God Bestows Evil

Chapter 229: Two ghosts fighting

Chapter 229 The fight between two ghosts

 What Wu Xian holds in his hand is a piece of art called "The Art of Drawing the Ground as a Prison".

The circle drawn by the caster on the ground with his hands or instruments can instantly turn into an airtight cell, and the people in the circle will be imprisoned. The detention time is determined by the strength of the imprisoned person.

 Depending on how it is used, this talisman may have different effects. Wu Xian has not yet figured out how to use it.

 He put the talisman away and burst into laughter.

This is a reward for converting three into one. Although it looks inconspicuous, there are some bugs in using it.

Wu Xian now has this unused talisman and the electric chain spell left in his hand. As long as he gets another talisman, he can trigger the third blessing effect.

Wu Xian held the knife and stepped out of the room.

Since he was tinkering with the talisman secretly, Wu Xian came out last, and Qian Yunhe and Shi Ji had also finished worshiping the gods.

Qian Yunhe's waist was hung with a strange-looking nine-section whip.

Shi Ji changed into loose clothes. Under his clothes, some kind of change must have occurred. There were so many people here that Wu Xian didn't ask.

 After worshiping God.

 They will get on with their business.

 So many people gathered together, not just for a screen ghost!

 Everyone picked up their cameras and video cameras after a long absence.

The screen ghost should have been reborn now, but the reborn screen ghost will be weaker than the original one and no longer has the ability to sneak attack from the camera display.

 The first thing they have to shoot is the ghost on the screen.

 After working for a while, the TV was hooked up again, turned on again, and played the video of "Three Visits to the Toilet" selected by Shiji.

 Not long.

The screen ghost, who had just resurrected and was still not quite clear-headed, screamed and fell from a height of seven meters.

 She didn’t even have time to grab the TV!

 During the fall, my legs kept fluttering.


She actually did a big split and fell to the ground with a thud. The posture made people feel hurt.

Although the screen ghost is much stronger than a human being, it is transformed from a human being after all and still has human characteristics. Therefore, this high-altitude split made the screen ghost very painful.


 The shutter flashes.

As a reporter, Yan Bingbing took a photo of the embarrassing appearance of the ghost on the screen.

Before the screen ghost could figure out what was going on, a group of people surrounded her and kept taking pictures. Her pale little face had a tendency to gradually turn red.

 Just when the screen ghost is about to break out.

The TV lowered, and the ghost on the screen hurriedly got in. I don’t know whether it was because of shyness or fear.


 Finished shooting the screen ghost.

Everyone took a rest for a while, and then got ready to take pictures of ghosts.

 One-eyed Miao Shi’s face is full of excitement.

He was extremely weak and extremely excited. His belly was swollen like a ten-month pregnancy, his eyes were dark like a panda, and his body looked much thinner than before, as if all the nutrients had been sucked into his stomach. .

If it weren’t for it, there would still be hope for the upper body ghost.

 Miaoshi had already committed suicide a long time ago.

Everyone surrounded Miao Shi to ensure that Miao Shi would not run away as soon as he was possessed, and then signaled to Miao Shi that he could start.

The rope around Miao Shi's body was untied, and he suddenly felt a sense of relief. His huge belly made him want to lean forward. He staggered a few times, took a deep breath, and stood on tiptoes!


 A gust of wind blew by.

Miao Shi's hands suddenly dropped, and he stood on tiptoes. His entire body's center of gravity was in front, but he did not fall, as if something was supporting him behind him.

 The upper body ghost is here!


 Lances and cannons were aimed at Miao Shi, and the scene of the ghost possessing the upper body was photographed.

Then Miaoshi started to get weird.

At one moment he straightened his belly, and at another he bowed his body. His body floated up, and then fell straight down. He repeatedly made movements that humans could not do, and his expression was sometimes painful and numb at other times.

Such a scene cannot be seen even in horror movies.    Wu Xian knew.

 This is the fight between two ghosts in Miao Shi.

As early as when the jumping ghost controlled the upper body ghost to fall from the building, Wu Xian knew that the relationship between these ten kinds of ghosts was not friendly.

 Each of them represents a rule.

As long as something touches the rules, it will be attacked by these ghosts. Regardless of whether it is a person or a ghost who touches the rules, if two ghosts are eyeing the same target at the same time, it often means that the two ghosts are also attacking each other. Targeted.

 The ghost in the belly is like the ghost in the upper body.

 Having a ghost in your body is like having a ghost in your belly.

 These two ghosts will definitely fight to win.

Miao Shi seemed to be dancing a postmodern abstract dance. After dancing for a long time, he finally stopped and knelt on the ground.

 You can see from the camera that the upper body ghost has left.

 Does this mean that the evil spirit won the battle?

Not necessarily.

 Miao Shi’s cheeks bulged and she was about to start vomiting.

The ghost in the belly has survived until now. Although his strength has greatly increased, due to the suppression of two consecutive yellow pills and fighting with two ghosts, he has reached his limit.

 So after the upper body ghost left, he couldn't help but want to get out of Miao Shi's belly.

Shi Ji took the plastic bag and rushed forward.

 “Wait a minute, spit it out here.”

Miaoshi’s face was full of gratitude, she lay down on the plastic bag and started to vomit.

The scene was almost unbearable to watch, and the smell was disgusting. Everyone turned around in a hurry and walked away a little further.

 In this way, although the ghost in the belly cannot be seen immediately.

 But if you get too close, everyone except Shiji will vomit, and the scene will be very ugly at that time...


 The odor disappeared.

Wu Xian turned around and saw Shi Ji putting his hand into the plastic bag to stir...

Even Miao Shi, who was vomiting, was stunned by this operation.

The desire to vomit, which was about to be stopped, came up again.

 “Stop throwing up, it’s very clean!”

 Shi Ji took his hand out of the plastic bag and was holding a fist-sized yellow pill in his hand.

It turns out that Shi Ji used the blessing of "hiding dirt and evil people" to absorb the things Miao Shi vomited, and then rolled the dirt into a huge yellow pill.

 He clapped his hands.

 Let everyone turn around.

“Everyone, I’m very sorry. Although I took action immediately, I still didn’t see the ghost inside me. We may not be able to photograph him.”

Everyone was a little disappointed, but no one blamed Shi Ji, because Shi Ji was the quickest to react among them.

 Liao Yifang looked at the historical achievements with eyes full of appreciation.

  She admires strong men very much, and from her perspective, Shiji is actually the one who performs best among the men present.

 “But I also took steps.”

“The evil spirit in my belly may be in the yellow pill in my hand!”

 According to Wu Xian's speculation.

  There are two possibilities for the existence of ghosts in the belly.

 One is like a screen ghost, which can teleport between people's stomachs. The trigger condition is eating. If this is the case, then they will never be able to capture the ghost in the belly.

The second possibility is that the ghost in the belly is very small, so it can hide in the food and burrow into the stomach when the person is eating.

 If this is the case, then when the ghost in the belly comes out of Miao Shi’s belly, he can be caught!

 (End of this chapter)

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