, still stubbornly attacking the new invaders. Lu Wuming waved his sword and slashed across the head of a wooden figure in front of him, and said to Xiao Lan: "Go to Mingyu, give it to me here!"

Xiao Lan agreed and ran to the north with a big stride. If he said he was not sure before, but only after seeing the broken wooden figures, he could already conclude that Lu Zhui must be trapped in this corridor. somewhere. Sure enough, at the corner of the end, a blood-covered person was lying on the ground, motionless, there was a muffled noise in Xiao Lan's mind, and he almost staggered forward and helped him up: "Mingyu! "

Lu Chai closed his eyes tightly, his whole body was cold, his face pale as paper. As soon as Xiao Lan grasped the scarred wrist, he felt that his pulse was beating thinner than spider silk, intermittently, as if it would stop completely in the next moment.

"Hold on." Xiao Lan took out the wound medicine from his arms, squeezed his mouth and fed a pill in, then picked up the clean clothes, torn into rags, and bandaged the serious wounds that were still leaking blood. . Lu Wuming also rushed over at this time. After seeing his son who was covered in blood and unconscious, he was completely empty, Hejian scabbard stepped forward, his voice hoarse and said, "How is Mingyu?"

"You have lost too much blood, you have to go back quickly." Xiao Lan took off his robe and wrapped it up.

Lu Wuming held his shoulders: "You will pass through the Iron Tiger Army when you go back. You may not be able to do it with Mingyu. Why not stay here first, I will go back and invite Master Ye Gu."

"When the seniors come and go, it will take a day and a half to say nothing." Xiao Lan hugged Lu Chai horizontally, "Mingyu can't wait so long, I'll go find a way to dismantle the mechanism."

"Remove the Iron Tiger Army's organs?" Lu Wuming was surprised at first, then shook his head, "I know you are in a hurry, but no matter how urgent you are, you can't mess around."

"At least try." Xiao Lan looked at the person in her arms, "Senior believes me."

Lu Wuming sighed inwardly, but when he saw that he was stubborn, he agreed. The three of them turned back and walked out, without a second glance at the magnificent hall behind them. At this moment, no matter how many pearls and gold piled up, it is no more than a bed, a bowl of porridge, and a dose of medicine.

The wooden formation was broken, leaving only the cold and dignified Iron Tiger Army. Xiao Lan chased Lu into Lu Wuming's hands, and squeezed Wujin's whip with his right hand, his eyes sullen like a wolf-he had no other choice but to pass this level.

Lu Wuming lifted his palm and slowly injected a ray of true energy into Lu Chai’s chest, temporarily protecting his weak heart, but he couldn’t bear to look at his pale, paper-like face again. He only gently raised his outer robe, and finally A wisp of wind also kept his son out.

The Wujin iron whip swept through the air with a whistling sound, the soft and hard whip body seemed to be alive, lightly and dexterously avoiding the rest of the iron tiger army, only biting the rightmost end, and then volleyed it up. It hit the other side of the corridor with lightning speed.

The outer armor made of cold iron was smashed into pits and pits, the organs inside the body "gapped", and the angry iron tiger raised its tail high and leaped towards Xiao Lan. Wu Jin whip opened his fangs again, Xiao Lan didn't want to smash the iron tiger into a pile of scrap iron, so he played extremely patiently, most of the time he dodged and avoided, after hundreds of moves, the iron tiger rushed over again, and Xiao Lan just saw the time. The machine, stuck the cold tiger head with one hand, and twisted it into two.

Tiehu finally calmed down, lying on the ground, turning into a pile of useless scrap iron.

Xiao Lan said to Lu Wuming, "Senior, let's go back first."

Lu Wuming nodded, the time is urgent, and no one can afford to delay. It is natural that Xiao Lan can disassemble the mechanism this time. If he can't disassemble, at least he can bring some medicine back as soon as possible. After he settled Lu Zhui, he once again climbed up to the top of the cave like a gecko, hooked the gap with a sharp blade, and turned back along the path.

Xiao Lan sat next to Lu Zhui and took out a pair of exquisite tools from his sleeve. This was a gift from empty hands. Although the iron tiger was beaten in two, it was only broken at the connection. The organs in the body were still intact. Xiao Lan carefully took it apart, and more than a hundred gears were interlocking with each other, even after thousands of years. The baptism is as smooth as new and exquisite.

After removing the small parts one after another and laying them on the ground, Xiao Lan felt that she had never been so nervous in her life, but she had never been so calm. An hour later, his back was thoroughly soaked in cold sweat, but he was still paying attention. He frowned and stared at Tiehu's abdomen. After a long time, he used tweezers to pinch out a small gear.

The mechanism made a soft noise, as if tightening a little in the opposite direction, Xiao Lan tried to twist Tiehu's limbs with his hands, but did not move.

Lu Chai groaned in a coma.

"Good." Xiao Lan patted him, stood up on his own support, returned to the front of the iron tiger, and **** another iron tiger with a whip. But this time, he didn't break his neck, but let him run wild. Seeing that he had reached the front, he just jumped up and stepped on three inches from the back of the iron tiger with one foot.

The gears were tightened in the opposite direction again, and the iron tiger became a stationary display.

Xiao Lan finally breathed a sigh of relief, but still didn't dare to care. He tried three or four iron tigers again and again, and after confirming that the position was indeed correct, he stepped into the iron tiger army and detained the front iron tiger's mechanism.

One gear after another was tightened, and Xiao Lan quickly caught up with Lu Wuming. Seeing that he had broken the mechanism, Lu Wuming was overjoyed and leaped to his side. The two moved their hands together, and the speed was much faster, and on the other side of the Iron Tiger army, everyone was waiting eagerly. In the end, Tao Yuer saw it first and stretched out his hand to push the empty hand on his side: "Look, there is Isn't there any movement?"

"What's going on?" Kongkong Miao hand rubbed his eyes quickly, and looked over on tiptoe. After a while, he patted his thigh, and said with joy, "Yes, yes, it is like Lu Wuming who is dismantling the mechanism."

"Where is Lan'er?" Tao Yuer felt empty, but she became even more worried. Finally, after Lu Wuming approached a little bit, she hurriedly asked, "How is it?"

"Lan'er went back to pick up Mingyu." Lu Wuming said, "Where is the Lord Ye Gu?"

"In the Requiem Hall, looking at the old witch." Tao Yuer asked urgently, "Who is injured?"

"Mingyu." Lu Wuming detained the last iron tiger's mechanism, "Hurry up and send someone to prepare medicine and hot water, and then cook some porridge and rice."

"Well, it's good if someone finds it." Tao Yuer agreed again and again, turning around and running to prepare. Kongkong's wonderful hand grabbed Lu Wuming and asked, "Who broke this iron tiger's mechanism? But Lan'er?"

"Yes." Lu Wuming nodded.

Kong Kong Miao's face was full of shock, and her lips moved, but she didn't say a word, she could only cry with joy, and writhed with her hands in circles, her eyes were very proud.

After a while, Xiao Lan also walked back with Lu Zhui in his arms, Kong Kong's hand hurriedly asked, "How did you break the mechanism?"

"Tell seniors when you have time." Xiao Lan only left a word, and hurried to the Red Lotus Hall with someone, leaving nothing but sitting on the spot with his wonderful hands, watching Tiehu smirk and wonder.

Ye Jin had already been guarding the Red Lotus Hall. Although she was mentally prepared, she was still dizzy when she saw the half-dead Lu Chai, desperate to curse. Why can he endure such due diligence when he is injured, so he can't just perfunctory and only bring back a few bloodstains?

The servant brought out two pots of blood clothes from the house. Tao Yuer felt numb when she looked outside. Even if she didn't believe in gods and Buddhas, she also chanted a few words about Amitabha in her heart at this time, begging God to show mercy. A Liu and Yue Dadao also hurried over, saying that a few of the Mingyue Tomb disciples came out, carrying jewelry and trying to sneak, but they had been blocked in the back mountain.

"Senior Yang is standing there now, we will come back first, is the son okay?" Yue Dadao asked urgently.

"It's okay, Master Ye Gu is getting medical treatment." Tao Yuer patted her, "Be quiet, don't disturb the people inside."

"Yeah." Yue Dadao was worried, but couldn't help much. He could only hold Ah Liu's hand and waited outside.

An hour later, Lu Chai was wrapped in bandages by Ye Jin. He took the medicine again. The pulse phase finally returned. His eyelashes trembled slightly, as if to open his eyes, but his eyelids were as heavy as stitches. Tingling.

"It's safe, sleep well." Xiao Lan shook his hand to comfort.

Lu Chai's lips moved, his voice was low.

"What?" Xiao Lan moved her ear closer.

"Your Highness Requiem," Lu Zhui said intermittently, "Crocodile Lake, there is still a person trapped there."

"Who is it?" Xiao Lan asked.

"Wang Amao." Lu Zhui was dazed, before he could finish speaking, he passed out again.

Ye Jin wondered next to him: "I just said...Wang Amao?"

Xiao Lan shook his head: "I don't know."

"It doesn't matter what Amao, let the second boss take a good rest." Ye Jin glanced at Lu Chai on the bed and said to Xiao Lan, "Let's go out and talk."

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