God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1037 Star Slashing Chess (Third)

This must be the entrance to the Tibetan Snow Sea!

Just as this thought flashed through Mu Qinglan's mind, he heard a roar, which suddenly came out from the vortex!

This time, it immediately attracted everyone's attention!

At this time, Mu Qinglan and his group had already reached the edge of the crowd, and most of the people had been left behind by them, so after the sound sounded, they immediately drew the attention of those people to a few of them!

Many people showed doubts on their faces, but some of them immediately realized something. As soon as their expressions changed, they were about to come towards this side immediately!

However, at this time, the heavy snow has reached the thickness that can almost submerge the knees, and it is difficult to walk in it, let alone run?

As for flying in the air... Shortly after the heavy snow started to fall, they discovered that it was impossible to fly in the air here.

The body is under tremendous pressure, and it is extremely difficult to support it, let alone walking in the air?

So at this time, after these people reacted, they were about to come in the direction of Mu Qinglan and others, but they tripped over the snow under their feet and fell down.

This caused even greater commotion among the crowd.

Soon, someone finally saw the ever-expanding vortex in the snow!

"That's - the Tibetan Snow Sea has opened!"

In one sentence, the crowd immediately erupted!

Almost everyone is going to come here regardless of other things!

Mu Qinglan frowned and looked at the whirlpool not far in front of him.

It is still expanding.

With the gradual accumulation of snow on the ground, its depth and breadth are also increasing a little bit.

There seems to be a mysterious black hole in it, which is about to swallow everything! However, when you look carefully, there is nothing there, only countless condensed ice and snow!

The whistling sound continued!

Mu Qinglan was certain in her heart that she was about to move forward.

No matter what is in this sea of ​​hidden snow, she must go there!

However, Yun Yi suddenly took a step forward and pulled her behind, while he stood in front.

Mu Qinglan was taken aback for a moment, then turned her head to look, but saw Yun Yi's cold profile.

He suddenly raised his other hand, waved his sleeve, and the silver sword flew out in an instant!


The silver sword flew to the sky above the vortex as if it contained a mighty force!

Although practitioners are greatly restricted here, the Yuan Qi is obviously much better. Of course, this is mainly because Yun Yi has poured a lot of power into it.

The silver sword quietly floated above the vortex, and the brilliance gradually began to flow on it!

At first, Mu Qinglan wanted to ask him what he was planning to do, but when he saw this scene, he subconsciously fell silent.

Soon, the streamer on the silver sword gradually converged towards the tip of the sword!

Around it, those snowflakes automatically avoid it!

Mu Qinglan couldn't help squinting her eyes: She knew Yun Yi's sword was very powerful, but every time she found that it was stronger than she imagined!

I don't know if it's because of Yun Yi's sword, or because of the power of the whirlpool itself, the snow around the whirlpool thickens rapidly!

Mu Qinglan and the others stood the closest, almost below their knees!

Seeing that the vortex is about to spread to their side!


A scream suddenly came from behind!

Mu Qinglan looked back, but in the white snow, she saw a bright red that was extremely conspicuous!

A man was standing tremblingly in the pool of blood, his eyes were tearing apart in horror!

Mu Qinglan focused her eyes, and then she saw clearly that the blood seemed to flow down from his thigh.

as if...

Her pupils suddenly shrank!

The man's legs were deeply buried in the snow, and the blood stains clearly spread from the snow below!

He may have just stood up and wanted to come this way, but before he moved, he already looked like this!

And the people around him obviously didn't expect such a thing to happen, and they were stunned for a while.

His face was pale and he was extremely flustered, he didn't know how his legs suddenly became like this!

But soon, another cry of pain came from another direction.

Mu Qinglan looked over, and the situation was similar to this man.

Then, one after another, people began to have the same problem!

On the vast expanse of white snow, it seems that there are extremely bright plum blossoms in full bloom. It is clearly a warm color, but looking at it at this time, it makes people feel chills inexplicably!

"My legs! My legs!"

"Ah - come and help me! What's going on!? Come and help me!"

Soon, the voices of calling came one after another, echoing on the wide snow field, and were quickly blown away by the wind!

There are some people around who are in a slightly better situation, and they reach out to help, but they find that they can't pull people at all!

The person whose legs are buried is like a heavy weight on his body, and he cannot be shaken at all!

And those who were obsessed with devouring energy before, sitting cross-legged all the time, and didn't even get up in time, were even worse.

——Because they started bleeding directly from their chests!

The panic and fear quickly spread!

"It's the snowflake! It's because of the snowflake!"

Someone yelled sadly.

But even if he knew it now, it was already too late.

Mu Qinglan watched calmly, but was still a little shocked in her heart.

Although she thought that staying there and greedy for those powers would do no good, she never thought that the calamity would come so fast and so ruthlessly!

The powerful force did not directly cause them to explode and die, but directly started to corrode from the body buried in the snow!

——It would certainly be a good thing if one could obtain part of such a powerful force, but too much is too much!

Those forces piled up, they couldn't break free at all, and they couldn't bear it. Then, the flesh and bones would naturally start to fester!

Mu Qinglan can roughly guess what it's like without looking at the scene under the snow!

It's just that although this scene is appalling, Mu Qinglan doesn't feel any pity for them.

Since you had that greedy heart back then, you should pay the price for it.

When Ju Jiu saw this scene, she was also shocked.

No wonder just now, when Mu Qinglan said that he had to leave, it turned out to be... Did she already know?

She actually saved her life again...

Ju Jiu's heart surged with emotion for a moment, but there was a layer of barriers, but it seemed to gradually disappear.

Qing Wu patted his shoulder lightly.

Although they didn't say anything, they both knew what was in each other's mind.

The two looked at each other, and Ju Jiu nodded firmly.

Qing Wu smiled in relief.

Compared with those bloody people, Mu Qinglan and his party looked extraordinarily relaxed.

Because they had been walking around, they were not greatly affected by the snow.

Mu Qinglan noticed some unfriendly gazes.

She raised her eyebrows, but didn't care.


A crisp sword cry suddenly came!

Mu Qinglan immediately looked back, but saw that the streamer on Yun Yi's silver sword had all gathered to the tip of the sword, and suddenly exploded!

Powerful energy rushed towards the surroundings, naturally including the vortex!

Suddenly, a hole appeared in the vortex in the snow!

As soon as Yun Yi's eyes turned cold, he immediately stretched out his arms to wrap around Mu Qinglan's waist, and with a tap of his toes, he quickly walked towards the opening in the middle of the vortex!

The silver sword was summoned, and he quickly held it in his hand!

The figures of the two disappeared in front of everyone just like that!

Mu Linghan snorted coldly in his heart, and pressed Ouyang Mo into his arms.

"Don't look up."

After the deep voice fell, he quickly took Ouyang Mo to chase after him!

Huo Zunting and the others behind him also followed immediately!

Probably because of that hole, the strangling power in the vortex seemed to have eased a lot at this moment.

Several people entered the vortex one after another!

When everyone reacted, the figures of several people had completely disappeared!

Everyone looked at this scene, and they were all stunned on the spot.

"Oh shit!"

Suddenly someone yelled and cursed, and quickly moved towards the whirlpool!

All the people who could continue to move forward moved almost simultaneously!

It's just that the thick snow finally stopped many people.

Most of the people felt that they were sinking continuously after walking for a long time, and finally their bodies were trapped in the snow, unable to move, and could only feel the continuous festering of their bodies little by little.

The screams and screams gradually decreased until they finally fell silent.

The heavy snow soon completely buried those shocking traces.

Between the heaven and the earth, there is a gray, thousands of miles of plains, covered with silver.

No one would have thought of what happened here, let alone how many bones were hidden under the clean snow.

The surrounding area was quiet, only the sound of the wind was still whistling.

Mu Qinglan felt that Yun Yi's arm was tightly wrapping around her waist, and the bodies of the two kept falling.

There was an extremely terrifying swirling strangulation force all around, attacking continuously, but they were all swung away by Yun Yi one by one.

Because it was already dark all around, Mu Qinglan couldn't see the scene here, but could only see the bright streamer on Yun Yi's silver sword.

The sound of fierce fighting and collision kept coming, but they never approached her at all.

Mu Qinglan's heart warmed slightly, and she was about to speak when she suddenly felt a dazzling light coming from below.

She frowned, and immediately looked down, but was shocked instantly.

The attacks around seemed to have gradually decreased, and Yun Yi also followed her gaze, and then his expression froze.

After a while, the two of them finally landed and stepped on the flat ground.

However, Mu Qinglan's heart was still full of shock.

She couldn't help but look up and look around.

"This... What is here..."

What came into view was actually a huge, resplendent and incomparably bright...


Why do we have so many monthly tickets, kneel...

Recommend a friend article "The Demon Empress of Huang Mou: Nine Thousand Years Old" / Nancheng Youer

The official history says: She messed up the government, flattered the king, fornicated the harem, slaughtered loyal and good people, and overthrew the court. She is really the most treacherous villain in the world!

Lang Yu said: Shame on you!

She is a legendary politician in the 21st century. She is "treacherous" and "cunning", and she is good at maneuvering. Who would have thought that she would become a eunuch once she traveled through time, and she was an inconspicuous female eunuch!

In order to stand up, she fought against the evil slaves and seduced the demon queen, but unexpectedly her actions were too big and she fell into the eyes of the emperor.

So far, the sky has risen steadily and skyrocketed!


Some people ridiculed her for being difficult to achieve, just because the backing emperor is a "fool" who has no right.

She smiled without saying a word, her mind was blind!

Some people scolded her, saying that no matter what she was, she was just a eunuch!

She smiled and asked: Have you ever been posted by the Queen Mother?

Have you ever been the "father" of the ministers?

Has the emperor warmed your bed?


Drag it out and chop it up!

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