God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1026 Drinking Tea (Part 2)

Mu Linghan never knew that Yun Yi was such a shameless person.

In my impression, this kid was clearly still looking arrogant and cold, so why did he become like this in the blink of an eye?

This "brother-in-law", he really said it smoothly!

He is willing to admit that he is his brother-in-law, but he is not interested yet!

Huo Zunting coughed: "Well, Ling Han, calm down..."

If you are so anxious, it seems that you are really losing a bit...

Mu Ling snorted coldly, stared at Yun Yi and laughed.

"That's right, there's nothing to worry about. She's still young, so it's better to put these things on hold for now."

Yun Yi calmly reminded: "She has reached the age of Ji a few months ago. Even if she is the daughter of an ordinary family, this age is a good time to talk about marriage."

Mu Linghan showed a meaningful smile.

"Oh? That's such a pity. Our Mu family is really not an ordinary family. The eldest brother is like a father. Of course, I have to agree to this matter."

Yun Yi paused.

No matter what else he said, he could refute it, but he couldn't say anything about the sentence "an elder brother is like a father".

He knew how important Mu Linghan was in Mu Qinglan's heart.

Therefore, even if he and Mu Linghan didn't like each other, these things still had to be taken into account.

Yun Yi's eyelashes trembled slightly, and a faint smile flashed across his deep eyes.

His cold voice suddenly softened a little.

"Qing'er has always respected you, so naturally I should too."

As soon as the words fell, Huo Zunting could clearly see that Yun Yi's chair was already covered with cracks!

But his palm lightly brushed over it, as if nothing had happened, the chair was as stable as before.

Really good skill...

Huo Zunting supported his forehead and rubbed the center of his brows, and he did not forget to glance at Mu Linghan from the corner of his eye.

It is rumored that the young master of the Yun Clan has a cold and stern personality, reticent and reticent, but he never expected that his fighting power would be so strong...

Mu Linghan wouldn't tear off the roof on the spot, would he?

But what he didn't expect was that after hearing this, Mu Linghan's eyes flickered, and then he suddenly laughed.

He smiled very sincerely, and even the tone of his mouth was full of sincerity.

He sat down again, picked up a cup of tea next to him, blew away the white mist rising from it, and smiled calmly.

"Thanks to Young Master Yun for being so sincere. But... over the past two years, my sister seems to have always acted against my face, right?"

Yun Yi froze.

Huo Zunting suddenly felt that the temperature here had dropped a lot, it was almost freezing to death!

Suddenly, a strong uneasiness arose in his heart, and he wished he could leave immediately!

But before he stood up, he heard Mu Linghan continue to say calmly:

"As far as I know, Young Master Yun doesn't seem to know her identity from the beginning. But before that, he has repeatedly helped... What a pity for you. Looking at my face, you can... be tempted?"

Huo Zunting covered his face in despair.

Yun Yi's eyes instantly turned cold!


The wall behind Mu Linghan suddenly heard a loud cracking sound, and then it suddenly collapsed!

It was about to hit him directly!

However, when the wall quickly approached his back, it suddenly seemed to encounter some terrible force, and it was silently turned into powder!

There seemed to be an invisible barrier around Mu Linghan's body, which could easily defuse these attacks!

Mu Linghan took a sip of tea calmly, and seemed to be enjoying it.

"What? Am I wrong? But you can rest assured that I'm not interested in you. I'm engaged."

Yun Yi's eyes were like a knife: "She is different from you!"

Even though she was disguised as Mu Linghan, the two of them could even be said to be exactly the same, but if you look closely, you will find that they are completely different people!


At least the eyes are absolutely different!

Even if it was Mu Linghan's appearance, in his impression, it was always her appearance of laughing at Yanyan!

What does this have to do with him, Mu Linghan! ?

Mu Linghan kindly reminded:

"We are twins."

Twins are naturally the same.

Eyes and nose, eyebrows and ears, what's the difference?

Yun Yi didn't speak, but the air pressure in the room has dropped to the lowest!

Huo Zunting felt like he was sitting on pins and needles.

This future brother-in-law and future brother-in-law are arguing here, what's the matter with him staying here?

Although Mu Linghan was his second brother, but now he finally understands that he is still too naive.

——Mu Linghan is such a serious sister-controller, how could he tolerate his most beloved sister being robbed by other men during the two years since he disappeared? !

The key point is that this man also said that he has given him a token of love and has a marriage contract!

If he were Mu Linghan, he would definitely not be able to bear it!

But having said that, Yun Yi is unlucky enough.

It's not easy to like someone, and as far as he knows, Yun Yi has paid a lot for Mu Qinglan, even putting himself in danger. If you want to talk about this heart, there is absolutely nothing to say.

If such hard work is still not recognized, then it is indeed a bit aggrieved.

Huo Zunting sighed in his heart.

Although he is also a lord himself, the aura of these two men...it is really uncomfortable for him to be caught in the middle...

"Well... I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do, that, why don't you guys chat first..."

Huo Zunting laughed and wanted to get up.


The teacup in Mu Linghan's hand suddenly shattered!

Huo Zunting's heart skipped a beat, and he looked over subconsciously, and sure enough, he saw that the teacup had been completely shattered into countless pieces!

But...Mu Linghan's hand has not been loosened yet, and the teacup is still in its original shape...not a single drop of water is exposed...

Mu Linghan raised his eyebrows and looked at Yun Yi.

"Anyway, Young Master Yun has come from afar, so I will thank you for Qing'er. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will definitely repay you. The thing we members of the Mu family dislike most is defaulting on things from 'others'. Since we are here today, Let's invite Young Master Yun to have a cup of tea first!"

The last sentence was resounding, and when the words fell, the teacup in his hand flew towards Yun Yi quickly!

Yun Yi was still sitting on the chair, and quickly caught the teacup with one hand!

A powerful force came from the teacup, almost overflowing!

Qing Wu and Ju Jiu, who were outside the door, suddenly noticed something, couldn't help but glance at each other, and then both looked behind them.

"Is this... hands-on?" Ju Jiu said with some uncertainty.

Although this seems to be nothing unusual, the coercion just now should not be an illusion...

Qingwu patted him on the shoulder in relief.

"I hope the young master and miss will like the place you are looking for. Fortunately, there are not many things, otherwise it would be troublesome to move away..."

Ju Jiu frowned, a little puzzled.

"I heard that Young Master San and Young Master Yun knew each other a long time ago, and they entered the Zhongyuan Secret Realm together at the beginning, why... it seems that their relationship is not very good?"

Qingwu let out a long sigh.

"What is this? Brother Mu Feng doesn't know about it yet..."

If he knew, what would happen if he didn't know!

"Uncle Wu, Ju Jiu, what are you talking about?"

At this moment, a woman's voice came from behind, and the two were startled, and they turned their heads quickly.

However, when they saw the person coming, both of them were stunned, and a look of astonishment flashed in their eyes.

Although she had seen Mu Qinglan's appearance before, she had blood on her face at that time. At this time, she had washed up again, revealing her real appearance.

It's really... stunning!

On the contrary, she was still wearing black men's clothes, her long black hair was simply tied up, and she looked heroic and glamorous!

"Three...Miss Qinglan, why are you here?"

Qing Wu seldom stuttered.

Mu Qinglan smiled and said, "Uncle Wu, you're welcome, just call me Qinglan."

Qing Wu was a little surprised: "You...you mean...from now on...you will restore your identity?"

Mu Qinglan frowned: "Yes! Now that my brother has returned and the news has spread, I don't need to continue to hide my identity. It's been like that for too long, and now I'm not used to it."

Originally, Ouyang Mo wanted to help her dress up, but she refused.

She has been used to being free and easy in the past two years, but she is even more used to this men's clothing.

"Miss Ouyang, she—"

"She's too tired, and with the mood swings before, I've told her to take a good rest first. Come and call my brother by the way. The two of them haven't talked properly yet, have they?"

Thinking of this, Mu Qinglan looked around: "Where's my brother? Is he in that room?"

Qing Wu: "...Yes..."

But don't go in now, okay...

Mu Qinglan saw that the two looked a little weird, so she couldn't help but narrow her eyes slightly.

"Why, what happened?"

Qingwu hastily denied:

"That's not true, it's just..."

It was hard for him to speak out, but Mu Qinglan quickly noticed that there seemed to be movement in the room.

She raised her foot and walked forward: She wanted to see what could happen?

Mu Qinglan walked to the door and was about to knock, but the door opened by itself.

She immediately looked up, but saw three men calmly...sitting?

Mu Qinglan looked around strangely, but the three of them had already looked over, and there was nothing unusual.

"Qing'er, why are you here?" Mu Linghan asked with a smile.

Mu Qinglan paused: "...Let me...see what you are doing."

Mu Linghan laughed.

"Hahaha! I was talking about treating Yun Yi to a cup of tea, but unfortunately the conditions here are rough and inferior to those of the Yun clan."

Yun Yi put down the teacup in his hand, raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly.

"You're welcome. I think this tea is very good."

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