God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1024 Ringing the Bell (Third Watch)

Hearing this voice, Mu Qinglan instantly confirmed the conjecture in his mind.

But at this time, she was held in her brother's arms, so it was not easy to stick her head out to look.

But being able to hear him speak proved that there was nothing wrong, and Mu Qinglan was not worried.

The only problem is...

Why does she hear this... a bit weird?

But Yun Yi seems to be right.

Although she didn't know when her brother came, but she didn't think it would be too long. According to Yun Yi, her brother has been busy saving her since he came, and he hasn't cared about Ouyang Mo.

Although she is also very reluctant to part with her brother, but... Momo's heart is no less bitter than her.

Along the way, Mu Qinglan knew Ouyang Mo's mind best.

From the time when she opposed the whole family and refused to resign the engagement, to later resolutely entered the five colleges with her, experienced all kinds of dangers, and still stood firmly by her side, working hard to protect her...

Mu Qinglan pushed Mu Linghan, and gave him an angry look.

"Brother, how can you let Momo go?"

Mu Linghan smiled happily.

"I've 'died' once, and Mo'er didn't give up on the engagement, so why worry? Besides, you were indeed in a more dangerous situation before, and Mo'er will definitely understand. She is always considerate, so naturally she doesn't care about these things. Even if she cares... That's what the two of us do, isn't it?"

Although he was talking to Mu Qinglan, what he said was clearly meant for Yun Yi to hear.

——We have a marriage contract, but you don't even have an identity yet, ha ha. Instead of caring about others here, let's think about how to pass this level.

Yun Yi's eyes darkened slightly.

Mu Linghan said: "It's better to find a place as soon as possible, your injuries need to be taken care of..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt something and looked up!

Shui Tianyue's body suddenly started to burn!

He was originally shot through the heart by Mu Linghan's arrow, and left a huge blood hole in his chest, and he was almost unable to move.

But at this moment, the only remaining power in his body suddenly gathered together, and then began to burn crazily!

White flames spread upwards from his feet! It quickly devoured his calf!

This obviously caused him great pain, because his entire face was distorted, and his shoulders were shaking violently, which showed that he was enduring enormous torture.

However, even so, his eyes were full of insane excitement!

"He's going to blow himself up!"

Mu Linghan said in a deep voice.

No one would do more to Shui Tian, ​​so the weird white flame on his body could only be his own handwriting!

He is a strong mid-stage master, as long as he keeps his real body, even if the original source—the physical body disappears completely, it will not really kill him.

As long as he can use this to escape, it is not impossible to reshape the original body with the help of strength in the future!

That's better than meat on a cutting board here!

Mu Qinglan was also shocked, she didn't expect Shui Tianyue to be so ruthless.

Although he suffered serious injuries, there were probably not many who could deal such a cruel blow to him like him.

He obviously knew that there would be green hills left, so he simply destroyed his original physical body completely and fled without fear of running out of firewood!

Thinking of his previous methods, one can know that he is extremely ruthless. He is cruel to others, but he is merciless towards himself.

With a wave of Mu Linghan's sleeve robe, a streak of blue energy flew out instantly!

That force quickly reached Shui Tianyue's body, and then quickly cut across his thigh! Cut off the white flame directly on the calf!

Shui Tianyue originally wanted to hide, but Mu Linghan's movements were so fast that before he had time to react, his body was cut neatly!

He first felt that his legs seemed to be a little cold, and then he felt a sharp pain!

He roared, looked down, and saw his mutilated body.

But there was no panic in his eyes, instead he became even more excited.

It was as if some terrifying monster was about to come out of his eyes!


He suddenly burst into a burst of laughter, resounding through the world!

This laughter was extremely insane and crazy, making everyone who heard it shudder.

"Ridiculous! Do you think you can control the life and death of this deity? You have offended the Shui family, and you will have a lot of regrets in the future! Hahaha! Today, this deity will give you a big gift first! See you tomorrow, and you will definitely pay in blood!"

After finishing speaking, several balls of white flames suddenly began to burst out from his upper body!

The whole body was quickly surrounded by white flames!

You must know that he is a strong mid-term master after all, even if his body is damaged, the power contained in it cannot be underestimated.

As the white flame burned, more and more power began to gather in it!

A dangerous breath began to spread rapidly!

And this scene, everyone in Honghe City also saw it clearly.

Everyone knows that when a cultivator blew himself up, he would explode with all his power, which was extremely terrifying.

What's more, this is still a mid-term powerhouse?

Some people's complexions changed slightly, and they began to back away quickly!

Others couldn't help but cast their eyes on the two men who suddenly appeared above the sky.

Especially, the man in the crow blue robe who looks exactly like Mu Linghan!

What are the identities of the two of them...?

Mu Linghan's brows and eyes were slightly cold.

The more determined Shuitian is, the more he can't stop it!

The best thing to do now is to retreat immediately!

He hugged Mu Qinglan tightly in his arms, and then quickly backed away!

Mu Qinglan suddenly grabbed his clothes and tugged:

"Brother, take me to the bell tower."

Mu Linghan gave her a strange look.

What is she going to do at the Clock Tower?

"Qing'er, now—"

Before he finished speaking, seeing Mu Qinglan's firm eyes, he stopped hesitating and nodded slightly.

Then, he took Mu Qinglan and turned around towards the bell tower!

At the same time, the white flame had completely engulfed Shui Tianyue's figure, and even the crazily roaring sound gradually became quieter.

But the coercion inside is still increasing!

If he waits for the flame to burn completely, and instantly ignites all the power in his original physical body - I don't know what kind of scene it will be!

Those people who were watching were shocked when they sensed the dangerous aura, and retreated in a hurry.

In a short period of time, there were almost no people within the radius of the clock tower.

Even Zongzheng Qifeng, Mingyu and the others dodged away.

Huo Zunting was about to make people retreat, but he saw that Mu Linghan had brought Mu Qinglan to the bell tower.

Yun Yi followed closely behind.

"Ling Han, this power is about to explode..." Huo Zunting said in a deep voice, trying to dissuade them from leaving quickly.

Mu Linghan shook his head slightly, and looked at Mu Qinglan.

He knew what she seemed to be trying to do, and seemed to...have a way of dealing with it...

"Brother, let me down."

Mu Qinglan coughed and said in a low voice.

Mu Linghan hesitated for a moment, and finally put Mu Qinglan down, while tightening the cloak around her.

Mu Qinglan gave him a reassuring look, turned around and walked towards the bronze clock.

Ouyang Mo, who had been guarding firmly beside the bronze bell, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She seems to know what Mu Qinglan wants to do...

Mu Qinglan walked to the bronze bell and smiled at Ouyang Mo.

"Thank you, Momo. Go to brother's place first, and leave it to me."

Ouyang Mo glanced at Mu Linghan. Although she wanted to go there crazily, she was still a little worried about Mu Qinglan: "Can you really do it yourself?"

Mu Qinglan laughed, and there seemed to be a sparkle in his eyes.

"If I can't... in this world, no one can do it..."

As she said that, one of her hands was already resting on the log next to the bronze clock!

At this moment, an ear-piercing whistling sound suddenly came!

Everyone looked at it together, but suddenly a light flew out of that mass of white flames!

It seems to be... trying to escape!

"It's the soul of Shui Tianyue!"

Huo Zunting frowned.

If he escaped today, it would be a complete failure!

But the speed of the soul's escape is extremely fast, and now that group of power is about to explode, it is not a good time to hunt it down in time!

Is it really the only way to look at it?

Yun Yi moved his fingertips slightly, looked at the gleam of light, and was about to move, but suddenly heard a bell ringing behind him!


The sound of the bell is far away, resounding through the world!

This sound seemed to come from an extremely distant time and space, with a vast and ancient atmosphere, majestic descending!

Listening to it, people can't help but feel a sense of awe!

With the ringing of this bell, the old wall on the bell tower suddenly peeled off quickly, revealing a smooth and tidy jade wall!

And inside the bell tower, it seemed that something suddenly lit up, and the lights gradually illuminated the entire bell tower with brilliance!

But the most shocking thing is that on the bronze bell, there are bright handwriting gradually appearing!

That dazzling light shone on the face and body of the person beside the bronze bell, it was extremely bright!

Almost everyone's eyes widened in shock!

Because at this time, they finally saw clearly that the "Mu Linghan" standing there wearing a big cloak had completely changed his appearance!

Even though the face was still stained with blood, but the radiance reflected on that face, it was still like a world-shocking treasure, suddenly appearing in the world!

In an instant, everyone's sight was taken away!

Stunning, unmatched!

The update will be at 12:00 noon tomorrow, so don't wait in the morning

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