God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1046: The Stars Are Filling the Sky (Third Watch)

The moment the red lantern swayed, Mu Qinglan immediately sensed something was wrong, and looked over immediately.

When they came before, there was a slight breeze, and the red lantern seemed to sway gently.

But the situation now is completely different from that at that time!

Looking inside the red lantern, there seemed to be graceful candles flickering slightly.

The warm light shone from the lantern, and it looked very bright.

But now it is daytime!

How could such a lantern suddenly become so bright?

And the light inside is still growing stronger!

Mu Qinglan's heart suddenly sank—could this Yuandeng sense something?


It is the Eight Spirits Sealing God Formation that has been opened! ?

As if to confirm Mu Qinglan's conjecture, an extremely bright light suddenly appeared next to the red lantern!

Like a star, floating quietly, shining with dazzling light!

A vast power of the stars spread out from above!

Mu Qinglan's heart was shocked!

The coercion contained in this star alone is actually stronger than a sixth-level star array!

It has been a while since she broke through to the fifth-level Star Array Master, and she also read a lot of fifth-level and sixth-level star array maps during this time.

Among them, there are even some extremely rare and precious star array diagrams.

It can be said that taking out one casually will arouse the envy of many people.

And with the guidance of Lord Wang Yan before, she can barely use the sixth-level star array now.

But they are all relatively simple six-level star arrays.

She is very clear about the power of a sixth-level star formation!

So when this star appeared, Mu Qinglan was shocked almost immediately!

However, this is just the beginning!

Soon, beside the red lantern, a second star appeared!

It is still as dazzling and bright as the previous one. Even though the surroundings are bright at this time, the light on it is still shocking, easily robbing everyone's sight.

At this time, Tuobayu had just passed the first move with Yinfeng!

One person and one beast, it was a tie!

Tuoba Yu was shocked.

He is the peak domain master, even if his strength is suppressed at this time, it is absolutely impossible to draw with an eighth-rank primordial beast!

Could it be... Could it be that the power of the primordial beast is not suppressed here?

This thought flashed through his mind quickly, and then he immediately made a decision - run!

Without any hesitation, he turned around and walked away quickly when the silver wind was about to attack again!

Mu Qinglan didn't look over there, but she also knew what happened, so she couldn't help but sneer.

"Run now, don't you think it's too late?"

Since you dared to come here, you have to be prepared to die!

Tuobayu didn't care what Mu Qinglan said at all, the only thought in his mind now was to leave here immediately!

This time they don't have any advantage, even if they continue to fight, it's just a waste of power!

And his two people, after seeing him running away, panicked immediately, and immediately followed after reacting.

However, Yinfeng's speed is faster than them!

With a flick of the huge dragon's tail, it tightly entangled the last man!

He began to struggle crazily. However, his Yuanli was suppressed. How could his physical strength be compared with that of the eighth-rank ice pupil bone dragon?

Yinfeng's tail gradually tightened, and the strength of the man's struggle became less and less, and the sound of countless bones breaking could be faintly heard!

His body quickly showed a distorted state, and blood burst out suddenly!

His face turned into a pig liver color, and then his whole head was completely shattered!

This extremely bloody scene made the two men who had been standing next to them feel their legs go weak and their expressions were horrified.

Here, the power of the primordial beast has been suppressed to the minimum!

That ice-eyed bone dragon could have strangled that person so easily!

If it were them, I'm afraid they might not be able to escape!

They subconsciously looked at Mu Qinglan, but saw that the woman leaning against the door frame didn't even look this way.

She stared at the red lantern, as if fascinated, and it seemed that the life and death of Tuobayu and the others were not enough for her to pay more attention.



Those rumors in Red River City don't seem to be too exaggerated. Although this woman is not the real Mu Linghan, but——her strength should not be underestimated!

The two looked at each other and began to back away calmly.

While the two sides are at war, it is a good time to leave!

However, as soon as their feet moved, they felt that something was tightly entangled under their feet!

Looking down, there are a few silver threads!

The two turned their heads and met the eyes of the boy in white!

Cold, dignified, and disdainful!

The astonishing aura around him immediately made the two of them tremble in their hearts!

"Are you allowed to go?"

Yun Yi spoke coldly, his face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost.

The two were guilty and wanted to argue, but those dark eyes seemed to be bottomless, and they could see through what they were thinking at a glance.

Any explanation, at this moment, seems extremely redundant!

Yun Yi raised his finger lightly, and the two of them fell to their knees with a sudden pain in their knees!

On the other side, Yinfeng had already dealt with the second person, and he was only one step away from Tuobayu.

Tuoba Yu frantically moved forward, knowing that his two subordinates were already dead without looking back!

He could even feel the breath of the ice-eyed bone dragon on the back of his neck!

He moved forward frantically, his expression gradually becoming ferocious.

Then, one of his hands moved slightly.

"Silver Wind, come back!"

At this moment, Mu Qinglan suddenly gave a soft drink!

Yinfeng stopped immediately, although it was only a little distance away from Tuobayu, since Mu Qinglan gave the order, it would naturally not disobey.

Moreover, there seemed to be an eagerness in her voice.

The moment Yinfeng's figure retreated, Tuobayu turned around suddenly!

With a violent flick of the wrist, a black object suddenly flew out!

Yinfeng just avoided it!

That thing fell to the ground in no time!

Tuobayu was startled, he never expected that the ice-eyed bone dragon that had been following him would suddenly withdraw!


He didn't have time to think too much, he gritted his teeth, and immediately turned around and continued to flee!


In the next second, a huge explosion suddenly sounded!

The whole ground seemed to shake violently!

Tuobayu was hit on the back by that tyrannical force, and his body staggered, but he ran further with the help of strength.

There is an extremely strong power accumulated in this thing, comparable to a blow from a strong Lord!

Even if he couldn't kill those two people, he would definitely injure them seriously!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look back.

But this glance immediately froze his smile on his face.

Because those two people were actually standing in front of the wooden house safely!

A transparent barrier blocked in front of them, completely blocking that extremely tyrannical power!

Vaguely, one could see the cold eyes of the boy in white!

He raised his sword eyebrows slightly, like grumbling or sarcasm.

How can this be! ?

That was equivalent to a blow from a powerful Lord!

Those two people—

Before he could figure out the reason behind this, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his body!

It seemed that there was a huge force coming from all directions of him!

His chest trembled, and he suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood!

This, this is...

He raised his head angrily, but heard two other voices of pain!

It was the two who were standing beside them just now!

At this time, their expressions were also very painful, as if they were enduring a huge ordeal!

Before Tuobayu had time to think about it, he suddenly felt the energy in his body begin to pass away quickly!

He was startled, and quickly started to control it, but found that the more this happened, the faster the Yuanli passed away!

But beside him, there is clearly no one——

His gaze suddenly froze!

In front of him, unexpectedly, at an unknown time, a dazzling star appeared!

And the power in his body seemed to be rushing towards it!

What's this! ?

He seemed to realize something, and quickly turned his head to look, and sure enough, he saw such a star-like existence beside those two people!

Could it be—

His sight finally fell on the red lantern!

Because in those surroundings, countless bright stars have already emerged, like a galaxy in the dark night, extremely bright!

This scene looked extremely beautiful, but in their eyes, it was extremely terrifying!

Mu Qinglan frowned slightly, looking at the red lantern.

"Eight Spirits Sealing God Formation...is it actually opened like this..."

She looked around.

There are already scattered stars around those people.

Then, she looked away.

On the leaves in the distance, there seems to be stars falling.

The top of the mountain peak farther away also seemed to become brighter.

Wherever you see it, it's all inside the formation!

Bright stars, covering the world!

This year is coming to an end! Thank you for your support and company. Without you, there would be no concubine Shen today, nor would there be today in February.

I hope that in the new year, everyone will be safe and happy, and everything will be successful!

Thanks again everyone!

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