God Concubine Supreme

1038 Chapter 1038 Love Doesn't Know Where It Comes (Part 1)

On the huge translucent chessboard, black lines criss-cross.

There was darkness all around, only the faint light emanating from the chessboard allowed them to see the surrounding scene clearly.

This translucent chessboard seems to be suspended in a black void. At first, there seems to be nothing else, and the whole space is filled with a cold and apprehensive atmosphere.

And the chessboard itself is also very eye-catching.

The chessboard has a huge layout, with huge black and white chess pieces placed on it.

At first glance, the size of the chess piece can almost completely bury a person, and it looks very heavy and difficult to shake.

"This is…"

Mu Qinglan murmured, watching those chess pieces scattered on the huge chessboard, as if frozen in eternity.

It is impossible to say that such a scene is not shocking at all.

Mu Qinglan never thought that there was such a majestic chess game hidden in the sea of ​​hidden snow!

In the Sea of ​​Hidden Snow, where countless strong men are willing to take risks, the biggest secret is this?

Mu Qinglan originally thought that this place would be similar to Zhongyuan Secret Realm, but now it seems that it is quite different.

"It's an endgame."

Yun Yi looked at the chess game with a low voice.

Mu Qinglan nodded slightly.

She can also see that this huge chess game seems to be halfway through.

I don't know what this chessboard is and where it came from, and I don't even know who is placing the chess pieces on it.

Whether it was the handwriting of one person or multiple people, the appearance of this chess game is enough to prove that someone has been here before.

As for who it is, it is unknown.

They are now standing on the edge of the chessboard.

As long as you take another step forward, you will officially enter the chess game!

"Could this be what it really looks like in the hidden snow sea?" Mu Qinglan thought, but still felt a little unbelievable.

Yun Yi narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly, and stared at the chess game for a long time.

Seeing that there seemed to be a change in his expression, Mu Qinglan couldn't help asking: "But what do you see?"

"The only way to break through this chess game is to continue this endgame. If you can finish this game, you may be able to find more things successfully."

Yun Yi's cold voice resounded in this dark and empty space, like jade and stone hitting each other, seeming a bit lonely.

In fact, Mu Qinglan thought so too.

"It doesn't look like there's any other way to go."

As Mu Qinglan said, she couldn't help raising her head and glanced in the direction they came from.

The passage seemed to have turned into a small spot of light, and it was obvious that where they were now was already a long way from the vortex.


"Brother, they seem to be following us, why haven't they come yet?"

Mu Qinglan stared at it for a while, but did not see the figure of the waiting person.

It shouldn't be... Brother and the others are clearly following behind them...

Even if it's a little late, it shouldn't have appeared by now.

When Yun Yi heard this, he raised his eyes and took a look.

"There should be multiple layers of space here."


Mu Qinglan was startled and looked back at him.

Yun Yi raised his chin slightly, and explained: "From the vortex to here, it seems to be just a simple straight line, but there are actually extremely subtle spatial fluctuations in the middle, and if you guessed correctly, those fluctuations are caused by the superposition of different spaces. "

Mu Qinglan opened her eyes slightly.

"Different... space superposition?"

This means... there seems to be only one space here, but there are actually many things they can't see?

"Then brother and the others..."

"It should be blocked by a different space and entered a different place."

Yun Yi said concisely.

Only then did Mu Qinglan understand.

So it is!

No wonder she didn't wait for her brother and his group for so long.

She was slightly relieved.

In any case, there are elder brother and Huo Zunting over there. These two people are extremely powerful, so it should be no problem to protect those who travel with them.

I just hope that the five of them are all divided together.

Even if not, I hope that my brother and Huo Zunting can protect Ouyang Mo Qingwu and Ju Jiu.

In fact, Ouyang Mo is not worried, her brother will definitely not be separated from her, but Qingwu and Qingwu are a little worried.

But it doesn't matter that much now. For her and Yun Yi, the most important thing is to solve the immediate problems first.

Mu Qinglan looked carefully and found that there seemed to be some faint fluctuations in the dark space.

Although it is very obscure, but if you feel it carefully, you can still perceive it.

Those fluctuations are very gentle, but the range seems to be extremely wide, and there is an illusion of completely covering this place.

Yun Yi suddenly moved and was about to walk forward.

Mu Qinglan was startled, and looked back in surprise, only to see that Yun Yi was about to step forward.

"Yun Yi!"

Mu Qinglan shouted hastily.

Yun Yi looked up at her.

Mu Qinglan's heart skipped a beat suddenly, she took a step forward and asked:

"Are you sure?"

Yun Yi didn't answer her directly, but her thin crimson lips curved slightly.

Mu Qinglan's heart suddenly softened into a ball.

Even in such a dark space, on the translucent chess board, the faint light emitted, reflected on his snow-like face, looked even more cold and unparalleled.

There was a deepness in the phoenix eyes, like the deepest sea water, covering everything up, making it hard to see clearly. However, there is an indescribable great attraction, once meeting those phoenix eyes, it seems that it will be completely swallowed and perish forever.

"This space should only be us now."

These words did not answer Mu Qinglan's question, but the obvious sense of aggression in those eyes made Mu Qinglan understand something instantly.


Mu Qinglan didn't have time to finish her words.

He suddenly pinched Mu Qinglan's chin, bent down, and kissed her directly.

A cold fragrance lingered at the tip of the nose for an instant, as if the whole person was immersed in it.

In an instant, the remaining words were easily crushed by Yun Yi between his lips and teeth.

Without giving her any time to think, Yun Yi easily pried open her soft and unbelievable lips, and conquered the city.

Mu Qinglan's breathing quickly became chaotic.

Her legs softened, and then Yun Yi wrapped her arms around her waist, and then easily caught her in her arms, hugging each other tightly.

It wasn't until Mu Qinglan felt that he was about to be out of breath, and his fingertips scratched his thin waist a few times with a little force, that he finally froze, and finally let her go.

He retreated slightly, loosened the grip on Mu Qinglan, and gently rubbed his fingers on her chin, which was as delicate as fat.

He looked at her with deep eyes as if he wanted to swallow everything.

The rapid and scorching breath echoed clearly in his ears.

Just as Mu Qinglan was about to say something, she saw him looking at her, and suddenly sighed.

He held her face in his hands, and moved closer, with his forehead against hers, his voice was as low as a bell, reaching his ears and reaching the bottom of his heart.

"When I first saw you, your eyes were as bright as stars."

Mu Qinglan was stunned suddenly.

Yun Yi has always been cold and reticent. In my impression, there may be only a few special occasions when he is willing to say a few words. But most of the time, it's short and to the point.

Moreover, he rarely mentioned the past.

In the beginning, maybe it was because he regarded her as an older brother, but later, maybe he didn't want her to recall the things that happened in the Zhongyuan Secret Realm, so he almost never mentioned the things at that time.

So, hearing him mention this, Mu Qinglan was very surprised.

Immediately, she couldn't help laughing, her eyebrows were shining brightly, her smile was sly, and there was a little bit of coquettishness in her smile.

"Oh? Seriously?"

It's really rare for this iceberg to say such a thing!

I thought Yun Yi wouldn't say anything, but he nodded seriously, with the pulp of his thumb gently rubbing her face, as if he was looking at a rare treasure.

"Didn't you hate me at first?" Mu Qinglan asked with a smile on purpose.

Yun Yi raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Do you think that in Qingluo Bay, I really didn't notice that you tore most of the boat's rope?"

Mu Qinglan was stunned for a moment.

"you you you--"

The space of Zhongyuan Secret Realm is very wide and vast, including all kinds of land boundaries. In different places, the troubles set up are not the same.

As for Qingluo Bay, it was a place they arrived at shortly after they entered Zhongyuan Secret Realm.

At that time, she and her brother had already fought against Yun Yi twice.

Qingluowan is the third time.

And that time she accidentally separated from her brother just now, and happened to arrive at Qingluo Bay, and then saw Yun Yi, so she simply planned to trick him.

She rubbed the rope that was used to stabilize the hull underwater, and it could be completely broken with just a slight movement.

She deliberately greeted Yun Yi and invited him to board the boat together.

After Yun Yi hesitated for a while, he still boarded the boat.

As expected, not long after that, the hull capsized, and both of them fell into Qingluo Bay.

And because she had been prepared for a long time, she was much more relaxed, and although Yun Yi solved all the troubles with her own strength, when she returned to the shore, she was already in a mess.

Mu Qinglan remembered that she was smiling happily at the time, thinking that Yun Yi was really easy to deceive.

did not expect…

Bringing up the incident at that time again, Mu Qinglan suddenly felt a little embarrassed and coughed lightly.

"So you knew about it at that time... But since you knew the danger, why did you insist on getting on the boat?"

Yun Yi paused, then turned to look at the huge chessboard.

"time to go."

Mu Qinglan also looked up.

Afterwards, she felt Yun Yi's arm tightly wrapping around her waist.

She took a deep breath and knew that despite the danger ahead, she must continue!

Yun Yi's voice suddenly dropped a little.

"At that time, I just thought that without your brother, you must not be able to deal with that Qingluo Bay. So, I probably have to come."

Mu Qinglan was stunned, and subconsciously looked at Yun Yi.

His eyes were deep, and he seemed to be sighing, but also seemed to be grateful.

"Before that, I'd never had that kind of... worry about anyone. Even if it was fleeting, I'm glad I made that choice back then."

No matter how cheated, no matter how embarrassing, no matter how vigilant, she just smiled, that's all.

As he spoke, his voice changed.

"Hold tight!"

With a touch of the tiptoe, the figure flew out in an instant, heading towards the chessboard!

There are still more than 2,000 red envelopes. Everyone who has snatched them before can click on them again. They will expire in the early morning of the 31st!

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