God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1028 The Storm Is Coming (Fourth Update)

Mu Qinglan was stunned.

Then, she pursed her lips.

Hearing what my brother meant, it was obvious that he already knew something. And it seemed... more than she knew.

"I accidentally got this thing before."

As Mu Qinglan said, he took out the red lantern.

A warm red light instantly illuminated the entire room.

When Mu Linghan saw the red lantern, he was obviously taken aback.

"This is—how do you have this thing?"

Mu Qinglan said: "At the beginning, I met two people in a valley. This was given to me by one of the women. It seems that she... has a different background, and she seems to have mentioned one..."

Mu Qinglan hesitated for a moment before continuing to spit out those two words.


That family has strict rules, heaven-defying resources, and peerless powerhouses...

Moreover, it clearly has something to do with my mother!

When she was a child, she thought it was just something her mother used to play with her, but later she realized that those things were also unusual.

And those, my brother also knows.

He must have already discovered that mother's origin is more mysterious than they imagined!

"What exactly is this?"

Mu Qinglan couldn't help asking.

This red lantern has been with her for a long time, but she has never noticed anything unusual about it during such a long time.

Except... to accommodate the sea of ​​stars in Tongling Sea!

Mu Linghan suddenly laughed, squeezed Mu Qinglan's face, and praised him.

"As expected of my sister, you can get this thing!"

Mu Qinglan was even more at a loss.

Listen to what this means... is this a good thing?

But after Mu Linghan said this, he didn't continue to explain, but said: "Since you don't know what this thing is, you should put it away first. When the time comes in the future, I will naturally tell you. But... there are Maybe you'll know for yourself."

Mu Qinglan: "..."

what is this? She was ready to listen, but he didn't say it?

Mu Qinglan was about to continue asking, but heard him continue:

"There seems to be something wrong with your Yuanmai?"

Mu Qinglan nodded.

When my brother hugged her before, he seemed to have checked the condition of the Yuanmai in her body, and he knew it was normal.

Her current Yuanmai is half new and half old.

Some have fallen off, exposing the inner layer, while others are still in the same state as before, and there seems to be no abnormality.

She was a little worried at first, the changes in the Yuanmai seemed a little strange, but later it seemed that it didn't have much impact on herself, so she didn't care.

The corners of Mu Linghan's mouth curled up.

"Don't you want to know why I was able to break through and become the Lord?"

"Because the Yuanmai seal in my body has completely disappeared!"

In the room, fell into silence.

Mu Qinglan recalled what he said, and actually understood something, but she still felt that it was too unbelievable.

He said... Yuanmai... seal?

"What... seal..."

Mu Qinglan couldn't help frowning slightly.

There is a seal in her body? Why doesn't she know it herself?

Or... Yuanmai seal? !

But her Yuanmai had already been destroyed when she got the first black jade slip!

Mu Linghan couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

"You haven't completely lifted the seal yet, so it's normal not to know about it. But there's no rush at all. I feel like a hole has been torn in the Yuanmai seal in your body, but it hasn't been completely uncovered. You don't have to be too aggressive. Take care, and everything will be fine.”

Mu Qinglan asked curiously: "But... brother, why don't I feel any seal? And... if the Yuanmai is sealed, how can the Yuanli in my body flow smoothly?"

Even, her Yuanmai have been forged many times!

Now she can say that her Yuanmai is stronger than many domain masters! Why do you want to seal it?

Mu Linghan smiled and said nothing, because he really didn't intend to say anything more.

Mu Qinglan snorted softly.

"I thought you were going to tell me something, but you refused to tell me anything."

A complex look flashed in Mu Linghan's eyes.

It's not that he doesn't want to say it, but...

If she knows too much now, it may not be a good thing.

She has been tired enough on this journey.

"Don't worry, no matter what happens in the future, my brother will take care of it for you!"

Mu Qinglan's heart warmed up, seeing that his attitude was firm, she decided not to insist on asking.

"The most important thing now is to find a way to find out the whereabouts of my father. As for your mother, you don't have to worry about it. My brother will definitely bring you to see her in the future."

Mu Qinglan's heart beat violently!

"I'm still investigating those things, and I'll let you know after the results come out. Now, let's deal with Lord Yinhuai first."

Mu Qinglan nodded upon hearing this.

"Lord Yinhuai has been locked up alone. His subordinates are basically dead—they are all dead soldiers. After realizing that something was wrong, they took the lead in committing suicide. Originally, Lord Yinhuai wanted to do the same, But fortunately, we discovered it in time, so he didn't succeed."

Mu Qinglan hesitated for a moment: "Although his status is not low, he should know a lot, but the organization behind him seems to be very strange. Those ordinary followers all committed suicide. Can he really spit out anything? "

Mu Linghan stretched his brows and eyes, as if he was smiling, but said indifferently with a trace of coldness:

"He doesn't want to say it, but this time, let him spit it out!"

While Mu Qinglan and others were thinking about how to solve these problems in Honghe City, everything that happened here has quickly spread throughout the entire continent!

The strong man from the aristocratic family at the top of the gods chased him to Red River City, but after several fights, he was defeated miserably in the end!

It is impossible for anyone to remain indifferent upon hearing this news.

What's more, only now did they know that "Mu Linghan" who once stirred up the situation among the five colleges was actually a woman!

And she is none other than the real Mu Linghan's younger sister - Mu Qinglan!

As for the real Mu Linghan... he became even more astonishingly powerful!

All of a sudden, there was a storm on the continent!

Countless people were dumbfounded after hearing the news! Shocked!

Among them, of course, also include the major colleges, as well as many gang forces.

Of course, this news was also sent back to the summit of the gods!

water home.


Shui Yanyu swept all the things off the table, because of her extreme anger, her facial features, which were originally beautiful, were completely distorted, and she looked a little scary.

The whole room was already in a mess, but she had no intention of stopping at all.

Because she really hates it in her heart!

Mu Qinglan!

Mu Qinglan was indeed still alive!

Moreover, not only did she not die in Zhongyuan Secret Realm back then, she has even been living well as Mu Linghan for more than two years!

She couldn't help but recall that Yun Yi had defended "Mu Linghan" in every possible way when the five major academies recruited students.

Fortunately, she thought it was because it was Mu Qinglan's brother, but now that she thinks about it, she is so stupid!

Then it's not because "he" is Mu Linghan's brother, it's obviously because that's Mu Qinglan herself!

Yun Yi must have known about it a long time ago, right? !

Otherwise, according to his temperament, how could he do this to an outsider? !

She said something was wrong!

She even started to send people to investigate in private!

But she never thought that the "Mu Linghan" whom she hated so much was actually Mu Qinglan!

The anger in her chest was about to burn her out!

She must find a way, must find a way!

At this moment, there was a knock on the door suddenly.


She grabbed the inkstone at hand and slammed it on the door!

"Get lost! Didn't you understand me when I told you not to come in!?"

Shui Yanyu screamed.

The person standing at the door suddenly laughed.

The laughter was very short, but she immediately froze and looked up!

Shui Ming was standing at the door, his face full of anger.

And beside him, stood the woman who she hated so much who killed her mother!

That laugh came from her!

"Yanyu, is this how you treated your father?" She spoke softly, with a trace of reproach, but there was unabashed sarcasm in her eyes, "Could it be possible to forget all the rules you have learned in the past few years?"

Shui Yanyu ignored her provocation, and looked at Shui Mingfei in a panic.

"Father! I, I didn't know it was you—"


Shui Mingfei didn't have time to talk to her about this, he was already tired of losing so many people, and seeing Shui Yanyu's crazy appearance, he felt even more ashamed and annoyed!

"If it weren't for you, why would so many people die in our Shui family!? Didn't you say you knew that Mu Linghan very well? Now that something like this happened, it's all your fault! Sure enough, you shouldn't have stayed there in the first place. you!"

A look of resentment flashed in Shui Yanyu's eyes, but she quickly knelt down on the ground and hurriedly said:

"Father! I have a way to deal with Namu—brother and sister Mu Linghan! Give me another chance!"

Luo family.

Luo Xiyan was sitting by the window, her profile was gentle and perfect, there was no part that was not delicate, no part that was unattractive.

After she finished writing the words, she finally raised her head and looked at the person kneeling behind her.

"Mu... Qinglan?"

She smiled slowly, the corners of her mouth curled up, beautiful and dignified, as if measured by a ruler.

"What a nice name."

Tomorrow's update is estimated to be at noon or afternoon, and the update will be adjusted in February. But this is not the point, the point is to give out red envelopes tomorrow! Red envelopes! Red envelopes! Starting at ten o'clock in the morning, if you cast a monthly ticket or subscribe, you will get a red envelope! First come first served! Monthly tickets vote one by one to have a chance to get more red envelopes! More importantly! As of the end of this month, the monthly ticket is 3,000 tickets, and it will explode to 100,000 in January! One hundred thousand! One hundred thousand! Five thousand votes, two hundred thousand! Two hundred thousand! Two hundred thousand! Allow me to rest and adjust in the past two days, and then I will start to save the manuscript! Feel free to cast votes from 10:00 am on the 26th!

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