God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1007 Killing God (Part 1)

A crimson flame rose into the sky!

The huge wings spread out, almost covering the sky!

So far, in the four directions of southeast, northwest, there are actually Yuan beasts sitting in town!

And among them, the Golden Armored Dragon and the Golden Giant Dragon are both rank nine, while Suzaku and Ice Pupil Bone Dragon are rank eight. The Ice Pupil Bone Dragon that appeared first is actually the "weakest" among them!

After all, Suzaku has a noble status, and the power of his bloodline is considered a top-notch existence among primordial beasts!

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

Even Shui Tianqing and the others in the sky couldn't help but widen their eyes, looking at the four huge figures entrenched around the clock tower in disbelief!

"This...how is this possible?!"

Shui Tianqing murmured, almost stammering.

No matter what he said, he is also an elder with a high status in the Shui family. He has seen so many big scenes that can make him lose his composure. One can imagine how much impact this scene had on him!

And the complexions of the others were no better than his.

They have a lot of experience. It can be said that whoever they pull out casually can be said to be a shocking figure.

But, but the scene in front of me is too ridiculous! ?

"There seemed to be some rumors before, saying that he contracted Suzaku, but...what about the rest?"

Mu Qinglan only appeared on the top of the gods when he went to Tonglinghai before, so they didn't get much news, basically they got it from Tonglinghai.

When Mu Qinglan summoned the God Nine Tribulations, Suzaku once appeared, letting everyone know that she had contracted Suzaku.

"He indeed contracted Suzaku and the Bone Dragon with Ice Eyes..." Shui Tianqing recalled the news he had heard from Shui Yanyu before, and couldn't help but gritted his teeth secretly, "I heard that he was in Xiling College before he entered Xiling College. , has already contracted these two. However, Suzaku is clearly only the sixth rank, when did it break through to the eighth rank?! There is also the Golden Armored Dragon Star for a while, and - the golden dragon!"

"That golden-armored dragon is clearly just a breath sealed in the star formation. It stands to reason that it is impossible to be so realistic... But now, the breath of that golden-armored dragon is extremely strong! Even if it is not as good as the real golden-armored dragon, I'm afraid It's not much different..." Ming Yu's eyes were sharp, and he saw the key at a glance.

Just seeing this, just let them understand that the situation at this time is worse than imagined!

But they don't know that the star has been staying in Mu Qinglan's body for a while now, getting along with Xueyou day and night, and raising a dragon's breath, isn't it the simplest thing?

What's more, there are still silver winds and golden dragons in Mu Qinglan's body!

These three dragons are together, and with the nourishment of the blood Lin in Mu Qinglan's body, even if it doesn't want to become stronger, it will be difficult!

And the most important thing is that Mu Qinglan didn't expend too much effort at all when he used this star formation at this time.

——How do you want it? Isn't it just a matter of Xueyou's words?

The golden dragon has no contractual relationship with her, but because of the existence of the blood Lin, they can basically communicate with each other, which is no different from a contract.

That's why Mu Qinglan dared to summon these four powers directly with confidence!

Outside the bell tower, those crowds who were waiting to watch the fun fell into a dead silence.

Even those who originally wanted to attack the bell tower were shocked when they saw such a scene.

The few people in the front subconsciously slowed down, and finally stopped directly.

Looking at the four top-level Yuan beasts entrenched around the clock tower, he didn't know whether to advance or retreat for a while.


None of them are opponents!


That's too embarrassing!

Finally, someone looked up at the sky subconsciously, thinking that the chance of victory was at hand, but at this time it was a man with a stunned expression.

This... what should I do?

Mu Qinglan took a step forward, raised her chin slightly, her eyes and brows were showing undisguised flamboyance.

"What? Don't you want to bully the few with the more? Why don't you move now?"

Bully less with more?

How dare you say such a thing when you summoned two rank eight primordial beasts and two rank nine primordial beasts? Shameless! ?

The muscles on the man's face twitched slightly by Mu Qinglan's anger.

In fact, he also knew that this scene must not be as simple as he imagined before. If he had to deal with it, some casualties would definitely occur on his side!

But at this time, he can't withdraw!

The above has issued a death order, if they can't do it, then the ending will be the same!

He gritted his teeth, and suddenly raised the ax in his hand!

"Give it to me! Whoever wins Mu Linghan today will be rewarded!"

Hearing this, those subordinates who were hesitant at first had no choice but to be firm and move on!


Several figures quickly approached the clock tower!


A sound of dragon chant suddenly sounded!

It has a huge body, and the scales on its body are pure gold, shining cold and dazzling light under the light of its eyes.

It seems that if you look at it one more time, you will be stabbed in the eyes.

It just sits above the sky, its eyes are extremely indifferent and noble.

It seemed that it didn't pay attention to everything in front of it.

In fact, it is true.

There were only seven or eight people who came for it, and the one with the highest strength was only the middle stage of the three domain masters.

This kind of strength, if placed among cultivators, might be regarded as very good, but it is not worth mentioning in front of the top-level primordial beast golden dragon!

With this dragon chant, the terrifying power rolled away!

Almost all the space was squeezed and deformed by this force. The few people rushing over had already felt the extreme pressure and squeeze before they got close to the golden dragon!

The man at the front, who bore the brunt of the blow, actually had a shock in his chest and spit out a mouthful of blood!

His face quickly became sluggish, and his internal organs almost burst at this moment!

Before he even uttered a sound, he already felt that the energy in his body was completely out of control, and then his whole body seemed to be slapped hard, and he flew upside down in an instant!

And the few people behind him also trembled when they saw this scene.

Before they had time to react, they already felt that huge force one after another, crushing it madly!

The bodies of several people flew upside down one after another like this, and fell hard to the ground!

bang bang bang!

The sound of the dull body hitting the ground made people feel numb all over.

And this is not over yet, it seems that because the impact force was too strong, after those people fell to the ground, they dragged uncontrollably for a long distance.

Several long bloodstains immediately appeared on the originally clean gray and white stone road!

When they finally stopped, they were almost silent.

Dead silence.

Everyone's attention has been concentrated here at this time, because the golden dragon has not appeared in the world for a hundred years, so its appearance at this time also attracted the most people's attention.

This blow directly beat those people half to death, and shocked the hearts of all the onlookers.

Is this... the power of the golden dragon?

Those few people even rushed over just now, before they got close to the golden dragon, they were already severely defeated by this dragon chant!

What kind of power is this? !

At this moment, almost everyone lost their words.

It is rumored that the golden dragon is the most powerful existence of the dragon blood besides the ancient dragon, but now it seems... the rumors are true!

The golden dragon gave those people a condescending look, with only indifference and cruelty in his eyes - that was the contempt of the top primordial beasts for the ants-like cultivators!

In other words, it actually didn't pay attention to these people at all! Because they are not worthy!

The golden dragon swims slowly above the midair, like a golden barrier that cannot be crossed!

In fact, not only the onlookers were surprised, even Mu Qinglan raised her eyebrows after seeing this scene.

She never thought about how strong the golden dragon is, because when she saw it before, it was just a mass of remnant souls, so even though she recovered her physical body later, in Mu Qinglan's impression, she still didn't have a clear concept.

But at this moment, she finally understood that the golden dragon is indeed stronger than she imagined!

Thinking about it this way, Mu Qinglan actually felt that she was a bit overqualified.

Just as this thought was flashing through her mind, she heard several shrill screams from the other side.

She turned her head and saw that not far from the bell tower, the men who were planning to attack were already covered in crimson flames!

The blazing high temperature burns, producing almost maddening pain!

Those people twisted their bodies frantically, as if they wanted to extinguish the flames on their bodies.

But, this is the fire of Suzaku! How could it be so easy to extinguish it?

Not long after, someone had already rolled to the ground, yelling miserably and rolling on the ground continuously, but it still didn't help.

If the dragon chant of the golden dragon directly dealt with those people before, and brought shock to everyone, then at this time, Suzaku swung out flames and completely enveloped them, making them unable to break free and could only endure the incomparable suffering Such pain makes people shudder.

Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. Compared with enduring such pain, it is better to kill your life directly!

Some onlookers, who were originally enthusiastic, finally realized the seriousness of this matter at this time, and began to retreat unconsciously.

That bell tower... seems to have become extremely dangerous...


The most dangerous one is clearly the young man standing against the wind on the clock tower!

Seeing such a scene, he was still so calm, and there was even a hint of sarcasm in the corners of his eyes and eyebrows...

What kind of pampered son is he, he is clearly a killing god from hell!

Mu Qinglan looked away.

It was just a face-to-face effort, and half of the other party's people had already been dealt with.

On the other side of the golden armored dragon, several people have been trapped in the star formation, and they have been repeatedly crushed by powerful forces. At this time, many bones should have been broken.

Yinfeng was the most leisurely, spit out the power of extreme cold, and immediately erected an ice wall to keep those people out.

At the same time, there are countless ice thorns, constantly piercing towards them.

At this time, the ground was already stained with blood.

Even if he has the power to fight again, he can no longer pose any threat.

Mu Qinglan crossed her arms, looked forward, and smiled slightly.


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