God Card

Chapter 215 224: Mediocrity and Genius

"How dare you use the same method on me twice?"

The moment the green mist and the clown phantom appeared, Ma Rong laughed back angrily, and a card that had been prepared for a long time was activated in the waist gauge.

In an instant, his eyes were shining brightly, and a picture of a bright nebula appeared on his face.

Tang Jian snorted.

The marionette card failed instantly, and the phantom of the clown collapsed above Ma Rong's head.

"Damn, plus!"

Tang Jian shouted sharply, and the attribute template appeared in front of his eyes, fluctuating sharply.

The green mist covering Ma Rong's body suddenly swelled up.


Ma Rong uttered an aggrieved roar, his mental power concentrated and exploded, and the star cluster above his head was shining brightly, but he was still at a loss for an instant. The six desires soared extremely strongly, and his spirit was restrained again irresistibly.


Bai Le, including the two bodyguards sent by Mrs. Ma San, moved in unison and shot one after another.


Ma Rong snorted miserably, and was immediately wrapped around his body by the white feather long whip urged by Bai Li, bound into a rice dumpling, and fell to the ground with a plop.

There was a series of screams.

Ma Rong's subordinates were quickly brought down one after another.

Except for a one-star card master, these people are all four or five-star card masters, so they are no opponents.

"I don't know much. Do you think it's useful to increase your mental strength? The same method, I have something wrong, what's wrong with using it twice?"

Tang Jian looked at Ma Rong who was restrained by Bai Yu on the ground, snorted coldly, and slapped Zhou Le, who had just woken up, on the face with his backhand.


"Don't apologize!"



"Brother. The witch is wrong brother"


Tang Jian subconsciously slapped the opponent's face again, only to realize that the opponent seemed to have just spoken.

"What did you just say?" Tang Jian grabbed Zhou Le's collar and looked at Zhou Le who had been beaten into a pig's head.

Zhou Le burst into tears, the tears stained his skinned and bloody cheeks, he grinned his teeth in pain, and said inarticulately, "Brother, you're wrong, you're wrong, brother."

Right now, he couldn't see Tang Jian's face clearly, his eyes were swollen, his face was numb, his heart was full of fear, he had completely forgotten that he was so stubborn and said impossible words before.

"Smells so good! He knows his mistakes and can correct them. He is a good boy."

Tang Jian looked at the blood stains on his hand, then at Zhou Le who had been beaten terribly, he snorted and threw him on the ground casually.

After all, he is only an 18-year-old child. No matter how rebellious he is, he knows that he is afraid of being tough, and he is afraid of being tortured like this.

The kind of iron head who won't kneel to death when his temper is really arrogant, is extremely talented, and Tang Jian appreciates it on the contrary.

On the contrary, he disdains someone like Zhou Le who looks hard but is soft-boned. After a severe beating, he admits to being cowardly.

"Ma Rong, I didn't see it. You are very courageous. You dare to attack the people our military wants to protect?"

Bai Le stared coldly at the bound Ma Rong, and said calmly.

Ma Rong's expression was gloomy, and he didn't smile now, panting slightly while being tied up, "Bai Zongchuan, I was planning on this before, that kid made the move first.

It's not that I took the initiative to attack your military personnel. Could it be that if your military personnel can hit people, I can't fight back? "

"Don't put a big hat on my head, I'm not from the military. Since you've come to find fault with me, I'll give you a chance if I don't act first?"

Tang Jian snorted coldly, and stepped forward without any fear.

"Okay. You've got guts." Ma Rong stared at Tang Jian coldly, with a smile that wasn't real.

Tang Jian grinned, stared at Ma Rong, smiled slightly and said nothing.

"You go, this matter ends here.""

Bai Le looked at Ma Rong calmly, and with a random move, the white feather whip tied to Ma Rong's body turned into a blue card and flew into her hand.

Ma Rong regained his mobility in an instant, stood up slowly from the ground, glanced at Tang Jian and Bai Lu, turned around with a snort, and left with a group of men, ignoring Zhou Le who was still humming miserably on the ground.

"You just took the initiative to make a move, so you predicted that we would definitely make a move?"

Bai Lu turned his head to look at Tang Jian beside him, his eyes were calm.

Facing Shang Baile's plain eyes, Tang Jian could see his intentions, but he was not embarrassed. He pointed at Zhou Le with a smile, "If you have a grudge, you can't stay overnight. Since you have been approached many times, don't be afraid of this kid. I'm so bully?"

"You have murderous intentions?" Bai Le asked lightly.

Tang Jian shrugged, "This is not a tiankeng."

Next to him, several soldiers who Wen Xiange knew the elegance of, and Mrs. Ma San's bodyguards were all trembling in their hearts, and they took a deep look at Tang Jian.

Tang Jian's words can be interpreted to have a deeper meaning, that is, if he was in Tiankeng, he might really have killed Zhou Le.

This one looks young, but he may not be a good person.


"Hey boy, I will give you two million federal coins now, tell me about your novel idea."

At this time, Mrs. Ma San pulled Tang Jian and spoke anxiously, and while speaking, she directed a bodyguard to go to the line first.

"Thank you just now, ma'am." Tang Jian looked at the woman beside him with a smile, and then glanced at Aying who was looking at him curiously like a baby, "You guys helped me just now, so I'll tell you the idea for free , no more money."

"That won't work." Mrs. Ma San immediately shook her head with a displeased expression, "I have to take the money. If I don't take the money, I won't take it."

"Yes." Seeing this, Ah Ying also looked at Tang Jian, and nodded earnestly, "You have to collect money, our Ma family doesn't owe favors easily."

"I don't want to owe people favors!" Tang Jian blinked, "How about this, the idea I gave you, if it really helps Miss Aying to enter the Kaneng House, you will send me two million federal coins afterwards , if you can’t enter, then forget it.”

"No. If you can't enter, we will call you." Mrs. Ma insisted.

Ma Ying also had a firm face and nodded seriously.

Tang Jian had a headache, so he forgot it, and immediately told the two of them another novel idea he had prepared earlier.

This other novel idea is also an immature but novel enough card patent theory with certain value.

In this lifetime, such a theory has not yet emerged.

Mrs. Ma San is also a person with sharp eyesight. After hearing Tang Jian's idea, she beamed with joy, "This idea will definitely work."

"Okay, your business is done, we can go back." Bai Le looked at Tang Jian.

"Good luck to you guys, let's just say goodbye and see you later."

Tang Jian smiled and bid farewell. After being sent off by Ma Ying and Mrs. Ma San, he boarded the military shuttle and left with Bai Lu and others.


Ma Ying looked at his mother, Mrs. Ma San, and asked curiously, "Why did Brother Tang defeat the card master when he was a card student? Is this what father said about genius?"

Mrs. Ma San had a complicated expression when she heard the words, she looked at Ma Ying, "Aying, you don't have to look like a genius, you are in Ma's house, you are both lucky and unlucky.

Mom can only do her best to help you live a better life.

Your vitality is now 13. Although it is made of kane crystals, it is not bad among your peers.

This time, if he enters the Ka Neng House again and raises his vitality to over 25, and after finishing college in the future, relying on the resources of the Ma family, he should be able to gradually become a five-star card apprentice. "

"As for the card master."

At the end of Mrs. Ma San's speech, she shook her head and patted Ma Ying's head, but said nothing more.

There is a saying: People are born into different classes, rich or poor, high or low.

Although this sentence has been controversial, it is very biased.

But in the world of card repairing, it is actually very suitable, and it reflects a cruel current situation very realistically.

The card repair world is the most particular about talent.

Just like some people get fat when they drink water, some people don't get fat no matter how much they eat.

Everyone's body is different.

The same goes for the card repair world.

Some people can quickly increase their vitality by practicing casually, and they have a strong ability to absorb and transform psychic energy.

Some people practice desperately, even relying on a large amount of resources to pile up, it is difficult to improve their vitality, and they often encounter bottlenecks.

Ma Ying is undoubtedly the latter. Even though he was born in a big family and has much more cultivation resources than ordinary people, it is difficult to compare with a real genius.

It's even more incomparable with Tang Jian's kind of coercion.

"You are really courageous. You dare to attack a two-star card master like Ma Rong. However, your spiritual power is very strong and weird. I just felt that your spiritual power has become stronger."

In the military shuttle car, Bai Le and Tang Jian were alone in the same compartment, sitting face to face, Bai Le calmly watched Tang Jiandao.

Although she was curious, her expression was still calm at this time.

Tang Jian smiled, and said nonsense in a serious manner, "That's just a special secret technique my uncle taught me. When I usually practice spiritual power, I can seal up part of the spiritual power and play the role of tempering the spiritual power. It can burst out suddenly at critical moments.

"However, this will affect the practice. Generally, it is not a last resort, so don't use it."

After hearing the words, Bai Li's curiosity disappeared, and he shook his head, "It's just a battle of spirits, and it doesn't need to affect the practice."

She paused and continued, "I see that in the battle just now, although your control of power is not particularly subtle, it is not like the kind of people whose vitality is advancing by leaps and bounds, and there is no phenomenon of being unable to control power."

"I feel that your vitality has become about twice as strong as before. It has improved so fast, don't you feel that your power is uncontrollable?"

When he said this, a trace of doubt and curiosity finally appeared on Bai Le's calm face, "The general was very angry when he found out that you had entered the Kaneng house, but I think your current condition seems to be pretty good. It's just..."

"Are you just afraid that I will overdraw my potential?"

Tang Jian took the words and said with a smile, "I don't know what's going on, it seems that my absorption rate of psychic energy is much faster than ordinary people."

"Actually, my uncle discovered this problem a long time ago, saying that I am a fairy flower between heaven and earth. Not only is my spiritual strength very fast, but I am also very sensitive to energy and absorb it quickly."

"Under the guidance of my uncle, I came to Kaneng House to try and found that although my strength has improved fast enough, it is probably because my mental strength is strong enough and has not been out of balance. I can use my strong mental strength and excellent fighting talent to quickly Familiar with mastering the power of ascension."

Bai Lu was silent for a while, looked deeply at Tang Jiancai and said, "You are more capable of boasting."

Tang Jian accepted it frankly, "This is not boasting, but a fact."

To lie and deceive people.

First of all, you have to lie to yourself.

I believed it myself.

Then others will be more convinced.

Tang Jian had already thought of a lot of excuses since the beginning of Kaneng House.

Of course, it can be predicted that He Dongshen and other people who were optimistic about him will be very disappointed by his behavior

Seven thousand words update. Thank you Wen Rou, King Hai Da Wang, and Bubbles for your rewards! Try to write another chapter tonight. If you can’t write it out, post it tomorrow, try your best.

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