God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1074: The Luo Clan (Part 2)

Mu Qinglan had never met Tianyu before, but he had heard from Master Wang Yan that the younger generation in Tonglinghai would usually choose to awaken their blood after the family meeting.

And if they want to awaken their blood, they must go through Tianyu.

Mu Qinglan was a little surprised.

According to Lord Wang Yan, Tianyu is hidden in the Tongling Hall, and under normal circumstances, it is not visible at all.

Only when people from Tongling Sea came to Tongling Hall, cut their palms, and let the blood flow out, the bloody breath would summon Tian Yu, and then awaken their blood.

But it doesn't seem to be her turn, does it?

Mu Qinglan looked around again.

There was no wound on her body, and she didn't show any signs of her blood being awakened. Why did Tian Yu suddenly appear?

What's more, she is not from Tonglinghai either!

Just when Mu Qinglan was puzzled, that starlight gradually approached Tianyu!

Only then did Mu Qinglan realize something—could this starlight belong to Tian Yu?

As if to confirm her conjecture, the next moment, the two were completely fitted together!

That starlight quickly merged into Tianyu, just filling the gap in the middle!

Mu Qinglan was shocked!

Could it be that she took away the most important part of Tianyu before?

But if this thing is above Tianyu, why did he just follow her away before?

These thoughts flashed through Mu Qinglan's mind quickly, and then he saw a trace of blood suddenly appear in Tian Yuzhong!

Because Tian Yu as a whole is a translucent light white pearl, so when that trace of bright red blood appears, it looks extraordinarily abrupt.

The moment Mu Qinglan saw it, for some reason, his heart jumped violently!

That gloomy feeling hit my heart again!

She stepped forward cautiously, wanting to see more clearly.

In this short period of time, that trace of blood began to spread rapidly!

Like a spider web, it covered half of Tianyu in an instant!

The starlight that entered inside before had gradually dimmed at this time, and even the brilliance gradually permeated a tinge of red.

It was only then that Mu Qinglan realized that it turned out that two forces were fighting crazily within Yu Tian that day!

"This is... the force that the Tongling Hall wants to suppress?"

Mu Qinglan murmured and asked Fulingtai.

There seemed to be a tinge of pride in Fulingtai's voice.

"That's right! I said that the star array was backlashed! It was caused by this force!"

Mu Qinglan looked at the two forces that were gradually twisting together, and gradually felt that the development of the matter seemed to be beyond imagination.

She frowned and her voice became cold.

"You mean, there was such a force in Tianyu, and that star was responsible for suppressing it before? Because I took it away, I let this A suppressed force started to fight back?"

Fu Lingtai praised with satisfaction: "Yes! You are quite smart!"

At this time, Mu Qinglan didn't have the mentality to understand these words of Fulingtai.

Tianyu is the treasure of Tongling Sea, since the day that ancestor founded Tongling Sea, Tianyu has existed!

But who would have thought that within Tianyu, there is such a mysterious power hidden!

And don't even think about it, it must be releasing power that is harmful to everyone! Otherwise, it will not be suppressed!

But—why did the ancestor of Tongling Sea do this, hiding such a dangerous power in such a precious thing as Tianyu?

Mu Qinglan really couldn't figure it out.

But from this, another idea popped up in her mind: the ninety-nine and eighty-one star formations outside the Tongling Hall were probably built only to suppress this force!

And this starburst is the most important part of it!

It is also because of this that it is the center of the entire star sea!

Mu Qinglan felt that she seemed to have touched a huge secret of Tongling Sea, and couldn't help becoming nervous.

The ancestors of the top ten families on the top of the gods all reached the level of god masters!

It can be seen that it is definitely not a simple role to make such a strong person of this level put so much effort!

Moreover, he actually hid it in Tianyu!

You know, the descendants of Tonglinghai all awakened their bloodlines through Tianyu!

Wasn't that one worried at all?

Of course, Mu Qinglan knew that it was useless for her to think about it now.

For her, the most important thing now is to find a way to suppress this force again!

Looking at the two forces in Tian Yuzhong, whose competition was gradually heating up, Mu Qinglan felt a little regretful.

Why didn't she even think about it at the time, and just took that star away?

Losing its suppression, another force inside, it's no wonder that it will start to backlash!

Even now, the power of the entire Xinghai outside has begun to decline, and everyone in Tonglinghai can no longer continue to awaken their blood through Tianyu, and they are even suppressed because of this!

And what Mu Qinglan is most worried about is not this, but——

Now that this star has returned to Tianyu, can it be suppressed again?

If you can, it's okay to say.

But what if it doesn't work?

Then wouldn't she be equivalent to bringing a huge trouble to Tonglinghai?

Thinking of this, Mu Qinglan had a headache.

But no matter what was on her mind, she could only stare at it.

Within Tian Yu, those two forces were clashing crazily, and the two colors devoured and overlapped each other!

Although silent, Mu Qinglan still seemed to be able to feel that powerful coercion!

At the same time, another question arose in her mind——

Why did this star hidden in Tian Yu follow Yuan Deng so eagerly?

Inside the Tongling Hall, Mu Qinglan was staring at Tianyu nervously.

Outside the Tongling Hall, Lord Wang Yan clasped his hands together, staring at the gate of the Tongling Hall with a serious expression.

The only best solution now may lie with Mu Qinglan. Although he was worried, he could only continue to wait here.

As time passed bit by bit, Lord Wang Yan's mood gradually became restless.

That girl, nothing will happen inside, right?

Probably not, she has always been very vigilant, and if she is in danger, she will definitely not sit still.

But... it's been more than an hour since I went in, why is there still no movement?

Lord Wang Yan's heart seemed to be on fire, and he became irritable and nervous.

He wanted to rush in directly, but he was afraid of delaying Mu Qinglan.

After all, the sea of ​​stars around the Tongling Hall is still influenced by her...

"It's strange...this girl, how could Xinghai..."

Lord Wang Yan remembered what happened at the family meeting at that time, and couldn't help but become more curious.

At first he didn't care, but after he realized something was wrong, he gradually felt that there seemed to be some secret in Mu Qinglan.

When the star formation was opened, everyone was gradually kicked out, even the elders couldn't hold on for too long, but Mu Qinglan stayed inside until the moment before he climbed to the top of the Tongling Hall. Go out among the stars.

At that time, all he thought about was how to win Wang Huaizhi, and later he was busy dealing with the matter of the Ming faction, so he didn't take this matter to heart.

Now that I think about it, everything is abnormal!

He even suspects now that Mu Qinglan was not kicked out by Xinghai at all, but left on his own initiative!

Also, when he and Wang Huaizhi were trying to climb to the top, they both felt several mysterious forces.

He remembered that he was pushed forward several times by the inexplicable force, but Wang Huaizhi seemed to be blocked all the time.

He didn't notice such an obvious thing!

Lord Wang Yan couldn't help but click his tongue.

Could it be that Mu Qinglan really has an unusual relationship with Tonglinghai?


While Venerable Wang Yan was contemplating, a shout suddenly came from halfway up the mountain.

He turned around and looked down, vaguely seeing Elder Wang Yi.

Why is he here?

During the period when Lord Wang Yan left, Elder Wang Yi had been in charge of many affairs in Tongling Sea.

He is Lord Wang Yan's confidant, and he is also a capable right-hand man.

If there is no important matter, he should not come up at this time.

Venerable Wang Yan pondered for a moment, then beckoned, signaling Elder Wang Yi to come up.

Wang Yi was allowed to come up from the mountainside quickly.

Only when he got closer did Lord Wang Yan notice that his expression was a little nervous.

Elder Wang Yi has always been calm and calm, and it is rare for him to be like this, so Lord Wang Yan's heart skipped a beat.

"What is it?"

As soon as Elder Wang Yi came up, he found that Lord Wang Yan was the only one here, so he guessed that Mu Qinglan, who came up with him, might be in the Tongling Hall at this time.

He didn't care about that much, and suppressed his breathing, but there was still a trace of tension between his brows and eyes.

"Patriarch, the Luo clan has sent a message, announcing to the top of the gods that the family competition will be held in Phoenix Mountain in fifteen days!"

Lord Wang Yan was really shocked now.

"What did you say? How could it be so sudden?"

The Family Competition is the summit of the gods, a competition that only takes place every three years.

It is said to be a competition, but in fact this is a family competition, which is very interesting.

On the one hand, the younger generation of many aristocratic families will show their strength in this competition and add luster to the family. On the other hand, because outstanding young people from various families will go, the elders will also pay more attention. If there is a suitable one, marriage will be proposed.

Therefore, in addition to the intense competition, the family competition also had an extra bit of ambiguity.

If it can promote a successful marriage, then the relationship between the family will also undergo subtle changes.

Therefore, basically all aristocratic families will attach great importance to this.

And this competition is hosted by ten aristocratic families in turn, and this year it happened to be the Luo family's turn.

But generally this will be notified two months in advance to give everyone preparations.

What happened to the Luo people this year, so suddenly?

Although there was barely enough time to catch up, but that's all! There is simply no time to do anything else!

"What are they going to do?"

Lord Wang Yan couldn't help frowning.

Elder Wang Yi paused, then said with some difficulty:

"I heard that it is because fifteen days later, it will be the seventeenth birthday of Luo Xiyan, the eldest lady of the Luo clan. Therefore, the Luo clan plans to hold a family meeting at the same time, so that Luo Xiyan can awaken her blood!"

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