God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1073 Tianyu (1 more)

"Being backlashed? What does this mean?" Mu Qinglan asked immediately.

Fuling Terrace said crisply:

"It's just that this star array was supposed to suppress some kind of power, but now it can't be suppressed, and it will naturally be backlashed!"

Mu Qinglan was startled—repression?

Tongling Hall is the most sacred and solemn place in Tongling Sea. How can something be suppressed below it?

"Are you sure?" Mu Qinglan still had some doubts in her heart, and couldn't figure it out.

However, the Fuling Terrace is still swearing: "This kind of thing can be seen at a glance! Now the star formation does not seem to have changed, but in fact its power has gradually weakened. It is estimated that something happened to cause its power to weaken. Only then will it be backlashed by that suppressive force!"

Mu Qinglan felt ashamed for a moment.

If this is the case... Isn't it very possible that all of this happened because of her?

At the beginning, the sea of ​​stars was going to leave with her, but after thinking twice, she did not do so. Instead, she rebuilt a star array with the help of the star that represented the Tongling Palace, and then left one and took it away. got one.

She originally thought there would be no problem doing this, but looking at it now, the reason why the Tongling Hall became like this is most likely because of her!

"The power of Xinghai is also gradually weakening. Although ordinary people can't detect it now, after a while, they will definitely not be able to hide this news."

Lord Wang Yan, who was standing next to Mu Qinglan, spoke with some concern.

At this time, the two of them had already reached the halfway up the mountain, and there was no one else following them, so they spoke more freely.

Mu Qinglan nodded slightly.

In fact, she has already noticed this.

Although she hasn't been in Tongling Sea for a long time, but because this Xinghai has a very special attitude towards her, and she once copied a Xinghai herself, she still has a clear understanding of the subtle changes in this Xinghai. of.

The two continued to walk forward.

Mu Qinglan could still feel that the countless stars in the surrounding star formations seemed to want to approach her, but they were obviously much weaker than before.

It seems... weak.

Even Xinghai is already like this, so it is no wonder that there will be problems in Tongling Hall.

Without saying a word, Mu Qinglan continued to follow Lord Wang Yan upwards.

The two walked fairly smoothly, and soon reached the top of the mountain.

From the outside, the Tongling Hall is still the same as before, without any changes.

But Mu Qinglan instantly felt the breath inside, which seemed to be a bit cold!

She couldn't help frowning.

"This Tongling Hall...something seems wrong."

Lord Wang Yan glanced at her in surprise: "Can you see it?"

He had brought many elders from Tongling Sea up before, and there were no more than one person who could detect that there was something wrong with Tongling Hall!

But when he thought about it again, Mu Qinglan's talent was indeed astonishing, and he was also very spiritual. It didn't seem so shocking to be aware of this.

Mu Qinglan pondered and said:

"...This Tongling Palace seems...to be controlled by another force, what do you think?"

Lord Wang Yan was shocked.

He also felt this way before, but he was still not sure. Hearing what Mu Qinglan said at this time, he suddenly felt that his previous guess might be really correct!

He frowned: "You also feel this way? I seem to have felt it before becoming a teacher, but after all, this is the Tongling Palace, which is the holy place of Tongling Sea for thousands of years. Even the most senior elders may not be able to If you are qualified to come up, how... how can there be other powers to control it?"

Mu Qinglan thought to herself, it can't be said that it was because Fulingtai told me, so she pondered for a moment and suggested:

"Master, in fact, I'm not very sure about this, I need to investigate it carefully. Isn't that why you called me back this time?"

Mu Qinglan said, looking at Lord Wang Yan cautiously.

Lord Wang Yan must have thought of her because he noticed the change in Xinghai, and she was embarrassed not to admit it.

Mentioning this, Lord Wang Yan couldn't help but shook his head and sighed, smiled helplessly, and raised his finger to point at Mu Qinglan.


He really didn't expect that the sea of ​​stars in the Tongling Palace would make this little... this girl move!

"You have the nerve to say it! I didn't notice it at the beginning. If it wasn't for the bloodline awakening that went wrong some time ago, I wouldn't have noticed something wrong with Xinghai when I entered the Tongling Palace again!"

The change was so subtle that no one who had entered here before had noticed it.

That is, Lord Wang Yan, after all, is the king master of the star array, and soon felt that this star sea seemed to be quite different from before.

After much deliberation, he finally remembered that at the family meeting, when he and Wang Huaizhi competed together to cross the Xinghai and climb to the top of the Tongling Palace, Mu Qinglan was also in the Xinghai during the whole process!

After thinking about it, this is the only possibility!

When he asked Mu Qinglan at first, it was just a test, but when he saw Mu Qinglan's reaction, he immediately confirmed what he thought in his heart—it was really her!

This time, Lord Wang Yan was dumbfounded.

Originally, he was a little angry. After all, the star sea composed of eighty-one star arrays has been guarding around the Tongling Hall for thousands of years, and the people in the clan have also benefited a lot from it.

What they cherished so much was suddenly moved by Mu Qinglan, and anyone who found out would be angry.

But soon Lord Wang Yan figured it out—for such a long time, why has no one else been able to move this Xinghai, but Mu Qinglan moved as soon as he came?

Among them, if you think about it casually, there must be other reasons.

What's more, after all, he is his most precious apprentice, and he knows best what Mu Qinglan is like, so he always feels that there is a reason for Mu Qinglan to do this.

It is also because of this that he has been patiently waiting until now.

Listening to Lord Wang Yan's words, Mu Qinglan coughed in embarrassment.

"Master, the situation was a bit complicated..."

Lord Wang Yan waved his hand.

"Anyway, it's over, and you must have your own reasons. If others can do this, they must have done it long ago. How can it be your turn? After all, as a teacher, I think that you and this Tongling Palace, or Speaking of this sea of ​​stars, it seems that there are some unusual connections..."

Mu Qinglan was secretly startled. Although Lord Wang Yan hadn't fully guessed it, this description was actually pretty close.

"My teacher called you here just to let you see what's going on. If it can be solved...it would be great."

As he said that, Lord Wang Yan looked at Mu Qinglan with anticipation in his eyes.

Mu Qinglan could only smile bitterly in her heart.

Venerable Wang Yan now probably thinks that these things happened because of her, as long as she is brought back, the problem can be solved quickly.

But the key is... Under the Tongling Palace, there are clearly hidden secrets...

Mu Qinglan said: "Master, don't worry. I will tell you after I see what's wrong here. What do you think?"

Lord Wang Yan would naturally not object.

"Then... I am waiting for you here as a teacher. If there is anything, just call me."

Mu Qinglan nodded, and then walked towards Tongling Hall.

She could feel Lord Wang Yan's eyes falling on her body with expectation.

Mu Qinglan pursed her lips, and then stood still in front of the main hall.

Perhaps because of the bad things that happened before, the gate of the Tongling Hall has been tightly closed, and there is no one inside or outside.

Mu Qinglan stretched out her hand and slowly opened the door.


The heavy gilded bronze door was pushed open little by little!

Mu Qinglan raised her eyes and walked in directly!

The moment she stepped into the Tongling Hall, there was a sudden fluctuation in her mustard seed ring!

Mu Qinglan was startled, and immediately looked down!

This is... This is the yuan lamp that is about to move!

Of course, this Yuan Lantern refers to the one she got from Tai Chi Valley back then!

There is still a sea of ​​stars in it!

It didn't make any movement before, but for some reason, just after Mu Qinglan entered this hall, it suddenly started to move!

Mu Qinglan continued to walk forward, and found that something seemed to be crazily attracting the sea of ​​stars in her mustard ring!


The door behind him suddenly closed heavily! Make a dull noise!

Mu Qinglan glanced back, frowning slightly.

That cold feeling seems to be getting stronger...

Mu Qinglan walked to the middle of the hall and looked up.

She had been here once before, when she was following Lord Wang Yan, she didn't notice the layout here.

However, looking carefully now, she found that the layout of the hall seemed to be a bit strange indeed.

Mu Qinglan asked in her heart: "Ling'er, can you see anything else?"

The Fuling Terrace smashed it, and murmured:

"It turns out that something is missing here... I said why the power of this star array has become weaker!"

Mu Qinglan quickly asked, "What's missing?"

The Fuling Terrace was silent for a moment, and said quietly:

"What's missing... Back then, you took away the star that represented Tongling Palace! That's it!"

Mu Qinglan was startled.

"You mean...but it's not just a star..."

Mu Qinglan's voice also gradually quieted down, feeling a little guilty.

At the beginning, the sea of ​​stars was going to follow her, but she only took away the extremely shining star that represented the Tongling Palace, and re-simulated a sea of ​​stars with it as the center.

I didn't expect it to turn out like this...

In fact, she could guess that that star should be extremely important, but she never thought that it would directly lead to such a result...

The fluctuations in the mustard ring became more and more severe!

With a thought in Mu Qinglan's mind, that yuan lantern appeared in her hand!

In the main hall, the light was dim, but on this red yuan lamp, the stars were dotted, illuminating the surroundings in an instant!

Afterwards, Mu Qinglan saw that directly in front of her, there was suddenly a fist-sized pearl floating slowly!

Mu Qinglan looked carefully, only to realize that the inside was actually hollow!

Above the yuan lantern, a star suddenly floated out!

It was the one that she took away!

The moment that one appeared, the pearl flew towards Mu Qinglan in an instant!

Mu Qinglan held her breath——

If she remembers correctly, this pearl is clearly the one that awakened the blood of everyone in the Tongling Sea Clan...


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