God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1023 On the lethality of brother-in-law (second update)


At this moment, there was a faint coughing sound, and the eyes of the two men looked over at the same time.

Mu Qinglan's body trembled slightly, and she was slowly opening her eyes.

Neither of them moved, as if they were waiting for something.

Suddenly coming out of a dark and narrow space, the bright light shone on the whole body, and it was even a little dazzling.

Mu Qinglan subconsciously closed her eyes again, but from the corner of her eye, she saw a familiar figure standing in front of her!

Her body froze instantly!

Then, without caring about anything, she suddenly opened her eyes and looked at the person in front of her!

In an instant, an all-too-familiar face appeared in front of her eyes.

The handsome eyebrows and eyes are like the most handsome and upright mountains and rivers, drawing a smooth arc from top to bottom. When you look at it suddenly, you can't tell how handsome it is.

The corners of his eyes were raised slightly, and there was a wanton smile on the corner of his mouth.

It seemed that there was nothing in this world that could catch his eyes.

And if he could enter these eyes, it would be equivalent to his world.

These eyes are as calm as the deep sea, but they seem to be able to accommodate everything.

But at this time, he looked at her with such eyes, the dark tide was surging, and he was clearly suppressing something.

He was wearing a crow-blue robe, tall and tall, standing above the sky, reflecting the sky behind him, it was like an elegant and strong picture scroll.

Mu Qinglan's heart suddenly missed a beat.

She opened her eyes, not daring to blink, for fear that everything in front of her was really just her dream.

Seeing her like this, the man smiled even wider at the corner of his mouth, and his deep voice penetrated into her ears like a magic power, every word was like a stone, falling into her heart!

"Qing'er. I'm late."

In Mu Qinglan's heart, it was like a flood bursting its embankment, endless grievances and heartaches poured out crazily at this moment!

The calm, self-restrained, calm and calm she has always been proud of, at this moment, collapsed!

In Mu Qinglan's eyes, a layer of mist quickly filled the air.

Her chest heaved violently, and her throat seemed to be blocked by something.

Before the tears fell, the man approached and wrapped her tightly in a black cloak.

Then, he easily hugged Mu Qinglan by the waist.

Mu Qinglan felt her body lighten, and she fell into a warm and broad embrace.

Her eyes never left that person, that face.

It's like a newborn child, staring at something very hard and attentively, without thinking about anything else.

Seeing that his face is still very similar to the old days, but he has grown from a boy to a man.

Look at the smile between his brows and eyes, still with endless tolerance and pampering.

Seeing that his facial features are more and more similar to the father in memory, but even more handsome and unparalleled.


Mu Qinglan's eyes were blurred, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

Suddenly, a somewhat rough hand wiped away her tears.

The calluses between her fingertips made the corners of her eyes a little stinging, but suddenly the big stone in her heart fell to the ground!

"Is it still so easy to cry when you are such a big person? Huh?"

It seems to be reprimanding, but the tone is pampering to death.

Still, he couldn't be angry with her.

Whether it was before or now.

What's more, he knows how hard it has been for her to get to the present.

It's too late to feel pity in my heart, so how can I be willing to say something serious?

These words seemed to have punched Mu Qinglan hard in the chest and abdomen, and the suffocating feeling finally completely dissipated!

She shouted in a hoarse voice:

"…elder brother…"

Her voice was so faint that if you didn't listen carefully, you couldn't hear it at all.

But Mu Linghan's hand to wipe her tears suddenly paused.

Mu Qinglan suddenly grabbed the shirt in front of his chest, and grasped it tightly, the veins almost popped out, and the knuckles were extremely pale.

She seemed to have exhausted all her strength to grab the man in front of her and not let him leave.

"…elder brother…"

Mu Linghan wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, but it caused more tears to flow out of her, and it was too late to even wipe them off.

"Brother...don't go...don't go..."

Every word seems to come out from the depths of my throat, with countless days and nights of regret and torture, prayer and hope.

God was finally willing to take pity on her a little bit, and returned the elder brother who was taken away from her eyes back then.

Yun Yi's eyes darkened slightly.

He rarely saw her like this.

In my impression, when I saw her, she always had a presumptuous smile on her face, and she was the brightest presence wherever she went.

She is bright, bright, and strong, like a painting with heavy ink and color.

But she is also free, presumptuous, and bold, like the wind that comes and goes freely.

It seems that there is nothing that can fetter her, nothing can control her, and nothing worthy of her nostalgia.

He has seen all kinds of her smiles, bright, joyful, provocative, proud, bitter, excited...

But the number of times he has seen her cry is very few.

She is extremely smart, and is always good at covering up everything about herself with a smile, so that everyone can't figure it out.

Therefore, her crying is even more precious.

That means she cut her heart open, honest and vulnerable.

And now, she finally cried so recklessly and happily in front of another person.

Yun Yi suppressed the surging emotions in his heart and remained calm.

After all, the two of them are brother and sister, and they haven't seen each other for a long time. She even once thought that Mu Linghan was dead.

It's perfectly normal to react like this when we meet again.

Although the movement of Mu Linghan holding her in his arms is really eye-catching, and his hand when wiping her tears is really annoying, but if this can make her feel better, and It is not a bad thing to let go of a burden from now on.

For the time being... just put up with him this time...

Yun Yi was trying to persuade himself, when he suddenly saw Mu Linghan glance at him lightly.

This glance is meaningful, but it carries a clear provocation of the winner!

Yun Yi narrowed his eyes slightly.

The corner of Mu Linghan's mouth twitched slightly, and he looked away.

No hurries…

For Yun Yi's account, he had to take the time to settle it with him!

Dare to hug Qing'er in front of him, do you really think he is dead! ?

Mu Linghan looked away, and as soon as his arms were retracted, he hugged him even tighter.

He turned a blind eye to Yun Yi's sharp eyes, and instead patted Mu Qinglan's back lightly.

"Don't worry, brother won't leave. I will always be by your side from now on, huh?"

Mu Qinglan's hand was still tightly clutching his shirt, refusing to let go.

Mu Linghan's heart seemed to be twisted hard by something, and it hurt endlessly.

It seems that what happened in Zhongyuan Secret Realm had a great impact on her...

He raised his sword eyebrows slightly, and said with a casual smile:

"What? Don't dare to let others see your current appearance like a little cat?"

Mu Qinglan finally couldn't help laughing.

She knew that her appearance must be very attractive now, but she really couldn't care about it anymore.

It was more important than anything else that he could live well and appear in front of her intact.

She has a lot to say, a lot of questions to ask him, and wants to know how he has spent the past two years.

He clearly fell into that extremely dangerous abyss, how did he escape?

What exactly did he go through to become so strong in such a short period of time?

Mu Qinglan vaguely remembered that she was about to break out just now, but two holes were suddenly torn open in her heart...


Two mouths?

Mu Qinglan froze for a moment, then realized that she seemed to have overlooked something...

One of them must have been torn apart by my brother, and the other...

She seemed to have seen a white figure from the corner of her eye just now...

Mu Qinglan's heart skipped a beat.

White figure?

That is…

She suddenly thought of something and subconsciously turned her head to look.

Mu Linghan grabbed her head, pressed her into his arms, and said with a smile:

"Shui Tianyue has only one breath left, so you don't have to worry. Your injuries seem to be a little serious. You should find a place to recuperate as soon as possible, huh?"

As he said that, one of his hands had already pinched Mu Qinglan's wrist, and a gentle and powerful force suddenly poured into Mu Qinglan's body!

Mu Qinglan was taken aback for a moment.

Shui Tianyue... Is there only one breath left?

Did my brother do it?

"Then... Lord Yinhuai..."

Mu Linghan smiled lightly and said:

"He's almost done, but I'll save it for you."

What he said seemed to be his hand...

If eyes could kill, Yun Yi would have cut Mu Linghan to pieces by now!

Yun Yi suddenly laughed.

"It's great that you came back safely. But...won't you go see your fiancée first?"

The third watch is estimated to be a little later, and this part is written slowly. I guess it will be around ten o'clock. Merry Christmas Eve!

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