God Card

Chapter 291 300: Arranged Clearly (For Warmth)

The moment when the powerful and cold sword light erupted!

Tang Jian's complexion changed suddenly.

One sword!

The spirit arresting chain was cut off and collapsed directly.

Tang Jian's brain was tingling, and he felt as if there was a sharp blue and white sword imprinted on his heart.

Even the [Red Laser I Card] that was energized in the right eye seemed unstable and was about to be forced out of the right eye.

"So strong! How could such a strong guy appear?"

Tang Jian's lacrimal glands were stimulated and he couldn't help crying.

But the next moment, he gritted his teeth and shouted, his figure instantly turned into a black mist and forced to retreat, all kinds of curses and suspicions came to his mind.

How did such a strong guy suddenly appear?

Is there something wrong with this assessment task organized by the school?

There are traitors in the school who want to kill them, a batch of federal flowers?

"Slay the ghost!"

Ahead, a strange strong man dressed like an ancient knight slammed, and the katana-like long sword in his hand suddenly emitted a green glow. A green card melted in the sword, and he sprinted towards the atomized Tang sword. .


Tang Jian felt threatened and tried his best to dodge.

However, the sword light was swift and slashed at Wu Hua's body in an instant.

Chi -

The black mist was cut in two by a sword, and a deep gully trace appeared on the ground.


Xiaomei's painful cry sounded in Tang Jian's mind.

Tang Jian let out a muffled sound, and his foggy body was forced out by a forceful force, his clothes were ripped apart, his body in the state of glazed golden body collapsed, blood spilled out and slammed into the rock wall fiercely.

"Tang Jian!"

The sudden change happened so fast that Mi Cheng and others who were still fighting were shocked.

"Executive Chen!"

Liu Jie, who narrowly escaped death, saw the knight-errant man, and his face immediately showed ecstasy.

The other two two-star card masters also showed surprises on their faces, and the self-inflicted person was so relaxed that he didn't activate the sacrifice card anymore.

Wearing a bamboo hat, the knight couldn't see his face clearly. He glanced at Mi Cheng and the others who were still entangled not far away, and cursed, "Trash!"

Liu Jie's complexion changed slightly, and he looked at the two two-star card masters, "Go and help kill these boys."

After saying that, Liu Jie moved, and a blue card turned into a black scythe with flickering arcs in his hand, and he was about to slash at Tang Jian fiercely.


The knight shouted, waved his hand violently, and out of thin air broke out a powerful palm, pushing Liu Jie away.

"This kid, I want to catch him alive. Everyone else, except those who are willing to surrender, will be killed."

Liu Jie was taken aback for a moment, but immediately followed suit, killing Xiang Micheng and the others, shouting, "The descendant will not be killed!"

"Run away!"

Tang Jian's complexion changed slightly, and he shouted at Mi Cheng and the others.

Mi Cheng and the others were even more frightened, Ma He and Xu Cheng had already started calling for help without hesitation.

However, outside the cracks in the mountain, the roar and roar of Mengluo sounded from time to time, as if Mengluo had been dragged by someone.

"Escape? Where are you going?"

The chivalrous man took his time and looked at Tang Jian jokingly, "Are you that bastard Wan Ling's student? Hand over the inheritance card in your hand, and I can be gentle with you later."

"Gentle your mother, you faggot!"

Tang Jian cursed, and closed his eyes suddenly, to avoid being seen by the opponent, and to consider various tricks.

"Okay. I like hard bones, and you can experience my methods soon."

The knight looked at Tang Jian indifferently, and suddenly waved his palm, and a blue card released an extremely strong brilliance.

A phantom of the word "lock" instantly expanded, suppressing Tang Jian.

Tang Jian yelled suddenly, and at the same time raised his left hand suddenly, bursting out with an extremely strong blue brilliance.

The fiery blue laser beam shot out suddenly, and the air burned into a large flame, and the temperature in the entire mountain crevice channel increased sharply.

Tang Jian's entire left hand was scorched and bloody.

"Blue Laser!"

The knight's expression changed slightly, but he soon calmed down.

His body was instantly shot by the blue laser, and he was vaporized in the blink of an eye.

The hard black rock wall behind it was burned into a bottomless hole in the blink of an eye, and the rock melted into crimson magma flowing down.

But the next moment, in front of Tang Jian, the figure of the chivalrous man reappeared like a nightmare, his palms were slammed down like flowers, and the phantom of the word "lock" was fiercely imprinted on Tang Jian's rapidly atomized body.

"Ah~ master, it hurts so much!"

Xiaomei cried out in pain.


Tang Jian only felt his whole body was electrocuted, feeling that Xiaomei was forcibly shaken out of his body.

In an instant, the clothes on his body were blown to pieces, and all the cards in [Demi-human Girl Card] including Du Yi were scattered, and the card energy in his body was blocked.

"Tang Jian!"


On the other side, after the three two-star card masters participated in the battle, Mi Cheng and others were all beaten to pieces, no matter how much they called for help, they could not wait for Meng Luo's figure.

"Shout, no one will come to save you if you yell out your throat."

Liu Jie laughed and shouted, "Surrender immediately, if you don't surrender again, the cards have no eyes, kill them all."

"Surrender! All surrender!"

Tang Jian's whole body strength was sealed, he surrendered resolutely, and yelled at the knight-errant man, "Don't kill them, I'll surrender on their behalf!"

Mi Cheng yelled furiously, "Volunteer for your mother, even if you kill me, you won't surrender!"


A 2-star card master who had turned into a youth forcibly broke away from Mi Cheng's mental card skills, and knocked Mi Cheng to the ground with a single punch. The bowl-sized fists fell like raindrops, causing Mi Cheng to scream. The teeth were broken and fell to the ground.

"Vote! I surrender!"

Mi Cheng howled miserably, his teeth shattered and spit blood, "I surrendered, don't fight anymore."

"I thought your bones were so hard, and it would be over if you surrendered early. After you deal with the young ones, and then deal with the old one outside, it can be regarded as a lesson for you Yujing Academy."

The chivalrous man looked at Tang Jian and the others coldly, and chuckled teasingly.

Tang Jian looked at the cards scattered on the ground. The card energy in his body could not be condensed and mobilized at all, and his heart sank sharply.

This time it's over.

If it falls into the hands of the old country organization, even if it is not brainwashed, it may be imprisoned or killed.

It is no longer a question of mission failure, but

Tang Jian's heart was burning with anxiety, and suddenly his body trembled slightly.

In his mind, a voice sounded softly, causing Tang Jian's mouth to make a sound involuntarily, sighing indifferently.

"It seems that only you two trash are here. Does Kadimo have the guts to show up?"

"Huh? You!?"

The chivalrous man looked at Tang Jian with a sudden change of expression.

He sensed that something was wrong at the first moment, his expression changed sharply and murderously, and the blue and white long sword in his hand turned into a turbulent sword light to kill Tang Jian.


The sword energy is like the raging waves of the sea, with a cold aura that crushes everything in the world.

"Hey! I surrender!"

Tang Jian's eyes widened, his thoughts fluctuated violently, and he felt the extremely strong breath of death. Even many skins on his body were pierced by the sword energy that had not yet approached.

However, at the next moment, the [Blue Laser II Card] and [Babu Tianlong Card] in Tang Jian's card pack were all scorching hot, turning into two clusters of energy that suddenly dispersed in his body.

Tang Jian's body suddenly floated upright, and he felt the energy in his body rising wildly like a rising tide.

Immediately, his eyes were closed with a calm and stern expression.

His pupils reflected the swift sword energy.

Looking at the sword energy like a raging sea.

At this moment, Tang Jian even felt that it seemed to be very slow. He could clearly see the weakness and concentration of the sword energy, and he could see the trend and landing point of the long sword engulfed by the sword energy.

"The teacher taught you to kill."

A familiar voice sounded in Tang Jian's mind.

The next moment.

Tang Jian was shocked to see his palm stretched out, and with a flip of his wrist, the card energy that blocked his whole body boiled and exploded.

The energized eight-step Tianlong card was activated, and it turned into a ball of energy gushing out of the palm, and it was shot out with a bang.


Eight giant dragons with blue brilliance roared and wreaked havoc.

Tang Jian couldn't control himself at all, he watched in astonishment as the energy surged from his palms rushing left and right.

The violent power intertwined into a net, and the ferocious eight dragons rushed into the tide of sword energy, smashing the sword light into pieces.

This is a completely novel experience, and the use of card power is simply wonderful.

"Wan Ling! It's you Wan Ling!"

The knight shouted in shock, Jian Guang was crushed by the eight dragons, but in an instant he laughed loudly again, "How dare you put your will on the card, with your student's strength, you dare to make a move?"

The chivalrous man's eyes exuded fierce and blazing brilliance, and his whole body suddenly exuded an extremely terrifying and powerful sword gesture.

Several blue cards floated out and landed in front of him.

It suddenly turned into three small swords of different colors and spun around.

"Kill you, my student's strength is enough."

In Tang Jian's calm eyes, there was a wave of disdainful thinking.

next moment!

The eyes suddenly turned into two colors.

The temperature in the entire mountain channel suddenly soared!

Two blazing laser beams, one red and one blue, crossed and shot out from Tang Jian's eyes, forming a light beam like an "X", burning the air.

The red and blue colors are fleeting!

"Ah - no!"

With a scream, the knight turned into dozens of afterimages, all of which were ignited and vaporized in an instant.

Cards fell to the ground one by one from their gasified bodies, and some cards were directly burned into ashes.

In the air, there was a faint burnt smell.

The opposite rock wall was burned into pools of crimson magma, pouring all over the ground, glowing with hot smoke.

"Executive Chen!"

Liu Jie and the others were all terrified, and their hairs stood on end looking at Tang Jian who looked calm.

"Who are you?"

"Don't come here!"

Tang Jian turned his head suddenly, and in his eyes, the red light beam was cut by laser like the scarlet death light that harvested people's life.

The screams sounded one after another in the mountain crevice channel where the temperature rose instantly.

The dark red blood mixed with the flowing magma spread out in bursts of scorched breath.

"What's happening here?"

"Possessed by a god?"

Mi Cheng and the others were all stunned in shock, watching Tang Jian's massacre in the eruption of the small universe, watching lives end in Tang Jian's hands.

until everyone dies.

Tang Jian's figure turned into a phantom and suddenly rushed out of the mountain crevice.

Immediately afterwards, outside the mountain crevice passage, the roaring sound that lasted for a long time became more intense, mixed with chaotic exclamations and curses.

"What happened just now? Is that Tang Jian?"

Mi Cheng looked at Qi Luo, and then at the beach of magma on the ground.

All the members of the old country had no bones left and turned into magma, and everyone couldn't help but feel a little lost.

"It is said that Dean Wan has a clone."

"Could it be that Tang Jian is Dean Wan's avatar?"

"No way?" Qi Luo couldn't believe it.

Mi Cheng was stunned, and the doubts dissipated in his heart, "Why not? I said how can anyone in the younger generation be so much stronger than me? If Tang Jian is the clone of Dean Wan, then it can be explained. No wonder Dean Wan accepts it. He is a student, this is clearly arranged."

Chen Qi clutched his injured wound, contemptuously, "You are talking nonsense seriously."

Thanks to Baiyinmeng, a quiet and beautiful woman. Thanks,丨Lengyue, TERU, Bubbles, Citrus Master cc, Uncle Wen next door, Miyamoto Cool, Priest Mode, Ten Steps of Frost's Fall, Hate the Twilight Cold in the City, Brother Feng Again, Shadows in the Light, Hongjun Wood You Diao , tigerwulalaa, 1s2c's tip!

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