God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1056 Anti-killing (one more)

Some people were shaken by Mu Linghan's words, but who would admit that everything was caused by themselves at a time like this?

"You talk nonsense! After you touched the mural just now, it quickly peeled off, until now there is nothing left, and it is precisely because of this that the mysterious force in this hall suddenly made it look like this!"

A stern question came from a man in the crowd, he actually planned to kill Mu Linghan on this matter!

Others naturally follow suit.

The man in front of him who looks very young is obviously not weak. If he wants to try to fight with them, wouldn't it be troublesome?

The best way is to solve him now!

"In my opinion, he must have touched a mechanism on the mural!"

"That's right! If the palace collapses, he will be responsible!"

"What else do you have to say!"

"Maybe the real treasure is hidden in that mural, and he just took it away!"

Everyone's emotions gradually became high, especially when "baby" was mentioned, the way many people looked at Mu Linghan changed.

Mu Linghan sneered in his heart.

What these people are doing, you don't need to think about it.

Originally, when entering here, most of the people came here for the baby, but now they have their thoughts on him, so be prepared to bear the consequences!

Mu Linghan pulled Ouyang Mo behind him, looked around, and suddenly thought of something, the corners of his mouth slowly curled up.

"It seems that you think I stole something from the mural?"

No one spoke, but the atmosphere of the confrontation became more rigid.

Their cold eyes are enough to explain everything.

Mu Linghan's thoughts turned.

The power left in the mural has just passed through his body, and if he guessed correctly, his current identity and position are very likely to have been exposed.

And that mural is the key!

If... this place is completely destroyed, maybe the connection between the person behind it and this place can be cut off!

Although he hasn't guessed what it is, but since there is a portrait of his mother, who is behind it is ready to be revealed!

It's just that he didn't expect that before he went to find them, they were going to come to him on their own initiative!

A stern light flashed in Mu Linghan's eyes, and he wrote lightly:

"It's just a damaged mural. What kind of treasure can there be in it? Your imagination is too strong. Seeing that this place is about to collapse, I think everyone should hurry up and think of a way to get out of here." Alright. As for the others—you have already entered those ten rooms just now, isn’t it enough what you have snatched?”

When he said the last sentence, there seemed to be some impatience on his face, and there was also a hint of extremely veiled complacency.

And this look made everyone believe that their speculation just now was completely correct!

The man was secretive about the mural, clearly trying to hide something!

Either he has already snatched the item, or he wants to come back after everything is over and take out the treasure from behind the mural!

No matter which one it is, you must not let him go easily!

Everyone secretly exchanged glances.

Ouyang Mo felt very strange, she could tell that Mu Linghan said that on purpose.

He wanted those people to focus on the mural?


Although the mural on it has been completely peeled off, Mu Linghan has always respected his mother very much. Even if it is only the location of a mural, he should be extremely protective. How could this be?

But seeing that the atmosphere between the two sides gradually became stiff, Ouyang Mo thought of a plan and gently tugged Mu Linghan's sleeve.

"Ling Han, let's go first? That thing, we can get it when we come back, isn't that all right?"

Her voice was very low, her lips were almost moving slightly, but what strength were the people present?

They all heard clearly!

Mu Linghan was slightly surprised, he didn't expect Ouyang Mo to react so quickly, but this undoubtedly made those people believe what he said just now.

Some people's eyes have changed!

Mu Linghan immediately frowned and glanced at Ouyang Mo, as if scolding her for saying this.

Ouyang Mo looked confused, and then suddenly realized something, a trace of panic flashed in her eyes.

The atmosphere on both sides has fallen to a freezing point, and it is about to explode!


The sixth pillar also completely collapsed!

All of a sudden, rocks splashed! Smoke and dust everywhere!

The entire hall has been completely plunged into chaos!

Right now!

Finally someone couldn't hold back anymore, turned around and walked towards the mural!

Mu Linghan's expression was startled, and he seemed to be a bit angry and anxious, and he was about to chase after him immediately!

This movement immediately excited dozens of people in the entire hall!

They followed without thinking! They all displayed their fastest speed and headed towards the mural!

Seeing that Mu Linghan was about to catch up, the person in the front made a direct move and swung a wave of energy towards the mural!


The clear and clear sound like jade and stone hitting each other immediately echoed in the entire hall!

But on the wall, there was not even a single trace left!

This scene immediately convinced those who had a little doubt in the beginning!

The man who made the attack just now is clearly the mid-term strength of the domain master. Although he is not considered top-notch here, the power of this attack is definitely not weak.

If it was an ordinary wall, how could there be no trace left behind! ?

There is indeed a problem here!

Mu Linghan's speed slowed down calmly.

In the blink of an eye, several more people overtook him.

But those people were all focused on the secret behind the mural at this time, and they didn't even look at Mu Linghan again.

Mu Linghan's eyelids drooped slightly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

The power hidden in the murals is naturally not so easy to deal with.

But... he is not easy to mess with!

Since they want to spy on him through this power, then—he will completely destroy it!


In the blink of an eye, many people had rushed past the mural, and they used their strength to break through the wall.

But after several people shot in turn, there was still no trace left on the wall.

But instead of being discouraged, everyone became even more excited!

——If there is no treasure hidden behind this, how could such a tough wall be specially built!

The doors of the ten rooms just now were basically open, and even the treasures such as the Heavenly Rank Law were placed indifferently.

So what kind of treasures are hidden behind this extremely defensive wall is almost unimaginable!

Almost everyone had rushed up, but Mu Linghan was trapped to the outermost.

——Because of his series of behaviors just now, these people have already become extremely wary of him, and even a few people specifically stared at Mu Linghan, for fear that he would get any closer.

Mu Linghan's face was slightly anxious, and his eyes looked at the mottled wall from time to time, but he sneered in his heart.

Now that they have dug a hole to wait for him, then... it depends on whether they can catch it!


The seventh pillar finally fell down!

At this moment, a crack finally appeared on the wall!

Everyone immediately became excited!

"Open! It's about to open!"

Mu Linghan quickly raised his eyes and took a look.

The crack on the wall is only an inch, and I can't see what's inside.

However, the mysterious and powerful force that was constantly lingering in the entire hall had already sensed something, suddenly changed direction, and attacked here!

Mu Linghan had already made preparations and hid his figure in the barrier!

And that force also seemed to have its own consciousness, directly skipping over Mu Linghan, and sweeping towards the crowd standing in front of the mural!

chi chi!

Two people couldn't dodge in time, and their bodies were immediately pierced through two huge blood holes! The whole back was as if the flesh had been torn apart by something, it was bloody and bloody! The dense white bones are almost visible!


The shrill screams immediately attracted the attention of the people in front. Looking back, when they sensed that force approaching, they immediately defended themselves!

Some people moved a little slower, but were immediately affected, and flew out in a panic!

As for the other stronger people, although they managed to cope with this attack barely, they soon discovered that this force was actually stronger than they imagined! And even more violent!

After the first attack was over, it swept over immediately!

It was as if he had made up his mind to kill them all!

Mu Linghan narrowed his eyes dangerously.

This power was clearly coming towards him just now, but now, it has been attacking these people.

It can be seen that there is really something important hidden behind the mural!

And this force, since it comes from it, will also protect it.


That's all for today!

Mu Linghan suddenly glanced at Ouyang Mo and chuckled.

"Mo'er, do you know why I didn't die in Zhongyuan Secret Realm before?"

Ouyang Mo didn't know why he suddenly mentioned this matter at this moment.

In fact, she has always had this question in her heart, but since the two of them met again, there has been no time or opportunity to talk about it.

Ouyang Mo didn't need to think about it to know that it must be a memory of extremely hard torment, so she didn't take the initiative to bring it up.

Unexpectedly, he suddenly mentioned it at this time.

Ouyang Moliu frowned slightly and shook her head.

In Mu Linghan's eyes, there seemed to be bright and bright lights flickering.

"Because... there, there was a person who wanted to seize my home, but in the end, he died in my hands."

Not only that, he even took this opportunity to get all the power of that person!

That's why, in such a short period of time, he was able to break through to such a level!

Ouyang Mo couldn't help opening her eyes wide, and covered her lips with her hand.

Mu Linghan pinched her face, with a gentle yet arrogant smile.

"I think, since I brought Qing'er out, I will naturally take her back. Also, I will make an appointment with you as soon as possible, and I can't break my promise with you."

So in the end, those who wanted to kill him were killed by him!

And today, too!

Regarding yesterday's third update, two minutes passed the review time after writing, but it really didn't review, which led to today's update. This was February's fault, and it will never happen again in the future, hey.

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