God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1077 If People Offend Me (Part 2)

Venerable Wang Yan stepped into the Tongling Hall, and after a while, he came out again, looking at Mu Qinglan's eyes, becoming even more shocked.

Unexpectedly... This girl Qinglan actually solved the problem!

He had already guessed that it might be Tian Yu's problem, but he didn't know how to investigate it, let alone the solution, but when he went to see it just now, Tian Yu had clearly returned to normal!

Moreover, he also tested it himself, and the previous problems have indeed been solved!

He couldn't help but slightly opened his eyes wide, looking Mu Qinglan up and down.

"You...how on earth did you do it?"

Mu Qinglan smiled a little embarrassedly.

"Master, in fact, I'm still to blame for this matter. If it wasn't for me... I'm afraid Tianyu wouldn't have any problems. Fortunately, everything has been resolved now, so you don't have to worry about it!"

Although there are many aspects involved, Mu Qinglan simply took all the faults on herself.

Fortunately, Lord Wang Yan also loved her very much, so although Mu Qinglan said so, he didn't mean to blame her in his heart.

"...This... This can't be completely blamed on you..."

Lord Wang Yan could tell that things were definitely not that simple, but since Mu Qinglan had already solved the problem and didn't plan to say more, he naturally wouldn't ask any more questions.

After all, he brought people back to solve the problem, not to hold people accountable.

After all, he is his apprentice, so he is not willing to part with it.

Venerable Lord Wang Yan sighed, and shook his head helplessly and smiled.

"Don't worry, the teacher will keep this matter secret for you. But...it's really strange, you are clearly not from Tonglinghai, but this star array seems to be very kind to you..."

Mu Qinglan's eyes flickered slightly, and then he laughed.

"Actually, I've always thought it was a bit strange, but after thinking about it, I don't know why. Probably, it's because my Star Array Master talent is better?"

Mu Qinglan said this reason very reluctantly, but Lord Wang Yan didn't think so much, instead he thought about it seriously, and nodded in agreement.

"It's not impossible..."

After all, the huge star array around the Tongling Hall was arranged by the ancestors himself, and he has a very keen perception of the star array master.

It is not impossible that the power in the star array sensed the amazing talent in Mu Qinglan's body.

After all, this girl's star formation master talent is indeed the strongest among the people he has ever seen.

"By the way, besides that, there is one more thing, I would like to ask you as a teacher—"

Lord Wang Yan said hesitantly.

Mu Qinglan laughed: "Master, what else are you asking me for? If there is anything, just say it!"

Lord Wang Yan felt a little relieved when he heard the words, but he was still a little embarrassed, coughed and said:

"It's just... the few people who have entered this Tongling Palace to awaken their bloodlines before are not in a good condition recently, and it may be related to Tianyu. Look... can you think of a way to help them solve it together?"

Mu Qinglan breathed a sigh of relief:

"I thought what you were going to say, it turned out to be their business. Don't worry about it, even if you don't say it, I plan to mention it to you. In the final analysis, this matter started because of me. What happened to them? Of course, I am also responsible for the problem.”

Seeing Mu Qinglan like this, Lord Wang Yan was very happy and relieved.

"It would be great!"

As expected of his fancy apprentice, there is nothing to say in every aspect!

Mu Qinglan said: "Where are those people, I will go and see now. In addition, you can also tell other people that the blood awakening of Tongling Palace can continue."

After all, it was she who brought trouble to these people, and she should do so now.

Lord Wang Yan smiled in satisfaction:

"Haha! Good! You go down with the teacher first!"

Mu Qinglan nodded, and then followed Lord Wang Yan down the mountain.

Lord Wang Yan sighed as he walked.

"Girl Qinglan, do you know that this time, you have done Master a great favor!"

Mu Qinglan coughed in embarrassment.

"Master, don't praise me, it was me who—"

"Hey—you can't say that!"

Lord Wang Yan interrupted Mu Qinglan with a slightly unpredictable smile.

"Qinglan, do you know how much trouble it will bring to Tonglinghai if they fail to awaken the bloodline this time?"

Mu Qinglan was taken aback.

Lord Wang Yan's expression and tone seem to be a bit wrong... It seems that he is not simply talking about this matter.

Mu Qinglan paused: "Could it be that other people are involved in this?"

Venerable Wang Yan smiled, but did not hide it from her, and said directly:

"You don't know about this. In fifteen days, the family competition on the summit of the gods will be held in Phoenix Mountain. As the host of this time, the Luo people have already planned to hold their family meeting as well. And carry on!"

Mu Qinglan's eyebrows twitched.

She has heard of the name of the family competition, but it seems that very few people would put things like the family conference and the family competition together before, right?

"The...family meeting of the Luo people?"

Mu Qinglan thought for a while and asked, "Could it be that the Luo family wants to announce something in public?"

A look of appreciation flashed in Lord Wang Yan's eyes.

This girl is really smart!

"That's right! Fifteen days later, it happens to be Luo Xiyan's seventeenth birthday. Fundamentally speaking, the Luo family's family meeting is held for her. At the family meeting, Luo Xiyan will Official bloodline awakening!"

Seeing Mu Qinglan's calm expression, Venerable Wang Yan continued to say word by word: "Moreover, Luo Xiyan is very likely to have a top bloodline. Once awakened, she will become the new goddess of the Luo tribe!"

Mu Qinglan blinked: "Goddess of the Luo tribe?"

Lord Wang Yan thought she didn't know this, and was about to explain, but saw Mu Qinglan's mouth suddenly twitched, and he laughed.

"So that's how it is...she wants to take this opportunity to clear her name..."

Venerable Wang Yan asked with some surprise: "You...do you know the goddess of the Luo tribe?"

Mu Qinglan frowned.

"Know a thing or two."

After she knew the existence of the Peak of the Gods, she used various channels to find some relevant news.

And after knowing that Yun Yi rejected the Luo clan's marriage contract for her sake, she even inquired about the situation of the top ten aristocratic families.

Although I can't say how deep it is, she still knows some common sense things.

"It seems that her bloodline talent is indeed extremely high... The Goddess of the Luo Clan is equivalent to the existence of the patriarch of the Luo Clan, and she has great power in her hands. Once she ascends to this position, the entire Luo Clan is almost equivalent to her. .”

Mu Qinglan raised her eyebrows: "That's definitely not a title of 'Miss', it can be compared."

Seeing that Mu Qinglan was very clear about the pros and cons, Master Wang Yan was a little surprised, but then he thought that it was because of Mu Qinglan that Yun Yi made Luo Xiyan and even the entire Luo clan lose face. Not surprisingly.

He nodded and sighed:

"The thoughts of the Luo people are clearly revealed this time. For other families, this is undoubtedly a pressure that cannot be ignored. The top ten families are all descendants of the God Lord, and the power of the God Lord exists in their blood. After so many years, Although each family has been living in peace, there has always been competition between them. And this family competition is the most intense open and secret battle!"

Mu Qinglan nodded.

She also knows the truth of this.

Just like those families in the Shengyuan Empire and the imperial capital, didn't they also fight in various ways?

If any family produced a top genius, then the members of this family must be very beautiful.

And if there are not enough outstanding figures among the younger generation, they will be despised and even humiliated by everyone.

After all, young and powerful blood is the biggest support for a family to continue to develop.

Sometimes, just one genius is enough to elevate the status of the whole family!

To the Mu family, she and her brother used to be like this.

Although it is now replaced by the top ten aristocratic families on the top of the gods, many things are common.

"The Luo people are so public, which means that they can be sure that Luo Xiyan must have a top bloodline. Once awakened, in the family competition, and even in the future, he will be a strong enemy that cannot be ignored. "Mu Qinglan analyzed.

Lord Wang Yan put one hand behind his back: "That's right. Because of this, each family will definitely do their best to let the younger generation completely awaken their blood before the family competition! If our children in Tonglinghai can't do this, then after we go, I don't know how much I will suffer!"

Mu Qinglan knew it in her heart.

No wonder Lord Wang Yan is so anxious, this is indeed a big problem for the entire Tongling Sea.

She turned her eyes and said with a smile: "Master, let's hurry up! There are only fifteen days left, and I'm afraid I'm very nervous to rush to Luozu Phoenix Mountain. I don't want to make everyone late because of me! "

Seeing Mu Qinglan's unrestrained expression and unrestrained eyebrows, Lord Wang Yan didn't seem to care about Luo Xiyan's matter at all, and he was secretly relieved.

Although she and Luo Xiyan have never met each other, since the Shui family went to Honghe to make trouble, the people at the top of the gods probably already know that the previous "Mu Linghan" is a woman!

Moreover, it was the woman Yun Yi rejected Luo Xiyan's marriage contract for!

This time I went to Phoenix Mountain, and I don’t know how many people want to watch this excitement!

Lord Wang Yan hesitated to speak.

Mu Qinglan saw that he was hesitant, and asked with a smile, "Why, is there anything else Master wants to say?"

Lord Wang Yan pondered for a moment, and said:

"Qinglan, if you don't want to go to the family competition this time... just say—"

"why are you not going?"

Mu Qinglan laughed lightly.

"Are you still worried that people from the Luo tribe will trouble me?"

Lord Wang Yan's eyes were complicated.

According to the temperament of the group of Luo people, it might not be impossible for them to do such a thing...

After all, being rejected for marriage is probably the most embarrassing thing for them these years, right?

Mu Qinglan's smile seemed to deepen.

"Don't worry, I am a person who has never been offended by others, and I will not offend others. If someone offends me...cut the grass and root it out!"

This Phoenix Mountain of the Luo nationality, she will go!

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