God Card

Chapter 555 564: No longer ordinary, refresh cognition

In Beicheng New District, there is a luxurious building next to Yujing Liumai Language Institute - Yufeng Building.

Although the name of this building is a bit eye-catching, in terms of security, it is second to none in Beicheng New District.

Nearly half of the building is composed of combination card buildings.

The guards made up of two-star card masters led a team of one-star card masters to patrol outside, and there were often card master-level security guards on duty inside.

When Tang Jian's relatives were brought into this luxurious mansion by Hadaway, their expressions were like those of Grandma Liu who had been badly written, and their surprised mouths never closed.

Yufeng Building is an industry owned by a well-known federal company.

The director of the company happened to be within the radiation range of PY's PY ability.

Therefore, it is difficult for ordinary card masters to reserve a room in Yufeng Building, so it is open to Tang Jian's family of ordinary people.

"Xiaoxue, how much do you think it costs to stay here for one night?"

In the spacious great room on the 43rd floor.

Tang Jian's eldest aunt, Tang Hongju, sat nervously in a corner of the sofa in the room, and whispered to Tang Xue beside her.

Tang Xue stuck out her tongue, smelled the incense in the room, looked around the luxurious furnishings in the room curiously, and said, "At least, it will cost thousands of dollars a night, right? I saw the big hotel near my previous school. , not so luxurious."

The second aunt, Tang Xuelian, and the second uncle, Zhang Lin, who had married in, laughed when they heard this.

Zhang Lindao, "Xiaoxue, this room costs at least 20,000 yuan a night. Your father, I just read the price list below. Although I don't know what kind of room this is, it must cost 20,000 yuan."

"So expensive?"

Tang Xue's eyes widened, and she couldn't help being excited and complicated. She felt strange and curious about Tang Jian, whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

She remembered that when they lived together in the small county town of Xicheng, Tang Jian was mediocre, no matter in culture or energy, he was very mediocre.

But now that mediocre elder brother has unconsciously become a dazzling sun.

Tang Hongju was a little restless, "Twenty-one nights? Isn't that too expensive for Xiaojian? Let's move out tonight and find another place. Don't put too much pressure on Xiaojian."

At this moment, Hardaway and the manager of Yufeng Building, who walked in through the open door, laughed.

Hadaway approached, and said in an awkward ancient Xia language, "Auntie, you can live comfortably here. This place is provided for you for free, and you don't need to spend money."

"No need to spend money? Are there any good things in this world that don't cost money?"

Tang Hongju was stunned.

The manager of Yufeng Building explained kindly, "Master Tang is a master card maker I have always admired, and he is also the captain of our chairman's friend.

Our chairman has instructed that the family of Master Tang is the family of our Yufeng Building. We want to let everyone experience the service of being at home! "

At the end, the manager touched his chest with a smile and bowed, and said to Tang Hongju and the others who were stunned by surprise, "I forgot to introduce myself, I am Chen Lie, the manager of this building, and all the elders can call me Xiao Chen.

If there is any poor service in Yufeng Building, please feel free to contact me. This is my business card. "

As Chen Lie said, he took out his business card from his pocket, and handed it respectfully to Tang Hongju and the others who were a little silly.

"This, this. It's amazing, my nephew is so promising now."

Tang Hongju took the business card, feeling a little bit tongue-tied.

"The manager is so polite. Is Xiaojian so well-known now?

Could it be that after defeating that Master Yuan some time ago, his status in the card making world has improved again? "

Zhang Lin and Tang Xuelian were also shocked.

It's not that they don't know that Tang Jian is doing very well now.

Even a few months ago, I heard that he had won a card making master, and he was considered a capable person in Yujing.

But it was beyond their imagination to be able to go to such a point to please the manager of such a building.

"Manager Chen."

Suddenly, Hardaway's face became serious, and he put his hand on the receiver and said, "My boss and the others are coming soon."

"What?" Chen Lie was startled, and hurriedly asked, "Master Tang wants to come in person?"

"Yeah." Hardaway nodded.

Chen Lie immediately excitedly said, "Okay, okay, I'll arrange someone to greet you at the door right away, oh no, I'll bring someone to greet you at the door myself!"

After speaking, he turned his head and smiled at Tang Hongju and the others who were astonished, "Elders, in front of Master Tang later, I hope you can say a few nice words to Xiao Chen."

"That's ok."

Zhang Lin subconsciously agreed, seeing the well-dressed and luxurious manager nodding and bowing to him, feeling at a loss for what to do.

He was even at a loss as to how to face his nephew, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, next.

Norman black hand drove Tang Jian's family to Yufeng Building.

The manager of Yufeng Building, Chen Lie, who is a three-star card master, greeted a row of welcoming ladies including security personnel, and stood in a long line to welcome Tang Jian.

Tang Jian was a little surprised by such a high standard and high enthusiasm.

Ordinary people like Tang Lin were extremely cramped.

However, after Chen Lie's gracious self-introduction, Tang Jian came to his senses.

The manager of Yufeng Building seemed to want to use his relationship to gain more favor in front of the chairman of the company.

Of course, there is no intention of flattering him and building a good relationship with him.

After all, he is also the chairman of Miracle Company, the boss of a big company.

If they can maintain a good relationship, Chen Lie will also be considered a contributor to the business relationship between the two big companies in the future.

At this time, although Tang Jian reacted.

But the parents, including Tang Yueyue and other family members, were greatly impacted.

Although they all knew that Tang Jian was doing very well now, he was a three-star card maker, the most dazzling freshman of Yujing Academy this year, and he even created Miracle Company single-handedly.

But after all, they are ordinary people, and it is difficult to get in touch with characters at the card master level.

In addition, Tang Jian rarely accompanied his family during the past six months, and talked with them about his own affairs in detail.

Therefore, their understanding of Tang Jian's current status is limited to what they have seen and heard, and they don't have a relatively intuitive comparison experience.

Seeing Tang Jian's success now, even the manager of Yufeng Building nodded and bowed his head, and a row of security guards who looked like card masters equipped with degree instruments respectfully greeted the emperor like Lao Tzu.

This comparison was immediately apparent.

The impact he received was stronger than the personal condolences he received from the county magistrate in Xicheng.

After all, in a small place like Xicheng, how could there be a team of card masters lined up as security guards?

Tang Lin and Chen Lianrong were embarrassed, but also forced themselves to be calm, worried about embarrassing their son.

I am both proud and excited.

Perhaps it was also because of the great battle scene.

So that Tang Jian, who accepted Chen Lie's compliment calmly and calmly, naturally had an inexplicable aura.

When Tang Jian greeted a family of relatives as before, he was calm, but the relatives could no longer be calm.

Aunt Tang Hongju and relatives on the mother's side, aunt and third aunt, talked to Tang Jian no longer as casually as before.

Regarding this, after Tang Jian said a few more words, he was helpless.

Now even if he doesn't want to see such a situation and takes the initiative to communicate enthusiastically with his relatives, the other party may not be able to return to the same state as before.

On the contrary, juniors like Tang Xue can talk.

Right now, Tang Jian chose to let nature take its course.

That night, both parents and Tang Yueyue stayed in Yufeng Building.

A family of relatives and elders gathered together to play mahjong leisurely.

In the past two days, under the supervision of Norman's black hand, Tang Yueyue has completed her first reborn experience, not to mention becoming a one-star card master, and her vitality has slowly increased to more than 150 under the nourishment of the parasite meat of the gods.

From Tang Jian's point of view, this girl became skinnier when her vitality was strong.

It's embarrassing to be the boss in front of Tang Xue and other juniors in the family.

Tang Jian pretended to criticize a few words, then let him leave quietly with a smile, and returned to Yujing Academy to continue studying the technology of "Super Combination of Cards".

He felt that with this group of relatives staying in Yujing, his parents would have a place to go around frequently, so that they wouldn't be boring.

Things at home are temporarily complete.

Early the next morning.

He informed his family and Wan Ling in advance.

Tang Jian finally got in touch with Chen Lin and was about to leave for the Card Makers General Association.

Originally, he planned to stay in the academy until his strength reached the level of a five-star card master.

All things outside the academy are done with the Salamander avatar.

The avatar body is himself.

Except for the gap in strength, there is not much difference in others.

However, Chen Lin told her that if she went to the Card Maker General Association this time, she might have the opportunity to go to the place where the card maker's rules are established, and only by going there would she be able to gain benefits.

After careful consideration, Tang Jian thought that all the decks had been blessed with the special effect of dimension recovery, and that the main body was indeed qualified to go out for a while, so he agreed.

The two parties agreed to meet at the Yujing Card Maker Association.

After receiving Tang Jian in a shuttle car in the form of Transformers, Varosha and Hadaway drove all the way to the gate of the Yujing Card Makers Association.

At the gate of the association, there were already two card makers waiting in person.

After seeing Tang Jian get off the car, they recognized Tang Jian's appearance, and the two card makers hurriedly stepped forward to greet him with smiles.

"Master Tang, you came very quickly. Deacon Gao and Deacon Chen told us to wait for you at the door. Just call me Xiaoma."

"Master Tang, I'm your loyal fan. You can call me Xiao Liu. I especially like the [Evil Spirit's Six Desires Card] you invented and made."

When the two card makers saw Tang Jian, they all complimented him.

Tang Jian was polite with a smile, followed closely behind Varosha and Hadaway, who were wearing black nano-combat uniforms, and followed them into the association.

The two of Hardaway are equipped with measuring instruments on their waists and left arms, with their own original set of main cards and secondary cards. Their hair is combed back and they wear black tactical glasses. They both look like cold bodyguards.

The two card makers didn't ask any questions about Varosha and the others, they treated it as air, and enthusiastically led Tang Jian to find Chen Lin and the others.

Now that it is a sensitive war, if other people bring two bodyguards who are not card makers into the Card Creator Association, even if they are both card makers, they still need to register as bodyguards and get approval.

But since it was brought by a master like Tang Jian who was highly valued by the association, the two card makers naturally turned a blind eye.

Walk past the association shop where there is a different world crystal in the lobby.

Under the curious and admiring eyes of a few employees in the association and the card making room, and bypassing the quiet corridor with potted plants, Tang Jian was led down to a large room deep inside the association by two card makers.

Enter the great room.

He saw that Chen Lin and the others were all here.

In addition to Chen Lin and others, Gao Xu, the chief deacon of the Yujing Card Maker Association, and the two deacons of the Yujing Association that Tang Jian met last time were also there.

"Haha, Master Tang has also arrived, so everyone is here now."

When one of the deacons surnamed Lan saw Tang Jian, he immediately laughed and pretended to be very familiar.

Chen Lin nodded to Tang Jian with a smile, then looked at Varosha and the others beside Tang Jian, and said in surprise, "These two seem to be..."

Tang Jian said with a smile, "They are all employees of my company now, and they work part-time as my bodyguards. Deacon Chen can call them the eldest baby and the second baby."

The veins on Varosha's face twitched slightly.

Hardaway pretended to be cold and remained silent with a blank face.

Chen Lin couldn't help but burst out laughing, "Elder baby and second baby? I didn't expect you, Master Tang, to be very naughty. They are not simple characters. You actually gave them such naughty names."

On the side, Deacon Lan and others also looked at each other, looked at Varosha and Hardaway who were very strong at first glance, and looked at Tang Jian, feeling severe liver pain.

People are more angry than people.

This one is getting more and more confused now.

The five-star card master Varosa and the four-star card master Hardaway, the captain of the Thunder team, acted as bodyguards for him.

This kid still looked like he deserved a beating, so he named him Dawa Erwa.

Could it be that four and five star card masters are so worthless now?

Thank you Xiaotianwanshou! Thank you gentle brother for your reward. Thanks to Liang Zhe and wyx0321 for their rewards!

I wanted to add more, but after I came back yesterday, I had a severe headache, and today it is still throbbing. It may be due to cervical spondylosis that compresses the nerves. Anyone with a similar condition knows how uncomfortable it is...

I'll add another update in two days. Thanks!

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