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Chapter 33: Interrogation

Hot water is a good thing. It can cure all diseases without spending money, but it is a bit bad, and it is easy to panic after drinking too much.

Lu Chai was lying on the bed, feeling that as long as he moved a little, he would make a bang in his belly.

So he sighed: "Even the genius doctor Ye Jin, who is ranked number one in the world, can't compare with such a treatment method." If you don't signal your pulse, you don't see a doctor. A pot of hot water travels the world.

Xiao Lan sat on the edge of the bed and shook his wrist to test the pulse.

Lu Chai looked at him without blinking.

The pulse under his fingers was beating steadily, and Xiao Lan was a little puzzled, and his brows wrinkled three minutes.

Lu asked: "A few months this time?"

Xiao Lan couldn't laugh or cry, and put his hand back on the quilt: "It's been a few months this time, your pulse phase is pretty normal."

Lu Zhui said, "Isn't this a good thing? You are frowning, and I will give birth tomorrow."

"But since you have red marks on your body, why is your pulse not different?" Xiao Lan said helplessly, "I don't know how to worry."

Lu Chai decisively covered his mouth.

Xiao Lan: "..."

Lu Zhui said: "I said it, this time it really doesn't matter, and it has nothing to do with poison." After that, he added, "You will understand in the future."

"Really?" Xiao Lan asked.

Lu Chai's eyes throbbed, and slowly moved up to look at the top of the bed, floating and saying: "Tell the business."

Before Xiao Lan spoke, Lu Zhui said sadly, "No, I have to go to the cottage first." After saying that, he jumped out of the bed and ran out of the bedroom with his shoes, fast.

Ah Liu in the courtyard was taken aback. He squatted at the door of the cottage and listened for a long time, then turned to look at Xiao Lan with a very suspicious look: "What did you do to my father?"

Xiao Lan said, "I didn't do anything."

Who do you lie to, look at my father's panic and Huarong pales. Ah Liu coughed twice and said, "I don't believe it, unless you swear."

Xiao Lan: "..."

Ah Liu had a bull-tempered temper. Seeing that he didn't speak, he became even more stubborn.

Xiao Lan shook his head in his heart and didn't want to listen to him anymore, so he raised his right hand and said, "I swear, I really don't have anything...Hey!"

A white shadow passed by the courtyard, as if stepped on wind and electric light. Ah Liu didn't even see what was going on, only felt a chill passing by his side, causing pain in his cheeks.

Xiao Lan was caught off guard, he staggered back two steps, and stood firmly against the wall with his back.

Lu Zhui covered his mouth and said, "You are not allowed to swear in my courtyard, nor are you allowed to swear such an oath."

Xiao Lan frowned, "Have you washed your hands after going to the hut?"


Of course, cough. Lu Chai quickly put his hands behind him, calmly: "I've washed it."

Xiao Lan shook his head in his heart and wiped his mouth twice with his sleeve. He didn't know whether he should be angry or laugh, "I'm convinced."

Only A Liuyi was at a loss and asked in the courtyard: "Father, there are ghosts in the cottage?" Otherwise, why did he rush out in such a shock that even the water tank was swayed.

The son was so stupid, Lu Zhui patiently changed the subject and said, "What happened to the Eagle Claw Gang?"

"No." Ah Liu replied, "I just sat on the ground half-dead and didn't suffocate."

"Let's go and see again." Lu Zhui patted Xiao Lan, "I just came out of interrogation and said that the secret weapon in the Li Mansion was Qiu Peng to deal with the surname Lu, but I don't know who it is."

"The last name is Lu?" Xiao Lan said, "Isn't it for you?"

"But I haven't offended the Eagle Claw Gang." Lu Chase said, "Furthermore, if Qiu Peng believes in a rumor, it can be justified if Qiu Peng believes that he wants to tie me to the red lotus cup, but it sounds like it is going to be placed. People are dead, what did he do so much to kill me?"

Xiao Lan said: "There are not many masters surnamed Lu in this arena. You are one of them, and there are... Lu Wuming seniors more than twenty years ago."

Lu Chai frowned: "My father?"

Xiao Lan said, "I'm just guessing. Maybe it's someone else, but it's important to guard against others. It's better to be careful."

"I know." Lu Chai nodded, "Go and ask again. Since I tied the person this time, I didn't plan to put it back. Recently, all the schools in the city are talking about the Red Lotus and the Eagle Claw Gang. These two people are strangely missing, and they will surely be messed up."

"What then?" Xiao Lan asked.

"Then I will ask Lin Wei to persuade the three of the Shadow Chasing Palace to make trouble in Li Mansion." Lu Zhui said, "The city and Li Mansion are in chaos before I can force Qiu Peng to take action. There is one more thing for you. Maybe I don’t know. I received a letter from Flying Pigeon this morning. Aunt Gui led someone out of the Mingyue Tomb a few days ago. If you count the days, you should have already arrived near Luoxi Pingwan."

"No one passes it through, but I can guess." Xiao Lan was not surprised. "Go back and rest. Leave the rest to me."

Lu Chai nodded: "Okay."

Xiao Lan turned and went to the side house.

A Liu stood in the courtyard and looked left and right, but eventually he squeezed into Lu Chai's bedroom.

There are some things you still have to ask, otherwise you will feel uneasy.

Lu Zhui was leaning on the bedside comfortably, holding the hot teapot in his hand, not drinking, just to warm his hands. I only wore a thin blouse. The fine embroidered cloud brocade and white snow silk was slippery than water. If I didn't pay attention, I would drop my shoulders, revealing a crimson hickey on my neck—it was really a hickey and had nothing to do with poison. Related to lingering fish and water.

Black hair as black as ink, white and soft profile face, and even the fingers holding the teapot are soft and long. A Liu sighed: "Father, you are so beautiful."

Lu Chai closed his eyes and did not open them, as if sleeping but not sleeping, whispered and coaxed: "You look good too."

A Liu was beaming, holding a chair by the bed: "Don't sleep first, don't sleep first."

"What do you want to do?" Lu Zhui handed him the cold teapot.

A Liudao: "Father just now said, I have a mother?"

Lu Chai blinked, and it took a long time to remember this, so he said, "Yeah."

Ah Liu asked: "Does it look good?"

Lu Zhui said, "It looks good."

Ah Liu asked, "Which one looks good?"

Looking at those eyes that were shining with sincere light, Lu Zhui felt like he should not deceive more, lest there be another ghost cry and wolf howling in the future. It is better to proceed step by step, so he said: "The unruly and unrestrained Kind of pretty."

Ah Liu wondered: "Huh?"

Lu Zhui lay flat and covered the quilt: "Yeah."

Ah Liu looked puzzled, after thinking for a long time, he still felt a little unimaginable, what kind of mother this should be.

Lu Zhui had already closed his eyes and fell asleep.

A Liubaiclaw scratched his heart, dragged his cheeks with both hands to look at him, very sad.

Isn’t it good to find someone who knows how to sew clothes and cook? Why is it now unruly and chic? This type of chicken knows that you can’t make needlework stewed chicken soup at first. Patch clothes.

I immediately felt that even the future was dimmed.

Why don't you think about it and change one?

Even if it is not good-looking, as long as the rice and rice are good, it will be fine.

In the side room, the two of the Eagle Claws looked at Xiao Lan, only when he and Lu Zhui were in the same group, and believed that all of this was a planned conspiracy, thinking that they might be driving from Jinshui City to Wushuang. On the big ship in the city, he was already being watched, but it was a pity that he failed to watch out in time and ended up like this.

Xiao Lan asked: "What is the relationship between Qiu Peng and Li Yin?"

The other party was unwilling to say: "You also served the Three Corpse Pill, so you are not afraid of death?"

The corner of Xiao Lan's mouth raised: "Of course I'm afraid, so after asking you, I will go back to the dense forest and back to Qiu Peng, waiting for him to give me the antidote."

The other party was choked back.

Xiao Lan repeated it again: "What is the relationship between Qiu Peng and Li Yin?"

The other party was silent for a moment. He didn't want to say anything, but remembering the handful of Three Corpse Pills in Lu Chai's hand, he gritted his teeth and said, "Li Yin was originally from the Eagle Claw Gang."

"That's right." Xiao Lan said, "Let's talk about why he was sent to this Frost City, why did he stay incognito for so many years? Why did Qiu Peng leave Qiong Island this time and take all the things you know? Say it all out." He didn't deliberately mention the old house of the Xiao family and the massacre of the door more than 20 years ago, nor did he want to reveal his identity prematurely.

The room was quiet for a long time, like the eagle claw helped the two weigh the pros and cons, but in the end they confessed to them-after all, no one wants to take the Three Corpse Pills for dinner, and there is still a way to survive once a month. It hurts for more than ten or twenty days in January. When the hands and feet are numb, the whole body is weak, I am afraid that even death is a luxury.

"Twenty years ago, the leader received a letter." The two members of the Eagle Claw Gang recalled in turn, "There is no signature, and I don't know who wrote it."

At that time, the Eagle Claw Gang was still a small sect, and Qiu Peng was not as male and female as he is now. After receiving the letter, he was overjoyed and recruited several henchmen into the dark room overnight, saying that he would discuss major issues.

"There is Li Yin in those confidantes. His original name is Fu Yan'er, but his martial arts is mediocre, and his brain is good enough." The two continued, "The others came back one after another, but Fu Yan'er stayed. It was only a few years later that we heard that he bought a house and land in Wushuang City, under the pseudonym Li Yin and became a landlord."

"You don't know what was written in that letter, do you?" Xiao Zhan asked.

The two nodded: "I really don't know this. After reading it, the letter was also burned by the leader. But the people who heard it later said that they went to Frost City to kill people."

Xiao Lan said: "Who to kill?"

The other party replied: "Kill a rich family named Xiao."

Although Xiao Lan looked calm, she clenched her fist, as if she was about to crack her bones into powder. Li Yin usually calls Qiu Peng his son. He hadn't thought about this possibility before, but he hadn't taken the initiative to ask him because he was afraid that he might startle him. I heard this in person, but my mood was still ups and downs, I just wished that the people behind the scenes could be picked out and hated for my family one by one.

The light in the room was dim, and the Eagle Claw Gang did not notice the abnormality, but continued: "It's just that although things are going well, the leader does not seem to be satisfied. Those who return to the island did not receive any rewards until After a long time, I heard one of them reveal that the Xiao family had been killed clean, but nothing was found. Most of the action failed. It is a blessing to be able to save his life. How dare you to ask for other things."

Xiao Lan asked, "What?"

The other party replied: "Red Lotus Cup."

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