God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1076 Return to the original owner (one more)


That cyan long whip fell hard again!

The extremely loud voice instantly resounded through the entire Tongling Hall!

Mu Qinglan stared helplessly at the bloody color that had already spread, and quickly restrained herself!

But in the blink of an eye, the strange force that originally had the upper hand began to dodge!

From the looks of it, it seemed that he was extremely afraid of this blue long whip!

Mu Qinglan opened her eyes slightly.


Although he knew that Qinglin was very powerful, Mu Qinglan was still shocked when he saw this scene!

He didn't even come out, he just threw out this long whip, and actually repelled that force?


Third tone!

When the whip fell, the color of Tian Yu, who had already been colored by the blood color, became clear and clean again!

That mass of blood shrank rapidly, and soon turned into the original red blood spot again!

This time, it was the power of that starburst that completely counterattacked!

Just when Mu Qinglan was full of shock, the cyan long whip disappeared quickly again!

The surroundings were quiet, as if nothing had happened, but only the scene in front of him made Mu Qinglan clearly know that just now Qinglin suppressed the force in Tianyu simply and neatly!

Mu Qinglan was amazed and curious.

"Qinglin, how...how did you do it?"

The power in Tianyu should be extremely mysterious and powerful, but Qinglin seems to be no match at all!

Qinglin snorted coldly, full of disdain.

"I've already told you, it's just a mass of hostility, so why not be surprised. If I can't even clean up such a thing, it would be shameful!"

Mu Qinglan took a step forward and looked at Tian Yu carefully.

She could clearly see the smear of blood inside, and she seemed to be still vigilant and afraid, not daring to move.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, the starlight has almost completely surrounded it.

The victory and defeat have been divided!

Mu Qinglan thought for a while, and asked, "The hostility...could it be left by the ancestors of Tonglinghai back then?"

Other than that, no one else seems to be able to do it.

Qing Lin lazily said: "It should be. However, it can be seen that although the owner of this thing was extremely strong back then, when he broke through to the God Lord, he must have encountered some troubles, which caused the hostility. Once this thing Once it is produced, it is difficult to eliminate it, and it is even very difficult to resolve it. Therefore, the best way is to suppress it with your own power."

Mu Qinglan said in shock: "You mean, this star is..."

Qinglin seemed to laugh.

"I really don't know what to say about you. After all, you are also the one who broke through the Eight Spirits Sealing God Formation. Why can't you even guess this? You think right, this starlight is indeed left by the owner of this thing back then. The next main star! Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to suppress that hostility for thousands of years."

Mu Qinglan was secretly amazed - so there are so many details in it!

But she really didn't expect that that starlight turned out to be the main star of Tonglinghai's ancestors!

She has only heard that the soul can survive, but she never knew that the main star can survive for such a long time!

"The main star... Without the body, the power of the primordial spirit and the power of the stars, can this main star be preserved?" Mu Qinglan asked.

Qinglin said with some disgust:

"Of course not everyone can do this. Only after reaching a very high level and the main star has its own consciousness, can this step be achieved!"

The main star...has its own consciousness?

Mu Qinglan thought for a moment that she had heard wrong!

But Qing Lin's voice is so clear! She heard every word clearly!

Because she was too shocked, Mu Qinglan opened her mouth, not knowing what to say for a while.

This starburst turned out to be the main star of the ancestors of Tongling Sea...

And the point is, she actually took it away before!

Mu Qinglan instantly had the urge to help her forehead: What did she do? !

She struggled a bit, and reluctantly asked:

"Then... before that, why did it take the initiative to approach me and follow me directly?"

When she met other star formations before, she had never seen such a phenomenon.

Only when she came to Tongling Sea and entered the star array around Tongling Hall, those stars were very happy with her, and she could feel their eagerness to get close to her.

That is definitely not an illusion!

Qinglin laughed lightly.

"Is it following you, or, following Yuan Lantern?"

In a word, Mu Qinglan woke up instantly!

She gasped in shock.

"You mean - this thing, from the very beginning, came rushing towards the Yuan Lantern?!"

Qinglin asked back: "Otherwise?"

This silly girl... she doesn't even know what treasure she has in her hand!

Of course, he doesn't plan to say anything more now.

In fact, when he knew that Mu Qinglan still had a Yuandeng in his hand, Qinglin was shocked, because the Yuandeng itself has a strong sense of autonomy, if it is not recognized, then it is impossible to control the Yuandeng no matter what of.

It's fine for her to easily take the one inside the chessboard, it belongs to her mother after all.

But another yuan lamp...

Qinglin can only tell himself that there is really a kind of person in this world who can kill most people just by luck!

And Mu Qinglan is undoubtedly such a person!

But she still doesn't know about these things now!

Qinglin tried a few words, and found that Mu Qinglan didn't understand these things, so he didn't say anything.

——He was really curious, what kind of expression would the girl have when she knew what Yuan Deng meant?

So now, he didn't say so much at all, and directly attributed all the reasons to Yuan Deng.

Of course, Mu Qinglan didn't know these thoughts in Qing Lin's mind, but felt extremely amazed, being able to attract such a thing, it can be seen that this Yuan Lantern must have something very special!

She remembered that Xinghai was indeed easily included by Yuan Deng at that time, she didn't feel it at that time, but now that she thinks about it, she realizes it later.

Mu Qinglan pursed her lips, and glanced curiously at the Yuan Lantern in her hand.

This one is very similar to Niangqin's one, no matter the structure, size, shape, or color, they are almost exactly the same.

But Mu Qinglan could still tell the difference at a glance.

Because the two lamps give people a completely different feeling.

She couldn't describe that feeling, but she could already perceive the difference between the two just by looking at it.

She was suddenly curious - what would have happened if she had been carrying the Yuan Lantern left by her mother?

Mu Qinglan put away all the thoughts in his mind, and then looked at Tian Yu again.

"Qinglin, since this hostility can't be resolved, but can only be suppressed, is this problem solved now?"

Mu Qinglan looked at the blood spots that were gradually fading in color, and asked.

Even if she couldn't see it at all, she knew that there was still that hostility in it.

Tonglinghai's ancestors couldn't solve it, how could she solve it?

"Almost. This hostility has been suppressed for a long time. The main star thought it was no threat at all, so he just got up on a whim and insisted on following you...your yuan lantern. Now that the two of them should be more honest of."

Qinglin obviously didn't take this matter to heart at all, and it wasn't a problem at all for him.

Listening to his words, Mu Qinglan's mood also became much easier.

"In that case, I'm relieved."

As she spoke, she let out a light breath.

If it was really because of her that Tonglinghai had a problem, then she really regretted it!

Tian Yu quietly floated in front of Mu Qinglan, the color of his whole body had almost returned to normal, and it was hard for anyone to see that it was almost painted with blood just now!

The cold feeling before has finally disappeared.

Mu Qinglan raised the corners of her lips.

In this case, those people in Tongling Sea should have no problem trying to awaken their bloodlines again.

While thinking about it, Mu Qinglan turned around and planned to leave.

However, just as she turned around, she felt something flashing in front of her eyes!

She stopped quickly, and only then did she see clearly that it was Tian Yu!

It seems... not willing to let her go?

Mu Qinglan thought about it, and couldn't help but look at the Yuan Lantern in his hand.

Without that star, the sea of ​​stars that was previously contained in the Yuan Lantern naturally scattered into a ball.

But if you look closely, it is still very beautiful.

She raised her hand and put the Yuan Lantern to the left.

Tian Yu followed and ran to the left.

She put the yuan lantern on the right again.

Tian Yu followed and ran to the right.

On a whim, Mu Qinglan threw the Yuan Deng out!

But this time, Tian Yu shook for a while, as if hesitating a little, but in the end, he still stayed in front of Mu Qinglan! And he took a step forward cautiously!

Mu Qinglan's smile froze slightly.

This... It seems that it is not only because of Yuan Deng...

She pondered for a moment, summoned the Yuan Deng back, and put it back into the mustard ring.

Tian Yu seemed a little regretful, but still obediently stayed in front of Mu Qinglan.

Mu Qinglan's eyes narrowed, and a bright light flashed.

This time, Qinglin didn't speak again.

And Mu Qinglan didn't ask any more questions.

She raised her hand.

Tianyu flew to her palm obediently.

The moment he touched it, Mu Qinglan felt a slight heat in his palm!

Then, a strange feeling suddenly spread from above Tian Yu to her body!

At this moment, a light jade color appeared between Mu Qinglan's brows!

Although she couldn't see it, she could clearly feel that those vital veins in her body that hadn't peeled off were about to loosen again!

Mu Qinglan's heart skipped a beat, and she immediately let go!

The light jade color between her eyebrows disappeared again!

And she stood in the main hall, looking at Tian Yu who was quietly floating in front of her, she just felt that there was a flood rushing down in her mind!

Tianyu from Tongling Sea...can actually touch the seal of the Yuanmai in her body!

What the hell...

The sun gradually set, and the afterglow shone on the mountain peaks, adding a bit of warmth, but also adding a bit of silence.

Lord Wang Yan stood in front of the Tongling Hall, pacing non-stop, almost unable to restrain himself from breaking in!

It's been almost a day, and the girl Qinglan hasn't moved inside yet!

If he doesn't come out again, he will say anything--


While he was thinking so, the gate of Tongling Hall finally opened!

A girl in a black robe stood in front of the gate.

I don't know if it's because of the light, Lord Wang Yan felt that her eyes seemed to be very deep, like countless dark and raging rivers.

He subconsciously closed his eyes and looked again, only to find that the feeling just now had disappeared.

Those eyes are still clear and bright, like the most dazzling and pure stars!

The corners of Mu Qinglan's mouth curled up slightly.


This sound finally woke Lord Wang Yan up.

He hurried forward.

"Qinglan, how are you?"

As he spoke, he looked Mu Qinglan up and down, and was a little relieved when he saw that there seemed to be no signs of injury on her body.

Mu Qinglan's heart warmed and she shook her head.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. And... the star array has been repaired."

Lord Wang Yan paused, and it took him a while to understand what Mu Qinglan was talking about.

He couldn't believe it for a moment.

"You, you said it's...already done?"

Although he expected this in his heart, he knew best how difficult this problem was to solve!

But——Qinglan actually said, it's ready?

Mu Qinglan smiled slightly and tilted her head.

"Why, Master, you don't seem to believe it?"

Lord Wang Yan thought to himself, I don't believe it, I can't believe it!

He didn't even know when his apprentice had such ability!

Venerable Wang Yan clenched his fists before he calmed down.

Mu Qinglan already laughed and said:

"If you don't believe me, you can go in and see for yourself. In short, everything is back to normal, and there should be no problem for them to awaken their blood again."

Lord Wang Yan couldn't help stepping in, and sure enough, he found that the weird feeling had disappeared!

He looked back at Mu Qinglan in shock.

"This...how on earth did you do it?"

Mu Qinglan blinked.

"Don't worry, everything will be returned to its original owner, and everything will be fine!"

Going out today, how about the remaining two updates together at night?

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