God Card

Chapter 503 512: Devouring Frenziedly

A space crack like scales on snake skin appeared in front of Tang Jian, exuding an extremely strong aura of space destruction.

However, Tang Jian soon felt that the cracks in the space in front of him were shrinking rapidly with the release of Ka Neng and spiritual power.

He realized clearly in his heart, and his consciousness moved.

The hole card in the other world in a black circular state emits the fluctuation of the card law, turning into "●" and plundering.

At the same time, the space crack immediately became a miniature space-time gate, almost the size of a little finger, hidden in the space, and fluctuating from time to time, which could be sensed by Tang Jian.

This kind of miniature space-time gate is quite concealed.

But as long as the space awareness reaches a certain level, people can still be keenly aware of the strangeness of this space.

For example, when the psychic mist wanders into this space, it will suddenly disappear out of thin air, as if being swallowed by an invisible big mouth.

It's like a water bottle is punctured with a small pinhole, which is hard to see with the naked eye, but if you look carefully, you can still see the water in the bottle that has been lost for no reason.

"After all, it's only a purple 1-star [Konka from Another World], I forced it with my strong sense of space, and the concealment is not strong.

If you want to make higher-level cards of this type in the future, you must systematically study the knowledge of geometry and space.”

Tang Jian tried to use cards.

Suddenly, the [Hole Card of Another World], which was like a small black circle, flashed quickly, ignoring the barrier of the body, and penetrated into the epithelial membrane above the right atrium.

"Absorb and try."

Tang Jian controls the miniature time-space gate of [Kongka in the Other World] to absorb the psychic breath scattered in the hall.

In an instant, a space-absorbing force came out from the miniature time-space gate.

However, this absorbing force only absorbed the psychic energy that was less than half a meter away, and it seemed weak.

Tang Jian only felt that there seemed to be a faint energy in his heart, which was almost undetectable.

Such an effect might not be as good as taking a breath, but he had already expected this effect.

"I am here to build a miniature time-space gate, there is almost no phase difference, and it is difficult to use [The Hole Card of the Other World] to absorb too much energy.

But if I build the miniature time-space gate in Juling Peak in the mine eye, then the phase difference will be obvious. "

Tang Jian's consciousness moved slightly, and the miniature time-space gate turned into a small black dot "●" and flew out, heading straight for the mine hole of Juling Peak under the beam.

Matter can't block the shuttle of the miniature space-time gate at all.

It seemed to be shuttling through the gaps in space. With the extension of Tang Jian's consciousness, it quickly shuttled under the beams and columns, and got into the mine hole full of psychic breath and connected to Juling Peak.

When he reached that position, Tang Jian found that the sense of consciousness was not particularly clear.

The space structure in the mine seems to be very unstable, and it is necessary to calculate the stability of the space at all times and install the miniature space-time gate.

However, the inside of the mine eye, together with the majestic psychic aura of Juling Peak, is like the outlet of a dam.

The intensity of the psychic medium's breath is completely different from that in the main hall at this time, and there is a huge gap in energy level.

In such a case, the phase difference also becomes stronger.

Tang Jian once again used the miniature time-space gate to absorb energy.

Immediately, a tyrannical phase difference erupted, quickly sucking away the psychic breath in the mine.

During this process, the spatial fluctuations in the position of the miniature time-space gate in the mine eye were violent, even revealing the miniature time-space gate like black dots, exuding palpitations in space fluctuations.

Tang Jian's brain is running at high speed, constantly calculating the stability of the space structure of the current miniature time-space gate, and making fine adjustments to ensure that the miniature time-space gate will not be shattered by disordered space fluctuations.

At the same time, surges of surging psychic energy began to escape from the corresponding cards between the membranes above the right atrium, filling Tang Jian's body crazily.


Tang Jian only felt that the right atrium was oppressed by extremely strong energy.

When this berserk energy rushed into his body, there were actually some spatially disordered fluctuations erupting in his body.

This is equivalent to devouring all the energy rushing out of a mine hole, and using the phase difference to transmit it into Tang Jian's body.

A painful feeling of twisting his body made him grunt.

At this time, the strength of the dragon's body was also reflected, and it was quickly carried down.

Musculoskeletal cells and every cell began to crazily absorb the energy entering the body.

The energy that comes and goes quickly is quickly digested.

At this time, Tang Jian discovered the expected drawbacks.

When using [The Hole Card of Another World], it is necessary to accurately calculate the current space structure at all times.

The chaotic space is like a pool of muddy water that is constantly fluctuating, and the miniature space-time gate built by cards is like a fish in muddy water.

Tang Jian wants to make the fish stable in the muddy water and not be washed away by the turbulent current.

This is too high a test for space perception and related knowledge of geometric space, and it is also very troublesome.

And because the miniature time-space gate is built in the space beside it.

Even if there is a huge difference between the energy-rich environment and the low-energy environment, the phase difference is not as good as the gap between the two worlds that can directly leverage the energy of the environment. The energy absorbed by devouring is not continuous, but intermittent.

"There are too many disadvantages, which are completely inferior to the simple and crude energy-absorbing function of the red card cheating device. One requires high intelligence and commercial brains, and the other is a brainless operation as fierce as a tiger.

Hey, I'm still brainless. "

After Tang Jian fiddled with it for a while, he lost his initial strong interest in [Konka from Another World].

This card is powerful, but it is also for other people.

For someone like him who has a better red card cheating device, it is completely rubbish, and he has to throw it away after shopping around.

However, with this card, it is enough to barely cover up the secret of the red card cheating device, confuse the public, and make it difficult for people to figure out his real secret. This is basically the goal.

Tang Jian continued to try a few more times.

"Currently, the speed of energy absorption in the mine eye by using [The Hole Card of Another World] is about 500,000 energy per minute.

On average, every time it is absorbed, it takes half a minute to wait until the energy accumulated in the mine hole is enough to cause a phase difference."

After careful calculation, Tang Jian found that the speed of absorbing energy was actually similar to that of the red card cheating device.

Counting the interval time, it can absorb more than 500,000 energy per minute on average, which can be called high efficiency.

However, the more than 500,000 energies are directly absorbed into one's own body, and it is true that an extremely strong body with more than 5,000 vitality is needed to support it, otherwise it will easily explode and die.

The red card is to absorb energy into the card for storage, and then slowly transmit it to the body, which belongs to the controllable category, but it is much safer and more convenient.

Solve the worries of the future.

Tang Jian immediately remained in the state of dragon transformation, and even more unscrupulously sucked the psychic energy of the divine way to increase his vitality.

When you feel that your nutrition cannot keep up with your hunger, you will take out some spare medicated meals.

Although they are all leftovers, they save more time.

Tang Jian had already made up his mind.

As long as the Shinto people don't come to stop him, he will stay in the Zongyuan Hall and not go out.

It is very rare to have such a rich resource for him to absorb madly.

As for whether he absorbed more than 3 billion resources in the end, how can he manage so much.

I just eat, but you didn't remind me in time that I ate too much, so who can blame me!

Do you still want me to spit it out?

Impossible, it will be digested after eating, and it will not be pulled out.


Under the observation of the Shendao Elder Wang Hurou, who was so painful that he almost suffocated, Tang Jian still maintained the speed of absorbing more than half a million psychic energy per minute, frantically occupying the resources of the Shendao.

After most of the day.

The psychic energy dissipated per square meter in the entire Shinto sect is nearly 30% less than usual.

Such an obvious decrease in psychic energy, even many unresponsive disciples realized that something was wrong.

Wang Hu even received inquiries from many elders and deacons.

It was when Wang Hu's head was as big as a fight and he was even more angry and hard to bear, and he could hardly bear to ring the bell in the divine court to alarm the divine lord.

Li Qing finally came late and returned to the sect.

After she returned to the sect, she immediately noticed the reduction of the psychic energy in the air, and she couldn't help but feel terrified.

How much energy did Tang Jian absorb?

Will it lead to a decrease in the psychic energy index of a large Shinto sect?

Over a billion psychic energies?

Certainly more than that.

So more than five billion?

"How could it be possible to consume so much? It's impossible to possess a body? Where did he get so much energy?"

Li Qing couldn't help but get dizzy, and immediately got rid of a group of disciples who wanted to pay homage, and rushed to the Zongyuan Hall.

Originally, it was really not easy for her to win 3 billion resources for Tang Jian. It caused many elders to impeach her and disciples to object, but she continued to arrange it against all opinions.

Originally, Li Qing thought that no matter how cruel Tang Jian was during this period, it would be impossible for him to consume 3 billion resources.

But now it seems that the matter is estimated to be more serious.

Even though Li Qing is the Great Elder, the Shinto is not his monopoly after all, if the disturbance goes too far, even she may be severely punished.

Inside Zongyuan Hall.

Tang Jian's whole body was almost like an octopus clinging to the beams and pillars in the temple, and the rich psychic energy kept pouring into his body.

His body in dragon form is stronger, and the speed of refining energy is even more outrageous.

The vitality is rising steadily!

His own vitality has reached 2879.

The vitality of the dragon fusion state is more than 4 times that of its own state, breaking through 10,000 for the first time, and its vitality is comparable to that of a five-star card master, reaching the level of 11516.

When Li Qing rushed to the Zongyuan Hall in a hurry, he instantly noticed the undisguised tyrannical life force fluctuations in the Zongyuan Hall.

Vitality fluctuations of more than 10,000 levels!

"what's the situation?"

Li Qing was terrified, and the confusion on Wei Yi's cheeks could not be concealed at this time.

He glanced over a group of attracted elders with ugly looks, and landed on Wang Hu with a haggard face.

Wang Hu said with difficulty, "Elder Da, you can see for yourself, I have already recorded the approximate energy absorbed by the Tang sword in the Zongyuan Hall during the time I have been here.

In ten hours, the energy consumed has exceeded 300 million. It is difficult to calculate how much energy has been lost these days. But

But this Tang sword has been in the Zongyuan Palace for eight days, right? "

"Ten hours, more than 300 million energy wasted?"

Li Qing stared slightly, and the wrinkles on her forehead were squeezed out.

More than 300 million energy was lost in ten hours.

If Tang Jian absorbs it crazily day and night for eight days, then it is conservatively estimated that he will lose 5 billion energy, right?

"This kid is really rude to me, does he take Shinto as his home!?"

Li Qing was short of breath, but in front of all the gloomy-looking elders, she had to pretend to be relieved and said with a relaxed smile, "That's okay, I know this kid is very lazy, he can practice for up to 10 hours a day, After a while he stopped.

It's only been eight days, and he probably hasn't lost 3 billion energy. I rushed back from the outside to remind him that it's almost done. "

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