God Card

Chapter 292 Chapter 301: The Pit God Reappears

heavily clouded. It was raining heavily.

Lightning tore through the heavy lead clouds, and when the rain fell on the ground, it blended with pools of semi-cooled magma on the ground, and a large amount of steaming smoke erupted, emitting an unpleasant strange smell.

Meng Luo stretched out his palm, which was enveloped by a tyrannical vindictiveness, and turned into a big palm. He pulled out half of the body that was almost burnt into coke in the magma and threw it on the ground with a dull sound. Then he looked at Tang Jian with dissatisfaction. Humph.

"This guy can't die anymore. Since you have taken action, Dean Wan, you should capture him alive."

Tang Jian was drenched by the rain, and the wound was very painful from the rain.

He rubbed his bloodshot and red eyes, looked at Mengluo helplessly and said, "Teacher Meng, my teacher should have left, and the two cards he gave me have disappeared."

Chen Qi and the others, who were carrying the corpse behind them, breathed a sigh of relief.

"Teacher Meng, how could there be such a strong man in this mission? We were almost killed just now."

Xu Cheng's body was covered with a layer of cyan fighting spirit, and all the raindrops that fell on his body were bounced off within a foot. He looked at Meng Luo, and then at Tang Jian, his eyes were full of lingering fear.

"Tang Jian, you were possessed by Dean Wan just now? Did Dean Wan expect such a thing to happen?"

Qi Luo was surrounded by a mechanical crystal wall to keep out the rain, looked at Tang Jian, and frowned slightly.


Tang Jian shrugged, activated the blessing card of the six desires of the evil spirit, and healed the wound on his body, "I don't know, but it should be my teacher who made the move just now.

Maybe he was worried that my student would die outside, so he quietly arranged a life-saving means for me in advance, which was triggered at a critical moment and saved our lives. "

Saying this in his mouth, Tang Jian also murmured in his heart.

Lao Wan is so domineering and tyrannical, and he is perverted when he trains students.

It's not like the kind of warm man who cares about others.

This time, the other party made a sudden move. Couldn't it be that it was planned long ago?

Just thinking about it.

"Tang Jian, it is rumored that Dean Wan has always had a clone."

Mi Cheng looked at Tang Jian with suspicious eyes, his mouth was swollen and his teeth leaked, "You can't be his clone?"


Tang Jian scolded and glared at Mi Cheng contemptuously, "Didn't you just surrender? Why did you surrender later? Your teeth are broken, so you're still so mean?"

"I was just talking on the scene and showing off my tough guy spirit. It's really terrible, so I have to admit it. Do you think I'm stupid?"

Mi Cheng muttered.

"What should we do now? Have we failed this task or passed it?"

Ma He said while drenched in the rain, looking at Meng Luo.

Everyone was silent when they heard the words, and looked at Mengluo who was collecting ground cards.

Meng Luo's face was serious, and he turned his head to look at the crowd, "I didn't think I saw your performance? Except for Tang Jian's performance, the rest of you are soy sauce all the time."

Mi Cheng was dissatisfied, "The one in front was Tang Jian who shot too fast, and rushed forward to grab the head by himself, and we didn't have a chance to make a move.

In the end, if we hadn't held back two one-star card masters and three two-star card masters, Tang Jian might have died. "

Tang Jian rolled his eyes, "Nonsense, I won't be able to die if you die, and that bunch of scum can kill me?"

Meng Luo snorted coldly, pondered for a long while and put away the cards he picked up, "This mission was a little accident, but your performance throughout the whole process has been recorded. After you go back, all our teachers will watch it again." Let’s draw conclusions from the images.”

After Meng Luo finished speaking, he looked at the card in his hand, and then looked around in doubt, "Strange, this guy should have a purple card that hasn't been destroyed, why is it missing?"


Tang Jian was puzzled, subconsciously grabbed the card bag, looked at the half-destroyed corpse under Meng Luo's feet, "It may have been destroyed, I feel that my teacher has fully exerted the power of the blue laser card just now, that is at least More than 60,000 degrees, Zika will also be destroyed."

"More than 60,000 degrees?"

Qi Luo and the others clicked their tongues.

Meng Luo shook his head, "Zika is not so easy to destroy."

"Then how did my former [Flame God Card] get destroyed?" Tang Jian said.

Meng Luo coughed dryly, "The material of your card is not very good, it may have been restrained. The one I'm talking about should not be destroyed so easily."

Meng Luo turned over half of the charred corpse for inspection again in doubt, and knocked on the corpse.

"This is the corpse of a five-star card master. Even if he is dead now, the hardness of the corpse is higher than that of ordinary B-grade alloys. The hardness of purple cards with better materials is stronger than that of B-grade alloys. It should be said."

"The one who was dressed as a knight before shouldn't be as strong as this?" Tang Jian changed the subject.


Meng Luo shook his head, "That guy runs fast, I was entangled by this guy, otherwise I would have killed him if I caught him.

That's only a four-star card, but the cards in his hand are powerful, but his physical strength is at the level of a C-grade alloy. "

Meng Luo boasted, then frowned and looked at Tang Jian, "Why do you keep changing the subject?"

Tang Jian was stunned, "Is there any? No, Teacher Meng. I want to ask, I just killed so many people. The cards of these people should be my spoils, right? Including the ones you are holding now .”

When Mi Cheng and others heard Tang Jian's words, they were all stunned.

I rely on good reason ah!

Mi Cheng couldn't help rubbing his hands, looked at Meng Luo and smiled, "Teacher, I, I also injured a two-star card master just now, and I also have a share in the cards on his body."

Meng Luo's face darkened, and she glared at Mi Cheng, "You didn't kill him, so you don't deserve points."

Said, Meng Luo frowned and looked at Tang Jian with expectant eyes, "Our teacher and school will not take all the spoils of those you killed, but those who were killed by your teacher just now cannot be given to you. "


Tang Jian was dissatisfied, "Even if my teacher killed him, I borrowed my strength and my body, and I also contributed."

Meng Luo said decisively, "If you didn't kill it, it is impossible to share your spoils. If you want it, go back to your teacher. These cards will be handed over to your teacher in the end."

Tang Jian was speechless.

Looking for a domineering Wanling to ask for a card?

He felt he might be killed.


How should this task be calculated now?

Did he pass the test or not?

If it passed, many card masters would die under the power of Wan Ling.

It doesn't make sense if it doesn't pass.

After all, not a single student died, and all the members of the Old Country Organization had indeed been wiped out, and even two strong men rushed to the door and rushed to reincarnate.

Those who are sure to be killed by themselves can take away the spoils.

Tang Jian immediately became busy, and under the envious eyes of Mi Cheng and others, he quickly collected the spoils cards.

However, less than half of the cards collected in the end were destroyed by the high-temperature rays of the laser cards.

Tang Jian felt a little heartache, but when he put all the cards into the space storage ring card, seeing the purple brilliance in the storage ring card, the pain eased a little, but he felt a little guilty.

"It is said that the entire assessment process was recorded? You won't find out that I secretly hid this card?"

"Probably not, my movements are so covert that Mengluo didn't even notice."

"Besides, I killed people. Even if the teacher did it, it's still my body. There's nothing wrong with it."

Tang Jian's face was extremely calm.

Cooperate with everyone to clean up the battlefield, and search the stronghold of the entire old country organization under the command of Meng Luo.

Unfortunately, there were no important things left in the stronghold, and most of them were destroyed.

After completing this series of things, everyone took the passenger plane that had flown back to school.

Inside Yujing Academy.

Office of the dean of the card making department.

Wan Ling, monk Qingya and other teachers were watching a video sent by Meng Luo.

After watching the whole video, Ge Lao shook his head.

"This task is completely a personal show of this stinky boy Tang Jian. Lao Wan, although the task conditions you arranged for your students before asked Tang Jian to protect the safety of other students, it also restricted the development of other students in disguise, resulting in These kids don't even have a chance to make a move."

Wan Ling said indifferently, "These boys have long legs, and they are afraid to fight. It's no wonder others."

"It's not that they dare not fight."

Shang Qingya frowned, "Tang Jian suddenly issued an order, and then directly launched a frontal attack, who dares to charge forward like this?

I didn't realize that Tang Jian, who was obviously very treacherous and cunning, could be so brave at times? "

Wan Ling smiled lightly, "He is not brave and fearless, but he has enough confidence. He first detected the enemy's details with some hole card method. This method should be similar to foreknowledge. Only after confirming that he is confident enough, he will act."

"Just when he was sitting there sleeping?"

Another teacher, Xi Ledao.


Wan Ling nodded, and changed the subject again, "This time, with the help of these children, they killed the other two executive officers in the old country, and these children can be regarded as meritorious.

Even if this task is completed, the rewards will be issued as usual.

Then you each carry out post-war education on them, and the next task must be more difficult. "

Shang Qingya looked at Wan Ling with dissatisfaction, "You are worthy of being called the god of cheating. This time, you not only cheated Mengluo, but even this group of children. There are two executive officers. If there is any mistake in the middle, let alone Mengluo, These children may all have sacrifices."

Wan Ling said calmly, "In front of me, Wan Ling, there is no such thing as an eventuality."

Old Man Ge yawned, "Okay, stop bragging, Meng Luo will definitely ask you to argue when he comes back, this time you have kept us all in the dark, and it will be hard not to pay some mental damage."

"Go upstairs tonight, you go up together, you beat me, the rest is easy to talk about."

Wan Ling got up, his figure blurred and gradually disappeared.

Shang Qingya and the others watched Wan Ling's figure disappear and looked at each other again, with memories and smiles showing in their eyes.

"It seems that the knot in your heart has been untied?"

"I seem to see that the guy who made me vomit blood is coming back."

"This time, the lunatics from the Old Country Organization ran into someone even crazier. No, he was not a human being at all, but a born god-man."

"I feel that his student is also a bit (deceitful) in nature, and he dared to secretly hide a purple card."

Thank you Xuezhang, TERU, Hualanyun, Shuyou 201701140, Brother Feng Zai, Storm Warrior, Uncle Jiba, Yin Siyue, Ruthless and Quiet Young Master, Lefer for their rewards!

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