God Card

Chapter 561 570: The Background of the Son of Miracle

"Tita, a four-star card maker, created three kinds of blue star-grade cards by himself, and is good at at least 237 kinds of strokes, including 18 kinds of high-level strokes, and 4 kinds of high-level strokes mastered to the four-star level.

He was once the most powerful competitor in the Star Ram Star Rookie Card Competition, known as the Little Prince of Ram Star Pen Feng, and the most handsome genius card maker. "

Tang Jian's mind flashed through the detailed information he had investigated through the other party's ID card and records of some deed information when he possessed Tita before.

It has to be said that Tita is indeed a super powerful enemy.

Except for the fact that Tang Jian was the most handsome genius card maker, he really couldn't agree with him. He felt that the other party's compliments should be genuine.

Of course, with the appearance of the Lamu star full of black tumors, one of the ugliest gifted card creators was selected on Earth.

Tang Jian felt that there should be no problem at all.

At this time, after Tang Jian accepted Tita's challenge, some attendants immediately began to set up the arena for the competition.

Some of the elders and deacons of the General Assembly showed a look of leisure and were ready to watch a big show.

At this time, Chen Lin pulled Tang Jian to remind him with concern in a low voice.

"Master Tang, since you accepted Tita's challenge, don't be careless.

The card makers of Star Ram are extremely famous in the Kelton galaxy. The card civilization they accept has been passed down for thousands of years, surpassing the Earth Star Federation by a lot.

If it weren't for our Earth-Star Federation being surrounded by a large number of sinkholes, enjoying resource advantages, and getting the support of the Kelton Galaxy, it may be completely crushed by the Ram Star in terms of the card civilization system.

As far as I know, this Ram has more than 200 types of strokes, of which 18 are advanced strokes, and he is best at making mechanical and ability cards.

So if you compare and identify cards with him, it is best to avoid mechanical and supernatural cards. "

Tang Jian smiled and nodded when he heard the words, "I know this, I heard that the Lamu star's talent for accurate identification of cards is famous in the galaxy.

There have been many card makers with "precise identification" physical talents on this planet, and their precise identification skills for cards are extraordinary.

Tita seems to be a talented person with "precise identification" of physique.

Moreover, his card making talent is far superior to his peers, so he was able to win the second place in the last Ram Star Card Making Competition. "

Chen Lin looked surprised, and said in amazement, "I didn't expect you to investigate Tita's information? You also know that he is a person with a special constitution. It seems that you are not completely unprepared, so I am relieved.

According to the rules, I shouldn't tell you about these geniuses.

Because the competition in the head office depends on yourself, this is also an opportunity for the elders and deacons to see your personal ability clearly.

However, when dealing with alien geniuses, our planets will generally be the first to be unanimous, so I will secretly remind you. "

Tang Jian gave Chen Lin a reassuring look, "I will be careful."

Possessed on Tita's body, he has learned all the card making plans the other party has learned from the personal information filed by the other party at the Ram Star Card Creator Association.

I even experienced the special physique of the other party's "precise identification", where is the magic.

In the end, Tang Jian discovered that this kind of physique is indeed helpful when identifying cards. Whenever a card is touched by the palm, information similar to that of the card material that he has seen before will be born in his mind. Card patterns can also be quickly and accurately analyzed to determine the type of card patterns.

Of course, this naturally requires that you have been exposed to many cards, learned a lot of strokes, and accumulated a rich background.

Otherwise, it would be like writing poems by a poet who doesn't read and study at all, with only spirituality but no ink in his chest.

But just knowing these things is not decisive.

The key is to look at the performance on the spot.

Although Tita is a Lamu with a special physique that can be accurately identified, Tang Jian also thinks that he has a cheating device for the red card, and the chance of losing is very small.

At this time, Vice President Li Yushan was also sitting in a gazebo not far away with Wang Wei and other elders, waiting for the competition between the two younger generations, Tang Jian, to begin.

Several elders have already started discussing, judging the outcome of the contest between Tang Jian and Tita.

The elder named Cheng Peng said indifferently, "I feel that Tang Jian's background is still a bit weak. If he fights for a few more years, he may be able to win the battle with Tita, but it's too early now. After all, the accumulation of background Not as deep as Tita."

Another elder, Qi Dong, echoed the words, "Tita has mastered more than 200 kinds of strokes, including 18 kinds of advanced strokes. As far as I know, he has also learned 200 kinds of card making methods.

Although Tang Jian also mastered hundreds of strokes, he only mastered less than ten advanced strokes.

Moreover, although he has created many cards by himself, he has learned no more than one hundred card making schemes. The gap between the two is obvious. "

Speaking of this, Qi Dong sighed, "Although the odds of winning are not great, as long as the competition is good, it can still be cultivated.

After all, strictly counting, a talented card maker like Tita is still a genius of the previous class on Ram Star, and Tang Jian is many years older than Tang Jian, so it is normal to be stronger. "

Li Yushan said with a chuckle, "You all dislike Tang Jian so much, but I think he might give us a surprise.

Don't forget that he has the title of "Son of Miracle" on Earth Star, hahaha, Elder Wang, what do you think? "

Li Yushan looked at the silent Wang Wei.

Wang Wei said calmly, "Tang Jian has a 60% chance of winning."

"Huh?" Qi Dong and the others were a little surprised, but the smile on Li Yushan's face became even wider.

Cheng Peng snorted, "Elder Wang, I know that you are all optimistic about this kid's potential, and want to add this kid to the candidate list of the card making god training plan, but I still say what I said before.

If the potential he showed wasn't so amazing, we would still try our best to win the card in his hand.

At least try to figure out how to make or share that card. "

Wang Wei said lightly, "He definitely has more potential than you imagined, and our card creators are always not robbers.

Even if it's for the progress of the earth and star card civilization, don't act like a barbaric bandit.

If his potential isn't enough, even if we can figure out how to get that card, I'm not advocating taking that card. "

Li Yushan also became serious, "Yes, this is also my attitude.

Since Tang Jian was chosen for the card that fell into the world of mortals, no matter what the final result is, we can share it, but we cannot forcibly take this card away from Tang Jian.

At least the potential he has shown so far qualifies for this card. "

Cheng Peng squinted his eyes and said nothing.

Li Yushan's attitude is of course important, but Li Yushan can't completely control the thoughts of all the elders in the general assembly except the real president, Sherme Card God, who can make a decision with one word.

Seeing that the place for the competition was about to be established, Tang Jian, who was standing and talking with Chen Lin opposite, looked more dignified and nervous.

Tita and her companion, Kari, looked at each other, and felt reassured again.

Kari sent a message to Tita using a communication device, "Tita, even though that Tang Jian seems unlikely to be your opponent, to be on the safe side, you should go all out and give full play to your strength at the expense of your energy." constitution."

Tita responded, "Of course I know this, I won't give him any chance to stand up, and I also prepared for him a card created by my latest invention, the materials used are also from our Ram Star It is a special product, and none of their planets have cards of this material."

Kari smiled and nodded, "That's the way it should be."

at this time.

Suddenly, a call from a deacon of the General Assembly came from the prepared competition venue in front of him.

"The venue for the competition has been set up. Now, two young card makers are invited to enter the venue, ready to start the card recognition duel."

Tita was refreshed, and suddenly got up from the seat, looked at Tang Jian from afar with confidence, and strode towards the field.

"Master Tang!"

Chen Lin looked at Tang Jian nervously, and waved her tightly packed fist, "Come on! Don't lose to them Ram Stars."

"Okay. I'll do my best." Tang Jian smiled, and walked into the field under the attention of Ross and others.

"Do you think Tang Jian can beat Tita?"

Rose looked solemnly, looked at Mordway and asked.

Modeway shook his head, squinted his eyes and said, "Analyzing from the background accumulated by the two of them, Tang Jian may be defeated to a large extent, but I think Tang Jian is a wicked person, so he may not be defeated so easily.

I investigated, and the people who had opposed him ended up miserable in the end, and almost none of them could get any benefits. "

Ross looked at Modeway in surprise, "Then you... shall we challenge Tang Jian later? Do you want to be tough?"

Modeway rolled his eyes slightly and smiled, "Don't be intimidated by the information I have investigated. Although those people who once opposed Tang Jian failed to get any benefits, from another perspective, the most powerful of those people back then There are only guys like Taiyi and Taiqian.

Now do you think these guys can stand here in the General Assembly?

None worth mentioning.

The reason why those who opposed Tang Jian didn't get any benefits was that they were too talented.

Can we be like those Caifu? "

Ross nodded slightly when he heard the words, "Yes."

Modeway said with a smile, "Don't worry, let's observe the situation first. If Tang Jian doesn't show an absolute advantage later, it proves that he is nothing more than that. Let's play by ear."

Ross said, "Then what if Tang Jian is really defeated?"

Modeway frowned, "There is no other way, alien geniuses like Tita are not simple, I have come into contact with them a long time ago.

If Tang Jian lost, then Tang Jian must have missed the card making god training plan.

It's good for us too, he doesn't qualify and we might have more chances.

Although we will not help aliens step on our fellow stars.

But if Tang Jian loses by himself, then it has nothing to do with us, we must seize the opportunity to step on him to fight for more benefits. "

Ask for follow up! ! ! Maybe I posted an active chapter yesterday, or I entered the universe and subscribed to it. I'm so panicked! !

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