God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1055: Siege (3rd watch)

The blood line on Yun Yi's left chest has indeed spread a lot!

Moreover, the color looks much brighter than usual. At first glance, it looks like real blood has torn traces on it.

Mu Qinglan frowned, her heart seemed to be tightly grasped by something.

Sure enough!

Although Yun Yi's danger this time was caused by the mysterious force in his body, the blood line on his chest was also implicated!

If two dangers break out at the same time...the consequences will be disastrous!

The white mist rising around almost covered Yun Yi's face.

He leaned against the stone wall, as if he had fallen asleep.

But it seems that there is no anger at all, which makes people feel flustered.

She held Yun Yi's hand, her eyes flickered slightly.

Then, with a flick of her fingertips, a black jade box appeared in her hand.

It was the one my brother gave her!

Mu Qinglan opened the jade box.

The black wooden pearl hairpin lay there quietly.

Mu Qinglan picked it up, and with a slight movement of his fingers, the bright pearl on it fell off and fell into the palm of his hand.

She put away the things, but put the bead in her mouth.

A gentle and powerful force immediately spread throughout the body!

Mu Qinglan pressed his palm against Yun Yi's, and slowly injected the strength in his body into him.

This time, she clearly felt that the situation in his body had indeed become worse.

Although Yun Yi's body was cold before, the vital veins in his body were still as usual.

But now, he really has been frozen from the outside to the inside!

Her Yuanli wanted to enter into his Yuanmai, as if cutting a path between hard ice blocks!

But she can't do this, she will hurt Yun Yi's body if she is not careful.

Mu Qinglan reduced his Yuan power again, only condensing a very thin strand, and tried again!

This time, it finally succeeded!

That ray of energy was slowly but firmly in Yun Yi's body, looking for the remaining path that could pass!

Mu Qinglan could barely feel the surge of energy in Yun Yi's body, but that cold mysterious force was exceptionally clear!

Mu Qinglan was extremely careful and focused all her attention on this ray of power.

Like a stream of water flowing through the cracks in the ice.

To melt the entire ice cube, I don't know how many times this stream of water needs to circulate and how much time it will take.

Mu Qinglan slowly closed her eyes, controlled that ray of energy, and moved on!

Time passed bit by bit, but Mu Qinglan's Yuanli had only traveled a short distance in Yun Yi's body.

Because everything in his body was frozen, Mu Qinglan walked very carefully, and the road was rough, which consumed energy and time.

But what troubled Mu Qinglan the most was that she encountered an obstacle.

——In a certain place, all of Yun Yi's power has been frozen, and there is no gap left!

Her Yuanli can't get through it at all!

Mu Qinglan only hesitated for a moment, and then immediately manipulated this energy to continuously wash away the barrier in front of him.

This is very mentally draining and requires a very fine manipulation of the elemental force.

One carelessness may directly lead to the rupture of that barrier!

Then, it was Yun Yi who was hurt!

Even though Mu Qinglan was extremely anxious, at this moment, she could only show her utmost patience!

The temperature of the hot spring water was relatively high, and Mu Qinglan's face had already turned crimson as the temperature rose.

In some places, there is even a burning sensation.

But since Mu Qinglan came down, she hardly moved, and even kept the previous movements.

The only thing she did was to keep trying to use her own power to warm up the power in Yun Yi's body.

After an unknown amount of time, she finally felt that barrier seemed to melt a hole!

Mu Qinglan felt that the ray of power was finally no longer hindered, and she was overjoyed, so she immediately controlled that ray of energy and continued to go towards Qian!

I don't know if it's because of exhaustion or because of the hot spring water, but her forehead is already covered with beads of sweat.

But she didn't care about these at all, and let the water drops fall, causing shallow ripples on the water surface.

She looked at him with only one thought in her mind.

——In the past, he was the one who saved her, but this time, it was she who saved him!

No matter what, she would never let him have an accident!

When he woke up, she had a lot to say to him.

Wanting to ask why he didn't tell her this before made her so worried at this moment.

She wants to warn him that she must never do such a thing again, otherwise she will be very angry.

I want to... hug him and listen to his steady and powerful heartbeat.

She had done many things badly before, but he never said that.

Some things should change.

She stared fixedly at that pale face, as if a stone was pressed against her chest.

She should have noticed it sooner.

She has nothing to ask for at this moment, she just hopes that he is safe and sound!

On the other side, Mu Linghan and Ouyang Mo are also facing great danger.

Looking at the palace gate that was suddenly closed tightly in front of him, the feeling of uneasiness in Mu Linghan's heart became even stronger!

Thinking back at this moment, he realized that the force was actually different from the normal force!

It's just that it passed by his body so fast that he didn't notice anything at all.

And now, it's too late to think about these things!

Mu Linghan turned his head and saw that the last piece of the mural had completely peeled off!

The part that should be the mother's eyes fell like this, as if she was crying.

Even though in his memory, Mu Linghan never remembered that his mother had cried, but when he saw this scene, he felt an uncontrollable soreness from the bottom of his heart.

He... is still careless after all!

Ouyang Mo looked at him with something wrong, and Liu frowned even tighter, grabbing his hand wordlessly.


In the main hall, five of the original ten pillars have fallen down!

And the remaining five are already full of cracks and crumbling!

Some people who hadn't taken this to heart before finally realized that something was wrong, and their expressions became tense.

"What the hell is going on here!? Why did this pillar suddenly collapse?"

"It seems that a force sprang out from the mural just now! But, but I'm not sure..."

"What mural?"

"Don't talk about it! Think about how to get out first! If these pillars collapse, the entire hall will collapse! What shall we do then!"

In the chaos, some people didn't care.

"Even if it collapses, so what? I am the pinnacle domain master! How can I be afraid that this palace will collapse? If it really collapses, I will go out directly instead!"

"You are stupid! There are so many precious treasures hidden in this palace, if it really collapses completely, then we may be in danger!"

Everyone was noisy, and the atmosphere became more and more tense and chaotic.

Finally, someone looked at Mu Linghan and shouted sharply:

"Wait! I remember that he was standing in front of the mural just now! Before he went, everything was fine, but after he walked in front of the mural and put his hand on it, everything suddenly became like this! It must be him Playing tricks!"

Everyone was in an uproar, and all eyes were on Mu Linghan for a moment!

"I saw it too!"

"And me! It happened after he touched the mural!"

"Did he do it on purpose?"

The expressions of the people around gradually became more targeted.

In fact, these people present were very impressed with Mu Linghan and his party.

On the one hand, their looks are too eye-catching, and on the other hand, they rushed to the front when the Tibetan Snow Sea was opened.

Those who can follow into the Hidden Snow Sea basically have some ability and vision.

After a moment of silence in the hall, the atmosphere gradually became cold.

Mu Linghan looked at them calmly.

Although he is not weak, it is still difficult for him to deal with all these people.

What's more, beside him, there is Ouyang Mo.

"Tell me! Did you do it!"

Among the crowd, someone suddenly shouted!

Mu Linghan narrowed his eyes, and then suddenly laughed.

"What did I do?"

"I know what you did best! If it wasn't for you just now, we certainly wouldn't have fallen into this situation!"

"That's right!"

Some people have already started to move around, intending to surround Mu Linghan and Ouyang Mo.

Mu Linghan was still calm and composed.

"It's clear that you guys broke in here first to grab things. I haven't asked if you've disturbed something here, but you're asking me instead?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

This seems to make sense...

Mu Linghan glanced around and sneered.

"Ten pillars, there are ten doors on both sides. You broke in and moved other people's things. Don't you dare to admit it now!?"

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