God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1057 Falling Moon Lake (Part 2)

The heat is steaming and the water is murmuring.

Inside the chessboard, an unknown amount of time has passed.

Mu Qinglan's ray of energy finally completely circulated in Yun Yi's body for a whole week!

She let out a soft breath.

She could feel that she was sweating all over, but fortunately she was in the hot spring, so she couldn't tell.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, because he is afraid of hurting Yun Yi, so Mu Qinglan has been extremely careful from the beginning, both in energy and spirit, it consumes a lot.

But fortunately, everything went smoothly, she finally integrated her own energy into his body, and opened up a smooth path.

The rest is to constantly use her power to circulate in his body, and then drive his frozen power to compete with that mysterious power!

Mu Qinglan took a deep breath, then cautiously added a bit of strength, and started running again!

This time, it was obviously much faster than the last time, and the whole process was much smoother.

But Yun Yi's body was still as cold as before.

The power of this hot spring obviously only temporarily alleviated the situation in his body, but it couldn't completely stop it, let alone solve it.

Even his eyelashes were still covered with a layer of frost.

Mu Qinglan didn't stop, she kept urging her own energy to circulate in Yun Yi's body.

Perhaps it was because of the fate plate, her power was in Yun Yi's body, and she did not encounter any trouble.

She even had the illusion that she was running power within her body.

Faintly, it seemed that something was sensing her energy.

Mu Qinglan couldn't help but rejoice that Yun Yi secretly put the fate plate into her body back then.

Otherwise, today, I still don't know what to do.

He was leaning against the stone wall, with his head slightly sideways, and Mu Qinglan could see his perfect profile.

Compared with when we first met, he now has a bit more sharpness and coldness unique to men.

Even if he just leans against the stone wall like this, with his eyes closed, his whole body is still filled with a breathtaking and powerful coercion, noble and cold, making people dare not make mistakes.

It seemed that everyone could only bow down in front of him.

——Such a man is a born king!

Flying eyebrows into the temples, the bridge of the nose is straight, the lips that used to be crimson are now pale, tightly pursed, presenting a straight line, but still noble.

Mu Qinglan looked at him, and suddenly remembered what happened when he was in the Zhongyuan Secret Realm, and couldn't help laughing.

This scene is really very similar to the original...

It's just that no one thought at the time that after a few years, they would turn from opposing enemies into the most intimate and important existence of each other.

Mu Qinglan held her breath and concentrated, and continued to stimulate the vitality in her body.

Because the divine pearl was contained in the lips and teeth, there was a steady stream of warming and replenishing power pouring into Mu Qinglan's body, so although this behavior was extremely exhausting, Mu Qinglan did not feel too exhausted or exhausted.

She originally wanted to use the Divine Orb directly for Yun Yi, after all, it has an excellent effect on the injuries in her body.

But in the end, I gave up because I was worried that the control would not be good.

She used her body as a transfer station, absorbed the power from it, merged it into her own yuan power, and then poured it into Yun Yi's body, repairing the injuries in his body little by little.

Although this method is stupid, it is the only way for her at present.

With the passage of time, Mu Qinglan also felt the frozen power in Yun Yi's body, finally showing signs of melting!

Mu Qinglan was overjoyed in her heart, but she didn't dare to be careless in the slightest.

Gradually, the temperature on Yun Yi's body was no longer as cold as before!

And the frost covering his eyelashes gradually melted!

Really improved!

Mu Qinglan suppressed the excitement and joy in her heart, allocated more power, and continued to work in Yun Yi's body!

This hot spring is leaning against a mountain peak. The trees on the mountain are lush and lush. At a glance, it is very luxuriant.

In the mountains and forests, there was silence.

Suddenly, there was the sound of wind blowing.

The leaves are rustling, as if something is drifting by.

Then, the sound of the leaves gradually disappeared, and the silence in the mountain forest was restored.

On one of the trees, there was a blue figure.

Qinglin rested one hand behind his head, and when he moved his other fingertips, a leaf flew towards him.

The thin, narrow green leaves flipped over at the slender and white fingertips, which looked extraordinarily beautiful.

He stared at the leaves for a while, but his eyes wandered a little.

I don't know if I was looking at the leaves, or after looking at the leaves, most of the blue sky was blocked by the lush branches.

Or, through the leaves, thinking about someone or something.

At this time, his face was calm, and he didn't see any emotions in front of Mu Qinglan and others before.

Only the fundus of the eyes showed a faint look of loneliness.

He raised his hand and put the leaf to his lips.

A melodious piece of music flew up in an instant!

In fact, he hasn't played this song for more than ten years. After all, he can't even transform his body shape, so naturally he can't do anything.

He thought that he would forget many things, including this piece, and he might not even know how to play it.

Unexpectedly, everything is so natural.

He still remembers every key of this piece clearly.

You don't even need to think about how to play it, the song will come out automatically.

Moreover, there was nothing strange about it.

Mu Qinglan heard the song.

She seemed to be poked hard by something in her heart, and subconsciously turned her head to look.

This song... She is also very familiar with it.

Mother used to hum many times when she was coaxing her to sleep.

In Tai Chi Valley back then, she also relied on this song to find the mysterious woman and identify her identity.

In other words, the woman recognized her identity.

From then on, she finally realized that her mother's identity was actually deeply hidden.

And the family behind her is obviously more powerful than Mu Qinglan imagined!

Unexpectedly, Qinglin would also play this song...

Mu Qinglan's eyes moved slightly, and then she looked away.

This is obviously a more cheerful and melodious tune, but the tune played by Qinglin has an indescribable sadness for no reason.

And... longing.

He...should also miss mother very much, right?

It is very possible that he was left here with Yuan Deng at the beginning.

So, mother kissed her... did she abandon Qinglin?

For some reason, Mu Qinglan didn't really believe in this speculation.

Qing Lin and Niangqin have a very close relationship, Niangqin should not be like this...

While Mu Qinglan was thinking about this, Yun Yi's eyelashes trembled suddenly.

Mu Qinglan was startled, and immediately put all her thoughts behind her, took a step forward, and moved in front of Yun Yi.

"Yun Yi?"

She called his name softly, but Yun Yi didn't move anymore.

Mu Qinglan yelled a few more times, but Yun Yi still didn't open his eyes.

She was a little disappointed, but she was more happy - this proved that Yun Yi's situation was indeed much better than before!

Although he hasn't opened his eyes yet, this is undoubtedly a sign!

Mu Qinglan's hand was still holding Yun Yi's tightly, but she leaned forward and kissed him lightly on the lips.

Although his lips were still a little cold, they were soft.

This made Mu Qinglan even more excited, and even the exhaustion from before was swept away.

She simply went in front of Yun Yi, let his head rest slightly on her shoulder, and her body got closer.

Both of them stayed in the hot spring water for a long time, her body was already hot, but Yun Yi's body was cold.

After being so close, it seems that Yun Yi can recover faster.

Whether it works or not, she is willing to give it a try now.

Mu Qinglan rubbed against his cold face lightly, and said in a low voice:

"Yun Yi."

"You must, wake up quickly."

She didn't see that Yun Yi's long black eyelashes trembled slightly again.

Clinging close to Yun Yi, Mu Qinglan's body soon fell into a situation where ice and fire were at the same level.

The hot spring water is constantly transpiring, but Yun Yi's body temperature is still very cold.

This is also a kind of torture for Mu Qinglan, but compared to Yun Yi's safety, these are nothing.

She couldn't count how many weeks her Yuanli had run in Yun Yi's body.

The only thing she cares about is that the frozen power in Yun Yi's body is indeed melting and merging with hers!

Like a line of snow water melting from the top of a snow mountain, it flows into a stream, then gradually becomes a river, and after that, it becomes the river and the sea!

Mu Qinglan's lips were already a little pale, and if you looked closely, there was even a hint of blue.

It is really exhausting for her to rely on her own strength to melt the strength in Yun Yi's body little by little. It is so long and non-stop that even an iron man can't bear it.

If it wasn't for having the Divine Spirit Orb, she would have been unable to hold on.

There was already a sense of weakness in her body.

——Even though the Divine Spirit Orb contains powerful power, the most fundamental thing is her own power!

Yun Yi's state is higher than hers, and if he wants to recover, he needs a great deal of strength.

The two are not at the same level at all.

Mu Qinglan gritted her teeth, even though half of her body was cold and numb, she still hugged Yun Yi tightly, refusing to let go, not daring to let go.

She could feel that he was already recovering, as long as... just keep going for a while...

The feeling of sleepiness kept coming.

Mu Qinglan knew that she was almost at her limit.

But Yun Yi didn't show any signs of waking up!

With a thought in his mind, Mu Qinglan rubbed his face and said:

"Yun Yi, I'm a little sleepy. Let me tell you about the past. In this way, I won't be sleepy anymore. Maybe you will wake up when you hear it."

No one answered.

The corners of Mu Qinglan's lips curled up slightly, as if thinking of something, she said with a low smile:

"Look at what we are doing now, does it resemble the scene where you fell into Luoyue Lake in Zhongyuan Secret Realm?"

Regarding the Zhongyuan Secret Realm, it is natural to mention some Ang.

In addition, I suddenly had an inspiration, so I really want to write a live statement! Maybe one million can be written.

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