God Card

Chapter 523 532: Take risks with your body, with a touch of power

The area of ​​an occupied area is extremely wide, so it is not realistic to build a large fortress like the Great Wall that completely surrounds the entire occupied area.

Fortresses are basically arranged in point-to-point fort theaters.

The battle zones of each fortress watch each other, forming a defensive network that surrounds the occupied area.

In the blank area between the battle zones of the fortresses, mobile soldiers organized by queues patrolled back and forth.

Once an abnormality is found in any area, the two theaters will immediately respond to different situations in different ways.

For example, the most energy-intensive and fastest way is to activate a large-scale formation to form an enchantment blockade covering tens of miles.

The three of Tang Jian entered the battle zone of one of the fortresses.

The person in charge of receiving the three of them was Su Qinglin, the head of the war zone, a four-star card master who was born in the army and was quite close to He Dongchen and the two of them.

"Old He, if we want to say that even if the rescue is done this time, we will send someone from our side. You are so eager to go in now, and we are also uneasy. Why don't you wait?"

Su Qinglin held He Dongshen's hand to persuade him.

"Can't wait, stop talking nonsense, or you can go with me?"

He Dongchen shook off Su Qinglin's hand and stared.

"I can't do it. It's my duty now to guard the war zone, otherwise I really want to accompany you in." Su Qinglin smiled and shook his head, looked at Tang Jian again, and persuaded him with a flash of eyes.

"Master Tang, why do you think you have to go crazy with these two old guys? You are still young and your strength is already so strong, so you don't need to take such risks at all."

"It's not necessarily an adventure." Tang Jian smiled.

Li Zeyun frowned, "Okay, old Su, don't talk nonsense if you don't go, give us a ticket immediately, it's important to save people!"

"Okay, saving people is the most important thing. Since you are all determined to go your own way, if something really goes wrong, you can't blame me, Old Su, for not reminding you."

Su Qinglin sighed and shook his head.

"Hurry up, don't play this trick, even if we all disappear, it won't be your fault."

He Dongshen breathed out the smoke ring impatiently.

"Come with me."

Su Qinglin waved.

The three of them led Tang Jian out of the huge war fortress like a circular sphere, and stepped on the metal passages built between the fortresses.

The metal passage extends all the way to the outskirts of the desolate occupied area ahead.

It can be seen that it is an area of ​​ruins.

It used to be a highway extending to Qiyun Base City, with barren suburban mountains and terraced fields on both sides.

Now the mountain terraces are completely deserted, the ground is broken, and there are even scorched corpses of strange alien creatures in the terraces.

Some mountains were occupied as highlands, and antiaircraft guns were placed, pointing to the dilapidated occupied areas where tall buildings collapsed in the distance.

Tang Jian and others were led by Su Qinglin through the fort theater group, and soon set foot on the highway of ruins.

"The closer you get to the fallen base city, the more alien beasts will gather. You carry the military radar card I gave you, and you won't be stopped by our patrolling brothers. Be careful."

Su Qinglin sent him to the edge of the passageway in the fort theater, and waved his hand to see him off.

"Let's go. We all use breath-reducing or camouflage cards and run on foot."

Li Zeyun didn't talk nonsense, activated a card, transformed into a beast like a saber-toothed tiger in ancient times, and ran out with a fishy smell all over his body.

If you look carefully, the other party runs like a pot shrinking the ground. Every ten meters away, the figure suddenly disappears in an instant, and when it reappears, it is fifty or sixty meters away, and the moving speed is fast and strange.

"Follow us closely, the outer area with a radius of more than ten miles is fine, I'm afraid there may be danger inside, you can get rid of it without making a move"

He Dongshen was speaking to Tang Jian solemnly, when he suddenly realized that Tang Jian in front of him seemed to have disappeared.

But after careful perception, he found that Tang Jian was clearly in front of him, but when he relaxed his mind a little, he found that Tang Jian seemed to have disappeared.

You can clearly see it with your eyes, but it's like the person in front of you doesn't exist or is an illusion, and you can even forget it if you don't pay attention.

This feeling is simply chilling, extremely strange.

"Let's go, don't worry about me, you may not even think of my existence."

Tang Jian reminded, and the figure turned into a black mist and slipped away quickly, without even the sound of the wind, and even passed through the trees blocking the way, like a ghost.

He Dongshen looked around, not sure where Tang Jian was at all.

Tang Jian's position can only be determined by looking down at the activated military radar card.

"This kid, his strength is really getting stronger and stronger. Is this [Three No Monkey Card] used? It almost makes me feel that I don't exist."

He Dong was secretly startled, and also activated a card [Huasha Card], his whole body suddenly collapsed into a pile of dust, and the smoke and dust filled the ground and moved forward frantically.

"Three four-star card masters. Why should one of them be so young? Isn't it good to keep going? If you are unlucky in the occupied area, you may meet a god.

It's a pity that Master Tang, if it is damaged here, it will be a huge loss for the card making industry.

I don't know which senior leader made a fool? He even agreed to such a genius to venture into such a dangerous area. "

Su Qinglin watched He Dongshen and others go far away, shook his head slightly, sighed, shrugged and turned back to the fort theater.

Heroes are needed in war, but Su Qinglin feels that he still doesn't have the awareness to be a hero.

Especially sacrificing himself for others, taking risks for a Bai Ningbing who is very likely to be in danger, he thinks it's not worth it, he just needs to do his job well.

Compared with Bai Ningbing, it is more important to guard this theater well.

It was hard for him to understand the thoughts of He Dongshen and others, especially Tang Jian, an outstanding genius, was willing to take such a risk for Bai Ningbing.

In the state of being combined with a beautiful demi-human girl, the flying speed is not slow, and it is concealed and safe.

The only bad thing about this state is energy consumption, but to Tang Jian, it doesn't matter whether it consumes energy or mental power.

A group of three people kept moving at a speed of about 150 meters per second, which was not too fast.

The resulting noise is very small.

When Li Zeyun turned into a saber-toothed tiger and ran, the webbed feet hit the ground almost silently, and there was only the sound of breaking wind caused by the friction between his body and the air.

He Dongchen's Huasha moved at a high speed, causing a rustling sound like snaking on the ground.

At first, the three of them encountered parade soldiers flying by in the air.

These parades could clearly spot them wearing military radars, but they did not stop the inspection and watched them go.

After reaching a full twenty miles away from the fortress battle zone, there will be basically no more parade soldiers appearing, and they have gone out of the parade range and really entered the occupied area.

Sometimes you can see human corpses thrown away from the side of the road in the wilderness, rotting like garbage, covered with maggots, emitting a stench, exposed to the sun, no one cleaned up, and it seems to be a warning signal that is released all the time. daunting.

Unless a large-scale war breaks out again in the occupied area, these human corpses left outside the range of the parade will not be cleaned up. Generally, the corpses will be cleaned up after the war and burned directly to prevent the plague.

Tang Jian was like a wisp of black mist skimming in front of a huge rock that fell from the top of the mountain on the mountain road.


Suddenly, a gray-brown shadow flew out from the gap between the huge rocks, passed through the black fogged Tang sword like a whip, and went straight to Li Zeyun who was just running over from the other side like lightning.

However, a black shadow flashed, and part of Tang Jian's black and atomized body became a sharp tentacle like a sword.

The gray-brown shadow was cut in two by the flashing black shadow and fell to the ground in an instant. It was still struggling and writhing on the ground, making strange noises.

It turned out to be a strange creature like a pangolin, with dense scales and sharp claws, as if it contained poison.

"This is the alien creature that ran out of the A85 tiankeng? The speed is quite fast, and the body's defense is not weak."

Tang Jian's atomized body condensed into a figure, staring at the strange creatures on the ground that had not yet died completely, his powerful spiritual power condensed again, and the black atomized tentacles formed a heavy hammer, hammering down hard.


The alien creature was directly smashed into a mass of fleshy paste.

Since Tang Jian's spiritual power has become stronger, the spiritual willpower he can exert when he fuses with Xiaomei has become stronger, and he can even transform his black atomized body into various weapon forms with powerful physical attacks at any time.

For example, sharp swords, knives and forks, heavy hammers, etc., have considerable lethality, which is comparable to the lowest energy efficiency state of using the [Six Killing Yin Knife Card].

"This is an alien pangolin. It is much stronger than the ordinary pangolins on our planet. Its speed is comparable to that of a card master with a vitality of about 600 running at full strength. Ordinary one-star and two-star card masters may die if they are not prepared for a face-to-face encounter."

Li Zeyun transformed from a saber-toothed tiger into an upright tiger-headed human body, holding a sharp javelin in his hand, walked over and said in a deep voice.


He Dongshen also stood up from the ground, his body condensed into a sand man.

He clicked on the communication card to open a virtual map, pointed at the current location on the map, and then pointed to several other places.

"We are here now. There is a village three miles away. There is almost no one there. We have to pass through that village and cross this river. Then we will reach the edge of Qiyunji City.

The last location communicated by Sect Master Bai before his disappearance was in the Eling District in the northeast area of ​​Qiyun Base City, which was already very close to the Tiankeng of another world. "

Tang Jian frowned, "The location is too deep. I feel that the closer I get to Qiyun Base City, the more oppressive I feel. The tiankeng god seems to be near the tiankeng passage, otherwise it would not have such a strong divine power. "

His spatial sense is very acute.

Now he felt that the more he went deep into the occupied area, the more oppressed his breath was, as if he was repelled by the area shrouded in divine power.

However, he also found that whether it was He Dongshen or Li Zeyun, the aura in his body was suppressed to a very small extent, at least far smaller than him, and he didn't seem to be repelled much.

"Could it be that in the volitional state of being integrated with Xiaomei, it will be repelled by the mighty will of the Tiankeng gods, so..."

Tang Jian subconsciously withdrew from the atomized state, and the power of IBM's spiritual will immediately dissipated.

Thank you Wenrou, TERU for your reward!

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