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Chapter 34: Takedai

It is red lotus cup again.

Xiao Lan closed his eyes slightly, not knowing what he was feeling. It seems that from birth to the present, all the ups and downs that I have gone through are related to it. The old mansion of Xiao Family in Frost City and the tomb of Mingyue in Fuhunling, as long as they are related to these three words, both are **** rivers and dead bodies. Everywhere.

What is even more absurd is that even though he is here, he has become the person farthest from the truth. My aunt avoided talking, and my mother kept a secret. Everyone only asked themselves to get the red lotus cup, but everyone didn't say what it was for. Countless fragments scattered in my mind, the truth seems to be close in front of my eyes, but it seems to be far away.

What is concealed, erased, disappeared, and incomplete is not only the memories of the past, but also the life of one's own past.

The room became quiet again.

When the two disciples of the Eagle Claw help saw him not speaking for a long time, they did not dare to speak out. He looked up to see his complexion, but the setting sun outside was covered by half of a dark cloud, and the surroundings were dark and dark for an instant, and only the fuzzy silhouettes could be seen clearly, hiding in the thick blackness.

After a while, Ah Liu cautiously pushed the door in and lit the lamp on the table.

The dim yellow halo flickered, and the faces of the two people on the ground became more and more worried, wondering if they had said something wrong.

Although Ah Liu didn't know what was going on in the house, he could also detect the abnormality, so he decisively dragged the eagle's claws to help the two go out, and temporarily locked them in a ventilated cellar. When he came up, Xiao Lan also left the side room, sitting on the stone bench in the courtyard to blow the air.

Ah Liu wanted to speak but stopped.

Xiao Lan said, "What's wrong?"

Ah Liu reminded: "That's my father's stool." Put the embroidered cotton cushion, it is white and white, you can pay if you sit dirty.


Xiao Lan silently changed a stone bench.

now it's right. Ah Liu cleared his throat and sat opposite him, "What happened just now?"

"It's nothing." Xiao Lan said, "It's just that the two people admitted that Qiu Peng was behind the Xiao family's massacre. It's hard to calm down."

That's it. Ah Liu asked: "Then you are going to kill Qiu Peng and avenge your Xiao family?"

Xiao Lan shook his head: "The reason why Qiu Peng would do it is because someone wrote him a letter saying that the Xiao family has a red lotus cup."

"So I have to find out who wrote the letter?" A Liu frowned and asked after a while, "Does Mrs. Tao know about this?"

Xiao Lan did not answer.

A Liu comforted: "Now that you are by Qiu Peng's side, you should be able to ask the truth soon." Xiao Lan finally raised his eyes and said, "You seem to be in a good mood today."

"Really?" A Liu chuckled, then said, "In fact, it's not really good, but there are some small good things."

Seeing that he couldn't hide his laughter, Xiao Lan also raised the corners of his mouth: "What is good, let's hear it."

This is what you want to ask. Ah Liuli dragged the stone bench infinitely, and Kang Dangdang sat next to him, so that the two of them could get closer, so that they could whisper.

Xiao Lan: "..."

Xiao Lan said, "It seems to be a really great thing."

A Liu said in a low voice: "My father found me a mother."

Xiao Lan frowned: "Which father are you?"

Which dad could there be, Ah Liu said with a stern expression: "I only have one dad." After that, he felt that it was not right, so he added, "Two."

Xiao Lan looked at him silently.

Ah Liu couldn't hold back his joy, and continued: "I just found out just now, my father said it himself."

Xiao Lan said with a paralyzed face: "Your father asked you to dream about it?"

What dream is it! A Liu pushed him and said with joy: "It's my father!" As he said, he pointed to the bedroom.

The cold wind was blowing, and it was cold from head to toe, and there was a thunder from the horizon.

Xiao Lan felt a little puzzled and a little dazed. Originally I wanted to say why I didn't know, but after thinking about it, I really had no reason to know first.

Love, love, love is the most common thing in this world, and the other party is one of the best sons of Pian Pianjia, I am afraid that from the important minister in the court to the martial arts prominent family, and then to ordinary people, there will be many people who want to marry their daughters.

It should be strange that such a person has not been married until now?

It's just that reason is one thing, but reality is another.

Xiao Lan's mind was chaotic, his ears hummed, and his heart was empty, as if she had lost something extremely important.

Ah Liu finally noticed something strange, and said carefully, "Hey, are you okay?"

Xiao Lan returned to his senses and reluctantly said, "It's okay."

"But you're like this, it's obviously something." A Liu shook his arm, "have you gotten into practice?"

Xiao Lan asked, "Whose girl is your mother?"

"Huh?" Ah Liu was still worried about his abnormality, but he didn't expect to wait for such a sentence, and said after a moment, "I don't know."

Xiao Lan's expression was cold: "Don't know?"

"I don't know." Ah Liu rubbed his nose, "I asked my father, but he refused to say, but said that my mother is a very good-looking person."

Xiao Lan asked again, "How good is it?"

Ah Liu thought for a while, and felt that the uninhibited and unrestrained and unrestrained and unrestrained, it is better for his family to know, so he casually said: "The posture is graceful, and the eyebrows are also very gorgeous. If you have nothing to do, just embroider peony flowers at home.

Xiao Lan said, "What's your name?"

Ah Liu covered his mouth: "Then I can't tell you, my father won't let me say."

Xiao Lan did not speak any more, got up and left the courtyard.

This person is weird. After Ah Liu squatted at the door, staring at his back and disappearing, he patted his **** and returned to the courtyard, rolled up his sleeves and chopped wood for cooking, still blowing a small tune in his mouth.

Lu Zhui was awakened by the smell of chicken soup.

With a chicken **** in his mouth, Ah Liu was eating calmly in the courtyard. Seeing Lu Chai came out, he hurried to the kitchen and served a bowl of soup. He had two legs and two wings, and the best was taken for his father.

"Xiao Lan is gone?" Lu asked.

"Yeah, I've already left." Ah Liu added two more oil lamps in the kitchen to make the surroundings brighter. He also sat at the small wooden table and continued to nibble the chicken in the bowl. "No more have been examined. The thing, just to say that Qiu Peng was instructing Li Yin to destroy the Xiao family. Dad had guessed it a long time ago. It's nothing unusual."

Lu Chai nodded and ate the chicken legs.

"That's right, there's something else." A Liudao, "Qiu Peng only learned that the Xiao family had a red lotus cup after receiving a letter."

"Really?" Lu Chai raised his head.

"Yes, but for the time being, I don't know who the person who wrote the letter is." A Liu added a spoon of hot soup to him, "Maybe he is the real master behind the scenes."

"What did Xiao Lan say?" Lu Zhui asked again.

"He didn't say anything. At first he was fine, but later he looked like he was not in a good mood, but I didn't say anything." A Liudao, "Just say that Dad found me a mother, and he thundered. When I asked whose girl I was, I said I didn’t know, and he left with a sullen face."


Lu Chai's head buzzed: "You..."

"I didn't cause trouble, right?" Ah Liu tentatively.

Lu Chai Nao Renzi was in a lot of pain, so he resigned and fished a chicken leg into his bowl: "It's okay, eat."

"Where is it all right, look at his reaction, and his father's expression, it is clear that something is going on." Ah Liu was very clever once, with no appetite, and felt that he seemed to be in trouble. After pondering for a long while, he was shocked: "Could he like my mother too?"

Lu Chai was dumbfounded.

Sure enough... Ah Liu felt that he sharply touched the hidden truth in it.

Lu Zhui said, "You are not allowed to speak again for three days."

Ah Liu immediately burst into tears, why?

Lu Zhui said, "Turn around."

A Liu obediently did it.

Lu Zhui dropped his head on his generous back, unwilling to move, and didn't know whether he should cry or laugh.

What's all this...

Xiao Lan did not return to the dry woods south of the city.

Did not return to Qingcang Mountain.

He didn't even know where he was going, he just kept walking aimlessly. From the gorgeous sunset to the twinkling of stars, and then to the edge of the cliff, watching the end of the sky gradually reveal a white fish belly.

The dew soaked the shoulders, and the cool breeze pierced the bone marrow. It seemed that even the golden sunrise couldn't drive away the chill. On the contrary, it was like a sharp blade, tearing the heart apart.

He vaguely felt that he shouldn't be alone.

From beginning to end, you shouldn't be so alone.

The mountains were silent, and the snow melted bit by bit, falling slowly along the hard cliffs, fainting thin wet marks after another.

Even time is almost frozen.

Xiao Lan closed his eyes fiercely, waved his hand and slammed into the stone wall, condensing ten percent of his internal strength. It seems that as long as the obstacles in front of you are pushed aside, you can firmly grasp the past. There was a huge roar, and countless powder and dust rose into the sky, and fell in the sky, even the surface of the earth vibrated slightly, cracking tortuous gaps.

Only after all this, the clouds gathered again, trapped in the mountains and in the heart.

Exhausted, Xiao Lan leaned back and sat under the old tree, looking dispirited.

A delicate voice suddenly said, "Wow."

Xiao Lan suddenly opened his eyes.

A dozen steps away, a girl in her twenties is wearing a green dress, like a curvaceous willow tree on the bank of a river in spring.

Xiao Lan frowned: "Who are you?"

The girl said: "My name is Yue Dadao."

Xiao Lan shook his head: "The girl's house shouldn't be here."

"I don't want to come either. I'm lost." The other party frowned. "Do you have anything to eat?"

Xiao Lan said, "No."

The other party asked again: "Then can you take me down the mountain?"

Xiao Lan sighed, stood up and said, "Let's go."

Seeing his promise, the girl immediately became happy, and whispered all the way, and asked: "Are you from the rivers and lakes?"

Xiao Lan said, "No."

"You must be, I can see it." The girl put one hand in the small cloth pocket on her waist, and said again, "I will marry someone from the rivers and lakes in the future."

Xiao Lan said, "Who are you going to marry?"

When he heard that, the girl became shy, but she couldn't suppress her mid-term hope. Ai Ai said, "You, have you ever heard of a master in the martial arts called Yuliuqi?"

Xiao Lan stopped abruptly.

The other party is full of joy.

Xiao Lan calmly said, "Never heard of it."

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