God Card

554 Chapter 563: The Sacrifice

three days later.

Inside the base camp of the old country organization.

The high-level meeting of the old country started here.

Seven or eight high-level leaders in charge of the various regions of the Federation spoke one after another to report the results of the battle.

Lin Li, the commander of the Guxia theater, said with a smile, "The first batch of parasites released by the gods has ended, and the results have been remarkable. In Guxia, 10% of ordinary people in nine base cities have been controlled by parasites, and more than 30 An ordinary urban area is called a parasite-infested area.

We succeeded in creating panic and chaos, which restrained part of Gu Xia's energy and human resources.

And on the border of Gu Xia, the refugees controlled by parasites have become a great threat, and Gu Xia is now completely wary of rats and can't take care of himself. "

The prince who presided over the meeting nodded with a smile in the corner of his eyes, "It's very well done.

Now the next step is to continue to increase the release of parasites, and the scope of release is for the entire Federation. At the same time, the improved evil god fighters can also be thrown into the war.

This time we are going to pull down Gu Xia, a difficult bone to crack. "

The old man in charge of Yingyang said, "Looking at Gu Xia's research on the parasites of the gods, we should be able to develop countermeasures soon, and may speed up the speed to deal with Ramos."

The prince grinned, "That's right in our trap. Perhaps the wise man from Gu Xia may also be aware of it. I need someone to make this wise man deaf-mute and blind at the right time."

"Master Yongye has recommended himself to meet that wise man." A high-level person said.

The prince smiled, "Then we'll wait and see, use Ramos as a bait to swallow Gu Xia's people, and let the [Asian Girl Card] they worked so hard to collect become our wedding dress."

"I heard that the Guxia War Department has contacted Tang Jian. This kid may become a variable." Lin Li reminded with a frown.

The prince's eyes were slightly cold, "This kid should be in trouble now, but if he chooses to continue to fight against our old country organization, then in the face of absolute strength, the variable can only be a certainty.

He failed to solve this disaster last time, as long as he dares to show his face this time, he will be a martyr."



The extremely sharp metal tip of the sketching brush in his hand carved marks on the card surface of the [Golden Roc Avatar Card], making a sound like wood being scratched by a sharp knife.

Tang Jian's expression was serious and dignified, his sense of space was highly concentrated on the card surface under his hand, and he carefully drew new card patterns one by one.

The technology of "Card Dimension Recycling" is a card recreation technology, which is recreated on the basis of completed cards, similar to the operation of the growth series of pet cards when advanced.

This kind of recreation technology still has high risks, and if the recreation fails, the card will be scrapped.

However, rich people also have privileges. They only need to prepare the [God-given Retrospect Card], and they can still avoid the danger of card scrapping.

In the past few days, Tang Jian has consciously mastered the technique of "Card Dimension Recovery" through using a lot of card experiments, so he no longer delays and starts to start from his own card group.

[Golden Roc Avatar Card] is the second card he has recreated to give special effects of dimensional recycling. He has successfully recreated [Lingming Stone Eye Card] before, which can be used for dimensional recycling.

A few minutes later.

When the last line stops on the card surface of [Golden Roc Avatar Card].

Tang Jian immediately put away the sketching brush in his hand.

On the table, the suppressed blue light on the surface of the [Jinpeng Avatar Card] quickly lit up, and the lines added on the surface of the card through recreation methods emerged like transparent white lines, exuding weak spatial fluctuations.

Tang Jian heaved a sigh of relief, and the [God-bestowed retrospective card] in the waist measuring instrument that was ready to be activated at any time also dimmed.

He stretched out his hand, and a stream of cards could be output from his palm, turning into energy ripples covering the [Golden Roc Avatar Card] on the table.

In an instant, the transparent white pattern on the card surface fluctuated violently, and the air around the card seemed to twist and vibrate.

The cards on the table suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

The corner of Tang Jian's mouth outlined a smile.

In his consciousness induction, the [Jinpeng Avatar Card] at this moment is in the same dimension as the [Lingming Stone Eye Card], in the dimensional space beside him.

Even the spatial position he is in seems to be beside him, but it moves with his consciousness.

It seems to be in the parallel dimension space in the same position as his consciousness at all times.

When Tang Jian thought about it, nearly 40 points of mental power were consumed.

Immediately, two flashing blue cards appeared beside him out of thin air.

With another thought, the card disappeared again.

"Okay, I have basically mastered this top technology, which is almost perfect for me, and my mother will no longer have to worry about my card dropping."

Tang Jian was very excited, and he took out more precious cards such as [Demihuman Girl Card] from the card bag, and prepared to start work, and endowed these card groups with the additional special effect of dimension recovery.

For ordinary people, although the dimensional recovery technology can reduce the risk of card loss, the energy consumption is astonishing every time it is used.

Especially the consumption of mental power will be a big load.

Such as the blue star card, each time a card enters the dimensional space, it will consume 20 points of spiritual power, and once it is taken out, it will consume 20 points.

The dimensional recovery of the purple star grade cards requires double the mental consumption of the blue cards, and ordinary five-star card masters will find it difficult.

But for Tang Jian, who can use the red card cheating device to replenish consumption at any time, anything within the energy consumption is not a big deal at all.

He uses the top technology whenever he wants, just like the summoner in Glory of the Dead who mastered the infinite zero CD flash skill.

Another half day passed, and I was busy until late at night.

Consuming a lot of energy ink brewed from precious materials, and a purple [God-bestowed retrospective card] worth six million federal coins, Tang Jian finally recreated and blessed all his main decks with the special effect of dimensional recovery .

The main card group is composed of 20 cards including auxiliary function cards such as card maker association ID card, arrest bureau ID card, campus pass card, communication card, space storage ring card and so on.

Among them, there are two purple star cards, namely [Waving Card of Killing Intent] and [Red-Eyed Black Dragon King Card].

Tang Jian failed in the re-creation of the [Wave Card of Killing Intent] and lost a purple-level [God-given Retrospect Card].

Other than that, other cards are all done at one time, and the success rate of re-creation is extremely high.

Tang Jian was very satisfied with this result.

After the main deck has successfully added the special effect of dimension recovery, he will be completely at ease.

Unless you meet the particularly terrifying Kashen who understands the laws of time and space.

Or a powerful card master who can carry out limited strikes against [Demi-human pretty girl card], other than that, he is completely worthy of anyone.

In the future, we can realize the strategy of going out all over the world if we can't win or withdraw.

You can even go sightseeing in the dangerous tiankeng.

When you meet a god who only understands brute force, you can put up your middle finger and die peacefully.

Nothing to lose!

Man God, are you upset?

If you are upset, you can kill me.

When I say you are ugly, you are ugly.

Am I angry if I can't do it?

Tang Jian smiled subconsciously as he thought about it, and felt that he could finally be a man of integrity in the future.

Walking to the window, looking at the beautiful night scene with snow falling outside the window, breathing the cold air.

Tang Jian felt refreshed, opened his arms, and thought happily as if embracing the whole world.

"The Tiankeng Kaneng crystal veins that the company has acquired for me for so long can finally be used.

I want to completely loot the other world, and contribute my modest strength to the Federation's overthrow of the other world! "

the next day.

Tang Jian was about to continue studying the technical knowledge of "Super Combination of Cards", but Chen Lin from the general manager called to urge him.

"Master Tang, do you have anything else to do? When are you going to leave with us to the general meeting?"

Tang Jian counted the time, and it has been 5 days since the last time he promised Chen Lin and others to go to the general meeting, and it is true that there is no longer any delay.

Immediately he replied, "Deacon Chen, how about we leave tomorrow? Some relatives will come to Yujing to join me today. You also know that parasites have been rampant recently, and the outside is very chaotic."

"That's fine, the time will be tomorrow morning, right?" Chen Lin said.

Tang Jian responded, and then communicated with Hadaway.

Since his father Tang Lin mentioned last time that he was asked to take care of his relatives, he sent Hadaway to Jiangbei Base City with his three children, four children and other former members of the Thunder Team on the same day to see how many relatives were willing to come. Jing went to him here.

Compared with Yujing, the hinterland of the ancient Xia center and the capital of the old country period, Jiangbei base city is obviously inferior in various aspects such as public security.

And now that the deaths of people like He Dongshen and Li Zeyun have been exposed, Huang Hu will soon be in power, and Jiangbei Base City will also change.

If a group of relatives came to Yujing to develop at this time, Tang Jian felt that he was capable of taking care of them.

Soon, Hardaway replied to Tang Jian.

"Boss, we are already on our way back. Your aunt, uncle, aunt and third aunt are willing to come over, but your uncle still chooses to stay in Jiangbei Base City instead of following me."

Tang Jian was not surprised when he heard the words.

Uncle He Yong's family opened a chain of card making rooms because they were taken care of by the Miracle Card Making Room in Jiangbei Base City. It is only natural that they do not want to come to Yujing for redevelopment.

Knowing that this group of relatives were on their way, Tang Jian quickly went downstairs to tell his parents the news.

"You arranged it so soon? Then have they found a place to live?" Tang Lin was surprised, and hurriedly went to the station to pick them up.

Tang Jian hurriedly stopped him, "Dad, don't worry about it, I've already made arrangements. Auntie and Auntie will live in Beicheng New District. After they settle down, I'll let Norman take you there. Meet them."

"Hey, that's good, that's good."

A smile appeared on Chen Lianrong's face, and she reminded again, "But Xiao Jian, don't take care of everything, we should help, but they should figure out their own solutions so don't rush."

"Mom, I know."

Tang Jian nodded.

Later, he contacted the team member Jeff, and after confirming that the accommodation had been arranged, he sent a message asking Hardaway to take a group of relatives to stay there.

Just like what mother Chen Lianrong said.

For relatives, we should help.

If you shouldn't help, then don't take care of it all. After all, everyone has to learn to be self-reliant.

Arrange a series of troublesome and trivial things.

It was more than half an hour later.

While Tang Jian breathed a sigh of relief, he also felt the importance of personal connections and power.

In the past, how to arrange these relatives, he would have to do it himself.

But now all you need is to issue commands remotely and hand them over to a helper to deal with.

For others, it may be difficult for others to find a large settlement in Yujing City for a dozen people to live in during times of war.

But Tang Jian didn't even need to show up, Jeff, a team member known as PY One Flower, could take care of everything.

"We still need to continue to improve our strength. The threat of the old country organization has not been completely eliminated. The last time Yongye Kashen came to deal with me, there may not be a next time. If I also become a Kashen, I don't need to worry so much. Even as long as he breaks through to become a five-star card master, he may have the ability to save his life under the hands of the card god."

"Teacher used to be at the level of a five-star card master, comparable to a card god. My spiritual power has grown to the limit, and combined with a strong card group, it may not be impossible."

"After the strength has improved, continue to fight against the old country organization. If you don't cross this organization, the lives of me and my family will always be threatened!"

Tang Jian's mind turned and he thought a lot. On the road of immortality with the old country organization, he has gone deeper and deeper.

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