God Card

522 Chapter 531: Needle in cotton

"He is very different, he is a delicate person, to be honest, I am a little bit reluctant to kill him.

Unfortunately, thirty years.

Thirty years ago, I was a member of the organization. No matter how I change after 30 years, I am still a member of the organization. "

"Are you hesitating now?"

"No. Let's kill him. If I kill him, I won't be able to live anymore. The real me will also die. After living for thirty years, I won't be able to live long if I return to the organization. I'm buried with him."

"How do you arrange it?"

"He has a lot of secrets, but he also has a lot of weaknesses.

He is actually an ordinary person most of the time. If the adventure of that card is put aside, he may really be an ordinary person.

You have tried every means to deal with him, but you have actually given him an opportunity to take advantage of it, because you have exposed your hostility.

When you show hostility, the effect of that card will come into play, and he will be able to pull you out of the dark corner through various incredible means.

I will not show hostility, nor hide in a corner, I am aboveboard.

He doesn't know I'm hostile to him, I'll be his trusted teammate.

Then we die together.

If I could just die like that, that would be easy.

But I’m worried that if I die and he hasn’t died, then I’ve waited for thirty years and only have one failure.”

"What help do you want?"

"His most difficult card is the mysterious card, but the one that can save his life the most is the [Demihuman Girl Card]. I know that he built the tomb in the safest place, Yujing Academy."

There was silence on the other side for a while.

"This time, at all costs. Yujing Academy will also be in chaos, he must die, and the card of Falling Red Dust must be taken back.

Every time he predicts something, he has to sleep for a while, don't let him sleep, stop him from sleeping, even if you can't stop him, then...be more subtle, and be more sudden, maybe you can take the lead! "

"I see."

The waiting room of the military train channel.

When Tang Jian was brought here by a soldier, he immediately saw Li Zeyun who arrived earlier than him.

"You're here, General He hasn't arrived yet."

Li Zeyun was wearing a brown armor-like combat uniform, with a smile on his solemn face, and greeted Tang Jian.

"Oh, it's not time yet, I arrived early."

Tang Jian smiled and nodded, trying to look directly at Li Zeyun.

But even so, his vision still saw the opponent's body in multiple angles like a branch, and reflected in his mind.

He could easily see the two hidden card packs behind the opponent's waist, which were secret weapons that could be used to drive cards to fight in time.

In his induction, the other party's breath is calm and sharp, like a sword hidden in a box.

However, for some reason, Tang Jian felt that the closer he got to Li Zeyun, his vigor and self-confidence seemed to be suppressed and slightly weakened.

This feeling is very strange, Tang Jian didn't think much about it, he just thought it was the change of two invisible auras colliding.

His vitality is already weaker than Li Zeyun's, so it seems normal to have this reaction.

But obviously, Li Zeyun does not have a ninth sense, and cannot intuitively feel the existence of space, and feel some future connections between qi and emptiness.

I don't know if it's because of the change in mentality due to the increase in strength. Tang Jian now sees Li Zeyun less in awe and more indifferent.

The other party was still as taciturn as ever.

Tang Jian sat down and chatted with the other party for a few words, and suddenly he was acutely aware of a familiar aura approaching in the space a thousand meters away.

That air is quite upright, presumably it should be He Dongshen.

"General He is also here."

After Tang Jian sensed He Dongshen, Li Zeyun also sensed He Dongshen's aura, and said with a smile.

"Oh?" Tang Jian was surprised, and did not reveal the fact that he had already noticed.

Not long after, there was the sound of a car stopping outside.

He Dongshen strode into the waiting hall.

"Sorry, I'm late. The girl at home just came back. It took a while to get rid of her."

He Dongchen smiled and said with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Daughter back?"

Tang Jian was surprised.

He knew that He Dongshen also had a young daughter, who should have had a son, but the son died while performing a mission in Tiankeng, and the youngest daughter was only thirteen years old, so she was rarely in Jiangbei.

"I'm back. Jiangbei is actually developing well now, and it's not that chaotic. It's good to let her come back and develop here."

He Dongshen spat out the flue.

"Okay, we can start now, there is no time to delay." Li Zeyun got up and said.

"Let's go, Tang Jian, wish us good luck!" He Dongchen threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, and walked towards the gate with a smile.

Bai Ningbing disappeared in Qiyun Base City, which has now become an occupied area.

The information given by Li Zeyun stated that the other party was going to the occupied area to perform a secret mission, but it was too deep and contact has been lost.

Some masters in Qiyun Base City did not dare to enter the occupied area for rescue easily, fearing that it was a trap.

Therefore, Bai Ningbing's rescue situation was delayed and stalemate.

"Human life is at stake, and Sect Master Bai is also a five-star card master. Wouldn't it be a pity if such a high-end combat power is lost? Those people in Qiyun Base City will die instead of saving them?"

Sitting in the high-speed moving maglev train, Tang Jian was a little depressed and puzzled.

He always felt that it was inexplicable that Bai Ningbing was deeply trapped in the enemy-occupied area and could not get out.

The execution of the mission was inexplicable, and the rescue was also inexplicable.

But Li Zeyun and He Dongshen are not clear about many things because they involve military secrets.

Therefore, even if it was inexplicable, and now that no one was going to rescue Bai Ningbing, they had to leave.

He Dong sighed deeply, "I learned from Bai Lu that Sect Master Ning Bing accepted a very dangerous mission voluntarily, and went deep into the enemy-occupied area with his own risk.

At that time, some high-level officials in Qiyun Base City tried their best to stop it, but Ning Bing's personality made it impossible to listen, so she insisted on breaking in.

Now that she is missing, Qiyun Base City has fallen into a passive predicament. Rescue it, it may cause more losses to the strong.

Unrescuable and under pressure from many parties

In this case, it was delayed, and I discussed with Lao Li about going on an adventure together to see if I could help.

Tang Jian, I have no choice but to pull you in, but it's good that you have the [Asian Girl Card], maybe we two old things will be in danger, but you must be fine. "

"How do you talk? It's so unlucky."

Tang Jian rolled his eyes, "How about I lend you the card, you are weaker than me now, it's really not safe."

He Dongshen spit out smoke and cursed angrily, "Don't think that you don't know how to respect seniors when you are strong. You should take care of yourself. The demihuman's resurrection skills are not omnipotent."

"Demihuman's resurrection skills are not omnipotent."

Inexplicably, these words suddenly echoed slightly in Tang Jian's mind, like an echo.

Tang Jian was stunned and smiled again, "You are right, it is not omnipotent, but I regret my life, don't worry we will be fine."

He thought that there are still means of dreams that can be used, so he didn't feel too much pressure in his heart.

When the time comes to rescue Bai Ningbing, if the surrounding environment is particularly dangerous and complicated, just use your face to scout the way in the dream first. No matter how many dangers there are, you can detect them in advance.

Apart from Wan Ling, who would know that his ace card is neither the beautiful Asian girl nor the red-eyed black dragon king, but the red card that can kill infinitely madly in dreams, and even possess others?

Nobody knows.

After more than two hours.

The military maglev train arrived at Sanwei City, which is hundreds of kilometers away from Qiyun Base City.

This ordinary urban area was not connected to the maglev train, but since the fall of Qiyun base city.

This ordinary urban area was requisitioned as an important logistics base behind the military fortress, and the maglev train track was changed to this point, and wartime supplies were continuously transported from all over the Federation.

Therefore, even if it is just an ordinary urban area, it is now completely militarized.

The residents in the urban area have all been relocated, and only the left behind soldiers and support personnel are left in the entire urban area.

Tang Jian and the others did not stay after they came to this urban area. They took out the passes they applied for and rushed directly to the direction of Qiyun Base City.

The entire Qiyun Base City has now been completely fallen, and the area around forty or fifty miles is a battlefield, where there are many tiankeng creatures rampant.

The ring-shaped fortress formed by Qiyun Fortress completely covers the entire occupied area. It is equipped with a mixed strike network of neutral particle cannons and laser cannons with considerable lethality, forming a tight line of defense in the area, preventing the sinkhole creatures in the occupied area from spreading to the enemy. Surrounding counties or cities wreak havoc.

Although the surrounding counties or cities are basically empty, measures to control the battle situation must still be carried out.

If it weren't for the presence of weak gods in the A85 tiankeng in the occupied area, the occupied area has now been recovered.

However, it is precisely because of the presence of weaker gods to restrain them that the battle situation has temporarily become a stalemate.

For Gu Xia, who is currently in a stable situation and has the upper hand, procrastination is more beneficial. After the Kashen-level powerhouses can free up more hands, the chess pieces on the sand table in Qiyun Base City can be picked at any time Lose.

The direct use of destructive weapons to destroy the fallen base city, destroy the entire tiankeng including the gods, and clean up the map is the last resort.

This kind of cleanup is used to directly destroy a controllable tiankeng, and also completely exterminate the federal citizens in the fallen base city, so it is the last iron-blooded method.

Today, some tiankeng gods who took advantage of the chaos to take the initiative to set off the war are still riding a tiger, and the situation is embarrassing.

At least compared to other lineages, these tiankeng gods who caused chaos in ancient Xia are basically panicked now, and they dare not be as rampant as they were at the beginning, and even rushed out of the tiankeng to fight Kashen.

Instead, they all hide in the tiankeng cunningly and delay time, waiting for the tiankeng allies of other lines to quickly gain the upper hand and put pressure on Gu Xia, so that they can take a breather under Gu Xia's strength and continue to make waves.

After such a situation is formed.

There are many occupied areas in Guxia that are gradually stalemate like Qiyun Base City.

In the occupied area, there are even some creatures from different worlds protecting the remaining federal humans.

This is to use the few remaining federal humans who have not been killed or eaten as a weight to prevent the powerful Gu Xia from frantically cleaning up the map.

It can be said that both sides are procrastinating.

The difference is that Gu Xia took the initiative to procrastinate, trying to gain more resource benefits while controlling the stable situation.

As for the Tiankeng, they were passively procrastinating. They had to wait for their allies to show their power, so that they could be freed from Gu Xia's despotic power and no longer tremble.

Tang Jian accompanied He Dongshen and Li Zeyun to one of the fortress areas of the military fortress, and was welcomed into the fortress by officials who had received the news long ago, preparing to go through the formalities of going deep into the occupied area

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