God Bestows Evil

Chapter 230: Seal ghosts with the help of others

Chapter 230: Seal ghosts under the guise of someone else

Shi Ji asked everyone with an uncertain expression:

 “What should I do next, crush the yellow pill and take a photo?”

“It may not be in the yellow pill, or it may be in the yellow pill, but it took the opportunity to escape because we crushed the yellow pill..."

 Everyone looked at each other, no one could make up their mind. Wu Xian sat on the ground nearby and closed his eyes in deep thought.

 Luo Shiyi thought for a moment and spoke first:

“Come on, we have to shoot ten kinds of ghosts before we can leave. If we don’t crush the yellow pill, we will never be able to take a picture of the ghost inside.”

 The words of Luo Shiyi.

  Received unanimous approval from everyone except Wu Xian.

While there may be risks in crushing the yellow pill, the situation will never get better if you don’t.

They surrounded two and three cameras to make sure not to miss any details, but just when they were about to take action, Wu Xian raised his hand.

 “Wait a minute!”

 Everyone looked at Wu Xian.

Wu Xian raised a question: "Let's not talk about the failure. If the ghost in the belly is really in Huang Wanli, what should we do after we film him?"

Liao Yifang frowned: "Of course I'll kill him!"

 The ghost in the belly is very weak, but the rewards he can bring after death are more than the previous ghost on the screen.

Wu Xian shook his head.

 “It’s easy to kill the devil in your belly, but what happens after that?”

“A new inner ghost will be born, and we will not dare to eat or drink. If we survive until tomorrow night, can we still cope with the crisis that is bound to come?”

“The most important thing is that after the death of the ghost in the belly, the remaining two original ghosts, the flesh-cutting ghost and the starving ghost, will be strengthened..."

What Wu Xian didn’t say was the big ghost at the end.

  By killing all these ten kinds of ghosts, the power of the big ghost will be complete, and nothing may happen by then.

Lou Yaozong frowned: "Then what should we do? Should we let him go, or keep him in a yellow pill?"

Wu Xian continued to shake his head.

This is not appropriate. It is not sure whether Huangwan has caught the ghost in his belly, let alone whether he can keep the ghost in his belly for a long time.

Zhang Wei, who has always had no sense of presence, spoke up: "If you have any ideas, just say it."

 Wu Xian licked his lips: "My idea is very simple."

"For the time being, let's stop the ghost in our belly and let it parasitize in a person. In this way, it is equivalent to being sealed in that person's body. The rest of us can eat and drink with confidence, and it will be easier to deal with the remaining two ghosts. ”

Shi Ji's eyes lit up: "What a great idea. I can use the yellow pill to suppress the ghost in my belly, but who should I let be parasitized?"

Although there are now ways to force the ghost out of the belly.

 But no one wants to feed ghosts with their bodies.

 Wu Xian set his sights on Miao Shi.

 Everyone suddenly felt their scalps numb.

 Let’s change to another scourge. This brother is about to be played to death, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is no more suitable candidate to be parasitized except Miao Shi.

Finding that everyone's expressions were wrong, Wu Xian quickly waved his hand.

“No, no, no, I didn’t mean Miao Shi, you can eat the devil in your belly... isn’t there another one?”

 Everyone looked behind Miao Shi.

Mrs. Liu and Lou Yaozong both understood Wu Xian's thoughts instantly, and others slowly came to their senses.

People don’t want to eat.

 You can give it to ghosts!

 Everyone was already very proficient in the routine of summoning the screen ghost, and soon they scored three times. The screen ghost was frightened out by the video from Shi Ji and fell to the ground.

 The screen ghost looked around blankly, looking a little pitiful.


Liao Yifang immediately slapped her hard, beating her to pieces. Then Luo Shiyi and Lou Yaozong grabbed the screen ghost's arms, one on the left and the other on the right. Qian Yunhe then forced her to shave her head. When shaving her head, Qian Yunhe couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. Every strand of hair that was broken made him feel happy from the bottom of his heart.

 In order to survive in the end.

Everyone needs this screen ghost to live for a while longer, so shaving her hair has become a necessity.

 Then Wu Xian pinched the bald female ghost's chin and forced her to open her mouth.

 “Eat shit, you!”

With a fierce look on his face, Shi Ji directly stuffed the huge yellow pill into the mouth of the screen ghost.

After this series of operations was completed, the TV was lowered again, and the screen ghost quickly climbed into the TV.

Wu Xian shook his hand.

 Ghosts are indeed different from people. He just pinched the chin of the screen ghost. His whole hand was almost frozen, and it took him a while to recover.

 Luo Shiyi and Lou Yaozong, who grabbed her arms, were trembling all over. If they were accidentally hugged by her, they would probably die of cold within a few seconds!


Qian Yunhe turned on the TV again, and a woman's painful wails could be heard. The screen ghost stood in the center of the screen, with a bulging belly, and a human face appeared on it, with an extremely painful expression.

 Obviously neither ghost is feeling well.

But the pain of these two ghosts made Wu Xian and others unable to help but laugh.

Since entering the blessed land, everyone has been very afraid of ghosts. Now that they see the ghosts in a panic, everyone finally feels a lot better.

This made them feel that maybe they could really leave the island safely.

 But when Tong Yuai saw the screen ghost's bulging belly, a hint of sadness appeared on her face. She thought of the children kidnapped by her husband outside the blessed land.

 Wu Xian noticed her expression.

Her husband kidnapped her child and led her to a blessed place to die, but the child did not belong to her husband. Wu Xiancai did not want to get involved in such a messy family matter.

 Compared to Tong Yu Ailai, Miao Shi deserves more sympathy.

This poor guy was tortured by different ghosts three times and is now very weak.

 But everyone’s tasks in this indoor basketball hall have been completed, and no one will wait for him to recover, so he can only move with the shoulders of the strongest Luo Shiyi.

They are also going to the mountains to take pictures of the electric ghost trapped in the water station.

 Finished filming Electric Ghost.

 Only the starving ghosts and meat-cutting ghosts are left to deal with.

 The first half of tonight went very smoothly, so everyone is confident.

 Everyone was talking and laughing on the road.

 While passing a crossroads, Luo Shiyi frowned.

 He is the strongest.

 So he supported the seedlings.

 But it was just a helping hand, but Miao Shi went too far. He leaned all his weight on Luo Shiyi's body, which made Luo Shiyi's walking slow down.

"Hey, don't go too far. If you continue like this, I will leave you behind."

 Luo Shiyi became angry.

 Grabbing the hand on the shoulder, he was about to pull it away, but the palm of his hand was cold, and the feel was somewhat similar to the screen ghost before!


Luo Shiyi turned around stiffly and saw that it was indeed Miao Shi he was holding, but at this time Miao Shi's face was as pale as a ghost.

What is even more terrifying is that behind Miao Shi, there are countless ghosts with white faces and red cheeks, leaning on Miao Shi, one by one, like a long string of dominoes.

 How many there are, Luo Shiyi can’t count...

 (End of this chapter)

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