Go Legend

Chapter 340: fight robbery

   Chapter 340 Fighting Tribulation

   At 11:40 in the morning, Luo Xihe landed the 38th hand in the overall game, and the game in the morning ended here. Li Xiangping didn't make a move after that, and went directly to the noon closing.

   At 12:00 noon, the two players even walked out of the game room with a laugh.

   "Of course you have to be careful, haven't you all seen it? Xiaozhu is going to rob me. Our "King of Robbery" in the Go world wants to rob me. It can be done without thinking about it."

After    came out, Li Xiangping joked with reporters like this. After listening to Li Xiangping's words, many reporters laughed. Indeed, Luo Xihe is good at robbery, and he really deserves the title of "King of Robbery".”

   In real history, Luo Xihe's most famous game was, of course, the game in which he gave up the "Three Tribulations Cycle" and finally defeated Cui Du in a certain "Samsung Cup". That game of chess was finally called "Bronze Chess Book" by the Go world. And this "bronze chess score" is considered by many later generations to be the first score of human Go.

  Yes, before the birth of Go AI, the first score created by human players throughout the ages!

Although this chess sheet is technically debatable if it is analyzed by later Go AI .

   Of course, this "bronze chess sheet" has not yet been created by Xiaozhu, and in the eyes of others, although Luo Xihe is good at robbery, Li Xiangping is also good at it.

Not to mention, this year's "Fujitsu Cup" semi-final, Li Xiangping had already lost the game, and finally relied on a robbery to turn the table, making Zhang Xu cry without tears.

   In the "Samsung Cup" round of 16 not long ago, Li Xiangping was also under extremely difficult circumstances. He once again found a way to win through a robbery that many people did not understand.

It is precisely because of this, although from the perspective of the progress of the morning, classmate Xiaozhu is actively inviting Li Xiangping to "fight robbery", but no one will think that Li Xiangping is really afraid of Luo Xihe. His speech just now is of course It's just a joke. Even during the closing period at noon, many reporters made up their minds to see who is the real "King of Robbery" between these two.

As for Li Xiangping, one of the parties, although he casually said the word "robbery king", but to be honest, at this time, of course, he would not care about such a false title. After the game in the morning , he actually had a very wonderful experience, and this wonderful thing is that �

In the past, for the "dog tricks" that he didn't fully understand, Li Xiangping would occasionally use them. For example, in the "Samsung Cup" final against Ma Xiaofei last year, he directly used the one that he didn't know yet. Totally understood dog trick.

   However, what if the opponent took the initiative to bump into the "dog trick" that he didn't fully understand? Today is the first time!

In the morning, Lao Nie was right. He really never did Mr. Wu's signature move of "flipping". Of course, the reason why he didn't do it was hard to say. It was because the dogs were basically not good enough. Can't do it? What secrets lie behind this move?

  To be honest, Li Xiangping doesn't know now, he can't even be called "slightly educated", he belongs to the kind of complete ignorance.

  The only thing he can confirm is that the reason why the dogs didn’t play that move, or that all the mysteries behind this move, is probably related to the robbery in Go.”

   is related to the robbery that Xiaozhu classmates provoked today.

   This is what makes Li Xiangping feel amazing. He looks forward to understanding more of the mysteries behind this move through today's actual combat.

   In other words: He looks forward to further understanding the dog's mind and uncovering the mystery of this "dog trick" through today's "fighting robbery" with classmates Xiaozhu.

   "Well, today's chess game, how can we blow up the little pig classmate in one fell swoop?"

  When eating lunch, Li Xiangping started to think about this problem while digging the rice into his mouth. 」

   Of course, it can't be said that Li Xiangping is arrogant, nor is it that he looks down on his classmate Xiaozhu, and thinks he can win after only 38 moves. After today's situation, Li Xiangping must have a little psychological advantage.

  The source of his psychological advantage is nothing else, it is precisely because Li Xiangping is very "reasonable" in playing chess, and for him at this stage, what is the biggest chess logic? This is of course nothing to say, "dog move" is Li Xiangping's biggest chess theory.

  As long as you understand this, then of course it is easy to understand his psychological advantages. ​​​

To know the chess played by the opponent today, it was rejected by the dogs. It is a play that the dogs have never used. In this case, although Li Xiangping does not know the reason, of course he still thinks that the opponent has played. Wrong, using an "unreasonable" approach.

  Since you think your opponent has made a mistake, it is of course a normal reaction to think about how to blow up your opponent.

   This is the kind of reaction that is normal for any qualified professional chess player.

   In fact, it is not just the psychological hint given by "dog moves". Even from the perspective of human chess theory, Li Xiangping also thinks that Luo Xihe's play today may be slightly problematic.

As the saying goes, "the first chess has no calamity", which means: in the opening stage of a game of chess, since there are only a few pieces on the chessboard, there are not even a few pieces, which of course means that there are basically no robberies at this stage. ��

  Since there is no robbery material, then in the opening stage of a game of chess, it is not suitable for robbery.

Of course, for a master like Luo Xihe, he will definitely be prepared for the robbery. As Lao Nie said in the viewing room before, he has several moves in front of him, and his intention is to hoard the robbery materials in order to open this robbery. prepare.

   However, in any case, this way of hoarding robberies at the beginning is still too blunt in Li Xiangping's view.

   As the saying goes, people follow the earth, the earth follows the sky, the heaven follows the Tao, and the Tao follows the nature.

Although Go, a game full of Eastern philosophy, seems to have been conquered by Western science in later generations, Li Xiangping still stubbornly believes that in the highest field of Go, or in the highest field of philosophy, the game of Go still remains Not conquered.

Since    has not been conquered yet, Li Xiangping believes that the phrase "Dao is natural" should still be adapted to the way of Go.

Well, the theoretical basis for judging the opponent's "wrong approach" today has been found, and this "theoretical basis" is not unilateral. From Eastern philosophy to Western science, it seems that Luo Xihe's approach today may be problematic. So at this time, it is logical that Li Xiangping wants to blow him up.

   It's a pity that the theoretical basis is there, but Li Xiangping couldn't figure out how to operate it.

It was about 12:30 noon after he finished his lunch, but when he thought about it, he thought that it was almost 1:00 pm, and he was about to enter the game room again. He still didn't think that his 39th move should land. where.

   This situation is of course normal, at least Li Xiangping thinks it is normal. You must know that this is the robbery in Go. It is the most unique, most interesting, and possibly the most difficult place in Go that is different from other chess games.

   It is no exaggeration to say that the difficulty of robbery in Go may be a field that AI in Go has not yet conquered. ​​​

   What Li Xiangping once counted was really counted by him himself:

Among the chess records of dog fights that he could remember, in fact, "three generations of dogs" played a total of 200 games with "two generations of dogs". Well, although "three generations of dogs" won by a score of 181 to 19, but Among the 19 games that "Three Generations of Dogs" lost, there were robbery in 14 of them.

And the robbery that Li Xiangping is talking about here is not the simplest kind of "single-chip robbery", nor is it the kind of "big robbery in the world" that does not need to consider the robbery material, Li Xiangping excluded these two kinds of robbery, " "Three Generations of Dogs" still had 14 defeats and a robbery.

The other one, it is not that the "second generation dog" is better at robbery than the "third generation dog". In fact, in the defeats of the second generation dog, the number of games lost due to robbery is even more, as many as Li Xiangping. Too lazy to count.

  Li Xiangping doesn't know how others view his statistics, but he himself stubbornly thinks �����

   The "stubbornness" he said here is just as stubborn as he thinks that the dog's strength must not have reached its peak, and that he must not be a "chess god".

Li Xiangping stubbornly believes: If there may be some kind of flaw in Go AI technology, then this flaw is likely to be in the robbery of Go, otherwise it will not lose 14 games in 19 games. Robbery, the proportion of occurrence is so high.

Just considering that maybe even the dogs haven't fully dealt with the robbery in Go, then he will not be able to think of a good solution for a while today. Of course, Li Xiangping thinks this is nothing special, and it doesn't matter if he thinks about it for a while. , anyway, there is still a lot of time in the afternoon, so go back to the game room and continue to think about it.

  The time came to 12:58, just when Li Xiangping was about to return to the game room, he saw a person at this time.

   To be precise, he saw a chess player at this time, um, a chess player whose level is not particularly high, Li Xiangping now has a chess player who is more than 80% sure of winning.

   However, after seeing this chess player, Li Xiangping immediately thought of a solution.

   "Hehe, Teacher Wang, why did you come to the Chess Academy?"

   "I'm here to urge you to submit your manuscript. By the way, you're still in the competition. That's alright. I'll talk about everything after you finish the competition."

   That's right, Wang Yuanbadan came in at this time, Wang Yuanbadan, the current deputy editor-in-chief of "Go World".

   "Hehe, okay, I'll go look for you after I take down the little pig. Thank you, Mr. Wang."

  Li Xiangping went into the competition, leaving Wang Yuan Badan alone there, inexplicable. Not only was he inexplicable, he even said to himself:

   "It's inexplicable, this Li Xiangping is really inexplicable, he is so good today, why is it inexplicable to thank me"

   (end of this chapter)

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