God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1072 Bloodline Awakening (3rd watch)

Yun Yi followed Yun Lin and others back to the Yun Clan, and after tearing apart the space, he left quickly.

And Mu Qinglan planned to go to Tongling Sea with Lord Wang Yan.

Looking at Lord Wang Yan's expression, it seems that there is something important.

Mu Qinglan originally planned to ask, but soon realized that Lord Wang Yan seemed to be a little scrupulous, so he didn't ask.

Huo Zunting naturally wanted to return to Xiejun's residence.

It was Mu Linghan and Ouyang Mo. Mu Qinglan originally wanted to take them to Tongling Sea. After all, it is now the territory of Lord Wang Yan, so it is considered safe for them.

But Mu Linghan had other plans.

Because he wanted to bring Ouyang Mo back to Xiejun's mansion.

In fact, it wasn't for anything else, it was just because they were waiting for news from Ouyang's family on the side of Shengyuan Empire.

It was only then that Mu Qinglan realized that her elder brother had sent back the news that he was going to marry Momo back to Ouyang's family.

Now, as long as they wait for the approval of Ouyang's family, they can get married.

Of course, now is not a good time for a big wedding, not only Mu Qinglan and Mu Linghan, but even Ouyang Mo understands that there are still many things to do for them. It is indeed inconvenient to get married at this time.

Therefore, what Mu Linghan meant was to get a reply from Ouyang's family first, and then slowly arrange the wedding.

He wants to give, of course he wants to give the best.

Ouyang Mo naturally agrees with this.

Mu Linghan is still alive, which is already the greatest good news for her. She has already prepared in her heart, life is his person, and death is his ghost.

She knew that Mu Linghan's move was to show her respect and love for her, and she was happy in her heart, but she didn't care when the wedding would be held.

In the western border, the Xiejun Mansion is undoubtedly the most suitable place.

Mu Qinglan thought about it for a moment, but she had no opinion, and asked Qingwu and Ju Jiu to follow him to Xiejun's mansion.

Even if they don't follow her, it's good for the two of them to follow their elder brother.

After everyone was arranged in this way, the group separated again.

Not long after everyone left, there was a sudden fluctuation in a certain space above the red plain!

A figure appeared quietly!

He barely moved, and his figure quickly swept in a certain direction!

In the end, it stayed in one place!

At this time, the snow on the red plain had all disappeared, leaving only a boundless patch of red Sumeru.

But if Mu Qinglan and the others were here, they would have noticed that the place where this man was standing was exactly where the hidden snow sea opened in the first place!

It's just that without the thick layer of snow and the mysterious vortex, the place has returned to its original appearance.

At a glance, it is no different from other places.

But that person was staring at the area under his feet, as if he wanted to see the situation below through the thick ground and the dark red Sumerosa!

Or, it seems that there is something attracting him down here!

"It runs fast."

A low, slightly hoarse voice came, indifferent and cold.

He stretched out his hand, and there was a small white jade plate in his palm, and on the jade plate was a black pointer.

He poured a force into the white jade plate!


The black pointer began to rotate slowly!

Soon, the black pointer stopped and pointed in a certain direction!

He quickly put away the white jade plate, and in a blink of an eye, he disappeared in place again!

On the red plain, it seems that calm has been restored again.

Only large areas of dark red Sumeru, under the reflection of the afterglow, slowly spread like fresh blood.

Mu Qinglan followed Lord Wang Yan to Tongling Sea.

In the beginning, Lord Wang Yan and the others were not used to it, especially Lord Wang Yan, who had been with him for so long, Pianpian young man, suddenly turned into a beautiful woman, always felt a little strange.

Of course, he didn't feel the anger of being deceived in his heart, but he felt more pity for Mu Qinglan.

However, what shocked him even more was that the real Mu Linghan seemed to have higher talent and strength than Mu Qinglan!

When he first heard the news, he still didn't believe it, thinking that Mu Linghan had some powerful helper.

But after he actually saw it, he was sure that Mu Linghan himself had indeed broken through to the peak of the Lord!

Every time he thought of this, Venerable Wang Yan felt very complicated.

So, he finally couldn't hold back and asked Mu Qinglan.

"That... Qinglan... I heard that you and your brother are... twins?"

Mu Qinglan frowned, nodded and said with a smile:

"Yes! My brother was born half an hour earlier than me."

Lord Wang Yan was secretly speechless.

That is to say, the two of them, brother and sister, are not yet sixteen years old!

Venerable Wang Yan couldn't help asking: "You have such a high talent in star formation master, how about your brother?"

Mu Qinglan thought for a while, then shook her head:

"I don't seem to have heard my brother mention this matter. He is not a star formation master, and he doesn't seem to have any talent in this regard. But... I don't know too well. Because my star formation master talent came after we separated. I just found out. As for him..."

Mu Qinglan can be sure that his brother is not a star array master, because he does not have the aura of the main star in his body.

However, because of her mother, she did not dare to completely deny this possibility.

After all, even she herself started to embark on the journey of Star Array Master in the past few years, didn't she?

Lord Wang Yan nodded knowingly, but he was relieved in his heart.

——It’s not the Star Array Master! That kid has already broken through to the peak of the Lord at his age, if he is still a Star Formation Master, do he want to die! ?

At his age, he did not know how much he had gone through before he finally got to where he is today. If he was easily surpassed by that kid all of a sudden, where would he put his face?

How could he have the nerve to be Qinglan's master?

Seeing Mu Qinglan's bright smile, Lord Wang Yan couldn't help but also laughed.

I really don't know what kind of parents are able to give birth to such a gifted pair of siblings...

"By the way, Master, is there something important that you brought me back to Tongling Sea this time?"

Seeing that the few people here are all confidantes of Lord Wang Yan, Mu Qinglan finally couldn't help but speak.

Wang Huan and the others following behind couldn't help but look at each other.

Lord Wang Yan's expression also suddenly became serious.

Mu Qinglan noticed the change in the atmosphere, and her heart skipped a beat.

Lord Wang Yan was silent for a moment before saying:

"This matter is of great importance. You must remember that you must never tell outsiders."

Mu Qinglan frowned and nodded.

Lord Wang Yan paused, then said:

"An accident happened in the Tongling Palace."

Lord Wang Yan spoke very briefly, explaining the matter clearly in just a few sentences.

But Mu Qinglan was still shocked after hearing this, and couldn't help but slightly opened her eyes.

"You mean... something went wrong with the awakening of the bloodline after the family meeting?"

Lord Wang Yan nodded solemnly.

"After the family meeting, because I have been busy with the affairs of the family, including purging the Ming faction, finding out the truth about many 'accidents' over the years, etc., the awakening of the bloodline was postponed for a short time. But unexpectedly, Those who entered the Tongling Palace for bloodline awakening did not complete the bloodline awakening smoothly, but seemed to be attacked by some force! There were four people in total. Unable to awaken the bloodline!"

"After those few people had an accident, everyone in the clan realized something was wrong, so they discussed together to temporarily close the Tongling Hall. Until now, the Tongling Hall has not been opened yet."

Mu Qinglan held her breath, and it took a while to react.

"Why is this? The Tongling Hall is heavily guarded, how could such a thing happen?"

It's fine if the Yuanli is swallowed up, the most important thing is that the blood cannot be awakened!

You know, the top ten families on the top of the gods, to a large extent, rely on the support of the power of blood!

If the younger generation of an aristocratic family cannot awaken their blood, they will be far behind others in terms of talent!

And this will also lead to the decline of the power of the entire family!

If this problem cannot be solved, Tongling Sea will definitely be in danger!

Therefore, this problem needs to be solved urgently.

Mu Qinglan frowned and thought for a while, but couldn't figure out why.

After all, this is something that even Venerable Wang Yan and the others are helpless. What solution can she have?

Thinking of this, Mu Qinglan suddenly realized something.

Such a big event happened in Tonglinghai, why did Lord Wang Yan think of taking her back?

She raised her eyes and looked at Lord Wang Yan suspiciously.

"Master, you came to find me this time..."

Lord Wang Yan looked at her, seemingly helpless, emotional, and somewhat proud.

"You child...do you really think that the teacher doesn't know about that?"

In Mu Qinglan's mind, a light flashed instantly!

Lord Wang Yan must know that she took away the sea of ​​stars around the Tongling Hall!

Although she still kept the original one at that time, the one she holds now is indeed still inextricably linked with that one.

Mu Qinglan coughed a little guilty.

Lord Wang Yan didn't mean to reprimand him, and he didn't seem to want others to know about it, so he said:

"That's why, as a teacher, I intend to ask you if you know anything."

Mu Qinglan pondered for a moment, then shook his head.

During this period of time, she didn't feel that there was anything unusual about the sea of ​​stars, and it had been staying in the yuan lantern she got from the mysterious woman before, without any movement.

A look of disappointment flashed in Wang Yan's eyes.

After he took over the Tongling Hall, he discovered that the surrounding Xinghai had undergone some changes.

He is the master of the star array, although some things are secret, they cannot escape his eyes after all.

That's why he put his last hope on Mu Qinglan.

But now it seems...

Mu Qinglan advised:

"Master, don't worry, I'll take a look with you when I get back."

Other than that, there seems to be no better way.

Lord Wang Yan nodded.

Half a month later, Mu Qinglan followed Lord Wang Yan to Tongling Sea again!

As soon as he got close to the mountain where the Tongling Palace was located, Mu Qinglan felt an unusual aura.

Within the sea of ​​qi, the Fuling Platform suddenly said:

"Hey, these star arrays have been backfired?"

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