Go Legend

Chapter 339: First chess without disaster

   Chapter 339

  It was after 11:00 am, when Lao Nie came to the chess institute, the topic of discussion seemed to be crooked from the very beginning, and everyone actually discussed the historical changes of the Go format with great interest.

Of course, because this is a domestic game, everyone won't just focus on the outcome, that's why there is such a leisurely mood. No, at 11:30, Old Nie was still in high spirits, and he announced to everyone. His new discoveries:

   "Xiao Zhang", Lao Nie directly ordered reporter Zhang Da's general:

   "Did you notice the change in the upper right corner?"

   "Which change? It's the change in which black chess "drums" and then white chess over again? What's wrong with this change? It's very common."

"Ordinary?! You actually said that this change is ordinary!" At this time, Old Nie actually put on a slightly exaggerated tone: "Oh, of course you seem to be ordinary now, I can tell you, it's just these two moves, right, it's a small one. The exchange of this "drum" and this "flipping" hand that Zhang just mentioned has a lot of history."

   "What's the origin?" Seeing that Lao Nie said so exaggeratedly, in fact, the more important thing is that everyone saw that he was so interested, and other reporters gathered around him one after another.

   "This exchange, especially this "flip", is not available in the old Japanese chess. Yes, the "Japanese ancient chess" I am talking about here, who is the Japanese Go before Mr. Wu?"

After   Old Nie toured the reporter group, he aimed at reporter Zhang Da again:

"I guess you should know, Xiao Zhang, that in the past, when dealing with this "drum", Japanese Go only had a "retreat" play instead of such a "flip". In fact, now, this "retreat" play It still exists, but since Mr. Wu arrived in Japan, it may be because he has learned medieval chess before, and he dislikes this move to "retreat" too loosely, and he is suspected of showing weakness. In short, he rarely makes this move. "Retreat", in this situation, it must be a "flip", and relying on this method to win a lot of chess, for example, in his ten 10-fold chess games against Fujisawa Tonzai, against Hashimoto Yutaro, etc. Examples can be seen everywhere. It can be said that under the influence of Mr. Wu, this step of "reversing" has become the mainstream of this formula. Although the original step of "retreat" still exists, more and more people adopt it. It has gradually become a non-mainstream method.”

"oh, I see"

   After listening to old Nie Mi, the reporters were all staring at the seemingly ordinary two-handed chess on the chessboard.

   Indeed, this is actually one of the charms of Go. Some seemingly ordinary moves will become a little "historical" because of a story or an allusion.

   And of course, Lao Nie today is not to let everyone feel the "heavy sense of history", but to tell about his new discoveries. Seeing that the initial effect has been achieved, Lao Nie continues to say proudly:

   "But you don't know, Li Xiangping never takes this step to "flip". In this situation, he must "retreat" one."

   "Huh?! Really"

   "Huh? How do you know, Old Nie"

  The reporters were amazed and expressed their confusion. It should be said that the confusion of reporters is very normal. After all, it is like this specific play in Go. If a player likes to use it very much, then maybe everyone will know it, such as "Kobayashi Liu", because Mr. Kobayashi once liked it very much That trick is even named after him.

   But if a certain kind of French chess player is basically not used, it is actually very difficult for people to know.

Today that is Lao Nie. After all, he has mentored Li Xiangping for a period of time. Although Li Xiangping and he do not have the name of master and apprentice, they have the reality of master and apprentice. Even now, Li Xiangping often goes to Lao Nie. The "Chess Saint Dojo" and everyone demolished chess.

And Li Xiangping has an advantage, that is, he never hides his secrets, and is willing to share with everyone the dog tricks he has understood. One time when everyone was playing chess, Li Xiangping just mentioned this and said that he didn't like it. That step of "flipping" (actually, at that time, Li Xiangping didn't understand the reason, just because the dog didn't behave like this, he unintentionally said it in the collective research of the national team), and that old time Nie happened to be there, and he just remembered it today, so he brought it here to talk about it.

The second place that everyone was surprised was that Mr. Wu Qingyuan liked the "flip" step, and after listening to what Lao Nie said just now, it is not an exaggeration to say that it was his "signature move", while Li Xiangping It has been a few years since his debut. All the Go reporters here have dealt with Li Xiangping, so they are all familiar with him.

  Everyone knows that when talking about famous players in history, Li Xiangping highly praised Mr. Wu Qingyuan and rated him as the number one player in the world of Go.

   But now, the trick that Mr. Wu advocates has been denied by Li Xiangping?

   Well, if this is another chess player, it doesn't matter, this is Li Xiangping! Although he is still too young to talk about "historical status" or the like, but it is precisely because he has achieved such achievements at such an age, so far, at least one point has been agreed by the Go community:

   That is, in terms of Go talent alone, Li Xiangping is only better than Mr. Wu!

  Well, if Mr. Wu was considered the brightest star in the Go world in the past century, then now, in the new century, of course, it will be replaced by Li Xiangping shining in the sky.

   "Is old Nie really? Does Xiang Ping really never "flip" this move? Did he say the reason? Still think there is something wrong with this move?"

   "That's right, what's the problem? He thinks there's something wrong with this move"

   Facing the reporter's questioning, Old Nie opened his mouth and smiled. In fact, to be honest, how could he explain this question clearly at this time? After all, even Li Xiangping himself didn't know, but who was Old Nie? For this kind of Go technical problem, how could he admit in front of reporters?

   "Haha, this, this" Lao Nie first hit a haha:

"Why doesn't Xiangping like this step of "flipping"? Of course I can't tell the specific reasons. What exactly is in his heart, then you have to ask him himself, but I think it should be related to this robbery. "

The reporters looked at each other in dismay. In fact, in the eyes of the reporters with higher chess skills, what Lao Nie said is completely nonsense, because this "drum" is a chess shape that is "turned over", even if you are at the K level, you know that it is easy to get robbed. However, this "flipping" play has existed in the Go world for decades, and no one has ever thought that there is any problem with such a robbery?

   "Wait" At this time, reporter Xie from "Sports" seems to have found a problem:

   "Today's game of chess seems to be Xiang Ping's black chess "drumming" while Xihe is "flipping", oh right"

   Reporter Xie quickly woke up:

   "Just now I said that Xiang Ping never made this move to "flip", and now he allows his opponent to play like this, which may even mean that he thinks there is something wrong with this move. Say, Old Nie, you continue to say."

   "Haha, but needless to say now,"

Old Nie said this now: "Let's just look at the actual combat. Originally, according to the normal situation, as the saying goes, "there is no disaster in the first chess game". A few moves are right, the 22nd, 26th and 32nd moves, can you see what these moves mean? Xihe, these moves, are all for the purpose of creating robbery, in order to open this first robbery Get ready, let's not talk about it anymore, everyone is watching chess. If you don't expect it, then Xihe will provoke this robbery soon. You may be able to see why Li Xiangping didn't play this game in this robbery. Step "flip"."

   (end of this chapter)

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