God Bestows Evil

Chapter 231: Would rather die than be cowardly

Chapter 231 Would rather die than give up

 Luo Shiyi is a standard macho man.

His deeds can be used to make movies, and they must be rationalized, otherwise the audience will think it is fabricated.

 When he was going to the island.

 Said that he was a mercenary who accepted the mission.

This is true, but the task he took was not the task of Yan Ting, but the official task of this world.

 After the Surprise Island massacre.

Small-scale "King of Yama" worship groups have appeared one after another around the world. Most of the group members are upper-class people. They are scattered around the world and do not usually interact with each other, but they all believe in the "King of Yama" in the Eighteen Hells.

They will perform some evil and cruel rituals to worship this **** who has never appeared before.

 So the official launched investigations into these small groups, but all initial investigations ended with the tragic death of the investigators.

This cruel method did not scare the officials away, but instead aroused top-down anger.

 Many small groups were wiped out with thunderous means. Those mysterious and strange methods are not as efficient as satellite positioning and rocket launchers in terms of killing efficiency...

 Later investigation revealed that these small groups were indeed unrelated to each other, but without exception, they all had business or other dealings with the Yan family.

By chance they discovered that Miao Yanting, the only member of the Yan family, was recruiting people to enter Surprise Island, so Luo Shiyi was naturally hired to sign up...


 “The King of Luo will return to his throne, and we will also be free!”

The ghost that haunted Luo Shiyi turned out to be the ghost villager Wu Xian had met before. At that time, the village was divided into two factions, one group was composed of five people of good fortune, wealth, longevity and happiness, and the other group was the loyal supporter of King Luo.

 They could not leave the ghost village.

But as the original ghosts were killed one by one and the Ghost Festival gradually approached, the shackles on them were gradually reduced, and they appeared to be more infiltrated into the village than before.

They all have white faces and red cheeks, and there is no trace of life in their bodies. They exude a cold aura, and the exposed flesh and blood have varying degrees of signs of decay.

 The ghost villagers had a lively discussion.

“Finally we caught the blood food. This big one has the most meat and chewy teeth. It’s not like the one just now, which was rotten by other ghosts.”

 “I want thighs!”

 “I want a big waist!”

Behind Luo Shiyi, rows of ghosts were chatting unscrupulously. They completely ignored Luo Shiyi and began to carve up Luo Shiyi's body.

But such a macho man has never been scared by flesh-cutting ghosts before, so how can he be frightened by these little ghosts now?

  The experience of confronting flesh-cutting ghosts tells Luo Shiyi that evil spirits are also afraid of murderers!

So he drew his gun and shot.

 Bang, bang, bang!

  Every gunshot fired made the little devils bleed, but although they continued to bleed, their movements did not slow down at all.

 Compared to a gun.

Luo Shiyi's dagger was better to use. He had killed more people than the ghosts at the scene. The strong evil spirit made these villagers and ghosts stay away.

As long as he has no fear in his heart, it is these ghost villagers who should be afraid.

 Soon Luo Shiyi broke out of the siege.

  Running back to Wu Xian and others who were talking and laughing in front.

 He just took two steps with Wu Xian and others.

 Suddenly his face changed suddenly.

its not right!

 He ​​was shooting and slashing ghosts from behind again. There was such a big movement. Even if these people were deaf, they should have known that something was wrong. Why did they still look so relaxed?

 Luo Shiyi stopped.

Wu Xian and others stopped after taking a few steps forward, and all turned back to stare at Luo Shiyi.

 “Let’s go, why don’t you go?”

Luo Shiyi licked his lips, although they turned their heads...

 But their bodies didn’t move!

These people are fake. He didn't catch up with the large army at all. These guys in front of him are all ghosts!

 Seeing that the disguise failed. A gust of dark wind blew by, and Wu Xian and the other thirteen people all turned into the appearance of village ghosts. They smiled at Luo Shiyi with an infectious smile.

 The eyes don’t look like they are looking at people.

 Instead, I'm looking at a wild boar running amok.

Although wild boars are dangerous, once the wild boars get tired of running, they will only end up becoming meat in their mouths!

 Luo Shiyi's body gradually became cold. This was the first time in his many years of joining the mercenary industry that he felt so powerless.

 The ghosts in front of him were not unsolvable. As long as he mustered up the courage, he could also hurt these things.

 But there are too many ghosts!

Luo Shiyi glanced around and soon noticed that there was an open door around him, and inside the door was a corridor!

"Good place!"

On a wide street, Luo Shiyi could not defeat four hands with two fists, but in a narrow corridor, as long as he guarded the door, he could fight these ghosts all day long!

So Luo Shiyi hurriedly ran to the corridor, waving the dagger and making a clanging sound, hoping to scare the ghosts.

 But it didn’t happen.

None of these ghosts came over, they all stood at the door and stared at him.

Then a villager ghost at the front helped Luo Shiyi close the door...

Luo Shiyi was a little confused at first.

 But the cold murderous intention that came from behind, like an iceberg, made him instantly realize that he had made a fatal mistake.

 There are just some little devils out there.

 But in the closed space, there is still a big ghost that has been strengthened many times!

 Luo Shiyi turned his head.

 The place he found himself in could be regarded as a narrow enclosed space, which just met the killing conditions of the flesh-cutting ghost. There were not even windows here, let alone ventilation ducts for him to destroy!

 “Looks like I can’t run away...”

A flash of fear flashed in Luo Shiyi's eyes. He would also be afraid. Except for patients with special diseases, there are no people who are truly not afraid.

 But from the day he entered the industry, Luo Shiyi had already put his head in his belt.

He had fantasized many times about how he would feel when facing death, but he thought so every time.

 “When I die, I must not be a coward!”

So Luo Shiyi held a small dagger and rushed towards the flesh-cutting ghost without hesitation...


 Wu Xian and his party.

  gnawing potatoes, singing songs, and walked towards the water station.

 But walking.

Everyone felt that something was wrong.

Wu Xian immediately turned around and counted the number of people. There were fifteen people in total, including Miao Shi, who didn't even need help.

“On the way to the mountainside, there are several crossroads.”

Yan Ting smiled: "The Island of Surprise is not very big. There is only one big intersection in total. How can we pass through several intersections..."

 His smile stopped abruptly.

 Yeah, Surprise Island is not big.

Then why have they walked for so long and still not left the central area?

 Why do they pass through so many crossroads?

 Why...they didn’t feel anything wrong with this unusual situation?

Wu Xian twitched the corner of his mouth: "It's a ghost... We've been tricked!"

 (End of this chapter)

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