God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1008 Silver Wind (Part 2)

The man was already trembling with anger, unable to speak.

Mu Linghan. Mu Linghan!

He's just the initial domain master, isn't he?

They sent so many people, why did they end up like this?

Among them, there are definitely more than ten people who are higher in level than Mu Linghan, but before they even touched the corner of Mu Linghan's clothes, they were beaten to the ground and seriously injured!

His arrogant and presumptuous look is really disgusting to watch!

But—the huge figure entrenched in four directions reminded everyone that this young man really has such abilities!

Even if they were unwilling, they had to admit that Mu Linghan was indeed much stronger than they had imagined before.

So far, he has changed the situation on the field without even lifting a finger!

But who can say that it is not his strength?

It is his ability to have so many top-level beasts helping him!

In this world, there is probably no one else who can do this...

"How could this be...how could it be...don't talk about the Xingzhenzi who sealed the breath of the golden armored dragon, just talk about the other three, especially the golden giant dragon and Suzaku! Their identities are so noble, how could they willingly submit to Mu Linghan's subordinates? ?”

Ming Yu frowned, unable to figure it out.

Zongzheng Qifeng also looked dignified: "That's right. I heard that he is Lord Wang Yan's apprentice. Logically speaking, he can indeed contract more than one primordial beast. But...how could it be these few?"

The lowest ranks are all eighth-rank ice-pupil bone dragons! Does this let others live?

Ordinary primordial beasts are hostile to humans, and it is extremely difficult to contract a superior primal beast, let alone such an existence?

How did Mu Linghan do it?

"Still guessing? Most likely some despicable means were used!" Shui Tianqing said viciously.

Mingyu glanced at him with a sneer, and said contemptuously: "Shui Tianqing, can you have some brains? If it is other primordial beasts, it would make sense to use some means to subdue them, but this is Suzaku and the golden dragon! Do you think everyone is like your Shui family, knowing how to play tricks when they meet a baby?"

Shui Tianqing glared: "You!"

"Okay! Now is not the time to argue about this, let's think about how to deal with Mu Linghan!" Zongzheng Qifeng, who had always been calm, couldn't help frowning at this moment, and said in a cold voice.

The two who were about to fight looked at each other before suppressing the fire in their hearts.

What Zongzheng Qifeng said is indeed reasonable, if the most important thing is Mu Linghan!

Originally, I thought that the man who sent people to besiege would definitely make Mu Linghan admit defeat, but I didn't expect things to develop like this!

Ming Yu took a deep breath, glanced at the man in front of him, and said, "It's obviously impossible to rely on him now. In my opinion, let's join forces first."

Zongzheng Qifeng nodded.

Shui Tianqing was very unwilling in his heart, but he also knew that it was impossible to solve Mu Linghan and the four primordial beasts by relying on their respective strengths, so he could only suppress the anger in his heart and snorted : "I have no objection! But it must be determined first, what kind of joint method is going to be used! There are four directions in this clock tower, and the four directions of us are of course the most suitable one to capture one side! But let me say first, the ice-eyed bone dragon It's mine! You can do whatever you want with the rest!"

When Mingyu and Zongzheng Qifeng heard this, they couldn't guess what he was thinking, and couldn't help but contemptuously.

Who doesn't know that the ice pupil bone dragon is the easiest to deal with out there? !

Although the Golden Armored Dragon Star Formation is not a real primordial beast, it is a high-level star formation in itself, and the power it contains cannot be underestimated.

Although Suzaku is of the eighth rank like the Ice-eyed Bone Dragon, how many people can withstand the power of the blood in its body once it is unleashed?

The most important thing is the golden dragon!

You must know that the golden dragon in its heyday is comparable in strength to the powerful master!

No one wants to touch such a stubborn stubble!

However, Shui Tianqing didn't care about the reaction of the two of them, and said impatiently: "Think quickly! Agree or disagree, it's just a matter of one sentence! If you agree, act now! If you don't agree, we each rely on our own ability I've already been consumed by that kid before, I don't want to work my ass off and end up as a dowry for someone else!"

"You are as treacherous as before!"

Ming Yu spurned her endlessly, but Shui Tianqing didn't care about these things at all now, with a firm expression on her face.

Zongzheng Qifeng took a look at Ming Yu: "I know a little about the star array, so leave the star array to me."

Ming Yu nodded: "I am in charge of Suzaku."

As for the most troublesome golden dragon... of course I still leave it to that man.

The distance between him and the three of them was not far, so he naturally heard their conversation, so he couldn't help but glance back.

Zongzheng Qifeng asked: "What do you think of this? After all, this is your territory, and it still has certain advantages after all."

The man sneered in his heart.


He is not stupid! These three people clearly wanted to sacrifice the people on his side in exchange for their own interests!

What join forces? In fact, they are still doing their own thing!

But now, he really needs to drag these people into the water!

So, he purposely revealed a look of displeasure on his face, and then nodded impatiently.

Several people quickly reached an agreement, and began to fly in different directions!

"Ling Han, they joined forces again."

Ouyang Moliu frowned slightly, and said in a low voice.

Mu Qinglan shook her head and smiled.

"Don't worry, they're only doing it for their own benefit. They won't join forces if they really want to. Now it's just a show. Once one party breaks through the defense line of the bell tower, their alliance will definitely fall apart."

"Then...then will they really break through—" Ouyang Mo was still a little worried.

The corner of Mu Qinglan's lips twitched slightly.

"Don't worry, since I dare to do this, I have enough confidence. Don't say they joined forces, even if there is another person, this clock tower is not something they can break open."

Seeing Mu Qinglan's firm expression and a smile in his eyes, Ouyang Mo felt a little relieved.

In any case, having these few helpers can indeed relieve their pressure to a great extent.

After Mu Qinglan finished speaking, she suddenly turned around and walked towards the bronze bell.

Ouyang Mo followed strangely.

"What? Is there something wrong with this bronze clock?"

Apart from looking dilapidated, there seems to be nothing special... But she could see that Mu Qinglan seemed to be very interested in this bronze clock.

Mu Qinglan walked around the bronze clock, carefully looked at every inch of it, and then suddenly laughed, revealing a rather mysterious smile.

"Momo, don't you think this bronze clock is very big?"

"What?" Ouyang Mo didn't know why.

Mu Qinglan didn't explain more, but just continued to focus on it.

This bronze bell is as tall as a person, and it is afraid that three people can hug it together.

There are complicated patterns on it, and there seem to be some handwriting, but because of the age, the surface has rusted, and many places can no longer be seen clearly.

The passage of time is vividly reflected in this.

Mu Qinglan stared at the bronze clock, resting her chin in one hand, lost in thought, as if she had completely forgotten that the battle was going on around her.

All disturbing sounds are automatically isolated.

Her expression was extremely calm and calm, and she looked at the bronze clock with great interest.

With this appearance, how does it look like he is being besieged and hunted down, and his life is dying?

Mu Qinglan smiled slowly.

She has seen it from a distance several times before, but this is the first time to see it up close.

Ouyang Mo didn't know what she was doing, but thinking of the scene in the bell tower before, she still felt relieved.

However, seeing Mu Qinglan's relaxed appearance, the other people were not in a good mood.

But they had no other choice at this time, they had to get rid of the previous beasts before they could continue to deal with Mu Linghan!

Mingyu was born in Tianyan Mountain, so he has a way of dealing with flames, and even he has extremely powerful beast fire in his body.

In the past, when he stretched, he always won every battle.

But today, there are some troubles.

Because he was facing Suzaku!

Before he sold it, the beast fire in his body was already suppressed!

The only advantage may be that he can persist longer than others, but if he wants to win, it is extremely difficult.

On the other side, Zongzheng Qifeng was directly trapped in the star formation, playing games with the Golden Armored Dragon.

He seems to know the star array very well, and he walks around the star array quickly, as if he can always find the direction and law of the power flow on the star array, and then avoid the attack.

Mu Qinglan could feel that Jin Jialong seemed to be boiling with anger, so he couldn't help but glanced at it, shook his head, and mourned for Zongzheng Qifeng for a moment.

He thought that with his knowledge of the star array, he could win the star array?

It is also too naive.

At the beginning of this star formation, there was only a breath of the golden armored dragon. When he was in Mingqi Mountain, he could see that he had some wisdom, but it was limited to some simple emotions.

But now it is different.

After such a long time, it has already grown rapidly with Xueyou by its side.

Right now it doesn't have a physical body. If it can find a suitable physical body, it will recover completely, and there will be almost no problem!

With such a powerful existence, it is simply impossible for Zongzheng Qifeng to defeat it with his own understanding of the star array.

And that mysterious man, at this time, has brought the rest of the people into a confrontation with the golden dragon.

Yes, standoff.

After the previous scene, they have already learned a painful lesson, so they dare not do anything at will.

Although there are quite a few of them here, everyone cherishes their lives, and no one wants to bury their lives in vain.

And the most exciting thing is the match directly in front of Mu Qinglan - Ice Pupil Bone Dragon vs. Shui Tianqing!

Shui Tianqing originally thought that the ice-eyed bone dragon was the easiest to deal with, but he never expected that its strength is far stronger than it looks!

The two sides only exchanged three moves, and he was accidentally slapped on the back by the huge dragon tail!

In an instant, the skin was torn apart!

Shui Tianqing spat out a mouthful of blood, and looked at the Bingtong Bone Dragon with a panicked expression!

Mu Qinglan glanced at him, smiled and kindly reminded:

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, it has swallowed the blood essence of the golden dragon before, and summoned the power of the bloodline. Speaking of which, it should not be much different from Suzaku..."

Shui Tianqing's face turned livid immediately!

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