God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1047: Woman (Part 1)

Use the heaven and the earth as the furnace, and use the star array as the boundary!

All sentient beings were trapped in the Eight Spirits Conferred God Formation without a sound!

At this time, Tuobayu and the others finally realized that something was wrong. Looking at the stars floating between the sky and the earth, there seemed to be more and more stars, and that terrifying aura seemed to be getting stronger and stronger!

This, this is clearly a star array!

And at this time, they are all trapped in this star array!

Tuobayu kept struggling, trying to escape from here, but the harder he tried, the faster the energy in his body would disappear!

He even felt that his Yuan Dan had been greatly affected, filled with a vague uneasiness!

If it continues like this, I'm afraid it won't be long before all the power in his body will be swallowed up!

This is the power he has cultivated so hard. If he is deprived of it like this, he will definitely go crazy!

The reactions of the other two men were actually similar to Tuobayu's.

What they regret most now is that when Tang Yao left just now, they didn't follow him!

At that time, I realized that something was wrong!

These two young men and women seem to have extraordinary backgrounds. They were really confused just now, so they thought that these two people were easy to bully!

Worst of all, when the two fled in a hurry just now, they should have followed closely!

It's all Tuobayu!

If it wasn't for his rhetoric, they wouldn't have fallen into such a situation!

But it's too late to say anything now!

Several people seemed to be frozen, standing there stiffly, their faces quickly turning pale.

The rapid loss of power in their bodies made their bodies tremble uncontrollably.

Yun Yi frowned slightly.

The enchantment he set up was also contaminated with scattered stars.

It looked like a moving scene, but only they who were in it knew what kind of pressure they were under at this moment!

His strength has already been suppressed, and he tried his best to cast the enchantment just now, his chest and abdomen are already surging with energy and blood, coupled with the power of the star array...

Mu Qinglan noticed that something was wrong with Yun Yi, and immediately followed his gaze, her brows frowning slightly.

With a thought in her mind, Yinfeng returned to the sea of ​​qi first, and then grabbed Yun Yi's hand.

"Remove the barrier first."

Anyway, they are all trapped in the enchantment now, and everyone's situation will not be much better, so the existence of this enchantment does not have much effect, but it also drags Yun Yi down.

Yun Yi nodded, and then withdrew his strength.

A few stars have already floated to the side of the two of them.

A cold look flashed in the depths of Yun Yi's phoenix eyes, and his whole body became vigilant again!

Mu Qinglan asked strangely: "Yun Yi, what's wrong with you?"

Yun Yi looked at her, seeing that her expression was normal and unchanged, a guess suddenly appeared in her heart.

He lowered his voice and asked:

"Didn't you feel this star array, devouring the energy in your body?"


Mu Qinglan shook her head subconsciously: "No—"

Then, her eyes widened slightly.

What Yun Yi meant... at this moment, the energy in his body was being gradually swallowed up by the star array?

But why didn't she feel it at all?

"So do they."

Yun Yi slightly raised his chin.

Mu Qinglan followed his gaze and glanced at Tuobayu and the other three, and sure enough, seeing their expressions, there seemed to be something wrong.

It seems... really going through the same thing as Yun Yi!

However, she really has nothing to do with herself!

Yun Yi narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly.

This star array was set up by her mother, maybe... because of this, it has no effect on her.

The two looked at each other. Mu Qinglan immediately understood what Yun Yi was thinking.

In fact, this guess came to her mind for the first time.

Other than that, there seems to be no other reason.

Among the five people present, she was the only one who escaped the star array's attack!

In other words, it was the Eight Spirits Sealing God Formation, which consciously and directly excluded her!

Mu Qinglan pursed her lips.

Either because she still has a red lantern inside her mustard bracelet, or... it's because she has a motherly aura on her body!

That's why this star array is like this.

She can't be sure why now, but no matter which one it is, it makes her feel at ease.

If everyone is going to be attacked like this, then she undoubtedly has an advantage!

Mu Qinglan pondered for a moment: "The Eight Spirits Conferred God Formation has completely covered this place, and even covers a wider area than we have seen. So our only way is to break through this star formation!"

Want to escape? Almost impossible.

The forests and mountains in the distance are almost covered by the power of this star array. With their current power, it is impossible to leave step by step.

Even if you can walk a hundred steps, a thousand steps, or even more, it's the same.

Because the power in Yun Yi's body is constantly being consumed!

What if they can't persist and go out, or... the entire chessboard has been enveloped by the power of this star formation?

Yun Yi nodded, looked at the red lantern, and frowned.

That's what I said, but how can it be so easy to break through the Eight Spirits Conferred God Formation?

Even for him, he had only seen a few words in the books of the clan.

The star array that needs eight star array masters to build together... is almost as difficult as going to the sky!

Mu Qinglan was silent for a moment: "You maintain your strength first, I'll try."

After finishing speaking, he took three steps forward and stood in front of the red lantern.

As soon as Mu Qinglan lifted the hem of her clothes, she sat cross-legged and stared at the red lantern seriously.

There was no wind at this time, but the red lantern was still shaking slightly.

With every gentle shake of it, the number of planetesimals around it will gradually increase!

It seems that it is indeed the key to the Eight Spirits Conferred God Formation!

Mu Qinglan held her breath and concentrated, then formed a seal with her hands in front of her body, and slowly closed her eyes.

The powerful power of primordial spirit flew out in an instant! Spread towards the surroundings!

When Mu Qinglan and the others fell into the many predicaments of Zang Xuehai, they didn't even know that many people from the outside world had already rushed to the western border for them.

On the vast and boundless plain, several figures are swiftly moving forward.

Several people looked very serious, especially the man in the head, his brows were tightly frowned, as if he was worried about something.

From time to time, he looked up at the huge vortex above the sky.

The vortex formed by the gathering and solidification of countless flowing clouds is still the most conspicuous existence in the Western Territory at this time.

No matter where you are, as long as you look up, you can see the vortex above the sky.

He stared at the vortex, and couldn't help murmuring: "It actually decreased a little more..."

He took a deep breath, suppressed the worries and anxieties in his heart, and then whispered:

"Hurry up!"

The people behind them looked at each other. In fact, they had already displayed their fastest speed, and it was impossible to go any faster.

But seeing the faint anxiety on the face of the person in front, they couldn't say a word of excuse.

"My lord Wang Yan, don't worry too much, Mu... Ms. Mu, she is sure that auspicious people have their own destiny."

Who is this group of people, if not Wang Yan and others from Tonglinghai?

After the news of Red River City spread, everyone in Tonglinghai also quickly received the news.

From top to bottom, everyone was shocked.

Mu Linghan turned out to be a woman!

And the real Mu Linghan is her brother! Even his strength is stronger than Mu Qinglan's!

A group of people from the Shui family originally wanted to capture her, but they didn't expect to be completely crushed in the Red River in the end!

Shui Tianqing, and even people of Shui Tianyue's level, died at the hands of their brothers and sisters!

Any one of these will be shocking, but Qiqi happened!

After hearing the news, Lord Wang Yan, who finally got rid of the troubles of the Shui family, immediately brought people towards the western border!

They have been rushing without sleep for seven days.

But after they entered the western border, they discovered that there was a huge vortex in the sky!

Others don't know, but Lord Wang Yan knows.

That is clearly the opening of the Hidden Snow Sea!

Before he was sealed in the great hall, he had heard of the reputation of Zang Xuehai, but after he entered the world from Tonglinghai, he had only walked in the world for more than ten years.

So at that time, he didn't have the chance to meet Zang Xuehai Kaikai.

But he is clear about the opening time of Zang Xuehai!

At this point in time, there is clearly a problem!

He became more and more anxious, and felt that everything seemed to be moving in an extremely dangerous direction!

Just two days ago, they were about to arrive in Honghe City, but they suddenly received news that Mu Ling—Mu Qinglan and the others had already headed to Zangxuehai!

Only then did they change direction and head towards the Tibetan Snow Sea.

Fortunately, Lord Wang Yan was familiar with this journey because he had been to Hongyuan before, so it didn't waste too much time.

He really couldn't figure out why the place where the hidden snow sea opened was in such a dangerous and treacherous place as Hongyuan!

However, since the precious apprentice is there, he naturally wants to rush there immediately!

How dangerous is Zang Xuehai?

Although that kid... that girl has always had a lot of cards, Lord Wang Yan still couldn't relax in his heart. Along the way, he led them almost without sleep.

He was fine, but the eyes of the people behind him were already a little red.

But Venerable Wang Yan can no longer take care of these.

In the past few days, he watched helplessly as the vortex in the sky suddenly solidified, and then began to gradually snow!

As the heavy snow drifted away, the vortex in the sky gradually decreased!

No one knows what is going on with Mu Qinglan and the others in Hidden Snow Sea now!

Lord Wang Yan withdrew his gaze and silently clenched his fists.

Whether it's a kid or a girl, they are all his apprentices!

As long as he is alive, he can't watch something happen to her!

cloud family.


Everyone lined up on both sides, and the atmosphere was serious.

If you look carefully, you will find that almost all the prominent figures of the Yun clan have gathered here at this time.

Their looks were different, but they were all not very good-looking, as if they were discussing an extremely serious matter.

In the silent hall, finally someone stepped forward and said in a deep voice:

"Patriarch, the young master is really too willful this time. As the young master of the Yun clan, he has a noble status and a supreme bloodline. How can he fall in love with a woman with such a humble status but who is so daring?"

Happy New Years everyone~!

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