God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1045: Mu Qinglan (Part 2)

"I've seen arrogant ones, but I've never seen such arrogant ones."

The man standing in front looked Yun Yi up and down. Although he had a faint feeling that the young man in white in front of him was not weak, but seeing how young he was, he didn't take him very seriously.

"Although you broke the chess game before, and you have some skills, but you are still too young. Let me tell you the truth, I have taken a fancy to this place. If you are sensible, leave immediately! You can't take anything with you. Go! If you can't—"

He suddenly laughed, but the muscles on his face looked a little distorted, and a savage look flashed in his eyes, making the smile look even more treacherous.

"Then don't blame us for being rude."

Behind him stood two men, apparently with him.

On the side, there were a few other people, who seemed to be doing their own thing.

There are eight people in total.

The one on the right, alone.

He was the only one with a different expression from the others.

After he saw that the person who came out was Yun Yi, his eyes changed, and then he calmly restrained his aura.

Before entering Hongyuan, he had already seen this person's ability, he was not that stupid, he took the initiative to give his life away!

Even if these few people joined hands, they might not necessarily be this man's opponent, but it's a pity that they are arrogant and still clamoring like this.

Even in this place, everyone's strength has been suppressed, and he still has some vigilance in his heart.

He doesn't know if there is any treasure in this room, but he knows that this man must be easy to mess with.

Whether outside of Redfield, or here!

At this moment, Mu Qinglan also came out of the room, folded her arms and leaned against the door.

"Yo, is this to bully the few with the more?"

The tone was relaxed, with a smile on his face, where did he seem to be surrounded and afraid?

"It seems that you don't want to leave by yourself?"

The man spoke sullenly, staring at the two with dark eyes.

He licked his lips, as if ready to move.

Then, he looked at the people around him.

"Everyone, since the two of them entered here first, maybe they have already obtained something. Why don't we join forces, search them all, and share them equally, how about?"

Naturally, his two subordinates would not object, and the rest of them, after exchanging glances, agreed.

Only the man who was alone suddenly smiled and took a step back.

"Everyone is joining forces, and I am the only one who is alone. In this match, I don't have the advantage no matter what, so I just don't want to get involved."

The man smiled coldly.

"Why, Tang Yao, you won't be with us?"

The smile of the man named Tang Yao remained unchanged: "Tuobayu, this sea of ​​hidden snow is so big, and there are many secrets in the chessboard. Since you have taken a fancy to this place, I can't afford to mess with it, so why can't I hide it? "

It seems that they all know each other.

Tuoba Yu sneered: "Don't think that I don't know what you're thinking. You Tang Yao has always been very shrewd. Didn't you say before that we can be more confident together? Why did you suddenly change your face now?"

Tang Yao was very calm.

"Whatever you think, I'll go first."

After finishing speaking, he actually turned around and left!

Although his strength was suppressed, almost no one could walk in the air here, but Mu Qinglan took a look along and found that Tang Yao's speed was much faster than expected.

It seems to be... using some agility...

Mu Qinglan narrowed her eyes.

"It's fine if he's gone! Let's work together, can't we even deal with these two people?"

The man next to him spoke carelessly, his words were very arrogant.

Mu Qinglan smiled inwardly.

It seems that they are really planning to take advantage of the large number of people...

Yun Yi's eyes were cold, and he was about to step forward, but was suddenly pulled back by Mu Qinglan.

She smiled and said: "To deal with them, why do you need to do it. They are so bored, it's just right to let them out to play."

Except for Yun Yi, the other seven people were at a loss.

"Don't try to play tricks! We—"

Before Tuobayu finished speaking, he suddenly heard a deafening dragon chant!


Several people were startled: How could there be the sound of dragon chant in this kind of place?

Soon, a huge figure appeared in front of their eyes!

The silver scales reflect the icy color, and the huge body is powerful and oppressive, especially those blue eyes, looking down on them as if looking at ants!

On the back, there are eight protruding bones, which couldn't be more obvious!

"Rank 8 Bone Dragon with Ice Pupils!?"

A man behind Tuobayu was shocked suddenly.

For them, although the eighth-rank ice pupil bone dragon is powerful, it is not impossible to deal with it.

But the point is...

This Ice Pupil Bone Dragon has been associated with a person's name very frequently recently.

Tuobayu was very dissatisfied when he heard this scream:

"What are you shouting for!"

He has never seen the world before, so it would be embarrassing for him to come out!

"Big, big brother... This, this seems a little wrong..." The man behind him looked at Bingtong Gulong in panic, and then looked at Mu Qinglan.

It shouldn't be such a coincidence... But this woman's appearance is indeed as stunning as the rumors...

In the world, how many young women with superb looks have contracted the eighth-rank ice pupil bone dragon?

Could it be... these two people...

Tuobayu frowned, and cursed impatiently: "What's wrong! It's just a bone dragon with ice pupils, and it scares you like this?"

But after he finished speaking, he found that there seemed to be something wrong with the expressions on the faces of the other people.

Moreover, their eyes were all focused on the woman.

Only then did he realize that something seemed wrong.

"You...you are...Mu Linghan?! No, maybe you shouldn't say this name..."

The other man spoke uncertainly, with a hesitant look.

Mu Qinglan blinked.

"Yes, that's my brother's name."

She frowned and said easily.

The expressions of those men changed all at once!

Tuobayu was very familiar with the name, and it took him a while to remember that Mu Linghan, isn't he the one who turned upside down Honghe City before!

No, to be precise, it was the pair of siblings!

There was a lot of rumors about that incident, and it was even rumored that there were several strong masters fighting against each other at that time!

But in the end, it was the brother and sister who won!

Moreover, Huo Zunting, the owner of Xiejun's Mansion, seems to have a very good relationship with the two brothers and sisters!

And... the most important thing is that it seems to involve the power of the top of the gods!

The summit of the gods is an existence that only the strong on the mainland are qualified to know, and even he has only heard of this name before.

That's why the incident in Honghe City caused a lot of trouble, and because the background of the people involved was too complicated, so in private, although everyone was discussing it all the time, there weren't many people who really tried to prove it.

But now, the smiling woman in front of her...is one of those brothers and sisters?

Tuobayu didn't want to believe it, but the ice pupil bone dragon was right in front of him!

If...if it's really her... then who is this man beside her? !

Could it be... a person from the summit of the gods?

Thinking of this possibility, Tuobayu's eyes twitched fiercely!

Looking at the calm expressions of those two people, as if they didn't take them seriously at all, it made his heart sway even more.

At first he thought that they were reckless, but looking at it now, it was clear that they had a plan in mind!

He remembered that it was rumored that the woman had contracted several top-level beasts!

Now, only one bone dragon with ice pupils came out!

If they are all summoned...the consequences will be disastrous!

Tuoba Yu was stiff all over, and there was actually a tinge of regret in his heart - he should have figured out the identities of these two people first!

How can a person who can directly break the chess game be a simple character?

But it's too late to regret now!

I thought these two were soft persimmons, but I didn't expect them to be iron plates!

No wonder Tang Yao just left! He had clearly seen the identities of these two people a long time ago!

Mu Qinglan asked lazily: "Yinfeng, which one do you like, just shoot first. Leave the rest to Zhuzhu and they can pick."

Yinfeng's huge figure moved slowly, his blue eyes stared at Tuobayu in front of him with a strong indifferent killing intent!

Tuobayu was angry and anxious, if there was only one bone dragon with eighth-rank ice pupils, he would naturally not be afraid.

But the key... there are other things!

"Hehe... so it's Miss Mu's family. I didn't know Taishan before, so I hope you can forgive me."

The two men who had been silent on the other side suddenly spoke.

Although the smile was a little stiff, but at this time, there was obviously no better choice than to be soft.

There is a huge space inside the chessboard, who knows where there are still treasures, they just came in, and they haven't found a single treasure, if they just put their lives here, wouldn't it be too wronged!

Mu Qinglan smiled and said, "Oh? Aren't you two with these people?"

"No, no! We just met temporarily, and it doesn't really matter! We were offended before, and I hope that Miss Mu is magnanimous, so don't worry about it. We still have something to do, so let's go first. If there is a chance in the future, we must visit Huo Palace Master and Young Master Mu."

These two people can be regarded as able to bend and stretch. One moment they were still thinking about Mu Qinglan and the other, but the next moment they can change their attitudes, and their posture is extremely low.

Mu Qinglan was a little amazed by this shameless skill.

After the two finished speaking, they actually turned around and left!


Tuoba Yu shouted sharply, but saw that the figures of the two had quickly disappeared.

It runs fast!

Tuobayu clenched his fists and looked at Mu Qinglan and his neck with a stiff neck.

Even if he apologizes and admits defeat, these two people will definitely not let him go easily, so why not take the initiative!

Anyway, there are still several of them, just hurry up!

This thought flashed through his mind, and Tuoba Yu immediately gave a cold drink:


The aura on his body suddenly exploded!

With a roar of the silver wind, the dragon's tail swung out!

The powerful energy spreads towards the surroundings!

The red lantern hanging in front of the wooden house suddenly shook slightly.

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