God Card

Chapter 560 569: Bet on a Cosmic God Crystal (Two in One)

In the space environment, the distinction between day and night is obviously still based on the time of the Earth-Star Federation.

When the dinner was held, it was seven o'clock in the night of the Earth and Star Federation.

This banquet was indeed held to welcome Tang Jian, the earth star's rookie king of the card making competition this year.

At least when the third place winner of the card making competition like Rose came to the general meeting, he did not receive similar treatment.

The venue for the dinner is in the sky garden of the function hall.

The sky garden is located on the 29th floor of the function hall, which is close to the dome of the hall.

The transparent glass of the arc-shaped dome projects in the intertwined light of distant stars and space station lights, which complements the quiet night-like darkness of space and becomes the ceiling of the sky garden with a unique scenery.

A long table with exquisite carvings is placed among the flower trees in the garden.

There are all kinds of exquisite food on the table.

Many of them are plant vegetables and fruits that are completely invisible on Earth, unknown animal ribs, barbecued thighs, or fragrant pastries, juices or drinks in delicate containers.

You can see some intelligent robot waiters summoned by mechanical cards, shuttle around the banquet venue with plates.

Their appearance conforms to the aesthetics of human beings. They are equipped with artificial skins, loaded with AI high intelligence, and have charming smiles at the corners of their mouths. Unless they are wearing uniform uniforms, it is almost difficult to distinguish them as robots.

The card making masters of the General Association have invited their dance partners to dance gracefully on the dance floor of the banquet.

A small number of alien card makers gathered in the corner of the banquet to form a small group, toasting and mingling.

There are still a few minutes before the banquet officially begins.

Many elders and deacons have already arrived, or gathered in twos and threes to communicate, or sat on the sofa waiting for the banquet to start.

And at this moment.

Tang Jian left Varosa and Hadaway who were not qualified to attend the dinner, and led by Chen Lin to the banquet venue.

He used the [Variety Superstar Card] to change into an exquisite purple-black evening dress, with his hair combed into small wavy curls, looking handsome, young and sunny.

Chen Lin was wearing a low-cut red evening dress with a V-neck, and an emerald pendant hung between her white chest. The banquet companion of the sword.

When a pair of young and beautiful men and women came to the door of the banquet.

It immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"Vice President, that is Tang Jian!"

Lan Ya looked at a bald man with thick eyebrows and broad face with a smile, and introduced Tang Jiandao who came in from the door.


The bald, thick-browed, broad-faced, middle-aged man named Li Yushan was an ancient Xia man. Hearing this, he immediately looked at Tang Jian and Chen Lin who were walking towards the door, and nodded with a smile.

"What a pair of beautiful men and women, Xue Lan's daughter is becoming more and more beautiful now."

As he said that, Li Yushan walked in Tang Jian's direction on his own initiative, and walked away with a smile on his face.

"Hi Tang Jian, welcome to the Earth Star Card Makers Association. I am Li Yushan, the vice president of the Earth Star Card Makers Association. I am very glad to meet such an outstanding young man as you."

After speaking, he looked at Chen Lin and smiled again, "Linlin, you look even more beautiful today."

While saying polite words, Li Yushan shook hands with Tang Jian with a smile, showing no airs at all.

Chen Lin raised her skirt slightly, bowed to Li Yushan, and smiled sweetly, "Thank you President Li for your compliment."

At this moment, other card makers, elders, and deacons around him also stopped talking with each other and gathered around.

Some greeted Tang Jian with a smile, while others observed with a blank face. Except for some gifted alien card makers, people from the same earth planet rarely showed direct indifference and hostility towards Tang Jian.

Li Yushan took Tang Jian by his side and introduced to Tang Jian some elders, deacons, card makers, etc. who were coming to the banquet tonight.

The next process is to say a lot of polite words to each other.

Everyone had a reserved smile on their faces as they participated in the banquet.

However, when Li Yushan took Tang Jian to introduce a group of aliens, many people realized that the theme song of this banquet would eventually be played.

"This is Tita, the second winner of the last rookie card competition from the planet Ramu. The Ram people on the planet Ramu have a long life span. They don't become adults until they are 50 years old. Their card making competition every The session will be held for more than 10 years.

Not long after Tita came of age, he was an excellent four-star card maker and had invented more than three blue card patents. "

Li Yushan introduced Tang Jian to a dark-skinned alien with tumor-like growths on his face.

"Hello Tita." Tang Jian smiled and held out his hand to Tita.

Tita looked at Tang Jian coldly, reached out to shake Tang Jian, and said through the language translation card, "Hello, cheap Tang.

I'm so excited to meet a genius like you! "

The smile on Tang Jian's face was slightly restrained, and he said, "My name is Tang Jian, not Jian Tang. I'm also very happy to see a handsome Ram star like you, brother Ta."

Tita's face covered with black tumors was startled, and anger flooded, "You should call me Tita."

Tang Jian laughed, "In our ancient summer, this is called coming and not going, and you called me by the wrong name. This is disrespecting me, and it's normal for me to return the greeting.

But probably your Ram planet doesn't pay much attention to etiquette. "

As soon as Tang Jian said this, the atmosphere immediately became tense.

Tita nodded and looked at Tang Jian and suddenly sneered, "Very well, you are very arrogant. If that's the case, then I won't beat around the bush.

You should also know that at tonight's dinner party, we talented card makers from other planets will challenge you, the earth star rookie king, to test your strength.

This is the usual practice of the card maker associations of each of our planetary civilizations. I don't like to play around with you, so I'll just say it now. "

Tang Jian glanced at Li Yushan beside him.

Li Yushan nodded slightly and said with a smile, "If you are interested and confident, you can compete with Tita on behalf of our Earth Star young card maker. This is indeed a custom, and only the rookie king of each card making competition can enjoy it." treatment."

"This treatment is very troublesome, and it's not beneficial to work. I'm not a person who likes to show off."

Tang Jian cursed in his heart, and looked at Tita, "Since you are so straight-forward, Brother Ta, then do as you normally would. What are you going to challenge me for? No matter what you challenge, I can continue."

"Okay. You're cool."

Tita looked surprised.

The surrounding aliens from different planetary civilizations also looked slightly surprised.

Many of them are four-star card makers, young talents of their respective planets.

Originally thought that if he challenged Tang Jian at this dinner party, even if Tang Jian didn't retreat, he wouldn't be able to act very strong.

But looking at it now, Tang Jian seemed calm and composed.

Tang Jian's attitude seemed to be neither humble nor overbearing, but it was like a switchblade, the harder it was pressed, the more fierce it would spring out.

Some elders and deacons stared lightly at Tang Jian and observed silently.

They all saw the strong self-confidence from Tang Jian.

Tita stared at Tang Jian coldly and grinned, "Since you have the guts, I now issue a formal challenge to you on behalf of the young card maker of planet Ram. I heard that your ability to learn strokes and create cards is very good. powerful?

I plan to compete with you on the ability to recognize cards.

We each took out three cards to test each other.

It's like who can accurately tell the materials used to make the cards, the energy ink used, and the strokes used to draw the cards, etc.

Let the elders and adults present witness to see who can identify more accurately and have stronger abilities! "

"Identify the card." Tang Jian was almost happy in his heart, but there was a hesitant look on his face.

Some card creators around also changed their colors, and the secret channel was powerful.

This competition for identifying cards is really high-end, and no card maker with any background would dare to compete.

Difficulty is equivalent to smelling a woman.

Put a row of women behind a screen, and ask men to judge the woman's temperament, figure, appearance, etc. simply by smelling the fragrance. Not even experienced wolf friends can play well.

The same is true for identifying cards. It is not a card maker who has learned many card making schemes and has been exposed to many types of cards, and cannot say a word at all.

"Master Tang."

Chen Lin looked at Tang Jian, and said nervously, "Why don't you just ask him to simply compete with him? The content of this challenge can't be completely up to him, right?"

Tita laughed when she heard the words, "What? Tang Jian, you just said that no matter what I challenge, you will continue?

Are you afraid now?

How about this, if you lose, you just need to admit to me that the card-making geniuses of the earth star are not as good as our card-making geniuses of the Ram star. "

As soon as Tita's words came out, the complexions of some earth star card makers, such as Ross, changed slightly and turned ugly.

Some people are dissatisfied in their hearts.

He Tang Jian lost, what does it matter to me XXX?

Why do you admit that all Earth star card makers are inferior to your Ram star card makers?

However, even if they were dissatisfied with these words, Ross and the other Earth Star Card Creators did not say anything on the spot.

At least on the surface, Tang Jian, as the rookie king of Earth Star this year, can indeed represent Earth Star's young card makers.

The atmosphere was silent for a while.

Li Yushan and other high-level elders of the association also turned their attention to Tang Jian, waiting for Tang Jian's reply.

At the dinner, the geniuses of the earth star accept the challenge of the geniuses of other planets, which has always been the practice.

It seems to be a small game at the dinner party, but it is related to the honor of planetary civilization.

Of course, even if Tang Jian lost, there was no serious punishment.

But it is undoubtedly a huge blow to his personal reputation and future development prospects in the General Assembly.

Facing the aggressive Tita, Tang Jian looked dignified and seemed to be unnatural, "Why don't we compare pens?

Is it too much trouble to identify the card?

Don't you know that I once beat a four-star card making master who was in the top eight of the pen king competition, so you dare not compete with me? "

Tita sneered, "What kind of card making master in the top eight of the Pen King Competition? How can it be compared with me, Tita?

Not bad if you win the championship.

I will only compare the identification cards with you, do you dare to accept it?

If you don't dare to answer, you will take the initiative to admit defeat now, don't be a mother-in-law. "

Tang Jian's face was reddish, as if he couldn't take it anymore, he snorted coldly, "Of course I dare, but the price I lose is so serious, and you have to pay the price if you lose."

Tita laughed, "How could I lose to you? You have absolutely no idea about genius.

If I lose, I will also admit that the young card makers of Ram star are not as good as the card makers of your earth star. "

Tang Jian shook his head, "It's all false names, I don't care about false names.

Every time I compete with someone, I need an appearance fee. If you lose, you only need to pay me a certain amount of appearance fee. "

"What?" Tita and a group of aliens were stunned.

Is this Tang Jian an idiot?

Don't want a huge reputation, don't want the opportunity to humiliate them, but only a little appearance fee?

How much is the appearance fee?

How can material benefits compare to spiritual victories?

"Very good." Tita said contemptuously, "Speak up, how much is your appearance fee?

The value of our Ram Star Coin is almost three times that of your Earth Star Federation Coin in the galaxy.

My family is also a big family in the planet Ram, and it is a trivial matter if you talk about money with me. "

Tang Jian showed a look of admiration, "So you are still a son of a rich family? Disrespect and disrespect!

In fact, I am in Earthstar, and I am also the owner of a large company, and I am also a handsome and talented card maker with a great reputation. Generally, if others invite me, I will not go no matter how much money is given.

My company's monthly profit is about 5 billion Earth Star Federation coins, so generally attending events, the appearance fee starts at least 2.5 billion.

If you lose, you can give me 2.5 billion Earth Star Federation coins.

It is roughly equivalent to 50 million Kelton coins, which is equivalent to the value of a Cosmic God Crystal. "

"What did you say?"

The black tumor on Tita's face turned purple again, and she said angrily, "Fifty million Kelton coins? Why don't you go grab them?"

Tang Jian spread his hands out of course, "I'm just grabbing now, it's up to you to give it or not.

Could it be that you are a dignified 50-year-old genius from Ramstar, and a dignified son of a rich family from Ramstar, can't you afford a mere 50 million Kelton coins?

If you think it's unfair, I can take out the money if I lose. Fifty million is just a drizzle, why don't we increase the stake to one billion Kelton star coins for fun? "


Tita stared angrily.

A group of alien geniuses were all stunned, looking at each other with expressions of shock and anger.

Is Tang Jian, the earth star, such a local tyrant?

Just play a game and bet 100 million Kelton coins?

We alien geniuses don't have mines at home.

Who dares to play with you if you are so cruel?

Many elders of the General Assembly looked sideways at Tang Jian and clicked their tongues, secretly thinking that this kid robbed the federal treasury, right?

Tang Jian raised his chin slightly, looked proudly, and looked at Tita, "What? You can't handle such a small scene?"

Tita clenched her fists tightly and gritted her teeth, and said fiercely, "Okay, okay, since you want to play, I'll stick with you to the end!"

Beside him, a Lamu star who also had a black tumor held him in a low voice, "Tita, calm down."

Tita snorted, turned off the effect of the language translation card, and said to her companion in Ram star language, "Don't worry, this Tang Jian is probably bluffing, knowing that he is not my opponent, so he wants to use this kind of appearance fee means to scare me off, but am I so easily scared off?"

The companion said nervously, "But, this is 50 million Kelton coins, equivalent to half a year's total income of your family, if you lose."

Tita abruptly interrupted his companion, "I can't lose. He doesn't know how good I am. If I win against him, it will prove that the people from the Ram planet are stronger than the people from the Earth planet. After I go back, my reputation will be greatly improved. The Kelton galaxy civilization will have a certain status."

The companion sighed secretly when he heard the words, and stopped dissuading him.

"Okay, okay, Brother Ta is indeed a rich man. I like opponents like you who spend a lot of money. You are so good!"

Tang Jian clapped his palms, but his expression was slightly ugly, as if some kind of calculation had failed.

"Hope you'll be tougher in the future!"

Seeing Tang Jian's expression, Tita immediately became more sure of her guess, and sneered in her heart.

Seeing Tita's determined expression, Tang Jian almost couldn't help laughing.

The opponent lost, but he had to directly lose 2.5 billion Earth Star Federation coins.

As for the verbal words to make the other party admit that the Lamu star is not as good as the Earth star after losing.

That was just a matter of face on the spot.

Even if he didn't choose to save the opponent's face on the spot, but only asked for resources such as federal coins, if he finally won the opponent, the fact that the genius of Ram star was not as good as that of the earth star would naturally spread, without the opponent needing to say it verbally.

This is tantamount to dealing a double whammy to Tita on a spiritual and material level.

It is clear at a glance which is better.

What makes Tang Jian feel funny is that he has done similar cases of defrauding people with appearance fees many times, and he has defrauded many people.

But there are very few people who are calm and restrained, and they will not be fooled at the critical moment.

In the final analysis, it may also be that he is very good at disguising.

Of course, the more important thing is that every person who is taken in is an extremely confident and face-saving person, who can neither lose face and shrink back, nor feel that he will lose.

Thanks to Brother Wenrou and Classmate Yinyang for rewarding me here! Thanks to Xiaotiantian, Xuewu, and the nose who can play with mobile phones for their rewards!

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