God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1009 Reinforcements (3rd watch)

Fortunately, he specially chose this ice-eyed bone dragon, who knew it would be a stubble!

Yinfeng looked at him coldly, with disdain and dissatisfaction.

Mu Qinglan said in relief: "Yinfeng, don't worry, he thinks you are the weakest, so just let him know how powerful you are?"

How simple is this?

When Shui Tianqing heard this, his chest almost exploded with anger!

This Mu Linghan!

He did it on purpose! He must have done it on purpose!

But now no matter what, he can no longer change the target of attack. The most important thing right now is to think about how to deal with this ice pupil bone dragon!

If it was before, he thought that he still had the strength to fight, but after going through those few fights, his own strength has already been depleted. If he fights hard at this time, he may have no hope of winning at all!

Naturally, Shui Tianqing would not give up his life so easily.

He came here to arrest people, not to die!

Shui Tianqing immediately looked certain, as if he had made up his mind.

When he started to fight Yinfeng again, the offensive was obviously not as fierce as it was at the beginning.

He obviously didn't use his full strength for many tricks, and he always avoided them from time to time, as if...

Mu Qinglan noticed Shui Tianqing's appearance and couldn't help but feel a little strange, so she stared intently for a while.

Ouyang Mo said seriously: "Ling Han, he is delaying time."

Mu Qinglan nodded.

She also saw this.

Shui Tianqing just now had an aggressive and high-spirited look, as if he could defeat Yinfeng at any time, but in the blink of an eye, he changed his attitude directly.

Mu Qinglan didn't think that he was simply afraid of danger.

Since it is delaying time... then there are other preparations.

The point is, is he doing this to avoid his own danger, waiting for the others to break through her line of defense first, or... has other plans?

Mu Qinglan pondered for a moment, and already had a guess in her heart.

Ouyang Mo asked in a low voice: "Ling Han, if that Shui Tianqing really has some conspiracy—"

"Then let him do it!"

Mu Qinglan suddenly laughed and gave Ouyang Mo a reassuring look.

"The soldiers will block the water and cover it with earth! There is nothing to worry about!"

Shui Tianqing was prepared, so why wasn't she?

Let's see... who is better!

The passage of time seems to have become very slow.

The four directions of the bell tower are all in a fierce battle, and even the golden dragon, which has been cautious before, has made up its mind to attack at this time!

However, the fate of those people is still the same.

From the beginning to the end, there was not even a single person who could get close.

Wrap the leading man.

He is the strength of the domain master peak, it is reasonable to say that he can survive a few tricks, but he is not stupid, how could he completely surrender his life at this time?

So, back and forth, there is always no progress.

However, time passed bit by bit after all, and the number of people under him had indeed decreased a lot compared to the beginning.

At the beginning, there were about thirty people, but now, there are only five or six people left, dead or wounded, and those who are still capable of fighting.

And among these few people, only one is the peak domain master.

But even if two peak domain masters join forces, so what?

After the golden dragon recovered its body, it has been constantly improving its condition. After so long, its body and soul have almost perfectly merged.

Now it is at the peak of its strength, not to mention the two peak domain masters, even if there are two more, the ending will not change in any way!

In this way, the situation on the court gradually reached a stalemate.

Several parties wanted to break through Mu Qinglan's defense, but it was extremely difficult.

But it is absolutely impossible to let them evacuate.

In this way, the two sides began a tug of war.

The crowd watching from the distance of the bell tower also talked about this situation.

"Who the hell is this Mu Linghan? Can he really carry it till now?"

"This name sounds familiar... I just can't remember it... But since he can easily take out a volume of heaven-level formulas, he must have an unusual background... No wonder he can summon these primordial beasts..."

"That's right! Those ordinary people dare not even think about it, but he has so many by himself!"

"If it weren't for these beasts, he probably wouldn't be able to survive now, right? But I don't think highly of him. If he is besieged by several parties, he probably won't be able to last for too long..."

"I don't think so. He can summon these primordial beasts, maybe there are other cards in his hole! I looked at Mu Linghan, it is really possible to win!"

For a while, everyone had different opinions, but only a small number of them were optimistic about Mu Qinglan, and most of them still thought that if this game continued, Mu Qinglan would still be difficult to support.

Mu Qinglan turned a deaf ear to all of this.

She stood with her hands behind her back, standing on top of the clock tower, with a calm and calm expression.

It looked like he was waiting for something.

Almost everyone was guessing that she was waiting for reinforcements, but Mu Qinglan knew that she was waiting for the enemy who hadn't shown up yet!

She has already cast the net completely, if the other party doesn't take the bait, wouldn't it be a waste of her arrangement?


Shui Tianqing inadvertently saw Mu Qinglan's posture that seemed to be waiting, and when he was negligent for a moment, he was hit by Yinfeng's tail!

A powerful impact struck, and his body flew out uncontrollably! It actually hit a small building next to it!

With a muffled sound, that small building was directly knocked out of a huge hole! And the violent fluctuations that followed directly caused that small building to collapse completely!

The gravel rolled down, and the smoke and dust rose everywhere!

Shui Tianqing was buried inside like this!

There was a booing from the crowd.

Mingyu and Zongzheng Qifeng in the sky also all looked at this side together.

Their expressions are all a little indescribable.

After all, they also thought that Shui Tianqing took advantage of it and found someone who was easy to deal with, but they didn't expect...

But the two of them couldn't continue to watch, because their own situation was already very dangerous, so after a quick glance, they continued to fight separately.

And as for those people on the side of the golden dragon...

Their lives are hanging at the moment, how can they care about looking at others?

Shui Tianqing fell into the ruins and remained silent for a while.

Mu Qinglan looked intently and narrowed her eyes.

Shui Tianqing is not someone who can be defeated so easily... She clearly knows that Shui Tianqing has been conserving her strength just now, and she will definitely not die in it after being whipped for a while.

——He didn't come out on purpose!

Mu Qinglan sneered and said loudly:

"Shui Tianqing, why don't you come out? Do you not want to come out, or... dare not come out?"

The sound spread far and wide, and everyone present could hear it clearly.

In fact, at this time, almost all the people in Honghe City had gathered here to watch the fight.

It's just that most of them stood far away from the bell tower. After all, although it was lively and beautiful, they had to ensure that they would not be implicated.

So in all directions, many people are watching, both openly and secretly.

Mu Qinglan's voice was naturally intended for them to hear.

But Shui Tianqing remained silent, as if he had made up his mind not to come out.

Mu Qinglan fell into deep thought.

Shui Tianqing's temper is extremely irritable, and he is extremely conceited. Mu Qinglan had also humiliated him in public before, and he was very angry. Obviously, he couldn't bear it.

But now, Mu Qinglan's question was extremely frivolous, but he never came out.

It's not that he's not angry, but he clearly has other more important plans!

But...what is it that makes Shui Tianqing like this?

Mu Qinglan stared at the ruins with a smile on his face, but his eyes were cold.

If she guessed correctly...

"Ling Han!"

Ouyang Mo beside her suddenly yelled anxiously and tugged at her sleeve: "Look! What is that?"

Mu Qinglan followed her line of sight, and sure enough, she saw a dark line pressing towards the horizon!

That is…

Mu Qinglan's expression suddenly turned cold!

Seeing her reaction, Ouyang Mo became more and more sure of the guess in her heart, and her heart couldn't help but sink heavily.

"Ling Han, that's...that's Shui Tianqing's person, isn't it?"

Although there is still a distance, it is still unclear who it is, but it can already be guessed!

Those people are approaching rapidly!

Mu Qinglan's eyes were fixed on the people who came quickly, and he could actually feel a dangerous aura approaching!

At this time, some people gradually discovered this sudden scene! They all stretched their necks to look!

"Someone's coming! Who's that?"

"Whose reinforcements? This battle...is not small!"

At this moment, a figure finally flew out of the ruins!

"Hahaha! Mu Linghan! Let me see how arrogant you are today!"

Shui Tianqing laughed out loud, extremely proud!

Dust and blood were all over his face and body, making him look a lot more ferocious, and those eyes were full of gloomy and crazy killing intent!

It really is his!

Ouyang Mo took half a step forward subconsciously, and stopped in front of Mu Qinglan.

And in her hands, the water-colored enchantment has been gradually rippling!

And Ming Yu and the others also sensed something was wrong at this time, when they heard Shui Tianqing's words, their expressions immediately became ugly!

The water family is here!

They want a piece of the pie, I'm afraid it will be difficult!

Mu Qinglan glanced at Shui Tianqing, but suddenly laughed.

Then, she turned around and said to the man who was fighting the golden dragon:

"You guys, it's a bit late."

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