God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1027 Secret (3rd watch)

Mu Qinglan's eyes fell on the teacup, and his brows slightly raised.

Hmm... if the cup wasn't riddled with cracks, she might still believe...

She shifted her gaze and scanned the entire room.

"Yun Yi, your chair seems to be broken."

"Huo Zunting, the ground under your feet is cracked."

"Brother." Mu Qinglan looked at Mu Linghan, stretched out his hand and gently pointed to remind him.

"The wall behind you has collapsed."


Huo Zunting coughed forcefully, and felt that he had never been so embarrassing and embarrassing in his life!

Originally, there was nothing wrong with him here, but this sudden feeling of embarrassment is what...

Once again, he regretted following these two men in!

But compared to him, Mu Linghan and Yun Yi are very calm.

Mu Linghan's smile remained unchanged: "Yun Yi and I haven't seen each other for a long time. He seemed to have improved a lot in strength earlier, so I just sparred with him."

Yun Yi nodded, as if nothing really happened.

Mu Qinglan: "..."

She can vaguely guess why these two people are like this, but... it's a bit too naive...

Mu Qinglan said: "Brother, Momo just took a rest, why don't you go and have a look?"

Mu Linghan's expression softened instantly.

"I was going to see her, but there have been things that haven't been dealt with here, so it has been delayed until now."

Although he said it plainly, everyone present knew that he meant something.

Mu Qinglan couldn't laugh or cry.

She knew that it was difficult for her brother to accept this matter suddenly. After all, when they were in Zhongyuan Secret Realm, they had fought against Yun Yi several times.

At that time, she was still enjoying it and was always proud of being able to beat Yun Yi.

In the end, they were together suddenly, and it was understandable for my brother to react like this.

But what is going on here, how can one or two sentences make it clear?

Since her brother and Huo Zunting are together, she must know many things, but she may still need to find a chance to talk to him about it.

Mu Qinglan simply changed the subject: "By the way, how did you deal with that Lord Yinhuai before?"

Speaking of this, Huo Zunting and Mu Linghan's expressions became serious.

Looking at their expressions, Mu Qinglan concluded that they must know something!

Huo Zunting suddenly got up and walked towards the door. At the same time, he also glanced at Yun Yi and winked.

"Young Master Yun, it just so happens that the Palace Master has something to ask you for advice, please talk further."

Yun Yi originally wanted to refuse, but after seeing Huo Zunting's expression, he nodded slightly.



Saying that, the two left the room one after the other.

After they had just left, Mu Linghan also stood up.

"It's not appropriate to talk here. Qing'er, follow me."

Mu Qinglan seldom saw his brother look so serious, so he couldn't help becoming more nervous.

What the hell is he... trying to say?

Judging from the current situation, the most likely thing is that my brother already knew that my father was in the western border, otherwise he would have no reason to be here.

But she always felt that it seemed to be more than that.

In fact, she also has a lot of things she wants to ask him.

Ask him how he survived when he fell into the abyss.

Ask him how he got out of the Zhongyuan Secret Realm and finally arrived at the Western Territory.

Also... His own realm has clearly reached the peak of the Lord!

What has he experienced in the past two years?

Mu Qinglan always thought that she had a chance against the heavens. During this process, she kept breaking through and growing at a speed beyond everyone's imagination.

Even Venerable Wang Yan has said more than once that she has such a talent and opportunity, even if she is the most valued child among those aristocratic families at the top of the gods, she may not be like this!

She has been able to get to where she is today, which is already extremely outstanding!

But... brother is stronger than her?

And it's not a little bit stronger!

Mu Qinglan felt that this was simply unimaginable!

Besides, what she wanted to ask the most was about her father and mother.

She has discovered some secrets, and she believes that her brother must already know something.

Now, what they have to do is to inform each other of the news that has been detected by each other.

Mu Qinglan followed Mu Linghan to a small room next to her.

Mu Linghan set up a barrier to completely isolate this place from the outside world!

Feeling the power circulating above the barrier, Mu Qinglan can be sure that even if outsiders want to break in, it will take a lot of effort.

Mu Linghan turned around and looked at Mu Qinglan.

His face, which usually had a lazy smile on it, was now serious like never before.

In my impression, he rarely showed such a look.

But this also means that what he will say next must be more important than imagined!

"Qing'er, you must already know some things. It's about father and mother."

Mu Qinglan nodded lightly, and then simply told the things of the past two years.

"...At first I thought that both my father and mother died in the frontier, but later I found out that this was not the case, so I made up my mind to go to Jiuge to find out the truth. Fortunately, everything went smoothly, although I did not find them in the setting sun, But from that, it was confirmed that the two of them did not die there as rumored. I have been looking for them, and accidentally learned that Dad seems to be trapped somewhere in the western border. That's why I came here .And some time ago, I happened to go to Hongyuan.”

Mu Qinglan found that when she said "Hong Yuan", her brother's expression fluctuated for a moment.

She took a deep breath.

"Brother, so you know what's in Hongyuan, don't you?"

Mu Linghan was silent for a moment, then nodded.

"I know some news, but it's after you."

Mu Qinglan understood.

She stared at Mu Linghan and smiled, but her eyes suddenly became hot.

Even though neither of them explained, they could understand each other's thoughts with just one look!

At this moment, Mu Qinglan was absolutely sure that he knew that she had found the soul-locking pearl left by her father from Hongyuan!

There seemed to be something crazily surging between her chest and abdomen, as if it would rush out the next moment! Overwhelm her!

She took a deep breath and finally suppressed that wave of emotions.

God knows, from the day she found daddy's soul-locking orb, how much effort she needed to restrain herself from looking for him!

Even up to now, she has never dared to touch that thing, because she was worried that it would scare the snake away!

She was too nervous and scared, so she didn't even dare to take the slightest risk.

Mu Linghan hugged her shoulders, hugged her into his arms, and gently patted her back with his big hands.

Mu Qinglan pressed against his chest, feeling extremely relieved.

She hid this secret and suffered day and night.

No one knows how she got to where she is today.

But, now finally, there is someone who can stand by her side and share the burden with her.

Yun Yi can give her a sense of security, but her brother is different from him.

Mu Qinglan's voice was muffled, filled with grievance.

"I know that I can't act rashly. I can't do it with my own strength alone, so I can only wait. I can only do this when I am strong enough."

That's why she came back to the Western Territory now.

"...Golden Dragon said that the people behind Feng Yi, the dean of Zhongyuan College, are likely to be the same group as those who attacked Dad back then, so I deliberately lured them here..."


Mu Linghan suddenly smiled and sighed.

Mu Qinglan pushed the man away, and gave him a somewhat unconvinced look.

"You still talk! If I didn't do this on purpose, when are you going to see me? When are you going to see Momo? You are clearly alive, but you haven't contacted us for so long! You know—"

As Mu Qinglan spoke, she saw Mu Linghan smile helplessly.

"If I could see you sooner, why would I deliberately delay until now?"

Mu Linghan shook his head and sighed.

"I still have a remnant soul, which is with Mo'er."

Mu Qinglan was taken aback.

That's right, Momo seemed to have mentioned this matter at the beginning... It was precisely because of this that she guessed that her brother was not dead, and said that she would go find someone with her... It's just that she was in constant trouble at the time, and this Things also ran aground.

Now think about it...

Mu Qinglan grabbed his hand, quickly looked him up and down, and couldn't hide her surprise:

"...So, brother, you are not fully alive now, but... you still broke through to the peak of the Lord?"

This must be...how powerful a chance and a talent?

Mu Linghan's expression also suddenly became a little strange.

"That's another thing I want to tell you."

He paused before asking:

"About Niangqin's background, how much do you know now?"

Four later?

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