God Card

214 Chapter 223: Temperament

"Hey, the brother in front, an idea of ​​1 million federal coins, really buy it?"

Among the crowd, Tang Jian suddenly shouted to stop the one who was yelling earlier.

The man's face froze immediately, and he smiled awkwardly, "Well, big brother, as long as you guarantee that your idea will let me in, I will definitely give you one million federal coins!"

The other people around heard the words and immediately yelled.

"Nonsense, to ensure that I can get in, I will offer 1.5 million."

"I'm willing to go out too."

Tang Jian sneered, didn't bother to pay attention to this guy, and looked at another person, "Brother, what about you? Five hundred thousand federal coins?"

"Hey hey, as long as you guarantee that I can get in, 1.5 million is fine." The man also had a wicked smile.

Tang Jian rolled his eyes.

I know in my heart that these people are not stupid.

It seemed like they were shouting happily before, but they were actually trying to attract his attention, but it didn't mean they were really willing to pay for it.

Many of the people who can come to Ka Neng House to try their luck are very wealthy, but in fact, they are not wealthy enough.

Otherwise, you can build a card energy house at home with your own money. To achieve the effect similar to that of Feltslink card energy house, you only need to spend about 20 million federal coins.

Twenty million federal currency is nothing to a rich man whose family assets are in the billions.

However, for many people whose family assets are only hundreds of millions or even tens of millions, it may be difficult to take them out at once.

Because the money was spent just to win a chance for the children of the family who are not very talented in cultivation, and at most it will create a one-star card master, and the investment is not directly proportional to the income.

The resources of 20 million federation coins are given to a potential and talented child to practice, but it can completely help the other party to cultivate to the level of a two-star card master without any worries.

Therefore, those people who come to Feltslinka Nengwu to try their luck are expected to be willing to pay a cost of no more than three million federal currency at most, and they may have to give up if it is more.

"Two million federal coins, as long as you provide us with a reliable idea, no matter what, the two million federal coins will be given to you."

At this moment, the crowd was suddenly pushed away, and a woman's voice came.

Tang Jian was surprised. Seeing the mother and daughter whom he had seen before pushing away from the crowd, the woman spoke even louder.

"Two million federal coins, do you really want it? I did have a novel idea, but I'm not too sure."

Tang Jian looked at the woman and said.

"It's okay if you're not sure, if you really can't." The woman said decisively, but she was quite vigorous.

A group of people around saw this, and some of them hesitated for a moment.

But thinking that Tang Jian's idea is not 100% successful, and the risk is still quite high, they all gave up.

"Okay." Tang Jian looked at Aying, the girl next to the woman, and smiled, "I'll sell you for two million."

"Tang Jian."

Outside the crowd, a familiar and plain voice suddenly came.

Tang Jian turned his head to look, and just saw Bai Li surrounded by three soldiers outside the crowd, surprised, "Why are you here?"

Bai Lu looked calm, "I'll take you back, hurry up and get ready to follow me."

Tang Jian was surprised. Seeing the three soldiers beside Bai Lai, he immediately knew that it should be He Dongchen's order.

It seemed that He Dongshen still valued him quite a lot. He must have been in a bad mood when he learned that he had come to Fetterslinka Nou House.

"To even call this kid with your honorific title."

Ma Rong, who was observing the situation, couldn't help but feel a jump in his heart when he heard Bai Li calling Tang Jian, and his footsteps paused.


Tang Jian also noticed a group of people such as Ma Rong at this time, and saw the young man Zhou Le following Ma Rong at a glance, and couldn't help frowning, feeling agitated.

Seeing Tang Jian noticed him, Zhou Le was startled at first, then calmed down, and looked at Ma Rong, "Brother Ma, this guy has already noticed us, you won't stop to teach this kid just because of that woman, right? "

Zhou Le was not stupid either. Seeing Ma Rong suddenly stop in his tracks, and hearing the words of Bai Li, who was respected by Ma Rong, he was already muttering in his heart and had a bad premonition.

"Excuse me, please wait a moment."

Tang Jian smiled apologetically at Aying's mother and daughter, walked out of the crowd, and walked directly to Ma Rong, Zhou Le and others.

"We've met before, you're not here to find fault again this time, are you?"

Tang Jian looked directly at Zhou Le, and then at Ma Rong, who was bald and tattooed.

He hates this kind of idiot the most who has been taught a lesson and doesn't know the severity. He dares to bring someone here to make trouble.

However, the tattooed bald guy next to the other party faintly sensed that it was not so simple, and it actually brought him a strong sense of oppression. Throw out the ferocious minions.

Zhou Le glared at Tang Jian, "That's right, you dared to hit me before, but this time"

"Hey! You shut up."

Ma Rong suddenly reached out and grabbed Zhou Le's shoulder, an irresistible force frightened Zhou Le, and directly suppressed Zhou Le's next words in his throat.

Tang Jian narrowed his eyes and looked at Ma Rong with a smile on his face.

"what happened?"

At this time, Bai Lu also came from the side with three soldiers, and the three soldiers stared at Ma Rong and the others with sharp eyes, and quickly protected Tang Jian.

"It's you again, you were fined if you wanted to jump in the queue before, but now you dare to bring someone here to find trouble? This time you don't need this young man to do anything. Believe it or not, I will teach you how to be a man?"

The mother and daughter also surrounded them with four bodyguards, and the woman glared at Zhou Le, Ma Rong and the others angrily.

Suddenly, the situation reversed, and Ma Rong and the others, who seemed to be crowded, became the weaker side.

"You guys!"

Zhou Le looked at Tang Jian who was surrounded by him, his face changed several times, and he was almost out of breath.

Ma Rong frowned at the situation.

At this moment, a subordinate next to him came over and reported the latest information about Tang Jian in his ear.

Ma Rong's eyes flashed, he looked at Bai Le with a smile, pointed at Tang Jian, "Bai Zongchuan, is this your friend?"

There was a trace of coldness in Bai Yu's eyes, "Not my friend, but someone I need to respect."

Ma Rong has long been used to Bai Li's temper. Hearing this, he nodded with a smile, then looked at the mother and daughter beside Tang Jian and nodded, "The two must be the third wife of Prince Ma and Princess Ying. My surname is also Ma. It’s my family, a disciple of the Tianxing Sect.”

"No need to introduce, I know you."

The woman looked at Ma Rong coldly, "But since I have stepped forward this time, your business is destined to be difficult."

"Hehehehe." Ma Rong nodded and smiled, and looked at Tang Jian again, "This time, Bai Zongchuan and the third wife came forward, I will let you go, I, Ma Rong, have always used people's money to eliminate disasters, this time I will make an exception. Don't do this business anymore."

"Brother Ma." Zhou Le looked at Ma Rong in astonishment.

"Shut up." Ma Rong turned around and glared at Zhou Le.

What he did was naturally a decision made after assessing the situation and the situation. What he said just now was just a scene to save face.

Man said that it is impossible to force a shot at this time.

Even if he could succeed, it would not be worthwhile to offend Bai Li, the military, or Prince Ma for a mere business.

In many cases, the harmony of personal connections is far more important than money.

Ma Rong was trying to save face at this time, seemingly breaking the rules of his own business and losing his prestige, but at the same time he was flattering Prince Ma, Bai Lai, and even the master who valued Bai Lai very much.

This is not a loss-making business.

However, Tang Jian smiled lightly at this moment, and looked at Ma Rong, Zhou Le and others calmly, "You are only allowed to find fault with me? Why are you talking about letting me go?"

Ma Rong frowned suddenly, looked at Tang Jian with evil eyes, and threatened, "Boy, be careful what you say, I'm not giving you face, I'm giving it."

"Get out! I want you to save face?" Tang Jian shouted violently and directly interrupted Ma Rong's words, jumped up and rushed out.


The ground trembled violently, and the soil exploded violently, disintegrating and cracking.

A mass of berserk white and green lights blended and spread over Tang Jian's body.

The green light enveloped his body, causing the muscles to swell and explode instantly, while the white light instantly turned into a huge lion head in front of his arm, roaring angrily.

The ferocious Lion Fist energy light wave erupted fiercely, shocking everyone.

Bai Lu and the others, including Ma Rong, had no idea that Tang Jian would make the first move, and were taken aback.

This is simply a temper tantrum, to strike at the slightest disagreement.

"you wanna die!"

Ma Rong shouted angrily, the cards didn't move, his body pushed his spine like a boa constrictor, and he punched hard.

boom! ——

Under the bombardment of Ma Rong's fist, the air produced a terrifying airflow, and the sharp whistling sound and escaping air waves directly pushed Zhou Ledu beside him away.

Boom boom! ——

The lion's head fist in front of Tang Jian's fist was directly blown away by Ma Rong's punch, and the extremely powerful power was vented on Tang Jian's fist.

Tang Jian only felt the severe pain from his fist, and the bones collided with each other, making a sound like a stone colliding, as if they were about to split.

However, he seemed to have expected it a long time ago. As soon as his footsteps slipped, the electromagnetic buoyancy power shoes that appeared under his feet dragged his body and let go of their strength.

"Where to run!"

Ma Rong shouted and chased, his hands were like eagles and wolves, he grabbed and struck out thousands of claws, and even charged with strong spiritual power, he grabbed Tang Jian.

But at this moment, a cloud of green mist instantly enveloped Ma Rong who punched one after another.

Ma Rong snorted, his body suddenly stopped, and his furious expression suddenly became extremely distorted.


Several low shouts broke out at the same time.

Bai Lu and others attacked Ma Rong together.

The blazing white awn turned into a long whip formed by hundreds of white feathers, and it swung at any time as the white scorpion shouted, and rolled towards Ma Rong fiercely.


Ma Rong screamed.

The green mist covering his body was all shaken away, and a large piece of bright starlight suddenly appeared around his body with the phantom of the stars, like a hundred and eight Buddha beads spinning, and bounced hard.


The soil on the ground exploded and shot.

The attacks of the three soldiers were all bounced off by the phantoms of the stars.

The white feathered long whip in Bai Le's hand turned into a long snake, entangled with Ma Rong, like beating a top, beating Ma Rong surrounded by starlight.

A group of people who watched the excitement around were scared and quickly dispersed.

The breath of vitality erupted by the two sides fighting in the arena made many ordinary people whose vitality did not exceed 10 feel uncomfortable.


Tang Jian's figure appeared next to Zhou Le whose expression changed drastically in an instant, and he slapped him on the face.


Zhou Le was knocked down by a slap.

"You!" Zhou Le raised his head angrily.

Another slap turned into a black shadow covering his face.

There was a snap.

Zhou Le's head was pumped into a daze, and his eyes were red.

"You still dare to find fault with me? Apologize to me now!"

Tang Jian grabbed Zhou Le's collar and stared at Zhou Le coldly.

"Impossible!" Zhou Le yelled, poking his neck.

"Okay! I will teach you a lesson today."

Seeing Zhou Le's unreasonable appearance, Tang Jian's anger grew stronger and he struck again.

clap clap -


He lashed out all over his head and face, his hands became stronger and stronger, and Zhou Le's skin and flesh were ripped open, and Zhou Le's mind was dazed, as if his neck was about to be severed.

Gradually, a strong sense of fear surged into Zhou Le's heart.

He barely opened his almost swollen eyes, trying to open his mouth to speak.

With a slap, a sentence was slapped back into his mouth, a mouthful of fishy and salty food spread out in his mouth, and his teeth became loose.

He tried to speak a few times, but was beaten until he held his mouth shut.

Zhou Le was finally afraid. If he was beaten like this, he might be beaten to death! ?


Not far away, Ma Rong uttered a loud shout, thousands of stars gathered into a long sword, severed the long whip in Bai Li's hand, and forced Bai Li back with a few swipes of swords, and rushed towards Tang Jian with a flash of anger. .

"Get out!" Tang Jian turned his head and shouted coldly, and flipped out two green cards between his slender fingers.

In an instant, a puff of green mist turned into a devil's head with a grinning grin, covering Ma Rong with a sudden change in expression, and at the same time, a strange clown phantom appeared above Ma Rong's head

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