God Card

Chapter 504 513: Tang Jian is really a great talent

eight days!

That's all! ?

Might not have lost 3 billion energies?

Tang Jian is so diligent and crazy in cultivation, is he still lazy?

You old woman is a liar, right?

All the elders looked at Li Qing, who was pretending to be relaxed, in astonishment, feeling very uncomfortable.

Wang Hu opened his mouth to refute, but meeting Li Qing's eyes with a slight smile, he held back his words.

Li Qing seldom smiles, and when she does, it's better not to provoke her.

"Okay, I can understand everyone's feelings. When I came back, I was also planning to get Tang Jian out of the Zongyuan Hall. Let's go."

Li Qing's tone became softer, to appease the mood of the elders.

"Since the Great Elder is ready to get him out, then forget it, but I propose that next time such a dangerous person should not be allowed to enter our sect's important place."

"Not bad. I second!"

"Extremely extreme!"

A group of elders immediately expressed a small opinion, neither soft nor hard, to give a step down, and also to put a stop to this matter.

"Don't worry, there will be no next time. The resources allocated to Tang Jian by our Shinto are almost the same."

Li Qing nodded and said.

Immediately, she left the crowd behind, and her figure flew towards the Zongyuan Hall like lightning, activated the card that controlled the Zongyuan Hall, and the door of the palace opened with a bang.

"Tang Jian!"

Li Qing stepped into the Zongyuan Hall and drank in a low voice.

Tang Jian stopped the red card cheating device from absorbing energy as early as the gate of the Zongyuan Hall was rumbling, and instead used the [Other World Hole Card] as a means of absorbing energy.

When Li Qing entered Zongyuan Hall and drank a low reminder.

Tang Jian also pretended to be surprised and let go of the beam, and turned to look at Li Qing who rushed in.

"Oh? The Great Elder came to see me at this time, what's the matter?"

Li Qing frowned slightly.

When she entered Zongyuan Hall, she found that the psychic energy floating in the hall was extremely scarce, more than 60% less than before.

This Tang Jian absorbs so fiercely, doesn't it mean that he doesn't have an A score?

Now he is pretending, which makes Li Qing very unhappy.

But the words of reprimand came to his lips, thinking of the prince's favor and the upcoming plan, Li Qing's eyes flashed and he changed his words.

"Tang Jian, it's almost done. You have been practicing in the Zongyuan Palace for eight days. This practice still needs to be relaxed, but you can't just be brave and aggressive. Get ready to leave the palace."

The slender and strong dragon tail behind Tang Jian flicked, whipping the air and making a sound, hesitantly said, "But I don't feel tired yet, can't I practice for a while?"

"Huh?" Li Qing frowned.

The air seemed to tremble suddenly, and the flowing psychic breath also stagnated.

Tang Jian's heart skipped a beat. After his vitality broke through 10,000, his perception became more than several times sharper.

At this moment, Tang Jian felt a trace of Li Qing's inadvertent breath, and his skin was tight. Being stared at by the other party gave him a sense of threat so strong that his scalp went numb, and the secretion of adrenal glands accelerated.

But after a while, Li Qing's brows relaxed.

The depressive atmosphere dissipated, he said, "Tang Jian, we are all sensible people, so we just speak plain words.

I have treated you kindly, you have absorbed so much energy by some means in these eight days, at least it has caused my divine way to consume more than 5 billion resources.

But it doesn't matter, I can suppress this little consumption, but you can no longer practice in this Zongyuan Hall.

If you still want to continue to get a lot of resources, I have other good places to tell you, but it depends on your performance after that. "

At the end of the words, Li Qing's tone was leisurely, vaguely seductive.

"Oh? So I have been practicing for eight days? Has it been so long? And I have absorbed more than five billion energy levels?"

Tang Jian looked surprised, "Probably not, I feel that I have only absorbed a little bit, maybe it's less than three billion, isn't it?"

Before he finished speaking, seeing Li Qing's expression was a bit wrong, Tang Jian immediately spread his hands helplessly, "Well, I'll take it as three billion, maybe there is, and I don't remember clearly."

The skin is cool for a while, and the skin is always cool.

But look at this elder Li Qing who has been single for so many years.

It may not be suitable for the object of the skin.

Tang Jian stopped the idea of ​​continuing to talk at the right time, and changed the topic.

"Is there any other good place where I can get more resources? What should I show?"

"The bait has been spilled." Li Qing chuckled inwardly, with a serious face, "We won't discuss this topic here, let's talk about it after we get out."

As he said that, Li Qing's eyes turned to the beam pillar beside Tang Jian.

With her keen sense of space, she has already noticed the unusualness in the eyes of the beams and pillars.

Tang Jian smiled secretly when he saw this, "This fish has taken the bait, and the cover-up was basically successful. Judging by her appearance, she can't help but want to reveal something to me?"

He stretched out his hand and made a move against the beam.

Immediately, the miniature time-space gate established by [Kongka in the Other World] flew out of the mine, collapsed and disappeared in front of Li Qing.

"Cards of the space series," Li Qing's eyes narrowed slightly.

Tang Jian smiled and said, "Don't worry, Great Elder, I've always been an upright person, and since I'm about to leave the Zongyuan Hall, I definitely won't leave my little tail in this hall.

These days, the reason why I can maintain a high-speed energy-absorbing cultivation state is because of this card invented by Master Miluo of our Miracle Company! "


Li Qing looked surprised, and his heart moved, "I didn't expect your company to have such an outstanding card maker besides you, who can research such a powerful card? I don't know when this card will start selling?"

Tang Jian laughed, "The production cost of this kind of card is very high, and the production difficulty and usage requirements are also very high. Let's go out and talk about the details."

His words were exactly the same as what Li Qing had just said.

There are two people, one big and one small, two foxes, neither of them will scatter hawks if they don't see rabbits.

You can't give me much benefit, and you don't want me to offer any benefit.

"Okay!" Li Qing took a deep look at Tang Jian, understood his little thoughts, and shook his head in his heart.

"Greedy, such a greedy kid is not afraid of being overwhelmed to death! But it's also good, greedy people are more pursued and easier to be recruited."

Tang Jian's eyes glanced at a measure at Li Qing's waist, thoughtful in his heart.

in the mean time.

As the battle situation in the Gu Xia lineage gradually stabilized, the wars in the other five lineage regions intensified instead.

Many base cities fell, and even nearly one-fifth of the area of ​​the Tianying lineage has become a joint belief country of alien gods.

Hundreds of millions of human beings became slaves and captives, and there was a lot of complaints.

In addition to Tianying, veins such as Ryukyu, Tianmei, and Glacier are also in dire straits.

Many refugees from various branches have come to Guxia to take refuge through various channels, making the Guxia area instantly become a paradise that is extremely popular and concerned by the Federation.

However, in the face of the wave of refugees coming from all directions.

However, the Guxia side did not dare to rashly accept all batches, and they were all intercepted outside the border defense line. After strict identity checks, they were allowed to enter the country depending on the situation.

Such policies were naturally strongly condemned by citizens of other branches of the Federation, so that Gu Xia, who had originally stabilized the war situation, had to devote all his energy to taking care of these refugees.

It can be said that this is completely an overt conspiracy by the Tiankeng side of the alien world.

Aren't you, Gu Xia, amazing?

Well, we won't focus on bringing you down for the time being.

Just deliberately create the illusion that you, Gu Xia, are safe.

Then let the refugees flee to Gu Xia one after another, and then mix the refugees with highly camouflaged alien creatures, parasites, etc., to restrain your Gu Xia's energy.

Afterwards, we still went all out to fight the other five meridians.

After the five meridians have no remaining strength, you, Gu Xia, will naturally be unable to toss about any more.

This is really Chi Guoguo's conspiracy.

Now that the Federation has not completely fallen, the legal system is still sound, and the order still exists.

Faced with the condemnation of a large number of federal refugees, it is impossible for the Guxia authorities to implement extremely violent means to suppress them. It is bound to allocate manpower and material resources to arrange these people.

In this way, the purpose of the alien world is also achieved.

It is in such a chaotic situation.

However, Miracle Company is developing more and more rapidly, and there is no tendency to decline due to the split with Simple Sugar Company.

Instead, at a speed that shocked many people's tongues, they quickly amassed money and bloomed with extraordinary brilliance.

Many people found out.

Many rare materials in the market can be purchased in Miracle Company.

Even Miracle Company gave away some rare materials for free through the VIP points system, thus attracting more customers who had never chosen Miracle Company to register as VIP members.

Simple Sugar Company Headquarters.

After Tang Moyuan finished dealing with some recent backlog, he watched a bunch of data displayed on the optical brain screen.

Among them, the name of Miracle Company is impressively listed, and it is at the top of the list.

"Miracle! Miracle"

"Boy Tang, you are truly a miracle worker. Sometimes I even wonder if such a monstrous you come from the future?"

Tang Moyuan pushed his glasses and sighed as he watched Miracle's assets increase today as estimated by the staff team.

If you want to say which company is the fastest rising, the most profitable, and the most popular company in the ancient Xia world recently.

That should be the miracle company.

Moreover, it is also the Miracle Company after it split from the Simple Sugar Company.

As a result, many people who once belittled Miracle Company, which left Jiantang Company, as a tiger without claws, now changed their tune, and instead said that Tang Moyuan has no long-term economic vision and is not as good as Tang Jian.

At that time, the case of Tang Moyuan dissuading Tang Jian from purchasing materials because it didn't match Tang Jian's business plan ideas, has now been widely circulated, making Tang Moyuan almost a laughing stock.

Even the shareholders of the company who once raised their hands in favor of Tang Moyuan on this matter are now quite critical.

thump thump——

The slow and heavy sound of high heels came faintly from outside the office.

Tang Moyuan instantly heard the sound of Keke's footsteps.

Tang Moyuan seldom had contact with Miracle Company since the three-star card maker he trained at the beginning had terminated his cooperation with Miracle Company.

However, under pressure from shareholders recently, Tang Moyuan still approached Ke Ke to negotiate with Miracle Company.

But now that Tang Moyuan heard Ke Ke's slow and heavy footsteps, he already knew the answer in his heart.

Ke is a woman who understands his thoughts very well.

When her steps are brisk, it means there are good things that make people happy.

When her footsteps are slow and heavy, it means that there may be something unpleasant.

"come in!"

The sound of high-heeled shoes had just reached the door, and Tang Moyuan said something, and the smart sensor door opened naturally.

Ke Ke walked in and bowed, then frowned and said, "Boss, I'm sorry, I couldn't see Boss Xiao Tang, and I couldn't contact him.

After I discussed with Mr. Gu, the current person in charge of Miracle Company, the other party refused to cooperate with our Simple Sugar Company.

The 2 billion liquidated damages that he had to pay for the termination of the contract at the beginning will be transferred to our company account in full three days after completing the corresponding procedures."

Tang Moyuan crossed his hands, "2 billion liquidated damages, I thought Miracle Company couldn't afford it at all."

Ke Ke smiled wryly, "I think so too."

Tang Moyuan smiled and said, "So we are all people without vision. The person with vision is Tang Jian. He sees places that others can't see. That place is full of gold, but I thought the gold everywhere was rubbish!"

Tang Moyuan shook his head, stood up, "Did you leave the letter?"

Ke Ke smiled, "I stayed."

Thank you Wenrou for the reward!

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